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The world has barely 10 years to get climate change under control U.N. scientists say


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Four years of university study says you are wrong
I know a lot more about science than the average person, especially the moron Frankfooter
Maybe you should have gone to class more because I see lots of opinion from you but very little in the realm of facts. You routinely ignore inconvenient facts and revert to the same refuted one-liners.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Maybe you should have gone to class more because I see lots of opinion from you but very little in the realm of facts. You routinely ignore inconvenient facts and revert to the same refuted one-liners.
Maybe you should think before you post


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Your ideas about climate change, carbon dating and climatology are idiotic.
Would you like to refresh your memory?
You are a scientific know nothing

I did show the problems with your statements previously, but if you prefer I'll repeat how idiotic your claims are.
Says the idiot

1) Establishing that you accept that risks posited by climatologists are serious.
"I have also never said I know more than the scientists
To be fair I have also never said I do not"

that statement does not establish any acknowledgement about risks what so ever
What is wrong with you?

Refusing to accept that you do not know as much about climatology as thousands of scientists who have studied it their lives.
Egotistical, bordering on Dunning Kruger effect.
Look stupid, I know enough to be skeptical of morons making absolute claims
I have the training to make an impartial evaluation which is neutral

Where as you blindly accept the propaganda conclusion without an understanding of the science
A mind is a terrible thing to waste

Ignorant claim based on total lack of understanding of the science used.
Look stupid any estimate dating back hundreds of thousands of years has to be based upon a reference & there are limitations and errors involved in calculating such an estimate
And at the end of the day measuring past history is an estimate and always will be an estimate. If you understood even a miniscule amount of science you would know this
Carbon dating was the technique you mentioned , however limitations will apply to most other techniques

Ignorant claim based on the total lack of understanding of the science used.
Note that no mention is made of carbon dating as it is not used, despite your ignorant claim.

In one sentence you admit that radioactive decay is a great tool with rates that are 'essentially constant' yet in the next sentence you claim using these same techniques wouldn't be 'credible'.
You stupid moron
They know how the decay works of a short period of time (hundreds of years), however they do not know how this works over hundreds of thousands or millions of years
As pointed out carbon dating is useful for 5,000 to 10,000 years , perhaps 20,000 if strict experimental procedures are followed

Ignorant claim based on your very stupid focus on a technique not used in paleoclimatology.
Look stupid, again it boils down to an estimate and attempting to date something over a couple hundred thousand years is going to be a shaky estimate

And the capper, where you note that you refuse to admit you ever make a mistake.
This post will be copy and pasted every time you make a claim about my ignorance of science.
You are an ignorant fool
My mistake was thinking you might lean something

Explain to us, oh self declared wise one, why humanity shouldn't worry about temperatures and CO2 levels that are rising way, way faster then the planet did during the PETM?
Because it may
1. Not be true
2. Not be meaningful
3. not be within our control stupid
The freezing & thawing cycle of the earth continues
Can you say with absolute ceratining that temps & co2 levels have never been higher over the 4.5 B year history of the planet?

Which makes you nothing more than a sheep bleating out the word "denier"
your absolute opinion & especially your criticism of alternative are completely invalid as you do not understand what you preach about


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You are a scientific know nothing
Says the idiot
"I have also never said I know more than the scientists
To be fair I have also never said I do not"
that statement does not establish any acknowledgement about risks what so ever
What is wrong with you?
Look stupid, I know enough to be skeptical of morons making absolute claims
I have the training to make an impartial evaluation which is neutral
Where as you blindly accept the propaganda conclusion without an understanding of the science
A mind is a terrible thing to waste
Look stupid any estimate dating back hundreds of thousands of years has to be based upon a reference & there are limitations and errors involved in calculating such an estimate
And at the end of the day measuring past history is an estimate and always will be an estimate. If you understood even a miniscule amount of science you would know this
Carbon dating was the technique you mentioned , however limitations will apply to most other techniques
You stupid moron
They know how the decay works of a short period of time (hundreds of years), however they do not know how this works over hundreds of thousands or millions of years
As pointed out carbon dating is useful for 5,000 to 10,000 years , perhaps 20,000 if strict experimental procedures are followed
Look stupid, again it boils down to an estimate and attempting to date something over a couple hundred thousand years is going to be a shaky estimate
You are an ignorant fool
My mistake was thinking you might lean something
Because it may
1. Not be true
2. Not be meaningful
3. not be within our control stupid
The freezing & thawing cycle of the earth continues
Can you say with absolute ceratining that temps & co2 levels have never been higher over the 4.5 B year history of the planet?
Which makes you nothing more than a sheep bleating out the word "denier"
your absolute opinion & especially your criticism of alternative are completely invalid as you do not understand what you preach about
This post really sums you up well, larue.
In it you use insults, incorrect claims, shoddy scientific knowledge and faulty logic, all framed in incoherent grammar.

