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A guy at work takes a dump in our washroom everyday!


Feb 13, 2014
This has been happening for at least a year actually, but no one really knew who it was or if it was even by the same person. Also, the washrooms are single-toilet only and entered only with a key, so only one person can be inside at the same time. Furthermore, no one really talked about it, especially since most of us don't always go to the same washroom all the time, until recently when we found out who it was. We were suspicious about him for a few weeks, but eventually we were able to deduce it was him due to the freshness of the washroom before he enters it (at usually the same time in the morning) to the obvious evidence after he exits it. And indeed we know now that it happens routinely by him. So how do we deal with this? Should someone among us develop the courage to tell him to take his dump before going to work? And what if he refuses? Should we notify our boss in that case? No one can stand the aftereffects he creates every single god damn morning.
OMG, I can't believe someone else from that place is here on terb. I'm sorrry. I didn't realize, I won't use the washroom anymore :peep:
OMG, I can't believe someone else from that place is here on terb. I'm sorrry. I didn't realize, I won't use the washroom anymore :peep:
Too funny! I remember my ex once telling me that for such a little thing I sure could make a big stink some times. We shared a tiny 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom basement apt at the time.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Probably his wife or GF has had enough of his malodorous dumps and has told him to do it at work.

But you wanna know what's even worse......

When you smell shit, the truth is you are actually eating it.

Odour is actually tiny particles that you are inhaling. In this case, tiny tiny little particles of shit that came flying out of his ass. And you inhale it. And smell is just an extension of taste.

Bonne appetite!


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Can fecal pathogens be inhaled? Do they hitch a ride on the tiny particles?


Feb 23, 2017
Too funny! I remember my ex once telling me that for such a little thing I sure could make a big stink some times. We shared a tiny 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom basement apt at the time.
Hopefully this isn't your marketing


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
Try prunes and all-bran for breakfast. That'll set you up for the early dump, and you'll be outta there while chummy's still dreaming.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Would the problem be the job sites or the fact that I would have to share the washroom with you?
To put it crudely, pissing is the only thing I dare to attempt in the Portuguese space capsules.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
Ok, here's an idea that may work without upsetting him. We have a group conversation where he is within listening distance. We talk about "some dude" who is stinking up the washroom everyday and state that he should do his business at home or bring in V.I.Poo to blockade the smell. Then he cannot get mad at us because he doesn't know we know it is him. He then should realize the agonies he's causing and then follow the advice we mention. Should I get my colleagues to rehearse?
So now he has grounds for a HR complaint...

It's the smell that's abhorrent, so deal with it. You have a valid complaint if he is shitting all over the seat and pissing on the floor and by all accounts, this isn't the case. The problem is yours and the rest of the office staffs. Pass the hat around for air fresheners and put them in the washroom.


Well-known member
So now he has grounds for a HR complaint...

It's the smell that's abhorrent, so deal with it. You have a valid complaint if he is shitting all over the seat and pissing on the floor and by all accounts, this isn't the case. The problem is yours and the rest of the office staffs. Pas s the hat around for air fresheners and put them in the washroom.
office management should already have these in the washrooms....unless they already have and this guys deposits cancel them which case...promote him and transfer him to another office...dept. building or province


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
First world problems
Are you really complaining someone is using a toilet?
As in just using it, I see no claims that he leaves feces on floor or anything


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
So you are suggesting that no one should talk to him, or even let him know that we know? Trust me, if you entered the washroom 10 minutes after he left, you couldn't stay there for more than 5 seconds. It is so bad that it might be possible that his wife nags him to take his dump at work instead of at home in the morning.
Here's the deal: All you have told us is that he's using the washroom and toilet for their intended purposes. So if there is a problem, you are going to have to overcome the squeamishness that's prevented you from describing it. If you can't bring yourself to tell us what you find objectionable, how can you ever hope to face the guy and tell him?

Let me give it a try: The bathroom really smells after anyone takes a dump in it, because it's substandard and has no ventilation. If you, or anyone takes a dump, the only hope is to flush as they go to keep the smell to a minimum not wait for the end of business when it's had time to fill the room.

A sign to that effect, with 'substandard' underlined might also be effective, and a memo (anonymous or joint) to management about the less-than-Code-facility could also help.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Personally, I think you all are being immature and mean. I know that I go at the same time everyday. I am regular and not able to change that. That is normal. To even think of suggesting he changes his time table for bowel movements is probably impossible but also extremely rude in my opinion. Who made you the king of the bathroom??? Seriously. Let the man shit in peace.

As for the smell - take it up with management. It is their issue to deal with if it is that bad that it disrupts your ability to work under normal conditions. They should have proper ventilation, air-freshers, etc. And if ANYONE should be speaking to him, it would be management. Not you or you cackling gossipers hanging around the water cooler talking about this guy behind his back.


Feb 23, 2017
Personally, I think you all are being immature and mean. I know that I go at the same time everyday. I am regular and not able to change that. That is normal. To even think of suggesting he changes his time table for bowel movements is probably impossible but also extremely rude in my opinion. Who made you the king of the bathroom??? Seriously. Let the man shit in peace.

As for the smell - take it up with management. It is their issue to deal with if it is that bad that it disrupts your ability to work under normal conditions. They should have proper ventilation, air-freshers, etc. And if ANYONE should be speaking to him, it would be management. Not you or you cackling gossipers hanging around the water cooler talking about this guy behind his back.
I don't think it's even gone that far i.e. it's smelling up the office. It just seems to be a "shitty" situation for those who have to use the bathroom afterwards.


Banned from schools.....
Aug 16, 2011
On the Credit River with Jim
You'll be surprised to know a washroom fans purpose is to take care of excess moisture, like when one has a shower.

The added benefit is removing bad air.

In commercial spaces there is a requirement to have a complete air change x times per hour.....which should include the bathroom. I'm pretty certain washroom fans are not required under code.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Shit just got real.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
Maybe you're just jealous of his regularity.


Active member
May 22, 2011
Sounds gross.

But the guy has a right to use the bathroom like everyone else. As long as he isn't making a mess and just using the toilet normally, you can't rag on the guy for smelly dumps.

A bigger problem is that the place seems small with a key-only single toilet, no automatic fresheners and such.

All management has to do is ask the cleaning crew to buy some cans of air fresheners (minimum effort), or spend a bit of money to install those automatic sensors.
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