Katrinna Blue review - March 1, 2018

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Well-known member
May 12, 2014
Interesting and very zenful.
Is this a place where you are in deep thoughts and wonder what to write on your sometime way too long posts?

I like the green, we need more of that after the long winter.

Appreciate your post of a beautiful garden we rarely get to see.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2017
Interesting and very zenful.
Is this a place where you are in deep thoughts and wonder what to write on your sometime way too long posts?

I like the green, we need more of that after the long winter.

Appreciate your post of a beautiful garden we rarely get to see.
Yes Bobbiz,

Thank you for posting this reminder that life can be so much better if all (and particularly SOME) people can just find their place to chill in life.


Ruby Lust, The Red MILF
Dec 9, 2016
Ottawa / Gatineau
Our resident and self appointed judge, jury, and executioner for someone she's not met or spoken to personally. He did nothing to you at all, you are the Wolfpack.

Now you feel he shouldn't get to see anyone again. You don't have this power or right to judge him or anyone here.

How about you let him learn from this and move forward elsewhere? You're just seeming selfish and petty. That seemed very much like an absolute and unfair judgement based on what you've only heard or read secretly on SLACK.

He made some mistakes, agreed. You've been heard and mostly understood here in your opinion.

I'm amazed somewhat though, how many feel the need to continuously mock and further expose someone with a stated mental disability and going through a insurmountable crisis in his view. Why people? You feel good now?

Katrinna was eloquent, honest, and empathetic as she knows him and obviously takes no joy in stopping their arrangement this way, but she had to, so she should, 100%. She is completely entitled and supported by all to choose who she no longer feels she can see. She seems genuinely unhappy that it has come to an end in this unpleasant way. Bravo and well done Kat.

Imagine if a client did this in reverse on terb like you are RedMilf / Ruby? Kicking a struggling OIC SP in crisis while she's down and repeatedly without any sign of empathy or remorse? The OIC Wolfpack would be furious as well as Terb members would condemn it with you.

I can't believe you are choosing to continue your useless attack here. Please stop this as the results could be devastating for someone potentially not operating at your age (or grade) level. It's disgusting and seems intentionally mean spirited after so many.

You won redmilf. Yay.

Punching down on the disabled is a really bad look for anyone who does it and shouldn't be supported by anyone.

Take it out on me if you need additional attention, I don't mind.

To again advertise the OIC benefits using either human trafficking or the disabled as a platform isn't right and frankly repulsive. Is this what you meant in describing the OIC as a welcoming 'benevolent' community? SMH.
The winds of the Bora Bora never enjoyed so much hot air. You may want to stop blowing things out of proportion & context before you pop a vein.

How would you know what has occurred? Why is it so hard for you to believe providers, more than one has spoken out here. You're right, I don't decide whom others see, but I do believe them when they tell me why they will no longer.

Frankly, I have just as much right to voice my perspective as you. Doing so does not make me capricious, unfeeling nor leader of a Wolfpack. I have already stated I wish this gent well, that doesn't mean I agree to hand out his number to other providers as you suggest. It's on him to realize his own role in this and change behaviours.

Since you are so concerned for this gentleman receiving services & believe an atonement has taken place, perhaps you should be the one to reach out and befriend him? Put your thoughts into your own actions rather than on others. Providers don't owe services, even to someone with challenges, we choose clients who are respectful & share information about potential dangers.

Also, it's Mistress MILFer to you.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2017
If only I could take you to Bora Bora, Ruby... sweet dreamin'!.... but we might not JUST 'converse intelligently' all day and night.
Dec 8, 2018

Well, the difference between us here is you are judging and slandering a disabled guy you haven't met or engaged with. I feel I'm criticizing you for your words and actions directly and not punching down at the disabled......or am I?

Anyhow, I'm way ahead of you as usual here and I have reached out to OP and offered my assistance if he wants (I got all my grades done). Does this make me capricious and benevolent too?


Food for thought before maybe adding chuckles and 'labelling' him as awful energy while attempting to expose him further.

OP Blackfield - If you need some help finding your new SP please feel free to PM me here and maybe I can offer you some suggestions that could work for you outside of the OIC listings. Lotsa of providers out there and Terb members here willing to help you out.

If you'd like to consider backtracking on using human trafficking and autism to prop up your FUBU OIC brand advertisements it might be a better business decision. It might make for good poster material for your next social event though!