Nicely done.
It really paints the picture of an idiotic blowhard who really has no clue.

By the way, as a self declared free market backer, how do you feel that 18% of the US deficit from the year 2018 was from extreme weather events that were largely magnified by climate change?

Not only are you incredibly out of touch with the science, but even your economic logic is fucked up.
Free markets can never correct for 'unpriced negative externalities' like the 6th great extinction or massive environmental fuckups.

I won't question you on your understanding of the science, as obviously you will never be able to understand how little you really understand.
But even your economic base has no answer to major societal risks.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010

It was taken using the global temp data since 1880, not the last 20 years.
16 of the 17 warmest years, since humans started recording the global temp around 1880, happened since the year 2000.

You still aren't even bright enough to understand this point yet, are you?
I understand it perfectly. I understand you have no clue what you're talking about.

Like I said before, when you were still posting as groggy you claimed climate can only be taken over 40 to 50 years. Anything short of that is considered weather, and too small of a sample size.

But now that you're posting as Frankie you suddenly claim a 16-year long warming trend is a big enough sample size to be called climate change. You are completely contradicting yourself, and when you do that you lose all credibility

You accuse John LaRue of name-calling, and yet here you're doing the exact same thing.

Further loss of your credibility due to hypocrisy


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
But now that you're posting as Frankie you suddenly claim a 16-year long warming trend is a big enough sample size to be called climate change. You are completely contradicting yourself, and when you do that you lose all credibility
Idiot, sorry dude, but you are still unable to follow this conversation.

This is not a '16 year sample', this is about around 140 years of records that show at least a 100 year long 'warming trend'.
Noting that the temperatures this century have been higher then ever before in human history is not limiting the argument to a 16 year window.

Take a look at this chart and tell me why you think there are are only 16 years of warming shown.


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Idiot, sorry dude, but you are still unable to follow this conversation.

This is not a '16 year sample', this is about around 140 years of records that show at least a 100 year long 'warming trend'.
Noting that the temperatures this century have been higher then ever before in human history is not limiting the argument to a 16 year window.

Take a look at this chart and tell me why you think there are are only 16 years of warming shown.

But now you're moving the goalposts to a 140-year record. You should have stated so earlier when you only posted a 16-year temperature increase.

Now Frankie, can you answer this. How much of that warming is due to manmade CO2's and how much is due to earth's natural warming/cooling cycle??
You do know that earth goes to cold/warm cycles, dont you??


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
But now you're moving the goalposts to a 140-year record. You should have stated so earlier when you only posted a 16-year temperature increase.
The goalposts were never moved, you fool.
Here is the original post:
16 of the 17 warmest years ever recorded for the planet happened since 2000.
Is that good enough for you?
The problem is your reading comprehension is as solid as your comprehension of science.

Now Frankie, can you answer this. How much of that warming is due to manmade CO2's and how much is due to earth's natural warming/cooling cycle??
You do know that earth goes to cold/warm cycles, dont you??
This question has been answered multiple times.
For a clear chart that shows the warming and cooling forcings on the planet's climate, this bloomberg chart from 2015 answers your question very clearly.
Note that all the data for that chart comes from NASA.

Check that chart out and you tell us what you think is warming the world.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
The goalposts were never moved, you fool
More namecalling. That tells me you're not very secure in your argument

The problem is your reading comprehension is as solid as your comprehension of science.

