You think?
Further, they won't let things rest, and accept any elected outcome that doesnt go their way. Since the 2016 election, its been endless with seeing such things as.
- Inflatable baby Trump
- Beheaded Trump by Kathy Griffin
- Trump 'mock' stabbed in a play
- Snoop Dogg mock assassination in a music video
- Countless named celebrities like Robert De Niro, Madonna, Eminem, and many others using profanity and threats towards Trump.
- Ted Cruz has been harassed while out eating, so too was Sarah Saunders
- CNN and late comedy have attacked Trumped day and night.
Has Chuck Schumer been harassed when eating? Has any democrat? Has Cory Booker been cornered in an elevator by protesters, has any democrat?
Has any President ever seen such incredible bias and lop sided attention ever.
Democrats that are saying No to Kavanaugh are basing it of two things. Either their pure hate for Trump, Roe v. Wade or both items.
But make no mistake, its based on nothing else. Not allagations, and not 'ill temper' or throwing ice cubes.