"We're safer than human trafficking, so you should trust us completely with your personal information. We'll never trust you here at OIC, and that's fair because we're benevolent and have tits".

That's a freebie if you want it.

You were quick to condemn and slander the disabled here AGAIN! SLIMY! You're not playing nice here but I do enjoy your energy level, tenacity, and willingness to go down with the unseaworthy ship you sailed here.

Maybe you could go yell at some preschoolers getting off the bus next? Watch your ankles though, they bite!

You are what you are.


I did ask you to please stop putting him down thinking you'd act more maturely and hopefully realize you could be doing some unintentional additional damage to a stranger who's done nothing to you. I see now it's intentional and being the bully persona even gets some old and meek men off it seems.


PS - Maybe Terb BOD could create a 'seniors' section in Terb where limp wristed over-the-hill dinosaur men can go around thanking and slobbering over posts by any SP they see as fuckable (if they time the blue pill correctly of course). Make all the fonts really big and turn up the contrast because their eyes of course aren't what they used to be back in the rad 80's.

Play some online Canasta and lawn bowling in Hawaiian shirts and Velcro shoes and live out your glory grey days in peace together.

Just a thought. This is fun.

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Ruby Lust, The Red MILF
Dec 9, 2016
Ottawa / Gatineau
Well, the difference between us here...

blah, blah, lies...blah, insults...blah, nonsense, more nonsense, lame jokes...blah, blah, grass growing...blah, rage boner, spittle
Lawrence, are you having a seizure? Because I can almost hear the foam coming out of your mouth. Sorry but I don't speak Jabberwocky.
Dec 8, 2018
Goodnight milf Jabberwocky, stay salty.

A father tells his son to beware of something called a "Jabberwocky" that lurks in the woods and has horrible claws and teeth.

You're making this too easy ma'am.

I'm actually getting new Twitter followers from this thread now, you? You can follow me too so we stay in touch!


Where's that OIC Wolfpack when you actually need them eh? Probably SLACKing in some top secret echo chamber. #safespace

Lol. #FUBU

Also, it's the honourable Mr Lawrence for you. Night night.


Dec 27, 2015
Goodnight milf Jabberwocky, stay salty.

A father tells his son to beware of something called a "Jabberwocky" that lurks in the woods and has horrible claws and teeth.

You're making this too easy ma'am.

I'm actually getting new Twitter followers from this thread now, you? You can follow me too so we stay in touch!


Where's that OIC Wolfpack when you actually need them eh? Probably SLACKing in some top secret echo chamber. #safespace

Lol. #FUBU

Also, it's the honourable Mr Lawrence for you. Night night.
Someone please explain to me why my comments about a girl not shaving her legs, navel or arm pits gets pulled from this thread meanwhile these two can keep going back and forth without a mod stepping in.


Aug 29, 2017
Where's that OIC Wolfpack when you actually need them eh? Probably SLACKing in some top secret echo chamber. #safespace

Her ‘wolffpack’ is reading and will step in if needed , but so far it is no need since she’s destroying you ;)

Btw Katrina, very well written response .. I feel how much you care about your clients just by reading your text here .. Very wonderful ..



Ruby Lust, The Red MILF
Dec 9, 2016
Ottawa / Gatineau
I'm actually getting new Twitter followers from this thread now, you? You can follow me too so we stay in touch!

Wait, hold up, new Twitter followers?! Damn son, this could literally be the best thing that ever happens to you!! You might even build your own little wolf pack, if not, dingo gang! You guys could pick fleas of each other and share a few Molson's at the Crazy Horse.

Take my advice and don't mess this up by saying a bunch of jibba jabba and laughing at your own jokes. Play it cool, maybe even fresh tinfoil for your hat.

Where's that OIC Wolfpack when you actually need them eh? Probably SLACKing in some top secret echo chamber. #safespace

Lol. #FUBU

Also, it's the honourable Mr Lawrence for you. Night night.
Interesting that, could be in part that SPs can't post in this section unless they're paid advertisers. Sadly some blowhards here, and not you of course because you're always so reasonable, are making it distasteful to contemplate advertising. I wonder if TERB knows how much more business it would have if it cleaned up the bad apples.

Thanks for posting your Twitter address though, if you care to share your cellular as well I'm sure many of your new friends would like it. Even better, let's try out some of your more innovative thoughts on Twitter?! If they work here, they're bound to be well received the world over.

I'm proud of you Honourable Outdone Wilson!

