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CNBC commentator Marc Faber says "Thank God white people populated America, not black


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Sure, its not PC, but if the science supports there will be papers backing it that don't come from the Pioneer Fund.
So where are they?

Even this paper you posted says you are wrong and that there is little difference between groups.
Frank, you're an incredibly confused individual. The quote is regarding Neuroimaging intelligence testing ONLY (this is NEW cutting edge area of scientific research). This is a separate but related discipline to the other intelligence testing we've been discussing throughout this entire thread - you know the one with a 100 year history of data?

You're also disingenuous by highlighting one sentence while ignoring the rest, which answers your question as to "where are [the studies]?"

"This has made neuroscientists reluctant to investigate individual or group differences in intelligence, as they may be perceived as racist"

See a common thread here? Scientists are AFRAID to do SCIENCE because they may be deemed racist if the results are not to your PC liking. It's like Galileo all over again. Very bad when researchers feel they cannot conduct studies or the king will have their head.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
See a common thread here? Scientists are AFRAID to do SCIENCE because they may be deemed racist if the results are not to your PC liking. It's like Galileo all over again. Very bad when researchers feel they cannot conduct studies or the king will have their head.
But Galileo happened and we accepted his work.
'cuz his work was legit.

Where are the legit studies backing your 100 years of research you keep talking about?
If there is 100 years worth of study here, why is it still hiding under rocks?


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
But Galileo happened and we accepted his work.
'cuz his work was legit.

Where are the legit studies backing your 100 years of research you keep talking about?
If there is 100 years worth of study here, why is it still hiding under rocks?
From WW1 to present day. This fact is not disputed by anyone - not a single researcher in the scientific community will dispute that the testing has shown an IQ gap between races consistently over this time. Use google if you have to. I've already provided links to plenty of studies and programs. It seems like you don't even know what you want or understand what you're asking for.


Aug 23, 2001
Oh, oagre, conventional academia says no such thing and it's people like you that have made further inquiry or statements about it impossible (for now):

"It is becoming more accepted that a neurobiological basis for intelligence exists (at least for reasoning and problem-solving). The success of these intelligence studies present ethical issues. A large concern for the general population is the issue of race and intelligence. While little variation has been found between racial groups, the public perception of intelligence studies has been negatively impacted by concerns of racism. It is important to consider the consequences of studies that investigate intelligence differences in population-groups (racial or ethnic) and if it is ethical to conduct these studies. A study suggesting that one group is biologically more intelligent than another may cause tension. This has made neuroscientists reluctant to investigate individual or group differences in intelligence, as they may be perceived as racist.[15]" -

Your argument is like saying "Why haven't we cloned humans yet? The science must be wrong". Meanwhile, the only thing holding it back are the ethical and social issues around it. Anyway, you're smart enough to know this is true of "race and intelligence" studies but you're not prepared to concede publicly. If you do, someone like Frank might call you names like "racist". None of these "theories" have anything to do with Rushton - so it's not clear why you and Frank are obsessed with him. Hopefully you will grow a pair in the future rather than bow in cowardice.

The IQ gap is not a "bizarre racist theory". I don't know how you got that from this entire discussion. Ruston has nothing to do with the development of IQ testing and the observation of a racial gap in IQ. The IQ gap is mainstream scientific knowledge.
It's like arguing with a wall. For one thing, you don't read my posts. And thus, you don't really respond to them.

Frank and I have been saying the same simple stuff for 3 pages. If you don't understand or like what we are saying, move on from the thread. Just saying the same stuff over and over doesn't get you a win.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
It's like arguing with a wall. For one thing, you don't read my posts. And thus, you don't really respond to them.

Frank and I have been saying the same simple stuff for 3 pages. If you don't understand or like what we are saying, move on from the thread. Just saying the same stuff over and over doesn't get you a win.
I read all of your posts. They're nothing more than ad hominem attacks against myself and irrelevant dead guy named Rushton.

