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Major shooting at Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
People trying to distance Trump from this are being intellectually dishonest. Go back to Charlottesville. Trump had an opportunity to condemn this type of hatred right there and then and what did he do? He hedged because he has ties and support from white nationalists. Further, Trump thrives and campaigns upon divisive inflammatory rhetoric and emboldens nutcases to act. He has a responsibility to tone down his over the top rhetoric and he continually fails.

Lastly, imagine if this guy were a Muslim. Do you think any Terb righties would take a moment before they were lauding Trump and using this act as an example of why Trump was right and Muslims should be banned? But because he wasn’t, watch Trump condemn ALL hatred instead of targeting one group.


Oct 20, 2018
Ever been to a Synagogue in Toronto during the High Holidays? Hiring extra security and even cops is completely normal. In Toronto, Ontario, Canada!
Not just high holidays.. Every Sabbath too, constant police patrols.

Toronto is not the same as it used to be.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
A never Trump anti-Semite, I think we have more than a few of those here....


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
A never Trump anti-Semite,
Not so fast. Bowers surely was riled up from Trump's rhetoric about "bad people coming from the south".

On his account, Bowers claimed Jews were helping transport members of the migrant caravans. He shared a video that another user posted, purportedly of a Jewish refugee advocacy group HIAS on the US-Mexico border. Another post that Bowers commented on described HIAS' overall efforts as "sugar-coated evil."


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Not so fast. Bowers surely was riled up from Trump's rhetoric about "bad people coming from the south".

On his account, Bowers claimed Jews were helping transport members of the migrant caravans. He shared a video that another user posted, purportedly of a Jewish refugee advocacy group HIAS on the US-Mexico border. Another post that Bowers commented on described HIAS' overall efforts as "sugar-coated evil."
They don't need Trump to get riled up about the border. Militias has been patrolling it for a long time.

It's amazes me that people think Trump is the cause of the overt racism. Gave travelled extensively south for 30 years it's always been there, been overt, open and without shame in many sections of the nation.

He hasn't enabled it. In my travels since it's the same.


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
They don't need Trump to get riled up about the border. Militias has been patrolling it for a long time.

It's amazes me that people think Trump is the cause of the overt racism. Gave travelled extensively south for 30 years it's always been there, been overt, open and without shame in many sections of the nation.

He hasn't enabled it. In my travels since it's the same.
You're such an obvious Trump apologist - you're not even clever about it. If you've travelled in the south for 30 years as much as you claimed (and like your supposed support for Bernie, it's likely BS), then surely you would note that the overt racism did not usually result in an angry racist "going in" to shoot people he felt were responsible for an immigrant Caravan the President happened to be ranting about (constantly) heading into the mid-terms. The problem with dog whistles (and Trump and the right over-use this tactic so much that they need a new term) is that it attracts a lot of strays.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You're such an obvious Trump apologist - you're not even clever about it. If you've travelled in the south for 30 years as much as you claimed (and like your supposed support for Bernie, it's likely BS), then surely you would note that the overt racism did not usually result in an angry racist "going in" to shoot people he felt were responsible for an immigrant Caravan the President happened to be ranting about (constantly) heading into the mid-terms. The problem with dog whistles (and Trump and the right over-use this tactic so much that they need a new term) is that it attracts a lot of strays.
Not just " in the south" . Down south. As an all over the country. I saw overt racism in California, in NY. And yes in the South. And the North, East, and West.

The Nation has steadily been getting angrier and more polarized long before he showed up. This is far more the effect of mass media. All platforms that have created echo chambers.

These idiots have been goading and empowering themselves since 9/11. The explosion of Social Media has made it worse. It has created a victim mentality in all aspects of society. And enabled a small vocal and mentally unstable part of it to flourish.

Blaming Trump for this us as stupid as blaming Obama for the proliferation of gun violence in the Black communities.

And btw every time the news tries to find a connection to every tragedy to Trump it's also a big fat dog whistle. And so prevents a real solution.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Not just " in the south" . Down south. As an all over the country. I saw overt racism in California, in NY. And yes in the South. And the North, East, and West.

The Nation has steadily been getting angrier and more polarized long before he showed up. This is far more the effect of mass media. All platforms that have created echo chambers.

These idiots have been goading and empowering themselves since 9/11. The explosion of Social Media has made it worse. It has created a victim mentality in all aspects of society. And enabled a small vocal and mentally unstable part of it to flourish.

