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Democratic Candidate Faces Questions Over Her ‘Working Class’ Bronx Background


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Bronx-born Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s self-described background has come into question after a revelation that she, in fact, mostly grew up in one of the wealthiest counties in the United States.

The 28-year-old Democrat Congressional candidate recently defeated long-serving Rep. Joe Crowley in a stunning upset, by running on a socialist platform. She currently resides in the Bronx and has created a “girl from the Bronx” working-class image.

Ocasio-Cortez said in her campaign video: “I wasn’t born to a wealthy or powerful family — mother from Puerto Rico, dad from the South Bronx. I was born in a place where your Zip code determines your destiny.”

But multiple reports revealed that when she was around the age of five, her father Sergio Ocasio moved the family from a community in Parkchester, Bronx, to a home in Yorktown Heights, a wealthy suburb in Westchester County. The New York Times described her childhood home as “a modest two-bedroom house on a quiet street.”

Her official biography omits this fact and instead states in part that “she ended up attending public school 40 minutes north in Yorktown, and much of her life was defined by the 40-minute commute between school and her family in the Bronx.”

According to data from the Economic Policy Institute, Westchester County ranks #8 in the nation for the counties with the “highest average incomes among the wealthiest one percent of residents.” The average annual income of the top 1% in the county is a shocking $4,326,049.

Her campaign biography states that her father was a small business owner and that “she grew up in a working-class household where her mother cleaned homes and everyone pitched in on the family business.”

According to Data USA, the median income in Yorktown Heights is $95,523 and the median property value is $396,400.

After getting a degree in Economics and International Relations at Boston University, she returned to the Bronx and began to work in community organizing, according to her bio.

The candidate’s press office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
She calls herself a Socialist, and yet she has the NERVE to grow up in a house. How fucking dare she!

... Beyond even the absurdity of taking this tack in the first place, the troubling thing about bullshit like this is that assholes push it even after it has been debunked. Your really legit newsy-looking source for said bullshit is so fucking disingenuous as to do so a full fucking day after she addressed the initial tweet about her childhood home from twatwaffle tweeter John Cardillo.

And why did the sewious journalists at "The Epoch Times" (lol) print this shit after it was proven to be, well, shit? Because they DO NOT GIVE A FUCKING RAT'S ASS ABOUT TRUTH. They don't give a flying fuck whether he working class bona fides are real. They just know that braindead mouthbreathers will uncritically eat that shit up and vomit it back out for other like-minded idiots to feast on. So they post something they know to be untrue well after it has been shown to be untrue. Because there's always a Canadaman Man to appreciate it in all its lying glory.


Feb 16, 2013
She calls herself a Socialist, and yet she has the NERVE to grow up in a house. How fucking dare she!

... Beyond even the absurdity of taking this tack in the first place, the troubling thing about bullshit like this is that assholes push it even after it has been debunked. Your really legit newsy-looking source for said bullshit is so fucking disingenuous as to do so a full fucking day after she addressed the initial tweet about her childhood home from twatwaffle tweeter John Cardillo.

And why did the sewious journalists at "The Epoch Times" (lol) print this shit after it was proven to be, well, shit? Because they DO NOT GIVE A FUCKING RAT'S ASS ABOUT TRUTH. They don't give a flying fuck whether he working class bona fides are real. They just know that braindead mouthbreathers will uncritically eat that shit up and vomit it back out for other like-minded idiots to feast on. So they post something they know to be untrue well after it has been shown to be untrue. Because there's always a Canadaman Man to appreciate it in all its lying glory.

Outstanding post!!!!!



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Looks like a modest two-bedroom house to me, and we note the writer of the attack piece decided not to post her Dad's actual business details or income bracket, presumably because posting the County's high average was so much smearier. I guess the writer never absorbed the classic real-estate advice: "If you're strapped, buy the worst house in the best neighbourhood".

Typical partisan BS. Since the outlet calls itself The Epoch Times as if it was something like a genuine newspaper, it seems fair to call it faked-up news.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Looks like a modest two-bedroom house to me, and we note the writer of the attack piece decided not to post her Dad's actual business details or income bracket, presumably because posting the County's high average was so much smearier. I guess the writer never absorbed the classic real-estate advice: "If you're strapped, buy the worst house in the best neighbourhood".

