A Nobel peace prize nominated pedophile who worked for the Clinton campaign!


Feb 16, 2013
Why you screaming always, like a little pig who is going through his castration? Are you afraid from something? Take a Xanax.;)
Why is it so hard for you to condemn Trump? Do you support his endorsement of Roy Moore?

Acting crazy and trying to change the topic won’t help you. We answered your question...Please answer ours.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
You are being very abusive. All I was trying to show you was that contrary to your listening skills I condemned this individual. Really, you should act a bit more mature rather than start being abusive.
You still have not condemned Trump for endorsing Roy Moore. Really shows your true colours.
Why I have to say anything about Roy Moore when we talking about Joel Davis? If Moore was a child molester I hope he will go to the hell. If you want to talk about Roy Moore or other republican criminals just open your own thread. How can you talking about mature behavior? Your comments looks like a child , who arguing with the kindergarten teacher. - Moore was a pedophile too, so Joel was not as bad as you think.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Why I have to say anything about Roy Moore when we talking about Joel Davis? If Moore was a child molester I hope he will go to the hell. If you want to talk about Roy Moore or other republican criminals just open your own thread. How can you talking about mature behavior? Your comments looks like a child , who arguing with the kindergarten teacher. - Moore was a pedophile too, so Joel was not as bad as you think.

Plain English, we all categorically condemned Joel Davis. Okay??
Clinton would definitely condemn it if she was asked. Her campaign was in 2016 and he was one of the 350+ volunteers. He was charged now in 2018. So if she does not condemn him if asked by any media, then I will condemn her as well.

As this thread is about child molestation and pedophiles.
So on the other hand, Trump knew about Roy Moore's child molestations. He still endorsed it. So for the last time do you condemn Trump's decision to endorse Roy Moore??
Obviously if you do not say yes, then you support Trump in this respect.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Bottom line: You have made a complete fucking fool of yourself. You sound like a lunatic.

That pic is hilarious.

Iris, give it a break and move on. No political group owns the right to pedophilia. Those whackos come from all walks of life.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Plain English, we all categorically condemned Joel Davis. Okay??
Clinton would definitely condemn it if she was asked. Her campaign was in 2016 and he was one of the 350+ volunteers. He was charged now in 2018. So if she does not condemn him if asked by any media, then I will condemn her as well.

As this thread is about child molestation and pedophiles.
So on the other hand, Trump knew about Roy Moore's child molestations. He still endorsed it. So for the last time do you condemn Trump's decision to endorse Roy Moore??
Obviously if you do not say yes, then you support Trump in this respect.
It was not the right decision by Trump. I agree!
Otherwise you have a really blind hate against Trump as we see. It's your decision but least he is fighting for the American people's rights and he will be elected again. Not the best human in the world, not politically correct for sure, but much better than our liberal PM who care everyone's right around the globe, except the Canadian citizens. I hope he will never be elected again. I go to sleep now. Good night for everyone. Today was a bliss.;)


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Yes, yes you are.
As I see your night shift just started. :) You edited my post? Typical retarded liberal trick. Do you really think this words can hurt me? You can't be that stupid. ( Sorry you can). When a liberal call me those names I'm happy. It's a clear evidence I do something right. That's why the people are not trust you anymore. Pathological liars. Change the vinil. Your needle stuck in a groove.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Yes, just try to kill the messenger. You called me everything, but except a few post, no one said a negative comment against that baby fucker.
If it make you happy, I will not use that "childish" libtards anymore. Liberal bastards or retarded liberals is much better. In this case I chose liberal bastard .
Again I never said that liberal bastard did it because he is a liberal and worked for Clinton. It was just a fact nothing more. ( Otherwise Marquis de Sade the grandfather an the inventor of the liberalism, was a well known childfucker too. Maybe he was his idol.)
Iris, how the royal fuck is De Sade anything to do with liberalism??

Aren't you thinking of Voltaire or Rousseau?

And if the Liberal bastard didn't do it because he was a liberal and worked for Clinton, why did you mention those facts, post at all or call him a liberal bastard? Confused here.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
This thread doesn’t even make any sense. Some guy got charged with child sexual abuse who also happened to have done some volunteer work for Hillary...So this means all “libtards” support child sexual abuse???

