What most people believe, their feelings, are not important to the process of Justice.It is not important what MOST people believe about what transpired at trial or what MOST people happened at the time. Juries are not supposed to take that into consideration at all.All very reasoned, but after nine pages here and a whole lot of argy-bargy across the country it's clear that whatever justice was done, a very large part of the population couldn't see that it was done, and can' t put their trust in the result or the system.
I doubt anyone has the answer, but it is clear that a jury like that one, selected as that one was, cannot deliver a verdict that most people believe in. That's just one problem we need to fix.
Here is the Judges instructions to the Jurors, a long read, 90 minutes, but you will see there that the Judge has said explicitly that in his charge.