Blaming Trump for this us as stupid as blaming Obama for the proliferation of gun violence in the Black communities.

And btw every time the news tries to find a connection to every tragedy to Trump it's also a big fat dog whistle. And so prevents a real solution.
Of course it was there before Trump.
But Trump is the first POTUS to declare that some Nazi's are actually really nice people and that he was a Nationalist.
If you were to look at similar leaders around the world, you'd be calling them a despot in Hungary, Russia, Philippines and possibly in Brazil after today.

But you support Trump, despite his overt racism, his lying, his cheating, his fraud, his attack on elections and his giving away of cash to the 1%.

It was happening before Trump, but with Trump its accelerated by 10x.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Of course it was there before Trump.
But Trump is the first POTUS to declare that some Nazi's are actually really nice people and that he was a Nationalist.
If you were to look at similar leaders around the world, you'd be calling them a despot in Hungary, Russia, Philippines and possibly in Brazil after today.

But you support Trump, despite his overt racism, his lying, his cheating, his fraud, his attack on elections and his giving away of cash to the 1%.

It was happening before Trump, but with Trump its accelerated by 10x.
Enemy of my enemy. After what the Dem did to Bernie they need to go the way of the Dodo. And the only way a progressive party to rise is if they are discredited.

Then a real progressive platform and not the fake one peddled by the Dems can be put forth to the American People to decide their future.

I said years ago things would have to get worse before it got better. Welcome to worse.

Bernie is working at the grassroots level to make it better.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Enemy of my enemy. After what the Dem did to Bernie they need to go the way of the Dodo. And the only way a progressive party to rise is if they are discredited.

Then a real progressive platform and not the fake one peddled by the Dems can be put forth to the American People to decide their future.
Sorry butler, but that's a stupid philosophy at best.
First, you are supporting everything you claim you are really against.
Second, do you really want to see the US get totally fucked up in order to hope that a moderate rises in the ashes?

Democracy is easy to destroy, very hard to build.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Sorry butler, but that's a stupid philosophy at best.
First, you are supporting everything you claim you are really against.
Second, do you really want to see the US get totally fucked up in order to hope that a moderate rises in the ashes?

Democracy is easy to destroy, very hard to build.
Democracy was already destroyed when they rigged the primary. And stated in court they have the right to do so.

And the nation has survived lots of bad presidents. It will survive this one.

You are over exaggerating the problems.


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
Democracy was already destroyed when they rigged the primary. And stated in court they have the right to do so.

And the nation has survived lots of bad presidents. It will survive this one.

You are over exaggerating the problems.
Wow. Did you really say that "democracy was destroyed" by a Democrat PRIMARY yet you have no problem stating the the "nation has survived lots of bad presidents" (as if Trump is merely "bad")... I mean seriously - do you ever review the shit you write before hitting the post button?

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
No Frank *Rubbing temples* its not to be expected. A self proclaimed Nationalist is nothing more than a patriot of the nation.
As I said above, for the examples given, Trump is the worst possible role model for white racists, and expect they would loath him more than you.
In the context Trump used the term it is anti-Semitic. He declared: “I am a Nationalist, not a Globalist.”

Globalist = Code for Jewish conspiracy trying to control the world.

Trump’s farewell to his former Chief Economic Adviser Gary Cohn: “He’s a globalist, but I like him anyway”, was an anti-Semitic slur on his way out the door.

Trump’s willingness to embrace Jews when he perceives it to be in his interest does not mitigate his anti-Semitism.

Conspiracy theories about Soros aren’t just false. They’re anti-Semitic.
On Monday, a pipe bomb was sent to the home of George Soros, the liberal billionaire philanthropist whose name has become a part of conspiracy theories around the world. Investigators have concluded that the pipe bomb was probably hand-delivered, and it was “proactively detonated” by a bomb squad without causing injury to anyone at Soros’s home in New York’s Westchester County.

Motives for the incident remain unclear. Law enforcement authorities have suggested that the same person who sent the device to Soros was also responsible for pipe bombs later sent to former president Barack Obama, former president Bill Clinton, former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the CNN bureau in New York.

But it’s no surprise that Soros would wind up as a target. He’s become the subject of escalating rhetoric on the right — including from President Trump — that posits Soros as a nefarious force, fomenting social dissent and paying members of a migrant “caravan” that has been the subject of intense right-wing fearmongering leading up to the November midterms. And that rhetoric draws on old, and deep-rooted, anti-Semitic ideas that have been deployed by the right for decades.

