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CDN Restaurant Refused to Serve a Man Wearing a MAGA Hat, now Its Yelp Score is ruine

Jun 11, 2007
They probably got bad reviews for firing the guy who refused to serve the Trumptard who thumbed his nose at Canadians during a tariff war initiated by the orange turd. I know I'm boycotting.
The main reason the US is slapping a tariff on steel is because the Chinese are dumping it here and then exporting it to the US. This tariff war was a long time coming, and neither the Liberal or Conservative governments have done anything about it.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
Are you sure about that? You sound like the GOP crying about 'civility'.
Recent polls have shown that the Democrats are losing ground. Trump is solidifying his base, as it is reported that 90% of Republicans now support him. The silliness about not serving those who disagree with their political opinion is having a backlash. It is political correctness hypocrisy. It is also a dangerous trend of polarization of US society: when both sides refuse to debate each other because identity politics boils down to calling each other commie or nazi, you have the seeds of civil unrest and subversion of the political process.

Besides, it is apparent now that, since the Democrats have no seriously new political proposals, and have no credible political leader, the only thing they have left is demonizing and vilifying the bogeyman Trump, and de-legitimising him. Sanders will be running as an independent.

The neo-liberal media (CNN, MSNBC et al) are acting like the political opposition, and it's starting to annoy a lot of people.

Expect that the Republicans are going to make some more gains in November and retain control of both houses, much to the outrage of the 'progressives'.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
It's not about getting involved so much as having an opinion. IMO, Trump is an idiot. The American electorate elected a wild cannon who clearly doesn't understand that pissing off others with his decisions will eventually come back to bite him and his country. Honestly, no one would care if his actions were limited to his own people/country but his policies are now affecting other countries, Canada included.

I believe restaurant's have the right to refuse service for any reason. That seems to be a generic motto of the industry. Similar motto in the massage industry. However, it's clear some reasons are more acceptable than others. If an establishment refuses to serve black customers, it's a rights issue and a business will get in trouble. Can't refuse based on race, religion, etc. So now it comes down to refusing because the server/manager doesn't want to and the reasons don't have to be made known.

If I was the manager I just would have asked the person to leave. Mentioning the hat was stupid. And asking the customer to remove it was even more stupid - can't do that. So he should have been fired for being stupid. Funny thing is a restaurant in the US refused to serve a member of the Trump administration and I don't think they got the bad press this Canadian restaurant did. However, the news is being used to make the Trump administration look good/innocent.
It doesn't matter if Trump is an idiot. We didn't elect him, and we have no right to 'punish' someone who happens to like him, any more than a Canadian should be kicked out of an American restaurant for declaring that he supports Trudeau and his silly dress-ups and globalist kumbayas.

The US doesn't do any other countries favours unless they gain from it. It never has, regardless of who was president.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
It doesn't matter if Trump is an idiot. We didn't elect him, and we have no right to 'punish' someone who happens to like him, any more than a Canadian should be kicked out of an American restaurant for declaring that he supports Trudeau and his silly dress-ups and globalist kumbayas.

The US doesn't do any other countries favours unless they gain from it. It never has, regardless of who was president.
However if the floor manager had just said, "We've got a new rule about wearing caps at the table …"


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Recent polls have shown that the Democrats are losing ground. Trump is solidifying his base, as it is reported that 90% of Republicans now support him. The silliness about not serving those who disagree with their political opinion is having a backlash. It is political correctness hypocrisy. It is also a dangerous trend of polarization of US society: when both sides refuse to debate each other because identity politics boils down to calling each other commie or nazi, you have the seeds of civil unrest and subversion of the political process.

Besides, it is apparent now that, since the Democrats have no seriously new political proposals, and have no credible political leader, the only thing they have left is demonizing and vilifying the bogeyman Trump, and de-legitimising him. Sanders will be running as an independent.

The neo-liberal media (CNN, MSNBC et al) are acting like the political opposition, and it's starting to annoy a lot of people.

Expect that the Republicans are going to make some more gains in November and retain control of both houses, much to the outrage of the 'progressives'.
Yes! The dog barks but the caravan moves on.
Otherwise I'm not worried about the liberal democrats. They are strong and always find some charmingly original way to demonize Trump.


Now look at their faces. Especially the dudes on the bottom, they're just asking for it. :) :)

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The guy working at the restaurant should have taken a lesson from Miss Minny and given the Mr. MAGA a slice of pie.



Area 51 Escapee
Apr 15, 2003
Stuck in Lodi again
For some reason, Canadians seem entitled to get involved in US politics. It doesn't matter who's president down there; all the heavy breathing and foaming at the mouth is not going to make Trump leave office, or affect the coming congressional mid-term elections.

Americans including the MSM are not advocating the removal of Shiny Pony Trudeau, so why would Canadians want to same for Trump, as though some people here seem to assume that they have a vote in the US elections.
Yep. And so many on here get their panties in a knot over Trump while ignoring leaders in other countries who are committing actual atrocities against their own population or others.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Yep. And so many on here get their panties in a knot over Trump while ignoring leaders in other countries who are committing actual atrocities against their own population or others.
Are these "other leaders" the president of the United States?

or are they some tin pot dictator of some third world country?

