Statements like this are really pointless. First of all, there's no way to confirm such statements. Secondly, even if were true, why would America care if other nations of less significance "looked down on them" or not? Why would the most important country in the world subjugate itself to the world's opinions of political correctness? Whose values should lead the world instead? France? Germany? China? Iran?
Lastly, I doubt that the people who post such statements really hold a concern for the international reputation of the US. More likely they look for confirmation of their existing opinion that the US lacks the moral right to lead the world.
I interpret these statements as involuntary expressions of frustration. The poster may as well have posted - "I'm still mad that the side I supported lost!".
You are still harping about Trump winning the elections and the "left" losing it. We do not go on about you right wingers in the same tune when Trudeau won the elections, and you Trudeau haters were attacking him at every single opportunity.
Look at the number of people that Trump hired and fired in his first term. Either he was dumb enough to hire them in the first place, or they were plain incompetent. This Trump dude must think that it is all about "The Apprentice", when he says "Your fired" to the cheers of his cult followers.
But, if four of them are either being charged or indicted, then tell me which other democratic nation in recent times are running into the same gauntlet. Then again another tipping point are Trumps's ridiculous tweets that are at times insane, and then it is blamed on his attorney for putting them out on trump's behalf. So lies, lies and more lies. Yes, the laughing stock of the world.