Vaughan Spa

I've had enough of board cloggers!!!!


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
May I suggest that we all learn a little bit more patience and tolerance?

You have the option to put people on ignore and/or not open the thread or post... why would you impose censorship in advance?

The website "owners" are not complaining... why is it so important to you? Let me put it another way: why would you want to impose your views on others?

if you don't want to read post than don't bother opening it. Like most things you have a choice. We ain't little kids here lol.

board admin can delete or ban members if they feel it don't meet posting guidelines. Why create more unnecessary bureaucracy and rules?

lots of views and replies, don't equate to non cloggy post. Who cares?


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Sure it does, we're only talking about 2 or 3 members. Increasing the quality of the board benefits everyone, advertisers etc. Having spammers anywhere on the net isn't good for any business.
Maybe you're only noticing 2 or 3 members posting the offending threads, but there could be countless others out there. You're asking the mods to check threads for content not for absolute data like number of replies, aging, etc. Software is good at sorting based on numerical data. You need people to filter based on content and we have no idea how many are actually involved in the daily operation of this board. My guess is that there is a very small handful of people running it and some are likely part-time.

If spammers were really bad for business then Twitter, YouTube and a myriad of other sites would filter them out. Yet they don't do that even with the billions in revenue they make. Like Terb, other social sites have a Report Post feature.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Maybe you're only noticing 2 or 3 members posting the offending threads, but there could be countless others out there. You're asking the mods to check threads for content not for absolute data like number of replies, aging, etc. Software is good at sorting based on numerical data. You need people to filter based on content and we have no idea how many are actually involved in the daily operation of this board. My guess is that there is a very small handful of people running it and some are likely part-time.

If spammers were really bad for business then Twitter, YouTube and a myriad of other sites would filter them out. Yet they don't do that even with the billions in revenue they make. Like Terb, other social sites have a Report Post feature.
I did report it. I just don't see it on other boards, the continued posting of topics that members simply show no interest in. They squash is fairly quickly. Could be since Fred has gone the board has deteriorated. Like most businesses it is usually never as well run as the original owner who created it, family business etc.

Anyhow, looks like I'm alone in this, I just dont see the point of continued unviewed threads or added value to the board.


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
Well maybe Ceiling Cat will read this thread and take some suggestions. One I’ll make is to reference a video site in one thread. It it’s a good site, then we are all capable of clicking on other vids and having much laughter. Eg: I believe that all of his recent threads were from Vidmax (or something like that) and all the thread titles were plays on words that were somewhat related to the videos while giving a “Terb-like” title involving “Blow”, “Happy Endings”, etc, etc. After a couple titles, the joke theme gets a little tired, IMO. So mix it up or put it in a single thread with a different title for each post.

That’s what I would suggest. This is a free for all section of the “community”, so the less rules the better - but feedback comes with the territory and should be taken in the right spirit.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I did report it. I just don't see it on other boards, the continued posting of topics that members simply show no interest in. They squash is fairly quickly. Could be since Fred has gone the board has deteriorated. Like most businesses it is usually never as well run as the original owner who created it, family business etc.

Anyhow, looks like I'm alone in this, I just dont see the point of continued unviewed threads or added value to the board.
We don't know what is going on those other boards either: how many offending threads, how many people run it, number of members, how they run their business, how the software works, etc. etc. Those factors affect the speed and effectiveness of content monitoring.

We don't know the real reason why Fred left, but that alone should tell you something. Every post he might have taken down that broke the rules was certainly replaced by many others. So he was in an endless battle with the community. You need a huge group of people to effective police the board for content like you want. You could certainly develop technologies to deal with this, but you'll still need people for conflict resolution.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Fred recently passed away.
I had a feeling that was the case, but that changes nothing. Moderating a board is a thankless job. Nobody notices if you do a good job and you'll only hear from them if it doesn't work. Even if Fred was the best moderator in the world, he would never be able to transfer that experience and / or passion to his team.