It's no secret that Trump idolizes guys like Kim (called him "Your Excellency" and mused how North Koreans sit up and obey him) , and Putin and other whack jobs. It's just pretty freaky to most of us hearing that come from the guy who is supposed to be president of the United States.


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
It's not like the Teahouse is some roadside diner or greasy spoon. Never mind what was on the hat. There are places you wear a hat and places you don't. Just because you wear your baseball hat in McDonalds, or your local diner, or the grill room of your golf club doesn't mean you wear it in any dining room. So the server was right for any number of reasons, including the fact that other patrons may have been offended by a guy with no clue about manners. The owners were wrong to fire him.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Depends. If you bring me 250 piece loonie or 125 toonie I'm ok with it. This is the difference between us. I don't refuse service just because you have different political opinion. I leave this "privilege" for you guys.
Didn't know that guys paid to see you to discuss politics . Interesting .

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
They should sue the business. That's not reason to refuse service.
Maybe the business should sue the owners of Yelp who allow false claims about a business on their site . The business should also sue the people who are making false reports about the business . I'll bet many of them have not even been there to see what the restaurant is like .

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
For some reason, Canadians seem entitled to get involved in US politics. It doesn't matter who's president down there; all the heavy breathing and foaming at the mouth is not going to make Trump leave office, or affect the coming congressional mid-term elections.

Americans including the MSM are not advocating the removal of Shiny Pony Trudeau, so why would Canadians want to same for Trump, as though some people here seem to assume that they have a vote in the US elections.
Who says that we Canadians are entitled . Canadians are only giving their opinion of US politics . Nothing wrong with that . Yes it does matter who the President is down there . Just talk to the people in Canada who have been laid off because of the new tariffs . I'll bet if you got laid off you'd be yelling and screaming about the President .

Trudeau's policies have not affected the Americans ( until now ) so why would they want to get rid of him. With these new tariffs that have been applied to the US they will be foaming at the mouth along with heavy breathing when they will be loosing their jobs . Even companies like Heinz are asking Canadians not to blame or boycott them .

What Canadians say or do does make a difference even though you think we're not entitled .


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Didn't know that guys paid to see you to discuss politics . Interesting .
As I said I never talking about politics with my clients and this is a lounge , so we not talking about politics, right?


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
Who says that we Canadians are entitled . Canadians are only giving their opinion of US politics . Nothing wrong with that . Yes it does matter who the President is down there . Just talk to the people in Canada who have been laid off because of the new tariffs . I'll bet if you got laid off you'd be yelling and screaming about the President .

Trudeau's policies have not affected the Americans ( until now ) so why would they want to get rid of him. With these new tariffs that have been applied to the US they will be foaming at the mouth along with heavy breathing when they will be loosing their jobs . Even companies like Heinz are asking Canadians not to blame or boycott them .

What Canadians say or do does make a difference even though you think we're not entitled .
Giving your opinion is one thing. But kicking someone out because he wears a Trump hat is definitely not conducive to debate. And that's the whole point. You're not engaging in rational discussion when you tell someone to clear off because his politics are different than yours. That means you're self entitled and convinced you're right and nothing is going to change your mind, about Trump's politics, or about why people actually voted for him. In the latter case dismissing them as deplorables. And then the idiot progressives wonder why so many people voted for Trump, not understanding that they just insulted enough people to get him elected, from the deplorable hick towned flyover States.

In any case, you don't go to a restaurant to debate politics with the staff. A proper host is gracious enough to accommodate all his valued GUESTS and make them welcome, whoever they are.

The restaurant owners were justified to fire their manager, as a restaurant is there to make money, and not engage in profit-damaging polemic.

I'm tempted to get a Trump had and wear it, as a symbol of free expression, even though I don't really support his movement.

What Canadians say on the international scene is not even noticed. We're still a dull place where nothing happens from the US and UK perspective.... except when Trudeau plays dress-up and makes his foreign hosts cringe and becomes a laughing stock to the local press. You can be entitled all you want, but internationally, nobody gives a rat's ass what Canada says.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Does anyone take joke sites like Yelp seriously?

Oh and in related news; a shop up in Collingwood with a very similar name has ALSO been slammed by thousands of troll reviews
Just shows those kind of people can't read very well

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
What Canadians say on the international scene is not even noticed. We're still a dull place where nothing happens from the US and UK perspective.... except when Trudeau plays dress-up and makes his foreign hosts cringe and becomes a laughing stock to the local press. You can be entitled all you want, but internationally, nobody gives a rat's ass what Canada says.
Not true.

Canada is often seen as the guy who does the right thing. We don't get involved in immoral actions generally speaking. We are seen as a barometer of sorts. When Canada is on your side, it carries with it a certain vindication that you are in the right. Conversely, when we opt not to be a part of something, it's never good. The Americans love to be able to say that Canada is on board and they get pissed off when we are not. Case in point was Gulf War 2 which Johnnie Chretien wisely did not buy into (unlike Harper who blindly fell over himself, or the entire Democratic wing of the US government (much to their eternal shame)). The Americans were PISSED off at the time that we thought that it was the wrong thing to do. (And it was.) If Canada allies with you, it says your cause is just.

As a country, we don't fuck other countries around.
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