Typical partisan BS. Since the outlet calls itself The Epoch Times as if it was something like a genuine newspaper, it seems fair to call it faked-up news.
The weirdest part of her backstory to me is her degree. Economics and International Relations? What struggling lower class family supports their child to go to university to get such an ostensibly useless degree? That kind of degree is for the idle trust funded upper class student. This is the sort of degree you get when your parents have political connections and you know you've got an "in" on a government job, or a job with some political think tank. Usually, lower class families only support education that leads to a good paying job (nursing, engineering, accounting, etc.). Who the hell can make a living as a community organizer? Maybe she was on scholarship or other financial support, but even then, it's hard to imagine low income, hard working parents saying "just take any course that interests you, dear".

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Bud you would be surprised.

Working class families support their children no matter what. First generation North Americans will toil and sacrifice to allow their children to have a better life. And Economics is far from a useless degree, it opens a multitude of doors in other studies. With her charisma, she would be successful in any field she chose. She played her establishment Democratic opponent (Joe Crowley, who looks like a bald Sam Losco) to perfection, making him look irrelevant at every turn. Much to Nancy Pelosi's chagrin....she gots to go!

What the election proves is that Millenials are becoming politicized, that should scare Cadet Pee Pee.

Sean Homoty losing his shit.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Bud you would be surprised.

Working class families support their children no matter what. First generation North Americans will toil and sacrifice to allow their children to have a better life. And Economics is far from a useless degree, it opens a multitude of doors in other studies. With her charisma, she would be successful in any field she chose. She played her establishment Democratic opponent (Joe Crowley, who looks like a bald Sam Losco) to perfection, making him look irrelevant at every turn. Much to Nancy Pelosi's chagrin....she gots to go!

What the election proves is that Millenials are becoming politicized, that should scare Cadet Pee Pee.

Sean Homoty losing his shit.
A Bachelors degree in economics IS a worthless degree. Dime a dozen. Masters is a minimum to go anywhere in that field. And International Relations? Leads to a government or not for profit job, but such jobs are also based on who you know.

Unless there is a widespread smartphone shutdown, Millenials will continue to be just as disengaged from politics (and the real world in general) as they always have been.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The weirdest part of her backstory to me is her degree. Economics and International Relations? What struggling lower class family supports their child to go to university to get such an ostensibly useless degree? That kind of degree is for the idle trust funded upper class student. This is the sort of degree you get when your parents have political connections and you know you've got an "in" on a government job, or a job with some political think tank. Usually, lower class families only support education that leads to a good paying job (nursing, engineering, accounting, etc.). Who the hell can make a living as a community organizer? Maybe she was on scholarship or other financial support, but even then, it's hard to imagine low income, hard working parents saying "just take any course that interests you, dear".
You might not tell your kid that, but what makes your thinking a universal standard? This logic smells a lot like a 'reasonable is whatever Bud thinks it is' argument — all fine as opinion, useless if you expect it to carry the day for you.

Isn't there room in your universe for even one working-class parent to say, "You're the one who knows what's in those subjects and who might pay you for knowing about them, not me. My opinion on picking your major is worth as much as yours about running my garage/bakery/restaurant/wrought iron shop."

My own sense is that many of today's business people find Economics and International Relations quite useful in their careers.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
A Bachelors degree in economics IS a worthless degree. Dime a dozen. Masters is a minimum to go anywhere in that field. And International Relations? Leads to a government or not for profit job, but such jobs are also based on who you know.
You know you maybe right for once as these people maybe clueless as far as politics are concerned:

"Trump was born and raised in the New York City borough of Queens, and received an economics degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania."

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
You might not tell your kid that, but what makes your thinking a universal standard? This logic smells a lot like a 'reasonable is whatever Bud thinks it is' argument — all fine as opinion, useless if you expect it to carry the day for you.

Isn't there room in your universe for even one working-class parent to say, "You're the one who knows what's in those subjects and who might pay you for knowing about them, not me. My opinion on picking your major is worth as much as yours about running my garage/bakery/restaurant/wrought iron shop."

