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Spot the difference! Clinton and Obama and the Easter Worshippers! :(


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
What gives you the right to tell me to respect religion? I tolerate it and that is all. What else can you do? I think it is mostly delusional bunk and therefore cannot respect it.

Very sorry that I made some grave grammar errors and you are very sensitive to that. We are both snowflakes in that regard I guess.

All these triggered interventions just keep driving home the point I am trying to make - you are all concerned about respecting religion (the right spelling and judicious and equal terminology seems all important) but you don't really seem practice the thing you wish to protect or care about. You are pretty angry. Review the list of mortal and deadly sins and associated virtues and you will see what I mean. Ask yourself, living the life I am leading, am I truly acting in a manner that respects the teachings of Christianity? if not, why exercise yourself about spelling and capitalization and supposedly correct terminology.

Watch what you say snowflake.

When it comes to PROPER grammar, capitals are used when speaking of religion and its religious leaders. Its proper name. When we say Jesus, its capitalized. Same with Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Not fucking "Easter worshipper"! Shows your intelligence level. And you want to school me? You respect religion. Period!

Its not what you heard for years! Its like calling black people something I heard for years and saying its ok because of it! Sounds stupid, right? Now you see why someone would take offence to the terms Obama and Hillary use?

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
This is what you get when you allow politics to define your core principles outside your professional career.

You can’t improve because the nature of politics is hypocrisy, deception and lies regardless of the party. In your image at work and with neighbours I see the advantages of appearing to fit into a community by picking and supporting a political party.But why are people allowing these political assholes to define their own principles?

Don’t even understand why people are pretending to be offended especially on a place like terb. Maybe its a good testing grounds for multiple lives and pretending to actually care.


Mar 26, 2018
Look in the mirror before you cast stones.
Says the guy casting stones in a thread he doesn't like...

This isn't about ELEVATING one religion over another, it's about treating ALL religions equally whether you believe in religion or not. If your going to say anything about religion at all, at least use the proper fucking terms!!


Mar 26, 2018
The amount of name callling in this ONE thread toward a woman on this board over a stupid thread they don't like or want moved, is eye opening and speaks volumes about your characters.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
This is what you get when you allow politics to define your core principles outside your professional career.

You can’t improve because the nature of politics is hypocrisy, deception and lies regardless of the party. In your image at work and with neighbours I see the advantages of appearing to fit into a community by picking and supports a political party.But why are people allowing these political assholes to define their own principles?

Don’t even understand why people are pretending to be offended especially on a place like terb. Maybe its a good testing grounds for multiple lives and pretending to actually care.
Agree 100%. Very observant too.

I grew up in a devoutly Christian family. I have rejected it but I know the Christians I grew up with would be disappointed by what TERB is all about...far more that use of the term Easter Worshippers. I disagree with their views on sexuality. They would not be outraged if someone failed to capitalize Jesus. They spent their time thinking about what Christian charity meant in practice, what are the ways that the sin of lust manifests itself, what does it mean to bear false witness, what does it mean to practice Christian virtue. To me that was the real deal. Those folks didn't need anyone defend them from improper terminology or supposed political slights.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
The amount of name calling in this ONE thread toward a woman on this board over a stupid thread they don't like or want moved, is eye opening and speaks volumes about your characters.
Sorry - she cast the first stone and did it knowingly and willingly. Iris knows what she is doing. Iris posted in the wrong section on purpose. She is not a Nazi, just a troll. Don't worry - I would say the same to men that act the same and think they can get away with it or expect a chorus of hallelujah.

There seems to be a huge obsession with terminology on the Board. The world's grammarians will sleep better tonight. Not sure about the Christians.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
He says he doesn't drink. I figure, if you look like that already, and sweat like that already, you might as well take up drinking big time.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
This is a dumb thread. You have so many people bitching about where it should be. If you don't like the thread, then use the report function to get it moved. There is more fighting about where this thread should be then the actual merits of the thread itself. LMAO

And for the record, it does seem like they purposely did not use the word, Christians. I don't care personally, but that is how it seems.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
What gives you the right to tell me to respect religion? I tolerate it and that is all. What else can you do? I think it is mostly delusional bunk and therefore cannot respect it.

