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What if Trump is a Russian Agent and there is indisputable proof?


Sep 19, 2018

No longer a wild conspiracy theory: The possibility of Trump as Russian agent


Jared Yates Sexton is an associate professor at Georgia Southern University. He is the author of The People Are Going to Rise Like the Waters Upon Your Shore: A Story of American Rage.

On Friday, The New York Times released a blockbuster exclusive: When U.S. President Donald Trump fired FBI director James Comey in May of 2017, law enforcement became so concerned by his behaviour that they began an investigation into whether the President was, in fact, operating as a Russian agent. The very idea of this was so fantastic and far-fetched that it wouldn’t pass muster for a cheap spy novel on sale at the airport bookstore. Surely it must be the product of a fever dream, an imagination that goes beyond the accepted limits of reality. But unfortunately this is now a real possibility, and its implausible nature is partly to blame for how long we ignored it in the first place.

In the summer of 2016, when Mr. Trump’s speeches began focusing on limiting the power of NATO and strangely obsessing over President Vladimir Putin and Russian interests, the narrative went largely unreported in the media because of its outlandishness. Even people inside the Trump campaign began wondering why the tone and focus had changed. But to consider whether a presidential candidate was under the sway of a foreign enemy was the stuff of conspiracy theory, a narrative so ridiculous it had to be fabricated.

Since then we’ve been witness to one piece of the puzzle after another: Trump officials lying about meetings with Russians, his inner circle seeking help to defeat Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, clandestine communications with spies and intelligence officials, a massive effort by Russian forces to sway the 2016 presidential election, a continued propaganda push from across the world to help Mr. Trump’s agenda, a slew of indictments and guilty pleas and, perhaps most disturbing, the experience of watching Mr. Trump stand next to Mr. Putin and take his side over the word of U.S. intelligence.

For too long we’ve allowed this to take place simply because we weren’t able to wrap our minds around the possibility of a politician or a group of people being so ruthless and lacking in principle that they might commit treasonous acts.

For too long we’ve given Mr. Trump and his associates the benefit of the doubt and the cover of incredulousness.

For too long we’ve been in denial of the real possibility.

The facts have been there for the taking: Mr. Trump asking Russia to hack Ms. Clinton in 2016. Mr. Trump changing course to assist Russia’s agenda after hackers leaked e-mails that hurt the Democrats. Mr. Trump capitulating time and time and time again to Mr. Putin, a disgusting performance that can only be considered an act of infidelity.

Mr. Trump’s behaviour has not been strange. It’s not been outlandish or puzzling. It’s been a living and breathing narrative on our television screens. We have seen a man who plausibly shoulders a debt that may require him to be obedient and necessitate submission of our national goals and character.

This is, above all, a very real and very dangerous crisis. The time to wring our hands and hide behind faith and disbelief are over. To fully counter this possible betrayal we must look it dead in the face and begin to change our perception of what is feasible. Mr. Trump has capitalized on the good faith of the American people. In order to start healing, we must accept that, with this administration, with this group, with this movement that Mr. Trump embodies, almost anything is possible.

As Americans, we find ourselves on the precipice of an incredible abyss. Watching Mr. Trump harness the worst of our instincts to win the presidency was a moment of shock and panic that laid bare for the world our deepest-rooted faults and wounds. So many were surprised because they believed in the moral arc and trajectory of the country, as if it would always do the right thing and progress toward a better union. That hope is predicated on good faith, but is unfortunately divorced from reality.

We have all been witnesses. The possibility that the President of the United States is working for Russia is now real – and it may have worked because Americans wanted to believe in the best of people and the strength of our institutions. To return to that hope, to set that trajectory right again, we must stare the possibility of our failure in the face and name it. We simply cannot afford to look away any longer.
Another opinion piece, lets see the evidence from Mueller's investigation and then pass judgement, this guy makes it sound like the world is coming to an end.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
What happens? Is he removed from office?

Will his base move against him?

What if Obama is found to have been born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and moved to Hawaii when he was 9? Will his legion of admirers who worship the ground he walks on still consider him a legitimate president?

I don't agree with the above statement but I would unequivocally state that it is far more plausible than Donald Trump being an agent of the Kremlin. Furthermore, tens of millions of dollars spent on investigations and 24/7 media scrutiny for 2+ years didn't happen when the Obama claims were levied.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Again another blog, and no court filings vs Trump, there are cases against many others but not Trump which is what I asked you for, you might need to take a course in reading comprehension.
That's not a blog, its a depository for every court document that Mueller has filed so far.
Go through that list and tell me how many references there are to 'individual 1'.


Sep 19, 2018
That's not a blog, its a depository for every court document that Mueller has filed so far.
Go through that list and tell me how many references there are to 'individual 1'.
Right but how many filings are against individual 1, the only thing I can see so far that he could be charged with is campaign finance violations, and even that is suspect, if he paid with campaign funds then he's guilty if he paid out of his own pocket there is no crime.


Sep 19, 2018
You're going to have to wait, but look how many references there are to individual 1 in all those filings.
I agree but all of them have to do with the payoffs to Stormy and Karen, if he paid with his own money and not campaign funds he's not guilty, we don't know, it hasn't been made public and Cohen didn't say if they were or not.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I agree but all of them have to do with the payoffs to Stormy and Karen, if he paid with his own money and not campaign funds he's not guilty, we don't know, it hasn't been made public and Cohen didn't say if they were or not.
Look at it this way:

Every Trump organization that has been looked at has been found to be corrupt - see Trump U and the Trump Foundation
Trump lies daily - his 'no collusion' denial is as trustworthy as his 'biggest inauguration crowd' claim
Trump surrounds himself with yes men, idiots and crooks - all the trustworthy ones left long ago

On what basis do you think Trump would actually put the country ahead of his own interests?


