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My marriage falling apart, any escort recommendations?


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2017

O.k. Here's the thing; you're going to have to lie to her. If you take up this hobby you will have to lie to your wife, to her face, probably more than once. And it will be a lie about you being unfaithful. Think on that. REALLY FUCKING THINK ON THAT. If you're cool with that, then giddy-up. A paramour HAS saved marriages. Truly they have, however, they have also completely destroyed marriages. Next you need to consider if this is a one time thing, or an ongoing thing? If it's a one time thing, can you live with it? If you can,...giddy-up. If you can't, don't do it. Next, if it's an ongoing thing you DO run the risk of caring less and less about your wife. You do. Don't fool yourself. If intimacy fades from a relationship, for men specifically, the relationship has a very strong chance of ending period. It's complicated and I'm not going to get into it here, but it essentially involves our first memory of a woman paying attention to us. And THAT is the real problem here: shes' not paying attention to you anymore. And THAT needs to be fixed if the relationship is to survive. There are other things to consider, what if by chance you contract an STI, even a minor one, what do you do? It can happen even with protection and don't believe the BS that it can't. HPV and HSV can can both be transmitted to areas other than your penis, thus the condom will be meaningless. How do you explain that?

Look you want to have a tryst, for fucks sake, have a tryst, just don't fool yourself that it's meaningless fun. It isn't meaningless.
Work on your marriage...please...seriously, don't fuck it up. My life is a ruin because my marriage ended. Wasn't my doing or fault, but if I could turn back the clock, oh sweet jesus, I would.


Dec 1, 2013
Welcome to TERB, Thinking. You touched a nerve with your subject. Probably got everyone thinking about how it got to be for them. And all the people that chipped in with their thought, all of them are right.

Question is, what's right for you?

Don't take it too personally but based on your reaction to the opinions provided to you, you come across as simply not ready to commit or to hobby, even one-time, without it biting you.

Look, you say you got yourself a wife who is an amazing mother. But as for being the woman you once knew to be your lover? She's still there but from your description she needs help.

And so do you. Sex is important and necessary. But like your wife, you sound frustrated and maybe even depressed. Hobbying isn't going to help you, and I'm willing to bet it'll hurt you more.

Lots of people have already said it different ways, but Hughlongly said it best. Get yourself real help, go see a good counsellor. After a commitment that way, and you start to piece things together in a better light, bring your wife into it. But start with you. Good luck man.


Active member
Mar 13, 2016
I'll just say, think about your kids. Women ALWAYS find out however hard you try to hide it. Have a friend who's in the process of divorce...he cheated for 2 years, after 1 she began suspecting and eventually figured it out. Now he's in deep shit, finances are strained and she won't let him off the hook easy because she feels betrayed and with good reason. THINK about the future, not just the short term tryst you'll get with an escort. And don't kid yourself, all it's gonna be is a very temporary moment of physical pleasure, nothing else. Once she will cross that door, it will be over...If you really believe your marriage is over or that there is no chance to save it, then do the right thing, for yourself and the kids, don't fuck around. Get your divorce if that's what you want, and move on..then and only then could you seek other pastures. If you have doubts or feel something can be done, then do it, work on it, try your damnest to fix things, romance your girl, make her feel special, make her feel like she matters, like she's your world. You'd be surprised how far little gestures can's not a one day thing, you have to go at it, every day, show her you care...


Active member
Sep 16, 2006

O.k. Here's the thing; you're going to have to lie to her. If you take up this hobby you will have to lie to your wife, to her face, probably more than once. And it will be a lie about you being unfaithful. Think on that. REALLY FUCKING THINK ON THAT. If you're cool with that, then giddy-up. A paramour HAS saved marriages. Truly they have, however, they have also completely destroyed marriages. Next you need to consider if this is a one time thing, or an ongoing thing? If it's a one time thing, can you live with it? If you can,...giddy-up. If you can't, don't do it. Next, if it's an ongoing thing you DO run the risk of caring less and less about your wife. You do. Don't fool yourself. If intimacy fades from a relationship, for men specifically, the relationship has a very strong chance of ending period. It's complicated and I'm not going to get into it here, but it essentially involves our first memory of a woman paying attention to us. And THAT is the real problem here: shes' not paying attention to you anymore. And THAT needs to be fixed if the relationship is to survive. There are other things to consider, what if by chance you contract an STI, even a minor one, what do you do? It can happen even with protection and don't believe the BS that it can't. HPV and HSV can can both be transmitted to areas other than your penis, thus the condom will be meaningless. How do you explain that?

Look you want to have a tryst, for fucks sake, have a tryst, just don't fool yourself that it's meaningless fun. It isn't meaningless.
Work on your marriage...please...seriously, don't fuck it up. My life is a ruin because my marriage ended. Wasn't my doing or fault, but if I could turn back the clock, oh sweet jesus, I would.
Listen to this guy. ^^

From personal experience I can say that if you cross the line, be 100% sure you are fine with all the consequences. Be sure to take some time, a lot of time, to consider all the consequences. It sounds to me like you need to give yourself, your wife and your relationship a lot more time before you take the plunge.


