A Nobel peace prize nominated pedophile who worked for the Clinton campaign!


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
I think this is why the Mods prefer these threads stay in the Politics forum. I’m surprised this one has not been moved.
I said before, I don't post more comments but I have to post one more. Don't suggest for the mod to move this to the political section. I posted here on purpose. I posted here for not political reason, but YOU are who made this thread a frickin Iwo Jima.
And yes my mission completed, because I posted this news and many people read it now, and YOUR comments showed again how the liberal brain is working.
You think this post is insignificant but no it's not.
If only a few people share the youtube or this link their friend and they share again I'll be happy because the news reach them.


This news somehow not on the mainstream media, and I don't know why. I think this news from a Nobel prize nominated predator who are (unfortunately for you ) a liberal, and worked hardly for the Clinton campaign, maybe worth a headline anywhere in the world. Interestingly for some incomprehensible reason the media don't really talk about it. I can not imagine what would have happened in the media, if this maggot, worked for the Trump campaign, but it would have been really messy, and those Hollywood brainwashers starting to write the script about it immediately.
Otherwise it's so typical from you guys.. YOU transform this sad news to a political thread, and after that, YOU ARE who complaining why is the thread in the lounge. I posted here because much more people read this news here, than the political section. So mod if possible , please don't move this, just because an "übermensch" liberal try to give you an order.Thanks!



Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
The reality is that you made the first post using "libtard", no only did you make it political you also set the tone of the thread. Now you even change your sig to send the same message as your first post.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Otherwise it's so typical from you guys.. YOU transform this sad news to a political thread, and after that, YOU ARE who complaining why is the thread in the lounge. I posted here because much more people read this news here, than the political section. So mod if possible , please don't move this, just because an "übermensch" liberal try to give you an order.Thanks!
Why do you libtards have to make this political? I was merely posting about a 20-something pedophile who claims to have been nominated for a Nobel prize at 19 and of whom there is a single photograph taken at a democratic party event. Then I screamed from the rooftops about how this NOBEL PEACE PRIZE NOMINATED HIGH RANKING DEMOCRATIC PARTY OPERATIVE IS A PEDOPHILE!!! Why did you lot have to make it political? I was just making an apolitical observation. What's wrong with you people?

...Funny, I don't recall your outrage when Roy Fucking Moore the pedophile was running for the Alabama senate with the full support of president Numbnuts and his entire party. Not some fucked up nobody kid, but a motherfucking Republican judge who is a pedophile running for public office. And from you? Tumbleweeds.

Get help, Iris.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I said before, I don't post more comments but I have to post one more. Don't suggest for the mod to move this to the political section. I posted here on purpose. I posted here for not political reason, but YOU are who made this thread a frickin Iwo Jima.
More self-delusional thinking, and untruths. Your thread-opening post was just three sentences, every one of them about politics, two of them nothing but name-calling; you then added a NBC News video-clip about the accused pedo being arrested without any further comment on that topic.

All the info about him, his history, and his crime, that you falsely claim was your only topic was in that clip from the mainstream media, none of it your words. But now you say "This news somehow not on the mainstream media".

You are your own worst enemy.

At least in the Politics Forum you'd be among some others of your own kind. C'm'on over, leave the Loungers in peace.
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Active member
Aug 30, 2009
The odd part here is the unexplained Nobel Nominee part: The sight of the OP's handle was enough to predict that evidence or not, she'd attach her demon-liberals to this, and bingo! She did. Evidence? Not. wazup's 'contribution' is so pathetic in its illogic and so entirely unrelated it's gotta be a put-on. No one is that fogged-in.

Since the only 'content' in the post and thread anyone seems to care about, from the OP onward, is the sophomoric American obsession with whether their brand of 'liberals; is worse than their brand of 'conservatives' and vice-versa, it's clear this is of no General Interest and belongs in Politics, not the Lounge.

Anyway pedophiles are not interesting, even if they got nominated for a Nobel.

Mods, Please have pity and move this thread.
Typically libtard.. Totally retard!! with their double standard and excuses!! Let this thread stand!!
Afraid it that it embarssed your liberal heroes... LOL!!
Do not remove this thread.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Typically libtard.. Totally retard!! with their double standard and excuses!! Let this thread stand!!
Afraid it that it embarassed your liberal heroes... LOL!!
Do not remove this thread.
No one said remove.

The people you refer to in your effort to insult have had to work hard to communicate at all. Unlike you, they read and write with care and thought.