Sep 19, 2018
Look at it this way:

Every Trump organization that has been looked at has been found to be corrupt - see Trump U and the Trump Foundation
Trump lies daily - his 'no collusion' denial is as trustworthy as his 'biggest inauguration crowd' claim
Trump surrounds himself with yes men, idiots and crooks - all the trustworthy ones left long ago

On what basis do you think Trump would actually put the country ahead of his own interests?
Yes he lies all the time and collusion isn't a crime. I don't know why he keeps saying it, he just looks worse by mentioning it all the time. Let me be clear I don't like him and I think he's an idiot, but I believe in Democracy and until he is proven guilty I withhold judgement. Trump U and his foundation were corrupt, Trump U he settled for $25 million and paid, so he has paid for that already, it was civil not criminal. The Trump foundation case is also civil not criminal, yet to be determined. Just look at the Hillary Clinton fiasco, the righties were chanting "Lock her up" and had her convicted, there was a lot of smoke surrounding her but no fire. I don't know how different that would have been had she been under the gun of a special investigation, that being said she was found not guilty of any crime only that she showed poor judgement and was reckless. Now the lefties are doing the same thing to Trump.

I agree Trump mostly puts his self interests ahead of his own. two instances where he doesn't would be the trade wars and the immigration debate, with the trade wars, his company along with Ivanka's made a lot of their products in China, this would affect his bottom line because costs would rise on Chinese products if he wins the trade war. On illegal immigration. We all know he used illegals to work building his properties and working at his Golf courses and Mara Lago for cheaper labour, if he got rid of illegals his cost would go up to run these businesses.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yes he lies all the time and collusion isn't a crime. I don't know why he keeps saying it, he just looks worse by mentioning it all the time. Let me be clear I don't like him and I think he's an idiot, but I believe in Democracy and until he is proven guilty I withhold judgement. Trump U and his foundation were corrupt, Trump U he settled for $25 million and paid, so he has paid for that already, it was civil not criminal. The Trump foundation case is also civil not criminal, yet to be determined.
So now you're at the point where you admit he's a liar and corrupt but sine so far since the cases are only civil and not criminal he's still fit to be POTUS?
Them's mighty high moral standards you got there, azeri.


Sep 19, 2018
So now you're at the point where you admit he's a liar and corrupt but sine so far since the cases are only civil and not criminal he's still fit to be POTUS?
Them's mighty high moral standards you got there, azeri.
It has nothing to do with morality, Do you understand what it takes to remove a standing President? Where are your morals? You want to break the law or just go against what the constitution states. I admit he's a liar and corrupt, but it's not up to you or me to make the decision whether he's president or not but I know you want to throw the law aside.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It has nothing to do with morality, Do you understand what it takes to remove a standing President? Where are your morals? You want to break the law or just go against what the constitution states. I admit he's a liar and corrupt, but it's not up to you or me to make the decision whether he's president or not but I know you want to throw the law aside.
Its not throwing the law aside to impeach him.
Its making use of the rules of the office to get rid of him having found he's a corrupt liar, as you admit.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
What if Obama is found to have been born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and moved to Hawaii when he was 9? Will his legion of admirers who worship the ground he walks on still consider him a legitimate president?

I don't agree with the above statement but I would unequivocally state that it is far more plausible than Donald Trump being an agent of the Kremlin. Furthermore, tens of millions of dollars spent on investigations and 24/7 media scrutiny for 2+ years didn't happen when the Obama claims were levied.
Who was Obama investigated by, just because Trump decided to blow this Obama Birther wind out of his derriere? It is a subtle difference here when the FBI decide to investigate Trump, as they will have a reason to do so!!


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
What if Obama is found to have been born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and moved to Hawaii when he was 9? Will his legion of admirers who worship the ground he walks on still consider him a legitimate president?

I don't agree with the above statement but I would unequivocally state that it is far more plausible than Donald Trump being an agent of the Kremlin. Furthermore, tens of millions of dollars spent on investigations and 24/7 media scrutiny for 2+ years didn't happen when the Obama claims were levied.
Suppose you are right that Obama was born in Kenya, his mother was american so he is automatically granted US citizenship. Ted cruz was born in Canada but atleast one of his parents were a US citizen, that is why he can run for president.

To me it is clear cut racism, you for no good reason changed the goal posts because Obama is black.


New member
Jan 17, 2017
What if Obama is found to have been born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and moved to Hawaii when he was 9? Will his legion of admirers who worship the ground he walks on still consider him a legitimate president?

I don't agree with the above statement but I would unequivocally state that it is far more plausible than Donald Trump being an agent of the Kremlin.
Donald Trump sold countless $ million+ condos in Florida, NY and elsewhere to Russians at times when he desperately needed cash, he built trump tower in toronto with russians, he publicly asked Russians to hack clinton's emails, he announced to the world in Helsinki that he believes Putin over US intelligence is not plausible to you that Kremlin has shit on him and influences him if not tells him what to do?

Between 2011 and 2013 the Bureau had a warrant to spy on a high-level criminal Russian money-laundering ring, which operated in unit 63A of the iconic skyscraper — three floors below Mr Trump's penthouse...
Five months after alleged mafia leader Mr Tokhtakhounov was indicted, the fugitive appeared near Mr Trump in the VIP section of the Russian Miss Universe pageant.
An investigation by ABC found that Mr Trump's properties have hosted a disproportionate number of Russians, including some with criminal records.
The Trump Organization responded saying it does not track buyers by nationality.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Difficult to keep track to the number of investigations to all his business dealings. It makes sense why he tried to use Clinton's investigation, and "jail Her chants", as a deflection to all his own actual crooked transactions.
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