You keep repeating things that have nothing to do with the science.

a) There is an racial IQ gap that has existed for 100 years, that no researcher on the planet disputes
b) The gap has NOT been explained using environment and culture - APA statement has affirmed this
c) No evidence shows that the IQ gap could be eliminated or reversed
d) Scientists are SCARED to do this kind of research because people like you will call them racist

Hope that's simple enough for you.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I read all of your posts. They're nothing more than ad hominem attacks against myself and irrelevant dead guy named Rushton.

You keep repeating things that have nothing to do with the science.

a) There is an racial IQ gap that has existed for 100 years, that no researcher on the planet disputes
b) The gap has NOT been explained using environment and culture - APA statement has affirmed this
c) No evidence shows that the IQ gap could be eliminated or reversed
d) Scientists are SCARED to do this kind of research because people like you will call them racist

Hope that's simple enough for you.
a) IQ numbers change over time and in the US the gap between 'black' and 'caucasian' tests are getting narrower. If it were genetics that wouldn't happen.
b) The exact influences haven't been nailed down, though they have confirmed that its not IQ and race.
c) See a)
d) Also 'cuz the guys who did it originally were Nazis and their work is highly suspect. And the guys you read are also Nazis and their work is highly suspect. And the guy who put it all together into the 30 years book is a white supremacist whose work is highly suspect. You wanna go work for them? Why don't you also build a perpetual motion machine and a cold fusion driven laptop while you're at it.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
a) IQ numbers change over time and in the US the gap between 'black' and 'caucasian' tests are getting narrower. If it were genetics that wouldn't happen.
b) The exact influences haven't been nailed down, though they have confirmed that its not IQ and race.
c) See a)
d) Also 'cuz the guys who did it originally were Nazis and their work is highly suspect. And the guys you read are also Nazis and their work is highly suspect. And the guy who put it all together into the 30 years book is a white supremacist whose work is highly suspect. You wanna go work for them? Why don't you also build a perpetual motion machine and a cold fusion driven laptop while you're at it.
a) Narrowing and parity are different things. Environment (e.g. Proper nourishment) can raise IQ to an individual's full IQ potential. With that said, what evidence shows a consistent narrowing?

I should point out that the average IQ for each group has consistently been the following over the past 100 years: 85 for US blacks, 89 for Amerindians, 100 for US whites, 106 for Asians, higher for US Jews.

b) the exact influences haven't been nailed down and race has not been ruled out

c) see a) and b)

d) most people involved in the research past and present have not been Nazis. I don't of any that were Nazis, to be honest (how strange it would be for Nazis to operate in US academia). Jensen, who is Jewish (therefore not a nazi nor white supremacist) who co-wrote the paper with Rushton. It was a research paper published in an APA peer reviewed journal, not a book. Rushton's book was all his own and in it he shared his theories that go far beyond IQ, and is beyond the scope of this discussion.

Nonetheless non-Nazi scientists remain petrified of doing research in this area. You're ok with that?
Last edited:


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
a) Narrowing and parity are different things. Environment (e.g. Proper nourishment) can raise IQ to an individual's full IQ potential. With that said, what evidence shows a consistent narrowing?

I should point out that the average IQ for each group has consistently been the following over the past 100 years: 85 for US blacks, 89 for Amerindians, 100 for US whites, 106 for Asians, higher for US Jews.

b) the exact influences haven't been nailed down and race has not been ruled out

c) see a) and b)

d) most people involved in the research past and present have not been Nazis. I don't of any that were Nazis, to be honest (how strange it would be for Nazis to operate in US academia). Jensen, who is Jewish (therefore not a nazi) who co-wrote the paper with Rushton was not a white supremacist. It was a research paper published in an APA peer reviewed journal, not a book. Rushton's book was all his own and in it he shared his theories that go far beyond IQ, and is beyond the scope of this discussion.

