Pickering Angels

CBC: Forget the 'slippery slope' — Israel already is an apartheid state


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Sorry, but that's just idiotic and can only come from someone who has never set foot in a university.

Meanwhile, Israel is enacting ethnic cleansing.
If you were really against racism, you'd be offended.
denying the fact the universities engage in censorship and punish students for dissenting views will not change reality.

Israel is not engage in Ethnic cleansing your anti-Semitism is showing again


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
denying the fact the universities engage in censorship and punish students for dissenting views will not change reality.

Israel is not engage in Ethnic cleansing your anti-Semitism is showing again
Keep your threads on topic please, take your university bashing elsewhere, this one's for bashing Israeli government policies.

Here's an article on Israeli ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Whats amazing is Frankie's completely oblivious to his own anti-semitism
Its sad that you are so unaware of the left wing Jewish history in this city.
From the Christy Pits riot on, there has always been a left wing/right wing split, these days it pits the extremist right wing zionists against Jewish Canadians who stand for equal rights and don't agree with Israeli policy.
You should really read IJV's statements, or at least start with the poll stating that 80% of Canadians now support BDS.
Right wing extremists like yourself, who try to tar others with baseless accusations, are now the extremist minority.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Right-wing extremist?? I've never been called that before.
I think you're just getting mad because its not easy to admit you're an anti-semite.

Tell me Frankie, why would a non-middle Eastern guy from Canada show so much interest in Israeli foreign policy?? Its probably a country you never even been to. 90% of your posts on this forum are filled with hate for either Trump or Israeli policies in middle-East. Why?? Where does all this hate come from????


Mar 12, 2004
Right-wing extremist?? I've never been called that before.
I think you're just getting mad because its not easy to admit you're an anti-semite.

Tell me Frankie, why would a non-middle Eastern guy from Canada show so much interest in Israeli foreign policy?? Its probably a country you never even been to. 90% of your posts on this forum are filled with hate for either Trump or Israeli policies in middle-East. Why?? Where does all this hate come from????
Would visiting "friends" in Syria,... possibly an answer,... ???
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Right-wing extremist?? I've never been called that before.
I think you're just getting mad because its not easy to admit you're an anti-semite.

Tell me Frankie, why would a non-middle Eastern guy from Canada show so much interest in Israeli foreign policy?? Its probably a country you never even been to. 90% of your posts on this forum are filled with hate for either Trump or Israeli policies in middle-East. Why?? Where does all this hate come from????
Because they're the ones that generate the most vitriol.
Threads on other subjects die out, but the Trump threads last forever.
Basketcase keeps the Israel ones going here by posting nonsense that I can't resist correcting.

Most of my community swings towards human rights over the pro-Israel crowd and 90% of the pro-Israel crowd I know are pretty right wing or just plain racist.
If you're tarred by that broad stroke then I'd need to ask why you support the 19th century colonial model over the Canadian equal rights model applied there.
Do you support the government of Israel or are you one of those who think all Palestinians are evil, subhuman types that don't deserve equal rights?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
LETHBRIDGE, Alta. –**B’nai Brith Canada is outraged that Professor Anthony Hall has returned to work at the University of Lethbridge, after he was suspended for**promoting antisemitism**in October of 2016.
Hall’s return was facilitated by Alberta Premier Rachel Notley’s NDP Government, which passed**two**bills**in mid-2017 that strengthened the position of Hall’s faculty association. In August, the Government even took the rare step of launching a**direct legal intervention**that aided Hall, and eventually prompted a labour arbitrator to order him back to work in November.
It is unclear whether the University of Lethbridge plans to appeal the arbitrator’s decision. Hall**remains the subject**of an Alberta human rights complaint.
“Premier Notley and her Government bear direct responsibility for placing a discredited conspiracy theorist back in a university classroom,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada. “We repeatedly warned the Government of the likely outcome of its actions, but they sadly chose to ignore our warnings and expose Alberta university students to antisemitism and discrimination instead.
“Despite this setback, we expect the University of Lethbridge to continue fighting antisemitism on campus, and to do whatever it takes to ensure that Hall has no podium for his unhinged antisemitic nonsense.”
In 2016, Hall came under fire for**teaching students**that Israel was responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and for**producing Holocaust denial videos**with German-Canadian neo-Nazi**Alfred Schaefer.


