Discreet Dolls

The world has barely 10 years to get climate change under control U.N. scientists say


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Okay Frankie, you must have been drunk when you posted that.
Uhm Frankie, the powers to be started keeping temperature records a long time before the year 2000.

Now Frankie, admit you're drunk. Do it now, so we can all move along!! :wave: :very_drunk:
Speaking of drunk, we all know that temperature data has been collected for a while. What you are incapable of getting is that the past 20 years have been significantly warmer than the previous century. That is a noticeable climactic trend.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
In the absence of any convincing evidence, I'm not persuaded that fossil fuels pose an existential threat to the planet.....
And you will continue to ignore that evidence.

p.s. It's not fossil fuels in themselves, it is the increasing amount that is the issue.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
"Fringe scientists" is a political term, not a scientific one.....
Fine. The opinions of a scientist with conclusions well outside of the statistical norm.

Either way his comments were intentionally alarmist and not indicative of the conclusions of the vast majority of those in the field.

But sure, keep on pretending there is some kind of conspiracy. I doubt you've met any but scientists (like many academics) are often arrogant as fuck and being told something makes them just dig in their heels further.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Speaking of drunk, we all know that temperature data has been collected for a while. What you are incapable of getting is that the past 20 years have been significantly warmer than the previous century. That is a noticeable climactic trend
Except it wasnt taken over 20 years, it was taken over 16 years


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Except it wasnt taken over 20 years, it was taken over 16 years

Yes, 16 years of data was taken over 16 years (actually 18 years for both). They then compared it to 100 years of data from previous years. Why do you find it so hard to understand?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Except it wasnt taken over 20 years, it was taken over 16 years

It was taken using the global temp data since 1880, not the last 20 years.
16 of the 17 warmest years, since humans started recording the global temp around 1880, happened since the year 2000.

You still aren't even bright enough to understand this point yet, are you?


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
To continue with the point about the ever-shifting "point of no return," here are the key quotes from the New York Times' coverage of the IPCC's fourth report in 2007:

The panel, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last month, said the world would have to reverse the growth of greenhouse gas emissions by 2015 to avert those problems and others.

“If there’s no action before 2012, that’s too late,” said Rajendra Pachauri, a scientist and economist who heads the IPCC. “What we do in the next two to three years will determine our future. This is the defining moment.”

Both 2012 and 2015 have passed and the world has not reversed the growth of greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, if the IPCC was right, it's "too late" and it's pointless to do anything now.

The only way that anyone can accept the 12-year timeline in the IPCC's latest report is if you acknowledge that the IPCC's previous predictions were completely wrong.

As Rex Murphy wrote, you can't set multiple deadlines for Doomsday. If you don't think it's "too late" to do anything, then you're conceding that the IPCC's past predictions were wrong.


Jan 10, 2017
Bring on more of those tight fitting dresses.....too bad she’s nuttier than squirrel shit these days


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
According to Frankfooter, the Industrial Revolution took place some 4.5 billion years ago. Too funny.
There's a leap in 'logic' that's quite massive.

Of course, according to moviefan every single climatologist on the planet is either totally inept or in some massive conspiracy.
So his 'theories' are about as solid as sleazy or CM.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
To continue with the point about the ever-shifting "point of no return," here are the key quotes from the New York Times' coverage of the IPCC's fourth report in 2007:


Both 2012 and 2015 have passed and the world has not reversed the growth of greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, if the IPCC was right, it's "too late" and it's pointless to do anything now.

The only way that anyone can accept the 12-year timeline in the IPCC's latest report is if you acknowledge that the IPCC's previous predictions were completely wrong.

As Rex Murphy wrote, you can't set multiple deadlines for Doomsday. If you don't think it's "too late" to do anything, then you're conceding that the IPCC's past predictions were wrong.

Since then there have been quite a few changes and policies that have started to do something about the problem.
For instance policies in California, Ontario, solar investments globally, investments in technology, lawsuits against the 100 main corporate culprits for climate change, the Paris agreement.....