Very sorry that I made some grave grammar errors and you are very sensitive to that. We are both snowflakes in that regard I guess.

All these triggered interventions just keep driving home the point I am trying to make - you are all concerned about respecting religion (the right spelling and judicious and equal terminology seems all important) but you don't really seem practice the thing you wish to protect or care about. You are pretty angry. Review the list of mortal and deadly sins and associated virtues and you will see what I mean. Ask yourself, living the life I am leading, am I truly acting in a manner that respects the teachings of Christianity? if not, why exercise yourself about spelling and capitalization and supposedly correct terminology.
I get it...I do...Religion can have their own world...I was born Catholic and now borderline "non-believer" because of all the BS that engulfed that much as I think every religion do. But when Democrats very obvious agenda is at play and tell it to your face, this just blows my mind how much you buy this... you really do prefer people kind than mankind do you?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Here’s the BIG take-away. Hillary and Obama went so far to avoid saying the word Christian they made up a new term “Easter worshippers”.
Christians are not a Democrat party approved victim group.....


Mar 9, 2018
What gives you the right to tell me to respect religion? I tolerate it and that is all. What else can you do? I think it is mostly delusional bunk and therefore cannot respect it.

Very sorry that I made some grave grammar errors and you are very sensitive to that. We are both snowflakes in that regard I guess.

All these triggered interventions just keep driving home the point I am trying to make - you are all concerned about respecting religion (the right spelling and judicious and equal terminology seems all important) but you don't really seem practice the thing you wish to protect or care about. You are pretty angry. Review the list of mortal and deadly sins and associated virtues and you will see what I mean. Ask yourself, living the life I am leading, am I truly acting in a manner that respects the teachings of Christianity? if not, why exercise yourself about spelling and capitalization and supposedly correct terminology.
Its not about tolerance. Its about using the correct terms.

If its good for one, its good for the other. However, Libtard logic only uses what seems fit to their thinking.

If the world has to call a man dressed as a woman trans or they get upset about it and it makes headlines, why cant we use the correct terms for other things?

Unless all Libtards/Democrat/Far-left thinkers are "Christianophobes"? Learn this word. I'll make sure it gets used a lot over the years which would make it OK for you to use.....SMH.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Why? It's good here. The people can read it, against the political section where 95% of the readers are liberals and just sucking each other's dicks all day. No one care what you posting there. This section always has minimum 5 times more readers. So if I post something what is going under your skin , it must move it to a section where no one read it?? Nice!
The politics forum was created specifically for the purpose of keeping these types of posts out of the general area. The amount of vitriol created by this thread proves that it was a wise decision.

Mods. Please move this.

David Beckham 23

I'll bend it like........
Why? It's good here. The people can read it, against the political section where 95% of the readers are liberals and just sucking each other's dicks all day. No one care what you posting there. This section always has minimum 5 times more readers. So if I post something what is going under your skin , it must move it to a section where no one read it?? Nice!
What the fuck are you talking about? So people can post anywhere they want to get more attention? How does this even make sense? So can I post about sports or SP reviews so more people can see it? Get off your fucking high horse and stop this privilege bullshit and follow the rules.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
What the fuck are you talking about? So people can post anywhere they want to get more attention? How does this even make sense? So can I post about sports or SP reviews so more people can see it? Get off your fucking high horse and stop this privilege bullshit and follow the rules.
And who the fuck are you to give any order for me?? You are useless as Beckham was for the English national team. He was there but for what??
This board full of worthless liberal armchair warriors as you. The MOD the only person here, who can send me a message about what is acceptable and what is not. Until then , you can do one thing only: You can kiss my ass!
If you don't like something just report it. Liberals are the best to reporting everyone and everything, what are against their rainbow colored world. Police or facebook or twitter report , send anonymous mails everywhere...etc. You guys are just cowards as Obama and Hillary was in their twitter! Because the MOD moved the thread here, where no one will read it anymore, I don't post any comments .
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