A guy at work takes a dump in our washroom everyday!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
A guy at work takes a dump in our washroom everyday !
We have a similar situation - it's like ~ 10:30 AM everyday. I know it's what the toilet is for but even in six stall room the smell is like a septic tank exploded. It seems unreal that a single human can create such an intense odour. I wondered how it is that this guy couldn't do his dump at home but if the odour is this foul - maybe it's the reason he saves it for work.

I did have a thought that maybe the boss was bringing in the smell to dramatically shorten the durations humans could survive in the bathroom thus getting more productivity from employees at their desk.


Supporting Member
Jun 14, 2013
This has been happening for at least a year actually, but no one really knew who it was or if it was even by the same person. Also, the washrooms are single-toilet only and entered only with a key, so only one person can be inside at the same time. Furthermore, no one really talked about it, especially since most of us don't always go to the same washroom all the time, until recently when we found out who it was. We were suspicious about him for a few weeks, but eventually we were able to deduce it was him due to the freshness of the washroom before he enters it (at usually the same time in the morning) to the obvious evidence after he exits it. And indeed we know now that it happens routinely by him. So how do we deal with this? Should someone among us develop the courage to tell him to take his dump before going to work? And what if he refuses? Should we notify our boss in that case? No one can stand the aftereffects he creates every single god damn morning.

Confronting this guy can get you in some deep shit. It is a public washroom and not your own so he is not doing anything wrong. If you tell him to stop using it you will get in trouble with HR. If he reports you it would be considered work place harassment and you will get a warning. Mind your business and dont worry about other people washroom breaks.


Feb 23, 2017
This thread is funny. Can't control other people's bowel movements. Unless he's leaving physical evidence behind i.e. crapping all over and not cleaning up, the odor is what it is. Many men's washrooms stink to high hell so I avoid public washrooms as much as possible.

Candle, air freshener, or OP can take his own advice and use the washroom at home.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Hilarious!! Come and spend a day with me, traveling between job sites all day. I guarantee that the next day you'll welcome your toilet like a long lost brother- smell or not.


Jul 2, 2017
Hilarious!! Come and spend a day with me, traveling between job sites all day. I guarantee that the next day you'll welcome your toilet like a long lost brother- smell or not.
Would the problem be the job sites or the fact that I would have to share the washroom with you?


Feb 23, 2017
Would the problem be the job sites or the fact that I would have to share the washroom with you?
Dude, you are upset about the smell in a washroom. Ever seen the show Dirty Jobs? There's a lot of jobs with some pretty nasty odors and the people are smelling it all day long. Classic 1st world problem you have.
Confronting this guy can get you in some deep shit. It is a public washroom and not your own so he is not doing anything wrong. If you tell him to stop using it you will get in trouble with HR. If he reports you it would be considered work place harassment and you will get a warning. Mind your business and don't worry about other people's washroom breaks.
This ^^^. Such a juvenile thread. FWP, or to put another way, don't sweat the little things in life or what is really a minor inconvenience. Sheesh, I used to have to clean the bathrooms at an English pub I worked at because they were too cheap to pay a professional cleaning co to come in. You try cleaning puke, etc. out of a urinal. That's unpleasant!


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
Don't just leave the bottle there... write an anonymous note stating what it's for and why he needs to use it. Signed by "The Entire Office".

What he's putting you all threw should not be tolerated.
He can then complain to HR and get him in shit (metaphorically)


Jul 2, 2017
Ok, here's an idea that may work without upsetting him. We have a group conversation where he is within listening distance. We talk about "some dude" who is stinking up the washroom everyday and state that he should do his business at home or bring in V.I.Poo to blockade the smell. Then he cannot get mad at us because he doesn't know we know it is him. He then should realize the agonies he's causing and then follow the advice we mention. Should I get my colleagues to rehearse?


Active member
Aug 24, 2008
Ask management/building management to install one of those timed/motion detect air fresheners. We have one in our washrooms.

I don't think your last idea is good either, he'll know you're talking about him (unless he doesn't know his BMs smell really bad).


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Confronting this guy can get you in some deep shit. It is a public washroom and not your own so he is not doing anything wrong. If you tell him to stop using it you will get in trouble with HR. If he reports you it would be considered work place harassment and you will get a warning. Mind your business and dont worry about other people washroom breaks.
It is his right to use the washroom. If we started to ban people who stink up washrooms, then before you know it, Justin will be making a tearful apology to those folks and costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2004
Ok, here's an idea that may work without upsetting him. We have a group conversation where he is within listening distance. We talk about "some dude" who is stinking up the washroom everyday and state that he should do his business at home or bring in V.I.Poo to blockade the smell. Then he cannot get mad at us because he doesn't know we know it is him. He then should realize the agonies he's causing and then follow the advice we mention. Should I get my colleagues to rehearse?
Holy fuck. I can’t believe people are making suggestions for this stupid thread. Figure it and now let’s all get onto something more interesting like “can you believe what that dick Trump said today”....:doh:


Feb 16, 2013
The guy is not doing anything wrong. He’s using the washroom to take a shit...That’s what it’s there for.

Sounds like the washroom itself is poorly designed or poorly ventilated. Invest in some air freshener or Lysol or something.



Jun 19, 2013
Just ask your boss to ban pooping during work hours.

Equality, fairness and fresh smelling bathrooms for all.



Jan 16, 2004
Paradise by the dashboard light.
Ok, here's an idea that may work without upsetting him. We have a group conversation where he is within listening distance. We talk about "some dude" who is stinking up the washroom everyday and state that he should do his business at home or bring in V.I.Poo to blockade the smell. Then he cannot get mad at us because he doesn't know we know it is him. He then should realize the agonies he's causing and then follow the advice we mention. Should I get my colleagues to rehearse?
i don't like the smell of this. He may go ape shit

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