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SPs jealous?

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
I think this is the first time I disagree with you. Yes, a provider can like a client, it happens, but we have absolutely no right to expect their eye not to wander. Sex can get stale with the same person over and over again and some men are in this hobby for the variety, or maybe even just have that one off fantasy that his regular can't provide (always wanted to sleep with a (insert random type here). It isn't personal, it doesn't mean he doesn't still enjoy his regular provider. It is on the provider to be professional and maintain a clear head.

SP's are human as well. Some like individual clients and are hurt when they become less attentive. As well, there is the loss of professional pride when your client's attention wanders. Imagine if you lost a client from YOUR business. You would feel a little crestfallen and awkward too. Some women are very competitive about how attractive men find them and can be bitchy if they feel that they have been bested.

Some girls are harpies. Some aren't. There are no hard and fast rules with people.


Feb 9, 2018
I think this is the first time I disagree with you. Yes, a provider can like a client, it happens, but we have absolutely no right to expect their eye not to wander. Sex can get stale with the same person over and over again and some men are in this hobby for the variety, or maybe even just have that one off fantasy that his regular can't provide (always wanted to sleep with a (insert random type here). It isn't personal, it doesn't mean he doesn't still enjoy his regular provider. It is on the provider to be professional and maintain a clear head.
I completely agree. Even if an SP has those feelings, whether it be because of money or feeling passed over, keep them to oneself. Why drive a good client away over petty feelings of jealousy?! It's just silly!!


A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
I did have one lady I was seeing regularly "fire" me as a client because I continued to see a former duo partner she had parted with on bad terms.

But for the most part, the ladies I've seen have been fine with me seeing other SPs. Hell, a couple of them have let me use them as references.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I think this is the first time I disagree with you. Yes, a provider can like a client, it happens, but we have absolutely no right to expect their eye not to wander. Sex can get stale with the same person over and over again and some men are in this hobby for the variety, or maybe even just have that one off fantasy that his regular can't provide (always wanted to sleep with a (insert random type here). It isn't personal, it doesn't mean he doesn't still enjoy his regular provider. It is on the provider to be professional and maintain a clear head.
I didn't say that the jealous girls were being "reasonable". I just made the point that some ladies will have those emotions.

I agree with your overall take on the issue in commonsense and business model terms. But people are infinitely varied.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
he's just disagreeing because everyone's agreeing with me lol, and he can't stand that.
Quite the little ego you have going there.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
I have not experience jealously due to emotional attachment but I did come across one lady who was pissed about the money spent elsewhere.

I did a reference check with a SP out here in Durham. I start all my inquiries the same. "Hi, my name is Jessica, an escort in the area. I was hoping to confirm a client with you who used you as a reference".

She replied politely and warm with a "Hi, nice to hear from you. Sure, would love to help, what's the name?"

As soon as I gave her the name and number the client provided - dead silence. Lol No more response.

I found out from the client that she was pissed to say the least. I didn't understand it. We are hookers. We don't call dibs. That is for wives.

Funny enough, I had to use the client as a reference for his friend because we didn't want to ask her again, but I was always curious if it was just that one client or if she has a few she would be pissed about. Like his friend.


Jan 18, 2016
Toronto, Ontario
I've never understood this! I practice non-monogamy in my persona life, and I have always said that one person cannot be your be all end all.
You need many fulfilling sexual and romantic relationships in your life. I can only provide so much to the clients in my life, and it excites me to give a reference or help facilitate an experience with someone else. When it comes down to it, if my client is happy, I'm happy. I can't ever imagine being upset because my client or my partner gets on with someone else. The concept is so foreign to me. I've seen it happen, or even in reverse, where my clients make a point to try and assure me they aren't seeing other providers. Why not? People aren't property! Jealousy just isn't an emotion I have very often, and it always pains me to see situations like this, ESPECIALLY in a provider/client relationship! One of the reasons you're paying us is to avoid drama like that. I think it's unprofessional from a provider standpoint, on top of my other points.