On Oct. 5, Trump theorized on Twitter that Soros was behind vocal protests against Brett M. Kavanaugh’s appointment as a Supreme Court justice, stating that “the very rude elevator screamers” were “paid for by Soros and others.” More recently, extreme-right Rep. Matt Gaetz pointedly raised the question of whether Soros was paying members of the migrant caravan. More bizarrely, a top lobbyist for Campbell Soup Company was chastened by his patrons for suggesting on Twitter this week that Soros’s Open Society Foundation controlled the migrant caravan — “including where they defecate.” (I work at Media Matters for America, which received a $1 million donation from Soros in 2010, eight years before I joined.)

The far right has ecstatically embraced the spectacle of elected political figures such as Trump and Gaetz theorizing about Soros. After Trump’s Soros tweet about Kavanaugh, the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer echoed and surpassed Trump’s assertion that anti-Kavanaugh dissent was a nefarious, paid-for plot.
“It is impossible to deny that subversive anti-American Jews were the primary force involved in a sinister plot to destroy Kavanaugh,” Lee Rogers wrote on the site a couple of days later. “These Jews do not represent the interest of America. They represent the interest of their diabolical and evil race first and foremost.”

In response to an Oct. 19 Trump speech in Missoula, Mont., in which Trump again suggested that protesters were paid by “Soros or somebody,” a commenter on anonymous message board 4chan exulted, “TRUMP NAMED THE IMMIGRATION JEW.” (“Naming the Jew” is an anti-Semitic term that refers to pointing out purported nefarious Jewish influence on world events.)

The conspiracy theories around Soros, then, aren’t just expressions of bitter partisanship — and fact-checking-focused debunking that’s tempered coverage of the claims that he was involved in the caravan has skipped past an important subtext. Soros’s Jewish heritage is well known — his experiences in the Holocaust formed his identity as a philanthropist, in a decades-long effort to beat back a revanchist right. And his name has become a synonym for a well-worn anti-Semitic canard: the idea that Jews are malevolent fomenters of social dissent, agitators slyly funding and masterminding protest, seeking to undermine a white, Christian social order. It is a canard that resonates not just in European history, where the deadly consequences of anti-Semitic conspiracies are well-known, but throughout American history, and its renewed form draws on a long tradition of American anti-Semitism.

Journalists who post simple, factual rebuttals to anti-Semitic conspiracies ignore their radical potency. The notion that “the Jew” — whether it is Soros or a more nebulous conspiracy — is behind expressions of social discontent serves as an explanation that casts protest as inherently “other,” caused by sinister forces that transcend ideological disagreement or authentic upset, and thus renders opposition inherently illegitimate. These anti-Semitic canards render Jews in America a permanently placeless “other,” perennially out to subvert the country they reside in.

The idea that Jews are the malevolent eminence grise behind any upwelling of discontent is hardly new; in fact, it is not even new in the modern United States. Timothy McVeigh, a white nationalist terrorist who killed 168 in the infamous 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, drew much of his ideology from a 1978 white nationalist novel titled “The Turner Diaries.” The book, which prosecutors claimed helped inspire McVeigh, casts Jews as agents of social dissent in the civil rights era, upending an order in which black Americans had deferred naturally to whites. The book decries “the unique historical role of the Jews as the ferment of decomposition of races and civilizations”; accuses Jews of plotting to “manipulate and exploit the entire racial ‘equality’ movement for their own ends”; and ultimately calls for violence against Jews, stating, “Your day is coming, Jews, your day is coming!”

While McVeigh’s ideological influences illustrate the potency of anti-Semitism as a political force on the American right, it dates back far longer. Anti-Jewish sentiment rose in the United States in the 1920s and 1930s, egged on by such figures as Henry Ford and radio broadcaster Father Charles Coughlin, who crudely postulated that a communist threat to the United States was being controlled and catalyzed by Jewish agents.

But perhaps the greatest rhetorical use of the Jewish “threat” was made by segregationists in the midcentury South, asserting that the civil rights movement of that era was nothing less than a wholesale Jewish plot to destroy the country.

In “The Rabble Rousers: The American Far Right and the Civil Rights Era,” historian Clive Webb details the degree to which American Jews were blamed for fomenting the desire for social change in the form of racial integration. Webb describes the views of John Kasper, a Ku Klux Klan member and influential segregationist who ran a racist newspaper in the 1950s.