#DunningKrugerEffect #infowarrior #welcometopurgatory


Oct 20, 2018
I do want to address one last thing and then I'm done here.

Katrinna said on Twitter that I caused her a lot of stress during our sessions. Funny thing is, she also caused me a lot of stress. Cancelling four appointments during 2018 which cost me income at work because I had to take those days off. On the final date in September after we showered she decided to tell me a long 25 minute story of a medical emergency she recently had that just killed the mood. Several times during sessions I began crying and had to find a way to make it not her fault. She's not an easy person to be with, honestly. The hoops I had to jump through to appease her exhausted me.

I don't need any help from you, Ruby. I'll find somebody myself; hopefully somebody normal and rational. I will not see another woman with serious mental issues ever again as it's affecting my own fragile psyche.
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Dec 8, 2018
Hi Milfer!!

Anyone can post here as evidenced by other non bluename OIC ladies chipping in above; their comments just can't be worded as a personal or OIC advertisement unless paying for that privilege with Terb I believe. Honesty and accuracy of details seem difficult for some to convey.

I have nothing against Alison or Kat here, opinions are great! Slandering the disabled and potentially misleading security and privacy of client information I will always take issue with though. These issues shouldn't be tolerated. No hate towards anyone as individuals, just issues that I feel strongly about.

This is getting boring now, so all the best.

This will be my last comment here and I'll walk away as I've shared my opinions and have nothing further to add on the topic.

You have my number.


I think you aren't helping yourself by continuing with negativity. Try to handle this like a bad break up, where it's just best to leave Kat alone and respect her decision, just like she would have to respect your decision if you decided to end the arrangement. Break ups are always hard, but airing your frustrations continuously will only bring you more frustration and pain in my opinion. As soon as you find someone new everything in the past will fade away and be forgotten. I think everyone wishes you well, but won't allow you to continue talking negatively about the past. It's just not worth doing and you need to move on.

Do as you will though and PM me if you want assistance or advice always. Good luck sir.


Ruby Lust, The Red MILF
Dec 9, 2016
Ottawa / Gatineau
Hi Milfer!!

Anyone can post here as evidenced by other non bluename OIC ladies chipping in above; their comments just can't be worded as a personal or OIC advertisement unless paying for that privilege with Terb I believe. Honesty and accuracy of details seem difficult for some to convey.

I have nothing against Alison or Kat here, opinions are great! Slandering the disabled and potentially misleading security and privacy of client information I will always take issue with though. These issues shouldn't be tolerated. No hate towards anyone as individuals, just issues that I feel strongly about.

This is getting boring now, so all the best.

This will be my last comment here and I'll walk away as I've shared my opinions and have nothing further to add on the topic.
So it seems only one of us understands what slander is:
“the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.”

What you are talking about is libel:
“a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation.”

I have made absolutely no false or even inflammatory statements, only relayed certain facts to counter your lies, facts I could back up with documented proof if it came to that. I have also very much held my tongue in comparison to your outrageous insulting comments going after my age and kids. You’re a hypocrite at best.

Libel is more like what you are trying to do to me by repeating false statements in order to damage my reputation & business. Libel is crime and also against TERB policies so you would do yourself a favour to read up it.

On the issue of who can post:

Originally Posted by Theredmilf
“Specifically, am I allowed to respond on a review thread where I have been falsely maligned?
Thank you

Originally Posted by Fred Zed
Hello Ruby,
“For reviews you need to be an advertiser but on everything else, yes. “

So there you have it, wrong again monsieur. You feel strongly about issues you are not informed on. And you’re taking a page from the Trump playbook by trying to repeat a falsehood until it gains traction for other reasons.

I don’t blame you for becoming disinterested, you’re losing. And like most trolls & bullies, it’s no fun when someone stands up to you.

You’re not a friend to Backfield to try and recruit him for moral support. Make your own case, let him sign off this thread. It’s essentially down to you and me. And I’m not afraid of you.
Dec 8, 2018
Gosh darnit, lol... I tried.

So much anger and frustration in that one, I'm concerned. Let's talk about it privately if necessary, or here, option is yours. I'm here for you too.

Libel vs slander: Libel is the written act of defamation. Slander is the oral act of defamation.

Libelling just sounds weird, agreed? I don't have any personal experience with either and haven't had to define the difference between the two specifically, but feel now I may have actually learned something here, thanks milfer for pointing that specific spoken vs written difference out. Libelling! Nice one ma'am. Thanks.