For once, I agree with something Dawn's said: "but i would never make a client feel bad for seeing other escorts or women. ever. it's manipulative and petty, and i'm disappointed to see how commonly this tactic is used in this industry. the sad thing is that it works, really well. and it really makes me lose respect for the men that it works on." Bang on! It's just super gross all around. I couldn't imagine working within an industry where my job is to make people feel GOOD, and turn it around and make it such a negative point.

I'm sorry you're experiencing this and I wish you luck!


A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
one of the best parts of this world is the NSA part of each client-escort relationship: the fact that the only amount of commitment one party owes to the other is the current duration of the booking at hand. it's an episodic relationship, where each meeting is like a mini-relationship between the escort and the client. people who aren't emotionally mature enough to handle the polyamorous nature of the escort world should maybe take a step back and do some mental work before embarking further with this.

this has nothing to do with "thinking the worse of women" as oagre claims. in fact, it has everything to do with setting high standards for both men and women to act like adults.
On the head, Dawn.

Frankly, I would recommend that the OP drop the girl who acted jealous because he sees other ladies.

I keep saying I have ladies I enjoy seeing and who I like to think enjoy my company but at the end of the day, I'm realistic about things between us.


Mar 11, 2018
another well-known SP on here who saw a mutual client we share apparently contacted his wife after she found out he was seeing other SPs.
I bet there is bunch of PMs in your inbox from married guys asking for the name of that SP :D


lacks impulse control...
Oct 17, 2015
Near Yonge and Bloor


New member
Dec 24, 2017
I bet there is bunch of PMs in your inbox from married guys asking for the name of that SP :D
Sure we would all like to know who Dawn is referring to but I think how and why are more important questions. I'll answer the 'how' part


New member
Dec 24, 2017
Sure we would all like to know who Dawn is referring to but I think how and why are more important questions. I'll answer the 'how' part
It's so easy to accomplish that it's frightening. It all starts with initial contact. The SP asks for some form of identification. Vulnerability begins the moment identification is disclosed.

Once an SP has the clients true identity a quick web search may yield some connections (family members, wife, Significant other, whatever) on Social Media platforms like Twitter/facebook.
Or how about this? Give SW you're account to this forum. All it takes is a few screenshots sent to your family. How do they prove it's you? Easy they provide a copy of the ID be it Linkedin, email, Twitter whatever. Armed with that info your significant other can create an account on whatever platform you're on and she can follow all your doings. Just imagine what it would be like when your S/O sends you a screenshot of your "secret" activity. Imagine what that must feel like.

How do you definitively know who the actual SW is? You don't because they send all communication through an anonymous account. Who's in control?
Very fucking easy!


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Jealous of you seeing someone else?

Or jealous of your cash going to someone else?
It can be both, depending if she really likes you based on past quality time spent with her.

One MPA slapped me in the face because I was enjoying her friend in a duo too much. (No, it wasn't a fetish act lol).


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
The reasons you pay is for the sex with a total lack of complications. If the sex is great and you happen to get along, that's a bonus and a reason to keep repeating - but both parties need to keep it in perspective. There should be no jealousy unless it is in jest. I've become friends with a handful of providers over the years - but ultimately it's about sex. Eg; One of the best was Teri (who I think has finally retired, maybe because of BP's demise...) - when she was with Friends she would often suggest new SP's who she thought I would like. She would suggest duo partners (sometimes from other agencies or independent) and eventually I would not even question with who because she had the same taste in women as me. On the MPA side Riley/Ryan (formerly SRM/Allure/Pure, now at Flirt) was always totally generous in knowing what you like and suggesting other girls who she thought would be a good fit. And I met Riley because Jessica (490A/Embodyment/HFH/Allure/SRM) thought I would like her when they both moved to Allure. The best referrals are from other providers who know you and know what you like. This requires the opposite of jealousy - not sure what the term for it would be, but it's great. So if you've crossed the line where you are developing a relationship that goes beyond the pay per hour appointment - any real jealousy is a red flag to cut it off immediately - you're either being played or something is going on that will not have a "happy ending".


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
Ha. You've told me this story in person and I didn't get jealous ;)

It can be both, depending if she really likes you based on past quality time spent with her.

One MPA slapped me in the face because I was enjoying her friend in a duo too much. (No, it wasn't a fetish act lol).
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