My own sense is that many of today's business people find Economics and International Relations quite useful in their careers.
Could you possibly be that unacquainted with the realities of living from paycheck to paycheck? When you don't have much money, you either head down to the lottery booth or casino and try to get rich quick, or you only spend it on sure things. In education, a sure thing means a degree that leads, with a high degree of certainty, to a good paying job, not to working for practically nothing as a community organizer (which requires no formal education, nevermind a Bachelors in Economics and International Relations). I challenge you to canvass your acquaintances who live hand to mouth and ask them how they would feel about funding their son spending a few years (living better than they do) getting a degree in philosophy! I guarantee that in households where money is tight, mom and dad would have a lot to say about such a plan!

Poor or working class kids who end up in "fluffy" undergraduate programs usually have some guardian angel type, grooming them for future political ends, kind of like Obama did.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Bud you would be surprised.
Indeed you would. My family is broke-assed working class and we have no idea how my kid is going to be able to afford university in a couple of years. But the degree he's looking at is in - surprise - international relations. I realise that I'm just giving you anecdotal evidence which is more or less useless, so look at it this way: politically engaged lefty people may well want to study politics, economics, international relations etc NOT because they want a solid corporate/financial sector job, but because they think they might actually learn something that will help them be more knowledgeable and effective in the political arena. I know, I know... going to uni to actually learn something instead of as a hoop to jump through in order to get a job? What a fucking nutty idea!

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Indeed you would. My family is broke-assed working class and we have no idea how my kid is going to be able to afford university in a couple of years. But the degree he's looking at is in - surprise - international relations. I realise that I'm just giving you anecdotal evidence which is more or less useless, so look at it this way: politically engaged lefty people may well want to study politics, economics, international relations etc NOT because they want a solid corporate/financial sector job, but because they think they might actually learn something that will help them be more knowledgeable and effective in the political arena. I know, I know... going to uni to actually learn something instead of as a hoop to jump through in order to get a job? What a fucking nutty idea!
Yes, it is a nutty idea to pay for luxuries you can't afford. But no nuttier than hanging around a board which primarily caters to those seeking to pay money for sex when you're broke.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Could you possibly be that unacquainted with the realities of living from paycheck to paycheck? When you don't have much money, you either head down to the lottery booth or casino and try to get rich quick, or you only spend it on sure things. In education, a sure thing means a degree that leads, with a high degree of certainty, to a good paying job, not to working for practically nothing as a community organizer (which requires no formal education, nevermind a Bachelors in Economics and International Relations). I challenge you to canvass your acquaintances who live live hand to mouth and ask them how they would feel about funding their son spending a few years (living better than they do) getting a degree in philosophy! I guarantee that in households where money is tight, mom and dad would have a lot to say about such a plan!

Poor or working class kids who end up in "fluffy" undergraduate programs usually have some guardian angel type, grooming them for future political ends, kind of like Obama did.
Well, with a genuine Bud guarantee, what more is there to be said? I noted your dig at Obama, you didn't have to spell it out.

In my younger days I had many acquaintances living hand to mouth, as I did myself from time to time, and many had histories of difficult conversations with their parents. But by their university years, 'kids' know what they want (in fact they know it all) and parents can say what they want. The power of the purse is all they have in the end. While there are any number of stories of benefactors opening opportunities for poor kids, few bother with the tales of the ones who knuckled under and settled for the money-earning license their parents insisted was all they'd pay for. If those stories show up at all it's in the obits.

And neither your personal opinion of such sweeping and unsubstantiated generalities, nor mine, has the slightest relevance to the bogus article, or the woman who toppled the favourite in the primary. Useless degree or not, she won.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
What bud wants to say is that an economics degree is a bird degree, only dumbasses would get an economics degree, and while obama confesses to have a law degree from harvard it is infact an economics degree.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
..... But no nuttier than hanging around a board which primarily caters to those seeking to pay money for sex when you're broke.
Versus hanging around a board which primarily caters to those seeking to pay money for sex when you can't get it up anymore ...... old fella?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The weirdest part of her backstory to me is her degree. Economics and International Relations? What struggling lower class family supports their child to go to university to get such an ostensibly useless degree? That kind of degree is for the idle trust funded upper class student. This is the sort of degree you get when your parents have political connections and you know you've got an "in" on a government job, or a job with some political think tank. Usually, lower class families only support education that leads to a good paying job (nursing, engineering, accounting, etc.). Who the hell can make a living as a community organizer? Maybe she was on scholarship or other financial support, but even then, it's hard to imagine low income, hard working parents saying "just take any course that interests you, dear".
Bud, it's the sort of useless piece of shit college degree that kids take if they're really interested in the subject matter and aren't good in computer programming - whether they're rich or poor. Like my 3 oagre-nieces who worked part-time jobs to get their useless, impractical English Lit and Fine Arts degrees.