He also went to Columbua University...does that mean all Columbia students are sexual offenders???

He also played the piano and attended Juilliard School of Music...Are all piano players sexual predators???

This thread is stupid...and Iris passionately believes in it.

Iris is turning herself into a niche market Alt Right sp...plenty of terbites will dig it though so maybe she knows what she’s doing? From a distance, though...she looks a bit unhinged.
Interestingly enough, this is becoming a niche market and it started when trump was running for office. I never thought politics would ever make into the hobby in this fashion, but it is true. There is a whole market for Alt-right providers, self-hating providers (those who put down other women consistently as if they believe a MGTOW agenda bulletin) and I know SPs who had ended long-term arrangements when they found out their client supported one side or the other.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
This thread doesn’t even make any sense.

This thread is stupid...

and Iris passionately believes in it.
And this surprises you how, exactly?


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
Interestingly enough, this is becoming a niche market and it started when trump was running for office. I never thought politics would ever make into the hobby in this fashion, but it is true. There is a whole market for Alt-right providers, self-hating providers (those who put down other women consistently as if they believe a MGTOW agenda bulletin) and I know SPs who had ended long-term arrangements when they found out their client supported one side or the other.
Interesting! I know you can't speak for Iris or Dawnlee and it's best to avoid a flame war.

Are you suggesting in your humble opinion that certain Terb providers have intentionally created an online persona specifically designed to attract the the ~35% market on the the further-right while alienating the rest of the market? This results in more business than just trying to appeal to the mass market? It will certainly get them noticed. I realize they may also be going after the Dom market.

I'm not trying to pick a fight. I'm very curious to know if this strategy works and the providers make more money or enjoy their customers more this way. I don't know if the two providers mentioned have consciously made this choice or it's the real them, but if it's conscious and it works ...... impressive approach and the more power to them.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Interesting! I know you can't speak for Iris or Dawnlee and it's best to avoid a flame war.

Are you suggesting in your humble opinion that certain Terb providers have intentionally created a specific online persona and it's specifically designed to attract the the ~35% market on the the further-right while heavily alienating the rest of the market? This results in more business than just trying to appeal to the mass market? It will certainly get them noticed. I realize they may also be going after the Dom market. This works even in a market like Toronto where most people tend to be more center focused and as polite/friendly people we typically shy away from needless confrontation and anger?

I'm not trying to pick a fight. I'm very curious to know if this strategy works and the providers make more money or enjoy their customers more this way.

I don't know if the two providers mentioned have consciously made this choice or it's the real them, but if it's conscious and it works ...... impressive approach and the more power to them.
First I am not naming any names and I have not implied what or who you are naming. I was speaking strictly in general and in regards to the preference of clients in this regard. Not escorts at all.

Clients are looking for escort who are trump supporters, who are alt right, who will support them in movements like MGTOW and Incels. That is what I was addressing and solely what I was addressing.

The only thing I said about escorts themselves are that some have "fired clients" for lack of a better word, because they are a trump support. Look at the reasons NOT to date someone thread. Many people list politics in their reasons.

I won't address the rest as I am not a) willing to negativity call out any escort for this, and B) I don't personally cater to these markets and therefore can not comment on the hows,whys and what's.

I just commented on the increased market based on client preference.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
First I am not naming any names and I have not implied what or who you are naming. I was speaking strictly in general and in regards to the preference of clients in this regard. Not escorts at all.

Clients are looking for escort who are trump supporters, who are alt right, who will support them in movements like MGTOW and Incels. That is what I was addressing and solely what I was addressing.

The only thing I said about escorts themselves are that some have "fired clients" for lack of a better word, because they are a trump support. Look at the reasons NOT to date someone thread. Many people list politics in their reasons.

I won't address the rest as I am not a) willing to negativity call out any escort for this, and B) I don't personally cater to these markets and therefore can not comment on the hows,whys and what's.

I just commented on the increased market based on client preference.
I was in the process of softening my original post, but you were quick to respond! Thanks.

Yes - I understand that from your first 3 sentences from your OP. I was curious about my specific example, but you addressed that in your 4th sentence. If the approach works, I'm not sure it could still be considered a negative call-out. ;-)

Hey - there are marketing geniuses out there and us normal people don't always see it right away. Maye Iris is a genius and filthy rich as a result.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
I was in the process of softening my original post, but you were quick to respond! Thanks.

