Doug Ford new leader of Ontario PC party


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Wynne must be dancing the cha cha tonight.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Christine Elliot is claiming voting irregularities

If she is correct that she: Won the popular vote and won the majority of ridings.

Then it certainly seems that she has a point.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The OPC has demonstrated total incompetence beyond anything I have ever witnessed from a political party. I have seen high school council elections run more competently.


Mar 12, 2004
The OPC has demonstrated total incompetence beyond anything I have ever witnessed from a political party. I have seen high school council elections run more competently.
I see you would prefer political party elections were not democratic.

Much like how the last Fiberal leader election was handled.


Mar 12, 2004
Doug Ford has been appointed captain of the Titanic.

Game on.
I was thinking more like an iceberg,... but yes,... this is going to be entertaining.

Can already hear the claim of lesbian hater from the Fiberals, when the clashes start.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The OPC has demonstrated total incompetence beyond anything I have ever witnessed from a political party. I have seen high school council elections run more competently.

I agree that these ConnArtistsvertives pretend that they are competent and here to "save the taxpayers cash". But they are set to do what they did to the 407ETR - i.e. screw up the taxpayers just to benefit themselves.


Jan 10, 2017
Back to the 407 again, have you forgotten 15 years of liberal incompetence, duplicity, fraud, criminality, waste, broken promises and the list goes on and on. Remember, it YOUR CHOICE to take 407, you don’t have a choice where you buy your hydro from, you don’t have a choice how much tax you pay, you don’t have a choice where industrial windmills are located, you don’t have a choice how much you pay for hydro or plate stickers, auto insurance. And by the way, wasn’t the employer health tax supposed to fix the health care system? Guess what? It hasn’t and we are still in a deficit while the liberal try to fund their re election with our money.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
As usual you want to hide one of the worst transactions ever. A highway that costed taxpayers close to $104 billion was leased for 99 years at a mere $3.6 billion. Great grandpa Harris and his conn cronies must be enjoying some wonderful money laundered bonuses for this sweetheart of a deal. The province is doing well as far as jobs etc. are concerned. Yes, my hydro bill has gone up, but nothing like the 407ETR, Rogers TV, Internet and cellphone bills. Auto insurance has trebled. Look at the BC Province that has a public insurance and not these private insurance companies that keep on screwing us. They are far cheaper than us. The healthcare is better than what it was under the previous Conservative Government. Still needs improvement, but remember that more people require hospitalization, that means higher costs. look down South where Obamacare is more popular than ever and even the Republicans do not want to change although the more extreme right wingers want to abolish it. They always refer to the Canadian model as the reasons to keep Obamacare.

The Harper Government spent far more on funding their election campaigns with our money. You will be the first to complain once cuts in all services including infrastructure kick in. Hudak's wonderful campaign of getting rid of 100,000 jobs was so well embraced by the Ontarians. That is why they reacted by booting him away.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
As usual you want to hide one of the worst transactions ever. A highway that costed taxpayers close to $104 billion was leased for 99 years at a mere $3.6 billion. Great grandpa Harris and his conn cronies must be enjoying some wonderful money laundered bonuses for this sweetheart of a deal. The province is doing well as far as jobs etc. are concerned. Yes, my hydro bill has gone up, but nothing like the 407ETR, Rogers TV, Internet and cellphone bills. Auto insurance has trebled. Look at the BC Province that has a public insurance and not these private insurance companies that keep on screwing us. They are far cheaper than us. The healthcare is better than what it was under the previous Conservative Government. Still needs improvement, but remember that more people require hospitalization, that means higher costs. look down South where Obamacare is more popular than ever and even the Republicans do not want to change although the more extreme right wingers want to abolish it. They always refer to the Canadian model as the reasons to keep Obamacare.

The Harper Government spent far more on funding their election campaigns with our money. You will be the first to complain once cuts in all services including infrastructure kick in. Hudak's wonderful campaign of getting rid of 100,000 jobs was so well embraced by the Ontarians. That is why they reacted by booting him away.
It didn't cost 104 billion. You are including the total land value. The land is still owed by the province. It's Leased.

They made a billion in profit on the sale. They do not have to pay a dime to maintain it.

And now CPP is a part owner so our pension plan is profiting from it.

All in all I call it a win. The govt would have fucked it up if owned by them. Wynne would have hiked the rates to the point of killing it.

Stop lying and trying to use something that happened 15 years ago.

Anyway there isn't a single candidate worth a vote. I'm disgusted with the state of politics in Ontario.