Oct 16, 2017
Welcome to the world of visiting escorts. Can you keep a secret? From everyone? Not even your best friend can know and you can never tell anyone else. Why? Because people talk. Your wife/gf/lover is busy/ill but still in the relationship and you want to get laid? Good. Be careful not to be seen and go visit some beautiful women. There are several MA establishments in an industrial park in the east end, maybe start there? Find a place you can be for an hour or two that doesn't involve another person in the lie and tell your wife you are going there. Or leave work early or go visit someone on an extended lunch. Join a gym and go see a girl one of the nights. Don't throw away fuck all just because she's busy, go get some ass, be careful and keep your fucking mouth shut. You will soon have a secret, like tens of millions of other men have had and have, enjoy yourself.


New member
Jun 5, 2018
I have been in this boat. My advice - don't do it. Once you cross certain lines in life they can never be uncrossed. Cheating on your wife is one of those lines. My experience is that sooner or later she will likely find out. Women have a sixth sense for this type of shit. It is not going to be worth it in the end for you and I can personally guarantee it. I crossed the line many years ago (not with a pro) and it was the single worst decision I've made in my life and I've made plenty. You're literally better off talking this through with your wife and even telling her you're so lonely in the relationship that the thought of seeing another woman has crossed your mind but you don't ever want to do that and that you want to work on the relationship to make it everything it should be. That's not necessarily the best way to do it but that kind of honesty is better than lying, going behind her back to a pro or finding a woman in a bar, and then having that scar on your conscience for the rest of your life. I believe that every time you tell a lie you are damaging your soul to a degree. Sometimes it's a scratch and sometimes it's a huge gash but every single one is doing something negative to you.

Work on your marriage. If it doesn't work then get a divorce. Only then will it be ok to do what you're contemplating doing. I don't want to get into my story here but believe me when I say that I'm a reluctant expert in this subject.


Jan 2, 2014
Hey man,

If you're willing to spend serious $$$ on an escort, why don't you also consider checking out some sort of couples/sex/marriage counselling? It sounds like your wife and you simply need to realign yourselves to changing circumstances, and sometimes professional help is what's needed. This way, you never have to hide anything from your family and you never have to live your life with regret should you realise that hobbying turned out to be a huge mistake for you.

Take some time and do some research. Then, when you're ready, approach your wife and tell her honestly that you recognise your relationship is evolving, but you're having a hard time keeping up. Open up that conversation and move forward; even if the passion has faded, communication needn't go with it. Ultimately, if are still in love with and devoted to your wife, an hour of bliss with an escort isn't worth years of potential regret knowing you could have done better.

Best of luck!


New member
Sep 11, 2017
Seeing a SP does not help. I'm on that boat as well. I do feel guilty after seeing a SP and coming home seeing your wife tired while you had a little fun.

I would recommend that you help out with babysitting, house cleaning etc, this way, she can become energized.

Good luck.


Apr 17, 2012
Also if you only relay on this board yeah maybe say what you like physically. a 45 years old black lady or a 22 years old blonde with enhance breasts may be totally different
You probably didn't mean it but wow that was pretty racist, in the sense that you implied they are at opposite ends of the spectrum


Active member
Mar 13, 2016
and if she would have said....a 22 year black girl with big boobs as opposed to a 45 year old blonde girl...would that have been racist as well?


Jun 8, 2018
You probably didn't mean it but wow that was pretty racist, in the sense that you implied they are at opposite ends of the spectrum
Nope. She was obviously just pointing out that what people seek can have a very wide range: older vs younger, big vs small, black vs white vs Asian vs purple.

Might want to pick that card back up, save it for something remotely racist at least. It's really awful to try to label Malika as such from such a benign comment.


New member
Mar 6, 2018
here's martial advice from a guy who's divorced. the hobby world is awesome, but don't come here if you hope to fix your marriage somehow. try that and if it fails, then come. this world is fun and addictive and once you enter, it's hard to go back.


Mar 18, 2013
So my 2 cents.

I too am in the same boat in the sense that I have more if a loveless marriage and I didnt want to end it because of the kids. I'm actually more afraid of getting a divorce even though it would be the best thing. Anyways doing this hobby is selfless and makes you happy. It won't change her and what ever problems you have in your marriage will continue to exist if you dont seem help.

That being said if you are someone who can be careful and wont feel guilty than have at her. Just know that the chance to get caught is there. You are never 100% guaranteed ti get away with it no matter how careful. If you are truly worried about hurting her than dont do it.

Now if all this hasn't changed your path and you still want to do it here are a few suggestions.

- Never go for SPs who are unknown and not well reviewed here. Dont fall for fake pics. There are lots of resources on here to help.

