For sure! That's what makes life interesting.
Looking at myself, people can say I've got a pretty standard boring life.... university, job, car, masters, better jobs, make money doing investments and real estate, occasional trips here and there with friends, etc..... Pretty boring career path stuff. Buy hey, it works and I'm content. No drugs, never arrested or anything stupid. Some people have even said to me... "I've never seen you mad before". And for that once every 5 years I get angry at work at a numbnut, someone may say "Wow, that's the first time I've ever seen you mad". Hey, that's me.
So when I read stuff like this, it amazes me at the stupidity people do in life.
You don't have to be billionaire Bill Gates to enjoy life. And you don't have to be Einstein to get good grades and a good job. It's not hard to do.
So I find it peculiar, but interesting when people go ape shit and do dumb things.