9 years I'm looking to retire and get out. The province is headed for a real govt created economic crisis.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
The Religious Right is Now Taking Credit for Electing Doug Ford Leader of Ontario’s PC Party


‘To the victor goes the future of our children’

March 11, 2018

Thank the religious right for electing the brand new leader of Ontario’s Progressive Conservative Party: Doug Ford.

Following a chaotic leadership convention that saw angry party members sent home before a leader was announced because the room was only booked until 7 pm, the brother of former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was unveiled as the new leader at an impromptu press conference held in the middle of the night in Markham, Ontario.

Ford now owes a debt of gratitude to hardline social conservative groups that have well-documented histories advocating for repressive laws targeting the rights and freedoms of women and LGBTQ Canadians, among others.

Campaign Life Coalition, Canada’s biggest anti-abortion organization and a source of homophobic conspiracy theories about Ontario schools pushing a so-called “gay agenda,” issued a press release taking credit for Ford’s leadership win.

“CLC recruited more than 9,000 PC memberships in support of Tanya Granic Allen, and we asked supporters to rank Ford #2,” the group’s press release says.

“Their votes clearly played a large part in Doug Ford’s winning campaign.”

Considering the group’s supporters alone may have accounted for up to 15% of the 64,000 PC party members who cast votes, it’s possible they might be right.

Data from the final vote results suggests Ford largely owes his victory to second choice votes from last-place finisher Tanya Granic Allen, a single-issue candidate who runs an organization that distributes literature claiming sex-ed encourages behaviour that causes AIDS.

Ultimately, a candidate who claimed Ontario school children are too distracted by “anal sex” to focus on math during a televised leadership debate, may have played the role of kingmaker:

Likewise, the anti-abortion group RightNow issued a statement indicating it also activated its networks to get out the vote and help Ford win.

“RightNow sold over a thousand memberships throughout the leadership campaign,” the group’s statement says.

Across Canada, RightNow is quietly working to elect anti-abortion candidates into key positions by stacking local nomination meetings and selling memberships for leadership votes, notably helping elect Andrew Scheer as Conservative leader and PC MPP Samuel Oosterhoff, at the time a teenager, to the Ontario legislature.

The group has very close ties with Alberta UCP leader Jason Kenney.

RightNow says they were “happy to support and endorse Doug as our second choice,” noting his “openness to parental notification for minors seeking an abortion.”

During the leadership campaign, Ford embraced the group’s idea to give parents new legal powers to block pregnant teenagers from having an abortion, something that could expose young women to violence, violate doctor-patient confidentiality and also likely violate the constitution.

A few other extreme promises Ford offered his social conservative base during the month-long leadership campaign:

Ford declared he is “going to repeal the sex-ed curriculum,” full stop;Ford said he opposes the “Protecting a Woman’s Right to Access Abortion Services Act,” a law that prohibits anti-abortion activists from protesting and harassing women at the entrances to abortion clinics; Ford also said he would allow Ontario doctors to refuse to refer patients to other doctors when they object to medical treatments on moral or religious grounds, such as abortion or euthanasia.

In a bid to pander to to social conservatives, Ford was spotted courting the support of controversial figures among the religious right throughout the leadership race.

Early in the campaign, Ford sought the blessings of Paul Melnichuk, an evangelical mega-church pastor who had been denounced by the Canadian Jewish Congress a few decades ago over a sermon in which he called Jews “the most miserable people in the whole world” and vowed he would “never pray for a Jew” because they “cheat and they cheat and they cheat.”

Roy McMurty, a former Attorney-General in Bill Davis’ Ontario PC government, labelled Melnichuk’s sermon “hate propaganda.”

Last month, Melnichuk endorsed Ford and allowed him to ask the congregation to “go online and buy a $10 membership,” claiming Ontario PC executives are rigging the vote against him.

Ford also received help from Charles McVety, a noted bigot who had his show on a Christian TV network cancelled over “discriminatory comments” in which he claimed “homosexuals prey on children” and runs the Institute for Canadian Values, a social conservative think tank that routinely runs anti-LGBTQ disinformation campaigns targeting legislation on gender equality.

During the campaign, McVety called on his supporters to cast votes for Ford, even going so far as to produce an instructional how-to video walking his followers through the steps of filling out the Ontario PC’s online voter registration forms.

Before the vote, McVety asked his Facebook followers to “pray for Doug Ford today,” because “two million Ontario children (are) being experimented on as we speak with radical gender sex education.”

“To the victor goes the future of our children,” McVety added.

After the leadership results were announced, McVety praised God for “the incredible victory of Doug Ford as leader of the Ontario PC Party” and thanked his followers “who prayed, supported and voted” for Ford in the leadership contest.