Most notably ceiling cat and Canada man with his airplane threads. Can there not be a rule if a person habitually posts the same shit with very little interest they lose their thread starting privileges? The board to me is a place to read and get info on many topics. The board cloggers are annoying.
If you create your own review board you can make up whatever rules please you. Kind of like the way Terb operates, owner sets the rules.

My advice is to be happy you have a place like Terb and pass on by posts you have no interest in. Simple concept.


Dirty (Not So) Old Man
Jun 13, 2009
North of GTA
What I do is just skip over the thread once I see who posted it. The two mentioned in the original post are indeed annoying and repetitive at times but neither one of them clogs the board so much that skipping over their posts is that much of a problem.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I guess you missed that part so I'll explain it again. Regular threads from the same people that garner very few views and no comments are the standard. If they are posted regularly, that is considered board clogging and thread starting would be restricted. If you start 10 threads a week and seven get no comments and under 100 views then that is considered not contributing useful content to the board.
So the guy could start 9 threads and all are useless, then nothing would happen to him.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001

Why not have a separate section for them or one thread, ccats videos or c-m's planes, trains and automobiles. Anyone interested can visit there. I don't want other threads to be pushed down because of 6 stupid videos all in separate threads.
We have a BINGO!

Just like Don Draper's Asians, Kathleen's Trump Topics or Homer's various small breasts and long legs threads <sigh!>, all these these similarly cloggy threads would do better for their posters and for their audience (For/Neutral/Against ) if they were individual posts collected in one ongoing thread that was updated when the thread-starter found a new item. You even came up with a title for c-m's travelogues.

That way we'd know where to find that weird cat-vid, or descent into Changi we vaguely remembered from weeks back and wanted to post to to Boring Bro'-in-Law's FaceBook. As the thread-starter here, wazup, I nominate you to PM the Ceiling Kitty and canuck-man and ask if they'd please do us, and themselves that flavour.

Yay You! Who needs Mods?

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Views are the food that feeds a website. Less views, less food for the website. The trivia thread once existed and it had a regular audience. It was killed off by two selfish shit disturbers and has cost this site thousands if not hundreds of thousands of views up to this point. To censor any persons post is to kill off views. If a thread is there just read the tittle to see if you have any interest.

Things have gone downhill on this site in the last two years, a McCarthyist move to censor threads will only cost this site views and drive viewers away.

I will tell you what I will do, I will put a little star next to the video threads so that you do not have to waste your time if you are not interested to look at them.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2003
Views are the food that feeds a website. Less views, less food for the website. The trivia thread once existed and it had a regular audience. It was killed off by two selfish shit disturbers and has cost this site thousands if not hundreds of thousands of views up to this point. To censor any persons post is to kill off views. If a thread is there just read the tittle to see if you have any interest.

Things have gone downhill on this site in the last two years, a McCarthyist move to censor threads will only cost this site views and drive viewers away.

I will tell you what I will do, I will put a little star next to the video threads so that you do not have to waste your time if you are not interested to look at them.
R.I.P. Trivia Thread, a classic.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
Most of us filter out the less interesting and only click on threads that seem worthwhile by the title or the name of the poster.

Give it a try.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
For those that miss the trivia thread..................

The expression "Tough titties" was originated by :

1) Australian working class in the 1800s.
2) The children of upper crust society of New York City in the 40s,50s & 60s.
3) The male aristocracy of Victorian England
4) Cockneys of London
5) Chicago gansters during prohibition.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
For those that miss the trivia thread..................

The expression "Tough titties" was originated by :

1) Australian working class in the 1800s.
2) The children of upper crust society of New York City in the 40s,50s & 60s.
3) The male aristocracy of Victorian England
4) Cockneys of London
5) Chicago gansters during prohibition.
Nope. don't miss that either.


A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
There are a couple members on this board I know to avoid their threads; particularly Copy and Paste Man's drivel and Lynn Ha's lame attention-seeking threads.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts