Hope @ALO, Formerly Brass and Paradise


Mar 28, 2017
I was reluctant to create this thread, initially, but a few pms and conversations with former patrons (and working girls who have worked with the lady in question) have convinced me otherwise.

This isn't so much a review as a warning.
This is not just me who has experienced this but a few others as well who have yet to come forward. Or if they even plan too I'm not sure.

I was, like most people, completely smitten with Hope upon first meeting her. She's fun, energetic, charming and sexy as all hell.
After a few sessions she gets a little less so, complaining about other girls stealing her clients for entire sessions.
As time moves on she will ask you in a personal message to borrow money from you. Now I was asked for less money than some other people but the point remains valid.
She will offer to pay you back later, or by taking amounts off your future sessions.
Once she gets your money, communication all but ceases.
Eventually she will respond but only to tell you she no longer wants you as a client.
When you ask her about the money she owes you she will say she has forgotten about it. If you press the subject she will tell you she has rent and such to pay for, and family things to take care of so you won't get your money back.
Followed up with, "Lesson learned ,don't lend out money"
Following that...any further communication will be met with, "Lol grow up. Your some guy that goes and gets his dick jerked at a spa and pays for it...then keeps tabs on women that work in the sex industry...lol. its all a creepy and big game"

If this prevents just one more guy from being ripped off, I'm happy to receive any slack you all are about to give me for this warning.
I'm not going to reveal the ladies or people involved via PM as it's up to them whether or not they wish to come forward.
I have screen captured my 6 month long conversation with Hope if anything I've said is challenged.

thank you for taking the time to read this thread.


New member
Nov 9, 2017
Downtown Ottawa
I am bmvery sorry to hear about your experience... the truth is and for personal experience .. that having a "friendly" relationship between provider and client... can be tricky at times.. sometimes the question is where to make that cut so that the business does not mix with the personal...
Myslef i would never ask any of my clients to lend me any money... i make my money by you guys coming to visit.. yes we all have bills .. but I have my own and you have yours... so using that line of "i have rent and this or that to pay.. " is BS...
she ia abusing of the good and kind heart that people like you can have... also as provider i have received help from a ckie t whom i decided not to see as a client anymore but to make him a friend... and also back fired.. making clear that we were only friends and at the moment i was having personal problems and his help.was accepted (not financial- because i have always worked and in the worse case my credit cards were always there to bail me out)... he created the ilusion that he could become something else.. even when in many ocations he was reminded that this was not the case... so this can happen to both clients and provider... as i said in your previous post... respect is a 2 way street... sometimes we need to think 2ice about what will cross that barrier that can make something good turn into something bad.... in some cases like mine a nightmare that even after years people cant let go and try and harm you...


Feb 18, 2017
Sorry you went through that experience too! As I recently mentioned in another thread I had a near exact same experience with Lola/Olivia. I also had the situation starting with Harmony, who was a friend of Hope's.
The temptation for young women to make money off of older men can be hard to resist I guess and if we get taken in this way we only have ourselves to blame. I fully understand your feelings of frustration with it though as you, same as I did, likely had every intention of continuing as a good client and enjoyed the connection you shared, only to find that they were happy to lose out on what could have been a great long term relationship for a quick score.

Over the years I have met many wonderful and intelligent women in the industry, far too many to let a few sour experiences turn me off of it.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
Sorry to hear you went through this. You know the lesson....don't give money to anybody. It's not a loan. They aren't going to pay you back. You're a wallet with legs to some people.


New member
Jun 22, 2016
Thanks for taking the time to write this up and post it. This will undoubtedly help some people.

I have to say though that I'm mystified by the idea of "lending" money to someone in the industry. Give, yeah, I've done that a lot. But lend, no. A lot of these girls have addictions (e.g., Hope is not exactly shy about the herb, I'm guessing more is going on... and I was surprised to hear management at one of the better, more restrictive spas in town was endorsing hard drugs being passed around at their Christmas party... and I've been warned in the past that money I was giving was being used for drugs) and when that's going on in the background you're never going to get any money back. It has to be a gift.


Mar 28, 2017
My original post had mostly my story and the few slight differences from the couple others woven into it.
In my view I wasn't lending money as she said she would pay me back but reducing my session rates. I saw it as pre paying.
Which makes sense, right? Then getting hit with the "you're no longer my client" after was why it basically turned into a loan.
I have a few alcoholics and drug addicts in my family tree, and I am aware she is a recovering drug addict, so I fear due to her lack of money and odd behaviour she may indeed have something going on.


Aug 13, 2017
Thanks for posting. She has always been on my to-see list so I appreciate your warning. Hopefully she gets help if she needs it.


Mar 18, 2013
I too have had a couple of instances where I have money. One was a SP stating on twitter she was looking for help. I had the money and wanted to help. I had no expectations if pay back but then she said that next session would be free. After a couple of misfires i finally saw her and she said it's free but i gave her some money anyways. Another SP PMed me and asked for some help and the money would go towards my next visit. Thus didn't go as well because I had to cancel and she just claimed that my previous payment would cover it although she asked for more to cover travel costs. I thought it was very steep as I gave lots of warning.

Anyways both times I knew what i was getting into. If i lose the money I only have myself to blame.


Apr 18, 2013
This story sucks but, let's be honest here: Guys, I don't care if it's MA or SP, these ladies use seduction and sex to get as much money/favours from clients as possible. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. I don't care if it is cash, groceries, drugs, booze or help with anything. We are nothing but walking wallets who let our dicks make our decisions and providers know this. We fall for the sob stories, hook, line and sinker.

It's interesting to read the account of a provider on here. Something does not sound right. A provider approaches a client for help with something and then doesn't like that he expects more? Here, let me satisfy you sexually, ask for favours and then tell you I don't want to see you as a client anymore because I am getting the help from you outside of the client/provider relationship. I have no problem saying that, if I was that client, I would feel manipulated and used.

Guys, as much as I feel bad for you that you gave money, or favours, with nothing repaid back, I also have to say that you can't be surprised. I feel bad for you but I don't feel sorry for you. These ladies make their living by using their bodies to get as much cash out of you as possible and then move on to the next guy. It's just the nature of the business.


Active member
Jul 12, 2012
This story sucks but, let's be honest here: Guys, I don't care if it's MA or SP, these ladies use seduction and sex to get as much money/favours from clients as possible. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. I don't care if it is cash, groceries, drugs, booze or help with anything. We are nothing but walking wallets who let our dicks make our decisions and providers know this. We fall for the sob stories, hook, line and sinker.

It's interesting to read the account of a provider on here. Something does not sound right. A provider approaches a client for help with something and then doesn't like that he expects more? Here, let me satisfy you sexually, ask for favours and then tell you I don't want to see you as a client anymore because I am getting the help from you outside of the client/provider relationship. I have no problem saying that, if I was that client, I would feel manipulated and used.

Guys, as much as I feel bad for you that you gave money, or favours, with nothing repaid back, I also have to say that you can't be surprised. I feel bad for you but I don't feel sorry for you. These ladies make their living by using their bodies to get as much cash out of you as possible and then move on to the next guy. It's just the nature of the business.


Active member
Jul 12, 2012
I just tell it like it is. I am sure you know exactly what I mean. If everything a recently banned member told me is true, you would know first hand exactly what I am talking about.
LOL...ah yes, I know exactly who you mean. We all make mistakes but, for what it's worth, I have nothing but respect for the lady in question. No need to re-hash the past...all of us as hobbiests have made an error in judgement once or twice over the years.


Jul 16, 2003
Someone at a certain agency also took me for a few dollars and it made going to wherever she was working impossible as I didn't want to run into her. Since an agency got mentioned a few times in this thread perhaps they don't realize what this behaviour does to their client base? I, for one, would never use the service of any of their providers if this is the reputation of a few of their girls. But I'm retired so my opinion on this is not worth much.


Apr 18, 2013
Someone at a certain agency also took me for a few dollars and it made going to wherever she was working impossible as I didn't want to run into her. Since an agency got mentioned a few times in this thread perhaps they don't realize what this behaviour does to their client base? I, for one, would never use the service of any of their providers if this is the reputation of a few of their girls. But I'm retired so my opinion on this is not worth much.
You are so right. Guys should be careful what agencies they mention in negative posts. I happen to know a banned user who got heavily screwed over by a lady who used to work at one of those spas but, she goes by another name now and is independent. I wonder if he got banned because they are paid advertisers on here and maybe they didn't want the truth to get out about her and what she did to him.


Active member
Jul 12, 2012
You are so right. Guys should be careful what agencies they mention in negative posts. I happen to know a banned user who got heavily screwed over by a lady who used to work at one of those spas but, she goes by another name now and is independent. I wonder if he got banned because they are paid advertisers on here and maybe they didn't want the truth to get out about her and what she did to him.
Hey man...if you're talking about LS, I believe he was banned because he started to post personal shit about me and the lady...it wasn't a smart thing to do. Anonymity is of utmost importance, even if members know each other personally outside of this board.


New member
Nov 9, 2017
Downtown Ottawa
This story sucks but, let's be honest here: Guys, I don't care if it's MA or SP, these ladies use seduction and sex to get as much money/favours from clients as possible. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. I don't care if it is cash, groceries, drugs, booze or help with anything. We are nothing but walking wallets who let our dicks make our decisions and providers know this. We fall for the sob stories, hook, line and sinker.

It's interesting to read the account of a provider on here. Something does not sound right. A provider approaches a client for help with something and then doesn't like that he expects more? Here, let me satisfy you sexually, ask for favours and then tell you I don't want to see you as a client anymore because I am getting the help from you outside of the client/provider relationship. I have no problem saying that, if I was that client, I would feel manipulated and used.

Guys, as much as I feel bad for you that you gave money, or favours, with nothing repaid back, I also have to say that you can't be surprised. I feel bad for you but I don't feel sorry for you. These ladies make their living by using their bodies to get as much cash out of you as possible and then move on to the next guy. It's just the nature of the business.

You are so wrong about all of this .., As I keep on saying respect is something that goes Both ways , but based on not only this post but the ones following you wouldn't know anything about that!
Anyone that knows me and has met me, knows that I respect the people that visit me and they are not considered a "walking wallet", because if that was the case then my Boss at my regular job would also be considered that, or the people I work for on the side doing other kind of professional office work.., No I respect all the same way because whether I am receiving a salary, paid on a per diem basis, or as a Massage attendant .., by contract .., all have the same purpose and is to support my family...
And exactly the reason I don't mix my personal relationships such as friends with my professional life is so that there is no confusion, because friends for me are extremely important and the last thing I want is to loose a friendship because of any kind of disagreement. Any how this example I made was just to enforce the respect in between the provider being MA of or SP.. and the guys that visit us... Yes you guys support our living expenses but we provide a service... In any case the details of what happen in my case are personal and I am in no obligation to give explanation to anyone..., specially not someone with such a bitter personality and with such low respect for anyone on this board being a provider or a fellow hobbyist!
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