This question has been answered multiple times.
For a clear chart that shows the warming and cooling forcings on the planet's climate, this bloomberg chart from 2015 answers your question very clearly.
Note that all the data for that chart comes from NASA.

Check that chart out and you tell us what you think is warming the world
And you check this chart out and tell me earth warming/cooling cycles havent always happened historically



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
More namecalling. That tells me you're not very secure in your argument
Its taken 4 pages for you to understand one simple statement.
Calling you and idiot and fool for taking this long to understand that one statement is merited.
If you were to ever admit that you made a mistake and apologize for it then I would have no need to constantly berate you for a very stupid mistake on your end.

And you check this chart out and tell me earth warming/cooling cycles havent always happened historically


Your chart comes from a site called 'iceagenow' and has no vertical scale, no references saying where their data comes from and claims that 2019 will be about 2º colder then 1998.
Look again for a legit chart from a reputable site and we can talk.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Its taken 4 pages for you to understand one simple statement.
Calling you and idiot and fool for taking this long to understand that one statement is merited
Frankie, you're full of it. You changed the goalposts from 16 years to 140 years.
Just admit you fucked up.

Also, are you gonna deny you used to post as groggy and that you always claimed climate should be taken over 40 to 50 years at least??

Its taken 4 pages for you to understand one simple statement.
Calling you and idiot and fool for taking this long to understand that one statement is merited.
If you were to ever admit that you made a mistake and apologize for it then I would have no need to constantly berate you for a very stupid mistake on your end.

Your chart comes from a site called 'iceagenow' and has no vertical scale, no references saying where their data comes from and claims that 2019 will be about 2º colder then 1998.
Look again for a legit chart from a reputable site and we can talk
The chart was prepared by climatologist Cliff Harris and Meteorologist Randy Mann. I would think they have a lot more credibility than Frankie from Terb


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Frankie, you're full of it. You changed the goalposts from 16 years to 140 years.
Just admit you fucked up.
Phil, I changed nothing.
Here is the original post, with link to the post in this thread (highlights added)
16 of the 17 warmest years ever recorded for the planet happened since 2000.
Is that good enough for you?
Don't blame me that you weren't smart enough to understand that statement.
Nothing has changed in my claim since that statement.

The chart was prepared by climatologist Cliff Harris and Meteorologist Randy Mann. I would think they have a lot more credibility than Frankie from Terb
Presenting a chart that has no vertical scale and then claiming that its credible really establishes your own credibility, Phil.
Do me a favour, tell me what temperature your chart says 2019 will come out as and tell me where 2017's temperature would be plotted on your chart.
Do you still think that chart is accurate?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Phil, I changed nothing.
Here is the original post, with link to the post in this thread (highlights added)

Don't blame me that you weren't smart enough to understand that statement.
Nothing has changed in my claim since that statement
I understand your statement perfectly. You are cherry-picking 16 years of weather data and trying to pass it off as evidence of climate change, when you clearly said (while you were still groggy) that climate samples can only be taken at minimum of 40 to 50 years.

Now, are you going to answer my question?? Do you admit your previous handle was groggy and that you made this statement, or do you deny??

Presenting a chart that has no vertical scale and then claiming that its credible really establishes your own credibility, Phil.
Do me a favour, tell me what temperature your chart says 2019 will come out as and tell me where 2017's temperature would be plotted on your chart.
Do you still think that chart is accurate?
It doesnt need a vertical scale. The temperatures are approximate. The purpose of the graph is to show that earth has gone through warming/cooling cycles before, without the influx of manmade CO2's



Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Here you go, from your NYT article...
Talk about cherry picking. Frankfooter omitted the preceding sentence (emphasis added by me): "The panel, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last month, said the world would have to reverse the growth of greenhouse gas emissions by 2015 to avert those problems and others."

Frankfooter's attitude shows why the alarmists are getting nowhere.

The IPCC predictions that it would be "too late" if the world didn't "reverse" global emissions stemmed from the same 2007 report that had the fairy-tale prediction that the Himalayan glaciers would disappear by 2035.

Clearly, that report and the predictions made in 2007 were horribly flawed.