“According to Kasper, the individuals, organizations and institutions that promoted racial integration were either Jewish or under the financial and political control of Jews,” Webb writes. “The NAACP, he insisted, did not represent the opinion of African Americans, most of whom accepted segregation of the natural social order, but rather acted on the instructions of its Jewish paymasters.”

A local police officer investigating a 1960 synagogue bombing in Gadsden, Ala., was quoted by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency as stating, “You Jews brought it on yourselves by encouraging the Negroes to integrate.”

Hatred of Jews among racists extended well beyond the height of the civil rights movement. J.B. Stoner ran for the U.S. Senate in Georgia on a platform of opposition to both black people and Jews in 1972 and decried serpentine, sneaky Jewish influence by calling Jews “vipers of hell.” To a B’nai B’rith leader, the 30,000 votes cast for Stoner, who finished fifth in Georgia’s Democratic primary, illustrated “how much raw bigotry still exists in our nation.”

Soros has been the target of anti-Semitism more globally, too. In March, far-right Hungarian leader Viktor Orban gave a Jew-baiting speech denouncing Soros and his Open Society Foundations as “crafty” and someone who “speculates with money.” Orban said Soros was “not national but international.” This rhetoric echoed in a speech in which Trump declared that he was a “nationalist,” not a “globalist” — delivered on the same day Soros received a mail bomb. The term “globalist” is frequently used as a euphemism for Jew, including by far-right news site Breitbart, which surrounds Jewish former Trump economic adviser Gary Cohn’s name with globe emoji, for “globalist.” The notion of Jews as internationally beholden to some Jewish conspiracy and its goals, rather than serving as loyal subjects of their home countries, dates back at least to a 1920s pamphlet, “The International Jew,” published by Henry Ford. Nazi-era political cartoons depicted the Jew as an octopus, encircling the world with its many devious tentacles, exerting an irresistible, slimy control.

Journalists who cover the contretemps around Soros today — and in particular, those responsible for providing explanation and context for Republican remarks around him — must not shy from the anti-Semitism inherent in right-wing attacks on the philanthropist. It’s not even hidden, at least not to the people hearing the dog-whistle: Searching “Soros” on Twitter or Facebook brings up conspiracy theories ranging from the subtly expressed to the downright deranged. Soros is merely the latest Jew whose public perception has been distorted by anti-Semites. While researching this article, I searched the term “antisemitism in the civil rights movement.” Google’s auto-complete response filled in the rest: “rothschild funded civil rights movement,” it spat forth, an algorithm blossoming immediately with the conspiracy it had taken half a century to sow.

High-tech manifestations of anti-Semitism on social media belie the crude and ancient nature of the hatred. Anti-Semitism is a useful way to blame a hawk-faced, devious “other” for the rents in the social fabric that appear in tumultuous times.

The attack is two-pronged: It renders authentic protest illegitimate, and it renders a tiny religious minority a seeking, devious force, whose vile otherness precludes tolerance. This kind of conspiracy theory is slick and burrowing, and it resists logic, casting itself as an undeniable truth. And it draws on a long history, in this country and elsewhere — one with the potential for incendiary violence in its clenched fist.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Wow. Did you really say that "democracy was destroyed" by a Democrat PRIMARY yet you have no problem stating the the "nation has survived lots of bad presidents" (as if Trump is merely "bad")... I mean seriously - do you ever review the shit you write before hitting the post button?
I suppose I was exaggerating as well there. I will walk it back a bit.

But when the outcome to the primary is pre decided by paying off the party debt in 2015, then having a sham primary, is a real blow to the ideas of democratic parity.

It was also a very real example of buying an election.

Finally all of the people who donated to the party because they thought Bernie had a chance were lied to for their money.

All in all I think the revelations were part of what cost her the election. And rightfully so. It was a crass example of money in politics.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005

If you voted for this unAmerican President, you also voted against your neighbor.

And this is why people who hate feel enabled by Trump.
In his 2017 opening speech at this summit Trump the hypocrite this was the crux of his statement:

"We Don't Worship Government, We Worship God"

This is so laughable from someone who has had sexual assault accusations from almost two dozen women, the Hollywood "locker room tapes" that are nothing to do with worshipping God, but thinks that he is the God in that conversation, then is revealed to pay hush money to porn stars and playboy bunnies for sexual cheating acts when his wife was pregnant having his baby, and also he incites others to commit acts of violence in his campaign speeches........ but is now a "Humble God fearing individual" in that statement!! But there will always be his cult followers who believe that he is above the Law. :rolleyes:
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