I fixed your spelling too.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Apparently you overlooked IRIS's repeated claims that her headline and posts had nothing at all to do with politics in any way. So what the Clinton campaign thing is doing there in the post is a complete mystery

But thanks for laying to rest the last possibility of any false impression that those untrue words, which appeared out of nowhere, might have raised the the minds of those who don't look beyond such tabloid drivel.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Yes... let this thread stand as testament to the petty , small minded , irrational anger of the alt right ! Nevermind that there are far more illegal sexual deviances amongst "Christian conservatives" than amonst any other group..... let them valiantly hold this one case as a banner to condemn ( even though comically false) all their liberal enemies....LOL


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Wait a minute...Are you trying to suggest that Iris posted a FAKE NEWS story????


So you said that website say the 100% truth only? Because they are the most relaible site who knows everything.? You can do much better . Try again.

Fake news, eh?

How about this? Here is your post LT56 from yesterday(June 2.) about a Maxine Waters thread from the political section.
"I love Auntie Maxine. Did you see how she handled the death threats that she’s been getting? She has no fear and she’s not backing down an inch!

If you come for me you better shoot straight!"



And here is your favorite 100% truth website opinion about it:


So your "bulletproof" website said your comment was not true, and the death threat didn't happen after Trump's tweet, you have to agree with that, right?

You used that site against me so I believe you must trust them.

If they say the truth only, let me know who is the FAKE news makers. You? Me? Both of us or non of us? Irony! :)


Feb 16, 2013
So you said that website say the 100% truth only? Because they are the most relaible site who knows everything.? You can do much better . Try again.

Fake news, eh?

How about this? Here is your post LT56 from yesterday(June 2.) about a Maxine Waters thread from the political section.
"I love Auntie Maxine. Did you see how she handled the death threats that she’s been getting? She has no fear and she’s not backing down an inch!

If you come for me you better shoot straight!"



And here is your favorite 100% truth website opinion about it:


So your "bulletproof" website said your comment was not true, and the death threat didn't happen after Trump's tweet, you have to agree with that, right?

You used that site against me so I believe you must trust them.

If they say the truth only, let me know who is the FAKE news makers. You? Me? Both of us or non of us? Irony! :)
Are you saying that Maxine Waters has not been receiving death threats?

You may wanna do a little more research on that one...or you may want to just delete your post and we can all pretend that you have not embarrassed yourself yet again.

Either works.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Are you saying that Maxine Waters has not been receiving death threats?

You may wanna do a little more research on that one...or you may want to just delete your post and we can all pretend that you have not embarrassed yourself yet again.

Either works.
No , she got death threats last year October and the case closed already, but that speech happened 2 days ago and was a reaction for the fake news what generated by Washington Press in the end of June. She is little old but not that stupid to react a death threat 8 months later on June 30th.
And your comment was connected with that news. You can try and say: I'm talked about the October death threat, but we know it's not true.
You support a real fake news what wasn't true. So see our cases and if the website is unique, at least 70% of my news was true against yours what was a total fake. Otherwise just because this site didn't find connection between the Clinton and the babyfucker, it doesn't mean he didn't work for the campaign. There is a few very usable pictures about it.


Feb 16, 2013
No , she got death threats last year October and the case closed already, but that speech happened 2 days ago and was a reaction for the fake news what generated by Washington Press in the end of June. She is little old but not that stupid to react a death threat 8 months later on June 30th.
And your comment was connected with that news. You can try and say: I'm talked about the October death threat, but we know it's not true.
You support a real fake news what wasn't true. So see our cases and if the website is unique, at least 70% of my news was true against yours what was a total fake. Otherwise just because this site didn't find connection between the Clinton and the babyfucker, it doesn't mean he didn't work for the campaign. There is a few very usable pictures about it.
She has been receiving death threats since she made comments two weeks ago encouraging Progressives to heckle Trump Administration Officials in public places. She had to cancel speaking engagements shortly thereafter in Texas and Alabama due to these threats.


I have no idea what this 8-month-old story is that you are talking about. Whatever it is, you seem to be getting it (willfully?) confused with current events.

The rest of your post is confusing and hard to follow. For example: “just because this site didn't find connection between the Clinton and the babyfucker, it doesn't mean he didn't work for the campaign.” Well I guess it doesn’t mean he DID work for the campaign either, does it?

It’s like saying: Just because I can’t prove that Iris listens to Nickelback doesn’t mean she’s not a closet Nickelback fan. WTF?


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
She has been receiving death threats since she made comments two weeks ago encouraging Progressives to heckle Trump Administration Officials in public places. She had to cancel speaking engagements shortly thereafter in Texas and Alabama due to these threats.


I have no idea what this 8-month-old story is that you are talking about. Whatever it is, you seem to be getting it (willfully?) confused with current events.

