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The world has barely 10 years to get climate change under control U.N. scientists say


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Al Gore and his merry band of scientists predicted that Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa would be snow-free and that weather would worsen, with stronger, more frequent hurricanes

Neither have happened. In fact hurricanes have become less frequent over the last 5 to 10 years
One of my favourites was the IPCC's prediction that the Himalayan glaciers would disappear by the year 2035.

The IPCC spent more than two years defending that fairy-tale claim before finally admitting it was baseless lunacy.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
But the last line in that link still confirmed that Climate Change was Real:

"But its overall conclusion that global warming is "unequivocal" remains beyond reproach, he said."

In other words Climate Change is real even from the critiques of certain IPCC's findings.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
But the last line in that link still confirmed that Climate Change was Real:

"But its overall conclusion that global warming is "unequivocal" remains beyond reproach, he said."
Sure beaver, but climate always changes. It has done so for the last thousands of years.

The real question is how much climate change is manmade, and there's only a small 200 years sample size to choose from so far.
(since humans have only been keeping track of temps for the last 200 years or so).

And then you can argue arctic ice samples and tree samples might give you some idea, but then those are highly speculative also

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
One of my favourites was the IPCC's prediction that the Himalayan glaciers would disappear by the year 2035.

The IPCC spent more than two years defending that fairy-tale claim before finally admitting it was baseless lunacy
There was another one where the British media said the UK would never see snow again (I'm too lazy to google it).

5 years later England had like 3 or 4 of its worst winter weather ever.......LOL :biggrin1:


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Al Gore and his merry band of scientists predicted that Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa would be snow-free and that weather would worsen, with stronger, more frequent hurricanes
So Gore predicted in 2006 that in 2016 we might hit a point of no return?

Did you read this latest IPCC report?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
One of my favourites was the IPCC's prediction that the Himalayan glaciers would disappear by the year 2035.
My favourite was when you couldn't even predict one year's change in global temperature.
Your credibility is way, way worse.

Compare that to IPCC projections.

You are the one who can't predict anything.


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
So Gore predicted in 2006 that in 2016 we might hit a point of no return?
Uhm no, he said Mount Kilimanjaro would be snow-free and hurricanes would intensify.

Neither have happened

Did you read this latest IPCC report?
IPCC has about as much credibility as the ICC does right now, Frankie


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Uhm no, he said Mount Kilimanjaro would be snow-free and hurricanes would intensify.

Neither have happened
Provide direct quote.
And provide proof that you hurricane's haven't intensified.

Then tell us why you think the politician Al Gore's predictions are more important then the reports of the IPCC, which really represents the science.

IPCC has about as much credibility as the ICC does right now, Frankie
How warm did you think 2015's temperature would be?
Your credibility is zero.

Compare that again to the IPCC's projections.

They are amazingly accurate and you totally failed.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
There was another one where the British media said the UK would never see snow again (I'm too lazy to google it).

5 years later England had like 3 or 4 of its worst winter weather ever.......LOL :biggrin1:
One of my favourites - the prediction that children today "just aren't going to know what snow is."


(I still remember when Fuji tried to defend that prediction. :biggrin1:)

And let's not forget the prediction that the Maldives islands would be completely submerged by water by September 2018:

As for Al Gore, he said we would have crossed the "point of no return" by 2016 unless drastic measures were taken to reduce carbon emissions in the 10 years from 2006 onward (in fact, carbon emissions significantly increased since then).

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Provide direct quote.
And provide proof that you hurricane's haven't intensified.

Then tell us why you think the politician Al Gore's predictions are more important then the reports of the IPCC, which really represents the science.

How warm did you think 2015's temperature would be?
Your credibility is zero.

Compare that again to the IPCC's projections.

They are amazingly accurate and you totally failed
Tell you what Frankie, this summers July and August were unusally hot and humid. It could be just a freak summer though, or it could be global warming.

If Toronto has 5 to 10 of these hot summers from now on, maybe I'll become a believer. Until that time however, I have seen ZERO evidence of global warming


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Provide direct quote.
And provide proof that you hurricane's haven't intensified.

Al Gore Said in his climate alarmist film in 2006 that Mount Kilimanjaro would be snow free in 2016

Al Gore has made the disappearing snows of Mount Kilimanjaro a cornerstone of his crusade against global warming.

In his film "An Inconvenient Truth" for example, he says: "Within the decade, there will be no more snows of Kilimanjaro."

But now researchers from the U.S. and Austria say global warming isn't the cause, and the fluctuations are nothing new.

American Science magazine reports most of the current snow retreat occurred before 1953 — nearly two decades before any conclusive evidence of atmospheric warming was available.

One of the scientists writes: "It is certainly possible that the icecap has come and gone many times over hundreds of thousands of years."

The article says the disappearance of Kilimanjaro's ice is not driven by warming air temperature, but by solar radiation — and that much of the ice is not melting, but vanishing by sublimation where ice at very low temperatures converts straight to water vapor.

Associated PressAlthough scientists, including some from the University of Massachusetts, predicted a decade ago that the snows of Kilimanjaro could vanish by 2015, a prediction that became a part of key evidence for global warming offered during the 2006 documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," new studies indicate the snowcap will remain for several more decades. (AP Photo/Ohio State University, Lonnie Thompson)
AMHERST - If there is a poster child for global warming, it may be the vanishing snows of Kilimanjaro, which were predicted to disappear as early as 2015 in a widely-publicized report a decade ago.

However, the famed snowcap is stubbornly persisting on the African peak and may not fully vanish for another 50 years, according to a University of Massachusetts scientist who had a hand in the prediction.

try reading other sources instead of partisan sources funded by elitis traitors like the rockefellers who did business with Nazi germany and funded and promoted eugenics


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Tell you what Frankie, this summers July and August were unusally hot and humid. It could be just a freak summer though, or it could be global warming.

If Toronto has 5 to 10 of these hot summers from now on, maybe I'll become a believer. Until that time however, I have seen ZERO evidence of global warming
16 of the 17 warmest years ever recorded for the planet happened since 2000.
Is that good enough for you?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
wattsaupwiththat is a really stupid site.
You really fall for those posts?
stop dismissing the link the independent U.K wrote an article in 2000 saying snowfalls are now a thing of the past. you dismiss other people source but hypocritically want others to read yours
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