from 2015
Porn doesn't cause sexual dysfunction in men, Concordia researcher says
Anew study from Concordia University finds that viewing erotic stimuli isn't likely to cause erectile problems and may even help sexual arousal.
Sure, recent headlines have proclaimed that porn is ruining the sex lives of an entire generation — but a team of researchers at Concordia University and UCLA say their new study shows that simply isn’t true.
If this sounds like a way of giving men carte blanche to view all the pornography they want, no holds barred, the researchers swear it isn’t.
They just wanted to bring some science back into the burgeoning argument, stemming from a Psychology Today article a few years ago, that many young men are experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED) because their constant exposure to lurid images and films has desensitized them.
This has sparked a trend for men to “reboot” — that is, abstain from porn for several months to improve their sex lives and eliminate their ED. (After all, pornography is ubiquitous in this digital world; it’s been estimated that at least 25 per cent of Internet searches are about porn and kids start viewing porn online, on average, at age 11.)
But the new study, published in the online journal Sexual Medicine, found just the opposite: that viewing erotic stimuli isn’t likely to cause erectile problems and may even help sexual arousal.
“The study shows that if there is erectile dysfunction in a relationship, it’s probably not the porn that’s causing it — it’s more likely the quality of the sex,” said Jim Pfaus, a professor in Concordia’s department of psychology and Centre for Studies in Behavioural Neurobiology.