The rest of your post is confusing and hard to follow. For example: “just because this site didn't find connection between the Clinton and the babyfucker, it doesn't mean he didn't work for the campaign.” Well I guess it doesn’t mean he DID work for the campaign either, does it?

It’s like saying: Just because I can’t prove that Iris listens to Nickelback doesn’t mean she’s not a closet Nickelback fan. WTF?
No she didn't as your bulletproof website said. The site said it is a false information. The previous thread is there too. Did you read it that or not?



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
copy and paste for those to lazy to click the link

No, a Trump supporter did not try to murder Rep. Maxine Waters following Trump 'threat'

A headline buzzing on social media falsely said one of President Donald Trump’s supporters was charged with attempting to murder U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., the same day Trump targeted her on Twitter.

"A Trump fan was just charged with trying to murder Maxine Waters on same day Trump threatened her," said a June 26, 2018, headline from The Washington Press, an online news website.

Facebook flagged this story as part of its efforts to combat false news and misinformation on Facebook's News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

This story is false.

According to the inaccurate report, Trump’s attack on Waters was a "barely veiled threat" based on a misunderstanding of Waters’ comments about the public’s treatment of officials in the Trump administration. The tweet came in response to video footage that showed Waters, at a rally outside a federal office building in Los Angeles, encouraging Trump opponents to boo or harass Trump administrators in public spaces.

"Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party. She has just called for harm to supporters, of which there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful what you wish for Max!," Trump wrote.

The false story said Trump’s tweet coincided with a California man’s guilty plea in relation to a murder threat delivered to Waters. The plea — entered by Anthony Scott Lloyd, 45, of San Pedro, California — proved that "the president’s hate-mongering towards Waters has real-life consequences," the story said.

The story erred in getting details and timing of real incidents wrong.

A man by the name of Anthony Scott Lloyd did, in fact, plead guilty to threatening a United States official. Lloyd phoned Waters’ office on Oct. 22, 2017, and left a voicemail riddled with derogatory language, including racial epithets and expletives. The message used the words "dead" and "kill" a total of four times, according to a press release from the Department of Justice.

"If you continue to make threats towards the president, you’re going to wind up dead, Maxine, ’cause we’ll kill you," Lloyd said, according to court documents. "If you do it again, you’re dead." (We obtained a digital copy of the plea agreement, which included a full transcript of the voicemail, from Thom Mrozek, spokesperson for the United States Attorney’s Office Central District of California.)

But Lloyd plead guilty on April 16, 2018, and Trump tweeted at Waters more than two months later on June 25, 2018. So it is not true that the two events occurred on the same day, as the false headline suggested.

The headline is likely not the result of confusion, either, because no reports related to Lloyd’s case were released on the day of Trump’s tweet. Lloyd’s sentencing date is set for July 16, 2018, and Mrozek said there have not been any new developments in the case since the guilty plea.

Plus, Lloyd only plead guilty to threatening Waters. He was not charged with "trying to murder" the congresswoman. Mrozek said prosecutors have not made any allegations related to an actual attempt at murder.

The Washington Press did not respond to a request for comment.

We rate this statement False.


Feb 16, 2013
No she didn't as your bulletproof website said. The site said it is a false information. The previous thread is there too. Did you read it that or not?

Your Politifact story is entitled: “No, a Trump supporter did not try to murder Rep. Maxine Waters following Trump 'threat'”

Ummmmm...okay...That was a fake news story from some half wit online media site. Neither Maxine Waters nor any other mainstream media source ever claimed that a Trump Supporter attempted to murder her. What they reported was that she received death threats.

No one ever claimed that anyone tried to act on these threats. The story was that she was threatened.

Iris: I’m not sure if this is an English as a Second Language issue for you or if there is some other reason you’re not understanding this. Either way, I don’t know how else to explain this to you so I think I’ll just leave it at this point.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Your Politifact story is entitled: “No, a Trump supporter did not try to murder Rep. Maxine Waters following Trump 'threat'”

Ummmmm...okay...That was a fake news story from some half wit online media site. Neither Maxine Waters nor any other mainstream media source ever claimed that a Trump Supporter attempted to murder her. What they reported was that she received death threats.

No one ever claimed that anyone tried to act on these threats. The story was that she was threatened.

Iris: I’m not sure if this is an English as a Second Language issue for you or if there is some other reason you’re not understanding this. Either way, I don’t know how else to explain this to you so I think I’ll just leave it at this point.
I just show , you accept and understand everything instantly, when a website talking against me, but you don't understand anything when a same website talking against your news. Come on! I know you are not stupid! It was well explained, but you just make an act you don't understand. And don't play that "maybe your English" card. Lucky for you, because if the English is mother language I eat you alive. And yes I'll just leave it at this point too.
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