There are 62 replies. Didn't read all of them.
Consider what you will be faced with if your marriage goes. Dating isn't any more fun now than it was when you were 20. Considerably less so. You'll meet lots of ladies who have been on the other side of your coin. B I T T E R is the keyword there.
If you think an escort will brighten up your life, be careful. If you stick to recommendations from people here, you will probably have a good experience. Do not stray into the SP listings and let your little head drag you at random. Listen to suggestions here. In your situation, mine would be Monique Matheson. Lots of reviews here. She may be older than you have in mind, however.
Beware this, however: Every guy I know of who strayed caused he felt frustrated with his marriage or long term relationship ended up drowning in guilt. Not after the first recreational f*ck, but within weeks. One guy called me from his driveway, sitting in the car crying in the rain at 10 pm, as he realized he wouldn't be able to look his wife in the face anymore. A week before he was strutting around saying he felt 20 years younger. And generally women know when you've done this sort of thing. Trust me, even if you believe she is ignoring you, she will pick up on it.
If you just want a rocks-off experience sneak off to Pigale during the day shift (open season, little/no monitoring of champagne rooms) and look for Miaia (Maya). Tall, blonde, usually sexy lingerie, killer bod, very French, pornstar attitude and mouth (tongue action) -- and most importantly, not a scammer (doesn't use 'stripper math' in charging for time spent).