Has it been enough?
That's a good question, but to claim nothing has been done takes an ignorance of zailbetter levels or conspiracy theories that make bigsleazy look sane.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011

Since then there have been quite a few changes and policies that have started to do something about the problem.
For instance policies in California, Ontario, solar investments globally, investments in technology, lawsuits against the 100 main corporate culprits for climate change, the Paris agreement.....

Has it been enough?
That's a good question, but to claim nothing has been done takes an ignorance of zailbetter levels or conspiracy theories that make bigsleazy look sane.
We'll ignore the fact that most of Frankfooter's examples -- eg., lawsuits, Paris agreement -- came after or at the end of 2015. :p

Regardless, the IPCC said in 2007 that it would be "too late" by 2015 unless the world managed to "reverse" the growth of greenhouse gas emissions. That hasn't happened, as Frankfooter knows all too well.


Let's review:

- The IPCC's 2007 report says it is "too late" to do anything.

- The IPCC's 2018 report says there is still time to take action.

They can't both be true. If you believe one of those predictions to be accurate, you must believe the other one is/was wrong.

So which is it? Are the IPCC supporters saying the 2007 report was wrong, or are they saying the 2018 report is wrong.

Please confirm.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
In the absence of any convincing evidence, I'm not persuaded that fossil fuels pose an existential threat to the planet.

Nonetheless, if you seriously want to reduce man-made carbon emissions, your only hope is to invest in new technology and research, as Bjorn Lomborg has pointed out numerous times.


The most foolish thing world leaders can do is sink money into wind and solar power, which is hugely expensive and doesn't even begin to produce sufficient supplies of energy to replace fossil fuels. Even worse, the skyrocketing energy prices that pay for renewable energy hurt low-income people the most, as the former Liberal government in Ontario reluctantly discovered.

Carbon pricing is also futile and almost certain to do more harm than good.
This is an important with regards to the article that you posted that pertains to Climate Change:

"Climate change is real and man-made, and it requires action."
"Instead of trying to force people to replace cheap, efficient fossil fuels with inefficient technology, we need to ensure that green energy is the first choice for all."
In that context this author is convinced that Climate Change is due to Fossil Fuels but has to be replaced by Green Energy with everyone on board with it, and not a forced taxation. All he wants is a new approach, that he has not fully elaborated. How else can you move to Green Energy without investing in it? The Federal Government should also invest in this Technology and provide the Provinces with incentives to do so.

Even worse, the skyrocketing energy prices that pay for renewable energy hurt low-income people the most, as the former Liberal government in Ontario reluctantly discovered.
Ontario is fortunate that it has gone down that road and now has an excess of this energy. There are other bigger costs that the Ontario taxpayers are on the hook for. One is the 407 where $102 billion was invested in it. Our generation will never get the full benefits of it as it is an elitist highway.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
In that context this author is convinced that Climate Change is due to Fossil Fuels but has to be replaced by Green Energy with everyone on board with it, and not a forced taxation. All he wants is a new approach, that he has not fully elaborated.
Actually, what he wants is investments in research that will lead to new technology.

Let's be very clear -- he's not calling for investments in wind and solar power, which are inefficient and drive up energy costs without any meaningful impact on carbon emissions.

When you look at it from an Ontario perspective, it appears his approach is closer to what is being advocated by Doug Ford rather than the approach taken by Kathleen Wynne and Justin Trudeau (recognizing that Ford's official policy still has to be announced).


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Actually, what he wants is investments in research that will lead to new technology.

Let's be very clear -- he's not calling for investments in wind and solar power, which are inefficient and drive up energy costs without any meaningful impact on carbon emissions.

When you look at it from an Ontario perspective, it appears his approach is closer to what is being advocated by Doug Ford rather than the approach taken by Kathleen Wynne and Justin Trudeau (recognizing that Ford's official policy still has to be announced).
Solar Power is actually very beneficial investment if you live in the Southern States of the USA. I personally know friends living in California that virtually are credited for what they upload on the grids. Scandinavian Nations invest big time in that technology, and again it is a very efficient form of investment. Wind Power has it's pros and conns.

Doug Ford is clueless. He is very good at beer pricing that will "save us" 20 or 30 or whatever cents on some random brand of beer that he is fixated on. Why is he not announcing exactly how he wants to address that so called policy of his? You just do not cancel something as crucial as an energy policy without having something in place, especially when you have not disclosed what it is. If the USA took the same stand as Ontario, then there would have been been an initiative globally to reduce the costs of renewable energy and not go in an opposite direction that is contradictory to the notion that Climate Change is Real.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
We'll ignore the fact that most of Frankfooter's examples -- eg., lawsuits, Paris agreement -- came after or at the end of 2015. :p

Regardless, the IPCC said in 2007 that it would be "too late" by 2015 unless the world managed to "reverse" the growth of greenhouse gas emissions. That hasn't happened, as Frankfooter knows all too well.

Please confirm.
So stupid.

Here you go, from your NYT article:
“If there’s no action before 2012, that’s too late,” said Rajendra Pachauri, a scientist and economist who heads the IPCC. “What we do in the next two to three years will determine our future.
In 2016 the world, except for that fuckwad to the south of us, signed this.

Biggest world agreement since the UN was created.
We still need to more but most definitely the world did something.

Its quite amazing the world started doing something, but of course we need to do much, much more.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Let's be very clear -- he's not calling for investments in wind and solar power, which are inefficient and drive up energy costs without any meaningful impact on carbon emissions.
Lets be clear, your ideas about renewable energy are wrong on all counts.
Those are idiotically wrong claims.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I love it when the master of unsubstantiated opinion claims to know about science.
Four years of university study says you are wrong
I know a lot more about science than the average person, especially the moron Frankfooter


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Four years of university study says you are wrong
I know a lot more about science than the average person, especially the moron Frankfooter
Your ideas about climate change, carbon dating and climatology are idiotic.
Would you like to refresh your memory?

You have shown you can copy & paste, yet you have not shown you understand anything about science.

BTW you quoted me but were unable to show fault with any of my statements
I did show the problems with your statements previously, but if you prefer I'll repeat how idiotic your claims are.

My position has been that It would be the biggest sin mankind ever committed if we cause our own extinction
1) Establishing that you accept that risks posited by climatologists are serious.

I have also never said I know more than the scientists
To be fair I have also never said I do not
Refusing to accept that you do not know as much about climatology as thousands of scientists who have studied it their lives.
Egotistical, bordering on Dunning Kruger effect.

Look stupid
I most certainly understand science better than some loud mouth, high school drop-out who can not calculate a weighted average
I searched for extrapolation & found only one mention & that did not provide any indication there was not any extrapolation or estimations in any or all of the work
How can one state an ice core sample is 800,000 years old without extrapolation?
Ignorant claim based on total lack of understanding of the science used.

Carbon dating is based upon half lives which requires exponential extrapulation
Your studies were using ice cores supposedly 800,000 years old
Ignorant claim based on the total lack of understanding of the science used.
Note that no mention is made of carbon dating as it is not used, despite your ignorant claim.

Physicists have carefully measured the radioactive decay rates of parent radioisotopes in laboratories over the last 100 or so years and have found them to be essentially constant (within the measurement error margins). Furthermore, they have not been able to significantly change these decay rates by heat, pressure, or electrical and magnetic fields. So geologists have assumed these radioactive decay rates have been constant for billions of years.
However, this is an enormous extrapolation of seven orders of magnitude back through immense spans of unobserved time without any concrete proof that such an extrapolation is credible. Nevertheless, geologists insist the radioactive decay rates have always been constant, because it makes these radioactive clocks “work”!
In one sentence you admit that radioactive decay is a great tool with rates that are 'essentially constant' yet in the next sentence you claim using these same techniques wouldn't be 'credible'.

Anything over 5,000 years is pushing it and will introduce experimental errors which grow exponentially the further you push out from 5,000 years
Ignorant claim based on your very stupid focus on a technique not used in paleoclimatology.

I admit nothing
And the capper, where you note that you refuse to admit you ever make a mistake.
This post will be copy and pasted every time you make a claim about my ignorance of science.

Explain to us, oh self declared wise one, why humanity shouldn't worry about temperatures and CO2 levels that are rising way, way faster then the planet did during the PETM?
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