I read your two articles you presented to back up your argument. It looks like a case where you are trying to make the answers fit your argument.
Quote from article 1
I am currently in India and I have asked around a few places and no one has chain lube.
Quote from article 2
Bike Tip #6
Ran out of chain lube? : Use Olive Oil
Use olive oil to lube your chain when you run out of a high grade synthetic chain lubricant. But get into a shop and buy the real stuff soon.
The first example is a guy in India that can not get any lube, so they suggest he use cooking oil. The second example is a tip for people that have no lube and they suggest to use olive oil. In both cases the suggestion is that some lube is better than no lube. In the second example it is suggested that regular bike lube is applied at the first convenience. No one has suggested that you use vegetable oil all the time. ( unless you are in India or the lower Slobovic regions of Bufoonia )
If you look up to my post at the top of this page, that’s exactly what I said about vegetable oil - in a pinch. But even that’s not set in stone since a lot depends upon your maintenance schedule. You could use Olive oil every day, so long as you cleaned, inspected and lubed on a higher frequency. Absolutely no problem. Most chain wear is because of dirt and because of people not knowing how to use their gears (cross chaining which stresses your chain). Btw, I used to road cycle competitively, you?
As for mixing your own lubricant - there are cyclists all over North America who do this. Why? Some because of cost, others because they believe they have a secret sauce which works. I just posted the first link I found, there are literally hundreds of threads out there and just as many recipes. Eg: Some people mix in paraffin.
Me? I just buy chain lube, but that’s not what the OP asked, so I provided an answer which was 100% correct. Maybe you should stick to posting stupid video threads with the red star in the title so that people know to skip them because they’re usually not funny.