Yes - I understand that from your first 3 sentences from your OP. I was curious about my specific example, but you addressed that in your 4th sentence. If the approach works, I'm not sure it could still be considered a negative call-out. ;-)

Hey - there are marketing geniuses out there and us normal people don't always see it right away. Maye Iris is a genius and filthy rich as a result.
I am working on more then one cup of coffee today boy!!! My fingers are too fast for everyone. Hahahhaha.

This when a woman should jump on my hand for a good time... know what I mean??? I can go faster then a dildo hopped up on energizer batteries. Beat that you fucking pink bunny!!!!



Feb 9, 2018
There are pedophiles in every single group of people on this planet. They're all terrible whether they are democrats, conservatives or whatever they affiliate with. Being a Democrat doesn't make this guy any less terrible than the rest. He's just as shitty.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Interestingly enough, this is becoming a niche market and it started when trump was running for office. I never thought politics would ever make into the hobby in this fashion, but it is true. There is a whole market for Alt-right providers, self-hating providers (those who put down other women consistently as if they believe a MGTOW agenda bulletin) and I know SPs who had ended long-term arrangements when they found out their client supported one side or the other.
Ironically, some of these alt right escorts are Trudeau haters. Remember that Harper had pledged that if he won the elections then he would enforce the Bill C-36 that he implemented but was disappointed that it was not properly regulated. Thankfully, Mr Trudeau won and really consensual sex is alive and well. Yes, you are right that Trump has been so divisive not only in the USA but on a smaller scale in Canada, Australia and across Europe as well. Sad about escort / client relationships ending based on this divisiveness.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Interesting! I know you can't speak for Iris or Dawnlee and it's best to avoid a flame war.

Are you suggesting in your humble opinion that certain Terb providers have intentionally created an online persona specifically designed to attract the the ~35% market on the the further-right while alienating the rest of the market? This results in more business than just trying to appeal to the mass market? It will certainly get them noticed. I realize they may also be going after the Dom market.

I'm not trying to pick a fight. I'm very curious to know if this strategy works and the providers make more money or enjoy their customers more this way. I don't know if the two providers mentioned have consciously made this choice or it's the real them, but if it's conscious and it works ...... impressive approach and the more power to them.
With Iris, the client would have to share the overpowering rage which leads her to post random shit on the board while name-calling "Liberal bastards" and "libtards". I have to ask myself if even the minority of Torontonians who are pro Trump would be comfortable engaging in post coital chatter with someone who is so overtly angry?


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
With Iris, the client would have to share the overpowering rage which leads her to post random shit on the board while name-calling "Liberal bastards" and "libtards". I have to ask myself if even the minority of Torontonians who are pro Trump would be comfortable engaging in post coital chatter with someone who is so overtly angry?
Her best insult so far: "Why you screaming always, like a little pig who is going through his castration". You can't make that level of crazy up.

So crazy that cut-and-paste man's and Wazup's ridiculus posts got lost in the noise.

About 10 years back there was an SP named Original Serena who used to post here. The smallest thing would set her off and then she would ATTACK someone continually for 5+ posts in the most insane vicious way imaginable. It was unbelievable. At one point she started complaining that no-one was seeing her despite her excellent reviews "on the other board". People wouldn't even make fun of her like in this thread .... she'd go bat-sh*t.


Feb 16, 2013
Her best insult so far: "Why you screaming always, like a little pig who is going through his castration". You can't make that level of crazy up.

So crazy that cut-and-paste man's and Wazup's ridiculus posts got lost in the noise.

About 10 years back there was an SP named Original Serena who used to post here. The smallest thing would set her off and then she would ATTACK someone continually for 5+ posts in the most insane vicious way imaginable. It was unbelievable. At one point she started complaining that no-one was seeing her despite her excellent reviews "on the other board". People wouldn't even make fun of her like in this thread .... she'd go bat-sh*t.
Why castrate little pigs, tho?



Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Why castrate little pigs, tho?
Are you sure you want to get into that whole can of worms (or pigs) in an Iris thread. Who tf knows where it could lead?!!
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