What next?.... You're going to appoint yourself Der Appropriate University Course Fuehrer and decree that it's not appropriate for a bright Latina kid from a working family to get a liberal arts education because she should "take something useful" while White Massa's kids go and take Latin Literature 101 at Harvard?

Now settle down and watch and listen to Ms Ocasio. As I said in a prior post, I'm not sure I'd give her anything to important to do for a while, But she's sure fun to listen to.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
You know you maybe right for once as these people maybe clueless as far as politics are concerned:
"Trump was born and raised in the New York City borough of Queens, and received an economics degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania."
True - both Trump and Ivanka have Economics degrees. As usual Bud didn't do his research and is left looking foolish. He'll twist the facts though .......

The weirdest part of her backstory to me is her degree. Economics and International Relations? What struggling lower class family supports their child to go to university to get such an ostensibly useless degree?
Trolling or just out-of-touch?

First, you need to be aware that International Relations degrees have different meanings at different universities. Many are focused on international business economics, laws, accounting/audits standards, governance, and best practices.

Second, Economics/International Relations degrees are among the most in-demand business management degrees at Western and Queens and their graduate schools.

Third, Economics/International Relations bachelor degrees are among the most sought-after business management degrees for many large employers; especially financial, investment and multinational institutions with business units abroad. These graduates get hired straight out of school and are groomed within the institution's management programs, are sponsored for their MBAs and will work in ~2 offshore business units before being put in senior management positions. My daughter is doing exactly this with of the banks. About to finish her CA and then will receive her first placement offshore. The banks see their future in these people, thus they are well paid and motivated to stay.

Although Trumptards may be shunning the global economy, smart businesses are not.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
A Bachelors degree in economics IS a worthless degree. Dime a dozen. Masters is a minimum to go anywhere in that field. And International Relations? Leads to a government or not for profit job, but such jobs are also based on who you know.

Unless there is a widespread smartphone shutdown, Millenials will continue to be just as disengaged from politics (and the real world in general) as they always have been.
Naw, not any more. You'd be surprised at the 25 year old scorts I know who were just interested in clothes and nails a couple of years ago and who now watch CNN, just so they can see what a fuck Trump is.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
She out hustled her opponent. The last thing they should be doing is further motivating her and giving her publicity.

Look what it did for Trump.

Oagre has the right of it. And congress does need some like her who will hopefully change the conversation about health care.

If the Dems dont take the house this election i expect the primaries in 2020 to be quite interesting for several incumbents.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
True - both Trump and Ivanka have Economics degrees. As usual Bud didn't do his research and is left looking foolish. He'll twist the facts though .......

Trolling or just out-of-touch?

First, you need to be aware that International Relations degrees have different meanings at different universities. Many are focused on international business economics, laws, accounting/audits standards, governance, and best practices.

Second, Economics/International Relations degrees are among the most in-demand business management degrees at Western and Queens and their graduate schools.

Third, Economics/International Relations bachelor degrees are among the most sought-after business management degrees for many large employers; especially financial, investment and multinational institutions with business units abroad. These graduates get hired straight out of school and are groomed within the institution's management programs, are sponsored for their MBAs and will work in ~2 offshore business units before being put in senior management positions. My daughter is doing exactly this with of the banks. About to finish her CA and then will receive her first placement offshore. The banks see their future in these people, thus they are well paid and motivated to stay.

Although Trumptards may be shunning the global economy, smart businesses are not.
As usual Promo will claim a victory without landing a blow. Did I ever hail Trump as anything other than an idle rich boy at that stage of his life? His education had nothing to do with running his real estate or other businesses. He learned what he needed to know from his father or by trial and error. Seems like you and Beaver actually want to agree with me on this point, because it smears Trump, but can't decide if its worth the points.

As to your daughter, she went on to take her CA (credit to her) and did something with her career. Not so Ms. Ocasio. Instead, she took took a job that doesn't even require a high school degree. Maybe her mentor harvested his crop too soon?
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