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
If you're tarred by that broad stroke then I'd need to ask why you support the 19th century colonial model over the Canadian equal rights model applied there.
Do you support the government of Israel or are you one of those who think all Palestinians are evil, subhuman types that don't deserve equal rights?
I think PLO's (and most of the Arab world) refusal to make peace with Israel is based on religion. Most muslims believe Israel is sitting on their "holy" land, and thats why they want them gone. In 2000 Barak offered Yasser Arafat 90% of the West Bank for peace, Arafat refused to take the deal. That tells me they dont want peace, they want Israel destroyed and when you have neighbours like that you have to instill some form of apartheid for self-defense


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Its sad that you are so unaware of the left wing Jewish history in this city.
From the Christy Pits riot on, there has always been a left wing/right wing split, these days it pits the extremist right wing zionists against Jewish Canadians who stand for equal rights and don't agree with Israeli policy.
You should really read IJV's statements, or at least start with the poll stating that 80% of Canadians now support BDS.
Right wing extremists like yourself, who try to tar others with baseless accusations, are now the extremist minority.
I am not understanding your reference to the Christie Pits riot.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I think PLO's (and most of the Arab world) refusal to make peace with Israel is based on religion.
I think thats a cheap excuse that tries to tarnish Palestinians and Arabs as 'hateful Muslims', or its really just Islamophobia.

Most of the Palestinians I know are moderates that just want to live their lives and are as religious as most Canadians, read not much at all.
The lack of peace started with the stupid Balfour Declaration, that awarded more then 50% of the land to a group that owned only 5.6% at the time.
That understandably pissed off a lot of Arabs and Palestinians.

When British Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour, made his promise, in November 1917, to the Zionist movement to grant them a Jewish state in Palestine, the once distant and implausible idea began taking shape. It would have been effortlessly achievable, had the Palestinians not rebelled.

The 1936-1939 Palestinian rebellion revealed an impressive degree of collective political awareness and ability to mobilize, despite British violence.

The British government then dispatched the Peel Commission to Palestine to examine the roots of the violence, hoping to quell the Palestinian revolt.

In July 1937, the commission published its report, which immediately ignited the fury of the native population, who were already aware of the British-Zionist collusion.

The Peel Commission concluded that "underlying causes of the disturbances" were the desire of the Palestinians for independence, and their "hatred and fear of the establishment of the Jewish national home." Based on that view, it recommended the partition of Palestine into a Jewish state and a Palestinian state, the latter to be incorporated into Transjordan, which was itself under the control of the British.

Palestine, like other Arab countries, was supposedly being primed for independence, under the terms of the British Mandate, as granted by the League of Nations in 1922. Moreover, the Peel Commission was recommending partial independence for Palestine, unlike the full sovereignty granted to the Jewish state.

More alarming was the arbitrary nature of that division. The total Jewish land ownership then did not exceed 5.6 percent of the total size of the country. The Jewish state was to include the most strategic and fertile regions of Palestine, including the Fertile Galilee and much of the water access to the Mediterranean.

Thousands of Palestinians were killed in the rebellion as they continued to reject the prejudicial partition and the British ploy aimed at honoring the Balfour Declaration and rendering Palestinians stateless.

To strengthen its position, the Zionist leadership changed course. In May 1942, David Ben-Gurion, then the representative of the Jewish Agency, attended a New York conference which brought together leading American Zionists. In his speech, he demanded that all of Palestine become a "Jewish Commonwealth."

A new powerful ally, President Harry Truman, began filling the gap left open, as the British were keen on ending their mandate in Palestine. In ‘Before Their Diaspora,’ Walid Khalidi writes:

"(US President Harry Truman) went a step further in his support of Zionism by endorsing a Jewish Agency plan for the partition of Palestine into a Jewish state and a Palestinian state. The plan envisaged the incorporation into the Jewish state about 60 percent of Palestine at a time when the Jewish land ownership in the country did not exceed 7 percent."

On November 29, 1947 the UN 33-member state General Assembly, under intense pressure from the US administration of Truman, voted in favor of Resolution 181 (II) calling for the partition of Palestine into three entities: a Jewish state, a Palestinian state and an international regime to govern Jerusalem.

If the British partition proposal of 1937 was bad enough, the UN resolution was a reason for total dismay, as it allocated 5500 square miles to the proposed Jewish state, and only 4500 square miles to Palestinians – who owned 94.2 of the land and represented over two-thirds of the population.

The ethnic cleansing of Palestine began in earnest after the Partition Plan was adopted. In December 1947, organized Zionist attacks on Palestinian areas resulted in the exodus of 75,000 people. In fact, the Palestinian Nakba – Catastrophe – did not begin in 1948, but 1947.