But Frankfooter won't hear of it. He insists on total fealty to the IPCC and to the wildly inaccurate belief that the IPCC is infallible.

Sorry, but that approach doesn't represent science. It's religious faith.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I understand your statement perfectly. You are cherry-picking 16 years of weather data and trying to pass it off as evidence of climate change, when you clearly said that climate samples can only be taken at minimum over 40 to 50 years.
How the heck is it cherry picking to note that 16 of the 17 warmest years since 1880 occurred in this century?
That's using the full data set available.

Excuse me, but that's another idiotic statement showing you don't even understand the term 'cherry picking'.

It doesnt need a vertical scale. The temperatures are approximate.
Then that chart is useless, like all of your arguments here.
I note that you refuse to tell us what your own chart declares 2017 and 2019's temperatures will be.
Your chart is bullshit.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
So stupid.

Here you go, from your NYT article:

“If there’s no action before 2012, that’s too late,” said Rajendra Pachauri, a scientist and economist who heads the IPCC. “What we do in the next two to three years will determine our future."

In 2016 the world, except for that fuckwad to the south of us, signed this.
I believe I'll have to make another update to Frankfooter's greatest hits on man-made global warming.

Who wants to volunteer to point out to Frankfooter that 2016 came after 2012. :biggrin1:


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Talk about cherry picking. Frankfooter omitted the preceding sentence (emphasis added by me): "The panel, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last month, said the world would have to reverse the growth of greenhouse gas emissions by 2015 to avert those problems and others.".
Are you trying to now admit that climate change is real but that you think its too late to save the planet so we should just all buy SUV's and enjoy ourselves?

The world signed on to Kyoto, then the US fucked it up.
The world then signed on to the Paris agreement and now Trump is fucking that up.
Right now the world is on track for about a 3ºC increase, with incredibly large changes needed to keep it to 1.5ºC and still very, very large changes needed to keep it to 2ºC.

Can you tell me whether Pachauri, in your NYT article, was talking about holding the planet to a 1.5ºC increase in temp or a 2ºC increase in global temperature?

Why do you continue to support actions that will increase the temp to 3ºC or more?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I believe I'll have to make another update to Frankfooter's greatest hits on man-made global warming.

Who wants to volunteer to point out to Frankfooter that 2016 came after 2012. :biggrin1:
Should I point out to you that the Paris agreement was an offshoot of Kyoto and Doha, or do you really think that agreement was all on its lonely?
Should I also point out that every time I challenge you on any single of your claims you always weasel off and avoid discussing them?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
How the heck is it cherry picking to note that 16 of the 17 warmest years since 1880 occurred in this century?
That's using the full data set available.

Excuse me, but that's another idiotic statement showing you don't even understand the term 'cherry picking'
Stop evading my question, Frankie. Here it is again:

Do you admit your previous handle was groggy and that you made this statement, or do you deny??

Then that chart is useless, like all of your arguments here.
I note that you refuse to tell us what your own chart declares 2017 and 2019's temperatures will be.
Your chart is bullshit.
The guy who made that chart is a highly respected climatologist. But of course you know so much more then him, eh Frankie from Terb??

Just FTR Harris does believe in climate change, he just doesnt believe that its as bad as the fear-mongerers are saying, plus he also believes earth goes through natural warming/cooling cycles. Exactly the theory I prescribe to as well

Climatologist Cliff Harris has been often rated as one of the top ten climatologists in the world for nearly 4 decades. Cliff Harris' long-range weather forecasts have been used by high-ranking government officials and quoted in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Wall Street Digest, Farm Journal, Top Producer, Successful Farming, Futures Magazine, The Boston Globe and many other publications. He also provides several weekly local and national radio weather broadcasts to various stations throughout the country


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Stop evading my question, Frankie. Here it is again:
You are the one trying to avoid answering my questions here, Phil.
Your conspiracy theories about other members won't be discussed here by me.
The guy who made that chart is a highly respected climatologist. But of course you know so much more then him, eh Frankie from Terb??
So tell me again, what temperature does this 'highly respected climatologist' think that 2017 and 2019 will report on his chart?
Are you still avoiding answering my questions?
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