How did Alison or other non bluename sneak it past the goalie to comment here then? Emily Spade? Cassie King? Malika? Huh? You see those too, right? Mod does as well I'll assume. #RightSaidFred

I did specifically state it can't be worded as advertisement and have reached out to Alison in the past on this issue in her support actually. Ask her, or don't, meh. Some care without incentive and to simply assist and support others here on Terb because they seem like genuine decent contributers with good intentions.

Recruiting Blackfield for my support? Say wha? Ummm, ok then ma'am. Are you trying to twist my offered assistance (before you ever mentioned it) as self-serving? Some people are helpful without incentive and motivated out of actual concern.

You do you.

I made no comment to your age anywhere ma'am.

You've been biting your tongue? Please feel free to let it out and I appreciate your opinion. I'm glad you're here.


PS - Just 4 more years ma'am. Don't let it get to you, that's just electoral democracy at work. That booming USA economy and record low unemployment really needs to be looked into and stopped immediately! #badorangemanbad

I'm scared of you if that matters.

#whycantwebefriends #WINNING #tigerblood #ImTooSexy #JabberwockyRULES #callme #BigHands4Life #loveyoutoo #bestbuds4Life #YouCompleteMe #MrMonsieur


Ruby Lust, The Red MILF
Dec 9, 2016
Ottawa / Gatineau
Gosh darnit, lol... I tried.

So much anger and frustration in that one, I'm concerned. Let's talk about it privately if necessary, or here, option is yours. I'm here for you too.

Libel vs slander: Libel is the written act of defamation. Slander is the oral act of defamation.

Libelling just sounds weird, agreed? I don't have any personal experience with either and haven't had to define the difference between the two specifically either, but feel now I learned something here, thanks milfer for pointing that specific spoken vs written difference out. Libelling! Nice one ma'am. Thanks.

How did Alison comment or other non bluename comment here then? Emily Spade? Cassie King? Malika? Huh? You see those too, right? Mod does as well I'll assume. #RightSaidFred

I did specifically state it can't be worded as advertisement and have reached out to Alison in the past on this issue in her support actually. Ask her, or don't, meh. Some care without incentive and to simply assist and support others here on Terb because they seem like genuine decent contributers with good intentions.

Recruiting Blackfield for my support? Say wha? Ummm, ok then ma'am. Are you trying to twist my offered assistance (before you ever mentioned it) as self-serving? Some people are helpful without incentive and motivated out of actual concern. You do you.

I made no comment to your age anywhere ma'am.

You've been biting your tongue? Feel free to let it out.


PS - Just 4 more years ma'am. Don't let it get to you, that's just electoral democracy at work.

That booming USA economy and record low unemployment really needs to be looked into! #badorangemanbad

I'm scared of you if that matters.

#whycantwebefriends #WINNING #tigerblood #ImTooSexy #JabberwockyRULES
Thanks for repeating what I just schooled you on & finally you got something right by calling me ma’am.

We all read when you wrote I’m an embarrassment to my kids though. I held back saying, “Go f&ck yourself”.

Onto your statements about how I should watch myself at my age in this business, geriatric clients on blue pills etc. I could have said something about how my clients range from young bucks to old bulls, but all men with balls to face me unlike, uh, you.

The rest above is a bunch more jibba jab to try and distract us. You Dishonourable Wilson have exposed your dirty ass to the public, not me. And it smells of a man who can’t tell he just got owned

Dec 8, 2018
OMG! I'm getting the soap out, let's watch our language ma'am.

"Watch yourself at your age in the biz"? Ummm huh? What you talkin bout Willis?

Please just point that out for all the ladies and lurkers of Terb alike, you wouldn't lie here, right ma'am? You also wouldn't be making that up and potentially 'libelling' me or anyone else now, right? I won't sue anyone here, it's fine. Free tomorrow night though maybe?

Just give the post # and expose me saying that or even similar, you got this.

Thanks for schooling me though on why Malika, Emily, Allison, and the OIC wolfpack et al are definitely not allowed to comment here, I must be seeing things, weird.

#nofibbingnow #adultingishard #thisisfun #asswash #BallsToFace #grade6stuff #benevolent #readingishard #youdroppedthis #tictoc #whyublockme? #toomuchscotch #thatpurgatorylife #blahblahblah #angrysexwouldbehotthough
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