Jan 10, 2017
This is laughable!!! Tell me, was the fire sale of Hydro One a better deal? Selling the furniture to heat the house, only in Wynne’s case it was to balance a single budget. What happened this year, no other utilities to sell? Please, 407 was a bad sale, but the hydro one sale was a colossal blunder....was Harris to blame for that too? All the liberal apologists are really grasping at straws now. How about the Les Nessman tape on the floor at Sick Kids instead of walls with signs to wash your hands? Is that tape supposed to prevent infection? What if we didn’t have to pay Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania to take our surplus electricity that we paid 80 cents Kw/H to produce? Then perhaps we’d have walls instead of tuck tape on the floor. That again had to be Harris’s fault too.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
This is laughable!!! Tell me, was the fire sale of Hydro One a better deal? Selling the furniture to heat the house, only in Wynne’s case it was to balance a single budget. What happened this year, no other utilities to sell? Please, 407 was a bad sale, but the hydro one sale was a colossal blunder....was Harris to blame for that too? All the liberal apologists are really grasping at straws now. How about the Les Nessman tape on the floor at Sick Kids instead of walls with signs to wash your hands? Is that tape supposed to prevent infection? What if we didn’t have to pay Michigan, New York and Pennsylvania to take our surplus electricity that we paid 80 cents Kw/H to produce? Then perhaps we’d have walls instead of tuck tape on the floor. That again had to be Harris’s fault too.
You're forgetting Mike Harris and Dalton McGuinty and their role in the rise if Hydro Rates.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
It didn't cost 104 billion. You are including the total land value. The land is still owed by the province. It's Leased.

They made a billion in profit on the sale. They do not have to pay a dime to maintain it.

And now CPP is a part owner so our pension plan is profiting from it.

All in all I call it a win. The govt would have fucked it up if owned by them. Wynne would have hiked the rates to the point of killing it.

Stop lying and trying to use something that happened 15 years ago.

Anyway there isn't a single candidate worth a vote. I'm disgusted with the state of politics in Ontario.

9 years I'm looking to retire and get out. The province is headed for a real govt created economic crisis.
Again you probably cannot read. I said that the 407ETR was LEASED. What does that mean? Yes, the Province still owns the land. But for now it belongs lock stock and barrel to the 407ETR until the 99 year lease is up. So you try and understand this basic stuff, okay before you make stupid accusations. They made no profit on the sale as all they got is $3.6 billion and it costed them $104 billion for the purpose of generating the income in the 99 years that it will be going into the pockets of the those that own it for that period. What has it costed the taxpayers who paid for it?? A further 1000% hike in toll rates from the time it switched hands to the present day. What protection was in place for the consumers who paid for it? Nil, nada nothing. So ask the residents North of the city who have to use it on a daily basis and see how ticked off they are. Anyway when the lease ends around 2096, maybe it will have turned into an albatross as cars may not be a form of transport by then. All in all a waste of $100 billion in taxpayers money. It is only 40% owned by the CPP, the 60% is owned by Cintra and SNC Lavalin. By the way the 407 East is built and owned by the Province and it is substantially cheaper than the 407ETR. We know you hate Wynn and then make all the false allegations about her. They have done a great job as they had to step in when the 407ETR who were supposed to build the 407East and they chose not to. So you think that it is a win for the Ontarians to pay the "HIGHEST TOLLS" in the world. It does not stop there as the rates are jacked up "EVERY SINGLE YEAR". Bet if the Hydro went up by that much all the right wings would go ballistic. Typical right wing logic as it goes mainly into the pockets of the CEO's of SNC Lavalin and the Spanish Cintra who are laughing all the way to the bank.

At least you concede that it costed the tax payers $104 billion in acquiring the land costs etc. All the other right wingers are living in denial when they call these costs "fake", but do not come up with any credible evidence to back up their "fake claims".


Jan 10, 2017
HARRIS hasn’t been in the picture since 2003!!!!! Do you think that in the 15 years the Liberals have been at the helm they might have fixed any perceived problems? The fact that they didn’t and continue to blame Harris shows their incompetence on the file.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Economy is thriving, and the people are content with the health, education, infrastructure, and jobs.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Economy is thriving, and the people are content with the health, education, infrastructure, and jobs.
That must have been some really good weed your smoking to believe that... Everything is fine and dandy!
Until that bill come due!!
Who going to keep paying all the debt you racked up!
Can't even balance the yearly budget!!
Ontario is the proud owner of the largest debt of a non-nation!
We will be just like Greece went the time come when we no longer able to finance the debt ..when no-one want to buy Ontario bonds!!
Ashley Madison
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