That exodus of the Palestinians was engineered through Plan Dalet, which was implemented in stages and altered to accommodate political necessities. The final stage of that plan, launched in April of 1948, included six major operations. Two of them, Operation Nachshon and Harel, aimed at destroying the Palestinian villages in and around the Jaffa-Jerusalem border. By cutting off the two-main central mass that composed the proposed Palestinian Arab state, the Zionist leadership wanted to break up any possibility of Palestinian geographical cohesion. This continues to be the aim to this day.

The Israeli achievement after the war was hardly guided by the Partition Plan. The disjointed Palestinian territories of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem made up 22 percent of the historic size of Palestine.

The rest is painful history. The carrot of the Palestinian state is dangled from time to time, by the very forces that partitioned Palestine 70 years ago, yet worked diligently with Israel to ensure the demise of the political aspirations of the Palestinian people.

Eventually, the partitioned discourse was remolded into that of ‘two-state solution’, championed in recent decades by various US administrations, who exhibited little sincerity of ever making such a state a reality.

And now, 70 years after the partition of Palestine, there is only one state, although governed by two different sets laws, one that privileges Jews and discriminates against Palestinians.

"A single state has already existed for a long time," wrote Israeli columnist Gideon Levy in a recent Haaretz column. "The time has come to launch a battle over the nature of its regime."

Many Palestinians already have.

Really, they're just pissed off a bunch of foreign colonialists came and plotted to take their homes.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Really, they're just pissed off a bunch of foreign colonialists came and plotted to take their homes.
Its sad that you are so unaware of the left wing Jewish history in this city....
You ignore the Jewish history in the Israel when you call Israel a bunch of colonialists. Jews were the largest group in Jerusalem before the term 'zionist' was ever heard. You blaming Arab racism against Jews on the Balfour declaration is a laughable excuse for anti-semitism.

BTW: I would hope most Canadians would be moderates but almost half of Palestinians in the region support attacks on Israeli civilians.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
From the Christy Pits riot on, there has always been a left wing/right wing split, these days it pits the extremist right wing zionists against Jewish Canadians who stand for equal rights and don't agree with Israeli policy....
Most left wing Jews in Canada may see Israel as having problems but unlike you don't make excuses for Hamas violence.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You ignore the Jewish history in the Israel when you call Israel a bunch of colonialists. Jews were the largest group in Jerusalem before the term 'zionist' was ever heard. You blaming Arab racism against Jews on the Balfour declaration is a laughable excuse for anti-semitism.

BTW: I would hope most Canadians would be moderates but almost half of Palestinians in the region support attacks on Israeli civilians.
The largest group in once city, but still only 1/3 of the population of Palestine.
"(US President Harry Truman) went a step further in his support of Zionism by endorsing a Jewish Agency plan for the partition of Palestine into a Jewish state and a Palestinian state. The plan envisaged the incorporation into the Jewish state about 60 percent of Palestine at a time when the Jewish land ownership in the country did not exceed 7 percent."

On November 29, 1947 the UN 33-member state General Assembly, under intense pressure from the US administration of Truman, voted in favor of Resolution 181 (II) calling for the partition of Palestine into three entities: a Jewish state, a Palestinian state and an international regime to govern Jerusalem.

If the British partition proposal of 1937 was bad enough, the UN resolution was a reason for total dismay, as it allocated 5500 square miles to the proposed Jewish state, and only 4500 square miles to Palestinians – who owned 94.2 of the land and represented over two-thirds of the population.
94% of the land was owned by Palestinians before the British proposed giving 60% of it to Israel.
But apparently even that wasn't enough.
In May 1942, David Ben-Gurion, then the representative of the Jewish Agency, attended a New York conference which brought together leading American Zionists. In his speech, he demanded that all of Palestine become a "Jewish Commonwealth."
Its time for the ICC to rule on the occupation and apartheid.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Most left wing Jews in Canada may see Israel as having problems but unlike you don't make excuses for Hamas violence.
Both Israel and Hamas should stop the violence.
However, you refuse to acknowledge that Israel is much, much more violent then Hamas and have never once suggested that they should have to obey the laws, including the Geneva Conventions and human rights.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Israel is much, much more violent then Hamas
Here's your anti-semitism right here. You've probably never stepped foot inside Israel yourself, yet you choose to believe the anti-Israel propaganda coming from pro-Palestinian media and othrr left-wing rags.

How would you know Israel was much more violent if you never been to Israel to check for yourself??


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
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