- depending on what you want choose your time accordingly. Dont get an hour session if all you want is some relief. 30vmins will be all you need. If you want a more intimate experience a longer session might help. This is also determinate on your budget. Average price is $120-$160 hh. $200-$240 for an hour MAs are usually about $180 give it take for a 1 hour session.

- do what ever it takes to not book a SP who actually has a pimp. They dominate this industry still and you are having sex with young women being forced into the sex industry.

- SPs hate when we take about this but know what you want what ever acronyms might be and ask for it. What's important to you. However be respectful of a SP/MAs limits. Dont demand just ask. If they say no and it's important to you move on to the next one. There are plenty in the business that will give you want you want.

- dont get a burner phone. Try explaining that to your wife if she finds it. Although there's still risks a text app us best. Most SPs except your text from here

- you are going to have some up and downs in this hobby but overall it can be a great experience. If you decide to pursue it good luck and enjoy. If you have any questions DM me.


Active member
Mar 6, 2007
I am probably much older guy. I had similar problem in my time. My advice - get a babysitter and sent your wife to work. First of all people are going crazy without social interaction. And second of all, your divorce will be cheaper if it comes to it.


Active member
Jul 15, 2008
Many great sage advices. Yes, fortify your heart and realize you will have to lie to her and everyone else you know for the rest of your life.

Second, let's realize this is actually a common problem.

It is. Sheer physical exhaustion apart, there are numerous reasons why the new mother may take no interest in sex: the release of prolactin while breastfeeding depresses her libido; her body has yet to return to the shape that makes her feel attractive; she associates sex with pregnancy and the last thing she wants is to fall pregnant again. And if she was stitched too tightly, penetration might also be painful.

Make her feel beautiful and desirable again. Have her hormone and health looked at. Her hormone might be totally off sync with yours. Could be a slight correction. Talk to her about it. Ask a sex/pregnancy psychologist for quick tip if you can find one. It actually sounds like you would prefer for her to be the one to satisfy you, otherwise, you would have gone and done it many times already with an SP.

My biggest NO, is don't hook up with civilians. Stick to a SP so there is actually no strings attached

It's amazing that you held on for 4 years, what's another few months of trying to get her back on the sex train.

It's a common problem, you can google it and see many articles on the very topic of your experience. Most men break after 18 months. Good on you for being as strong as you are, given 4 years. We all believe in you. You can overcome.


Jul 6, 2015
I'm in an open marriage but at some point I thought of taking a leap into this hobby. I am glad I did not do it when my marriage wasn't open. The first time I had sex with someone other than my wife once our marriage opened up I felt bad about it even though I was given the OK to do so.

You need to work on your marriage. Not just for yourself but for your son and kid as well.

And I am not suggesting you go the open marriage route either. It is not for everyone and took time to make it work
Sep 12, 2002
Escorts have saved my marriage. The key is to be selective, careful and not get addicted. Marriage is difficult in the best of conditions and for me an outlet was required to boost my self- worth and forgive my wife for her emotional transgressions. Divorce was never an option for me as I didn't want to breakup the family unit. I have tried to be very selective as I am not looking for a sexual outlet but more of a fantasy. There was one woman that i watched from afar for years before taking the plunge. I always use a condom for all activity and upon arrival I make it clear that I only play safe- i learned the hard way. The last thing is to not get addicted as it becomes an adrenaline rush instead of a fulfilled fantasy- this too got out of hand with me many years ago and i sought counseling to get over it. There are many beautiful women that are wonderful companions and my advise is to not see more than 2-3 per year, research carefully and make it a nice evening for both of you.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
Now that she’s a stay at home mom, can your reduced household income afford seeing escorts?


Dec 16, 2017
So your girl is disinterested in sex? Well first of all, don't cheat. You need to try an experiment first.

Try taking her out, make an arrangement. Than, you try pleasing her to your utmost ability when you get in bed. Not like you want your dick sucked, don't worry about that. Focus on making her cum, you become a pussy eater, lick her ass and go savage, finger her like a wild man. Than just jerk off and say thanks hun. No need for bj, and go back to doing what you need to and whats really important.. Making money. Work on making money, go to gym and try building a strong physique and don't think about it anymore. She'll go, "what the hell"? It's sort of a mind game, don't stress about it and concentrate on your self and go out with your friends. She'll slowly show that she would want to fuck you.

Give that a go..
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Active member
Jul 15, 2008
So your girl is disinterested in sex? Well first of all, don't cheat. You need to try an experiment first.

Try taking her out, make an arrangement. Than, you try pleasing her to your utmost ability when you get in bed. Not like you want your dick sucked, don't worry about that. Focus on making her cum, you become a pussy eater, lick her ass and go savage, finger her like a wild man. Than just jerk off and say thanks hun. No need for bj, and go back to doing what you need to and whats really important.. Making money. Work on making money, go to gym and try building a strong physique and don't think about it anymore. She'll go, "what the hell"? It's sort of a mind game, don't stress about it and concentrate on your self and go out with your friends. She'll slowly show that she would want to fuck you.

Give that a go..
Try that!!!
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