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CDN Restaurant Refused to Serve a Man Wearing a MAGA Hat, now Its Yelp Score is ruine


Fast Cars and Hot Women
Mar 6, 2015
The World
I recall The Tea House in Stanley Park is much more high scale than wear any ball hat. The name is not indicative of the menu. I found it to be a very good upscale restaurant. When I was dating my current SO, we went there for a afternoon of lunch and frolic.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
I wonder how the reactions might differ, had a patron been wearing a graphic pro or anti abortion T-shirt? Or something completely apolitical:
Btca we'd see a wole looa side switching, but no better behaviour overall.

I don't see any connection with the MAGA hat and your example, but I'm sure you had an orgasm when you find a reason to post this slogan what is a blaspheme against the one of the most celebrated Christian Holy Day in the world.
I have to admit, you are a really smart hater, because you did it on a way, when it looks like an innocent example , without any ulterior motive. Brava!! :applouse:


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I don't see any connection with the MAGA hat and your example, but I'm sure you had an orgasm when you find a reason to post this slogan what is a blaspheme against the one of the most celebrated Christian Holy Day in the world.
I have to admit, you are a really smart hater, because you did it on a way, when it looks like an innocent example , without any ulterior motive. Brava!! :applouse:
So I can put you down as someone who thinks people should be thrown out of restaurants for what they choose to wear?


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
It's called empathy for others. Most of the MAGA toting fans have turned into a white supremacist mob, I have no desire to placate and coddle that type who want to feel empowered and important that only their views matter and to kick out all mexicans, build a wall, deport anyone crossing the boder looking for assylum, rolling back legalities to gay marriage and abortion etc. These angry mob followers don't realize the coal jobs aren't coming back and by taking away everyone's rights except their own won't make them any richer or happier.

The slogan is now associated with inciting violence and racism. THAT'S the problem.
Well you can say the same for the SJW / Antifa crowd. Only their opinion matters and no one else's....I don't support Trump but since he won...I've been seeing shirts with "not my president" in the states particularly in Cali...they all act the same....just on different sides of the fence.


Well-known member
What kind of social retard wears a hat in a restaurant?!?...he was looking for attention he couldn't get anywhere else.....and he got it. Probably even got what passes for a hand job from one of those hicks who dig that shit. An Attention whore. Little else.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Well you can say the same for the SJW / Antifa crowd. Only their opinion matters and no one else's....I don't support Trump but since he won...I've been seeing shirts with "not my president" in the states particularly in Cali...they all act the same....just on different sides of the fence.
It is not just a matter of disagreeing with Trump's policy, it is the fact that he is a lying, treasonous, disgusting asshole who is destroying democracy and shitting on the office he is supposed to uphold. Now tell me what is so wrong with wanting social justice and not fascism, since you use those terms as a slur?


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
What kind of social retard wears a hat in a restaurant?!?...he was looking for attention he couldn't get anywhere else.....and he got it. Probably even got what passes for a hand job from one of those hicks who dig that shit. An Attention whore. Little else.
Yes. Furthermore, the Teahouse is more upscale than some local diner so you would expect a higher level of decorum. Wearing a MAGA hat to the restaurant is fine. Don’t wear it IN the restaurant unless you are an attention seeking jerk. I’m sure everybody has an experience where a nice dinner out was affected by some rude slob at the next table.

The restaurant should not have fired the manager and rode out the storm using basic manners as the reasoning.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Yes. Furthermore, the Teahouse is more upscale than some local diner so you would expect a higher level of decorum. Wearing a MAGA hat to the restaurant is fine. Don’t wear it IN the restaurant unless you are an attention seeking jerk. I’m sure everybody has an experience where a nice dinner out was affected by some rude slob at the next table.

The restaurant should not have fired the manager and rode out the storm using basic manners as the reasoning.

Too bad Tony Soprano wasn't there.

(I love this scene, one of the most memorable in the entire series (next to Janice shooting Richie right square in the chest).)


Feb 23, 2017
It doesn't matter if Trump is an idiot. We didn't elect him, and we have no right to 'punish' someone who happens to like him, any more than a Canadian should be kicked out of an American restaurant for declaring that he supports Trudeau and his silly dress-ups and globalist kumbayas.

The US doesn't do any other countries favours unless they gain from it. It never has, regardless of who was president.
Please read the rest of my response. I never advocated for the manager and his/her behavior was unacceptable. All I said was it's okay to have an opinion and there are ways to have achieved similar effect without the manager basically discriminating. I'm sure many Americans have opinions about Trudeau and Canadians.

Anybody who thinks a MAGA hat incites violence in a restaurant therefore the hat should be removed and/or the person refused service is intolerant. If you feel uncomfortable, you have the right to leave. I don't think one's desire to feel comfortable, especially for something as trivial as this, trumps someone else's right to be served. Should a guy wearing British logos be asked to leave if a manager or some customers are Irish and don't feel comfortable?
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