Nonetheless non-Nazi scientists remain petrified of doing research in this area. You're ok with that?
Please provide links for all the claims you made in that post.
For they are all nonsense and looking at where you found them will be instructive.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Please provide links for all the claims you made in that post.
For they are all nonsense and looking at where you found them will be instructive.
What "claims" do you want links for? Be specific.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Thanks for proving my point that all your 'scientists' are funded by the Pioneer Fund.
Gottfredson has received research grants worth $267,000 from the Pioneer Fund, an organization which has been described as "racist" and "white supremacist".[2][3][4]

b) the statement you quoted by the APA which stated that bias and cultural explanations for the IQ gap have little evidence
You mean the statement that said there is currently no non-circumstantial evidence linking IQ and race?
The one that totally destroys your claims?


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Thanks for proving my point that all your 'scientists' are funded by the Pioneer Fund.

You mean the statement that said there is currently no non-circumstantial evidence linking IQ and race?
The one that totally destroys your claims?
The 52 signatories of that statement are academic researchers in fields associated with intelligence testing and they're not funded by the pioneer fund, nor is the APA whose statement is a mirror image, with even more researchers. You wanted proof of scientific consensus that IQ measures differ among racial populations and has for 100 years and now you have it. We've already walked thru the meaning of "non-circumstantial". If you've forgotten use the dictionary.

You can run from the truth, but you cannot hide it, on the internet.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The 52 signatories of that statement are academic researchers in fields associated with intelligence testing and they're not funded by the pioneer fund, nor is the APA whose statement is a mirror image, with even more researchers. You wanted proof of scientific consensus that IQ measures differ among racial populations and has for 100 years and now you have it. We've already walked thru the meaning of "non-circumstantial". If you've forgotten use the dictionary.

You can run from the truth, but you cannot hide it, on the internet.
Thomas Bouchard
Bouchard arranged to study the pair, assembling a team and applying for a grant to the Pioneer Fund in 1981
Hans Eysenck
Some of Eysenck's later work was funded from the Pioneer Fund, an organization often criticised for allegedly promoting scientific racism,[29
Seymour Itzkoff
Itzkoff's work on intelligence has been published in Mankind Quarterly, and he has been a Pioneer Fund recipient
Jensen had received $1.1 million from the Pioneer Fund,[16][17] an organization frequently described as racist and "white supremacist" in nature
I'd go on but....


Active member
Jun 5, 2009


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Please go on. There are 52 signatories just on that statement alone. After that do the same for all APA members.
How boring.

Even your statement says this:
There is no definitive answer as to why bell curves differ across racial-ethnic groups.
Guess that definitive answer couldn't be race, even among the racist scientists, eh?


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
How boring.

Even your statement says this:

Guess that definitive answer couldn't be race, even among the racist scientists, eh?
According to you, there were no difference in the scores across racial-ethnic groups. Finally glad you concede the point considering how much data there is. Not sure what you mean by "racist scientists". That's a claim you made and now you're suggesting they're not racist or less racist based on their statement? It's hard to follow your logic.

Further, I suppose you weren't able to find any more "pioneer fundees" among the 48 remaining signatures or any with APA membership? If the majority are "racist scientists" we deserve to know, so please carry on with the good work of listing them and their racist associations.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
According to you, there were no difference across racial-ethnic groups. Finally glad you concede the point considering how much data there is. Not sure what you mean by "racist scientists". That's a claim you made and now you're suggesting they're not based on their statement? It's hard to follow your logic.
Read the criticisms on their wiki pages.
Check to see for Pioneer Fund money.
Its not clean.

There is no legit study ever that linked IQ and race because there is no genetic division of race.

Here’s my argument in short: We shouldn’t expect to find genetic differences in IQ between Hispanics and whites because neither category exists in nature. If we do find differences, that’s a red flag that something’s very wrong.

One problem may involve the test itself. Intelligence tests are culturally specific, meaning that measures of IQ don’t always translate from place to place. But there is an even more insidious possibility: The likelihood that measurable differences in IQ are a result of inequality. That is, average levels of intelligence are a physical manifestation of the fact that some groups have a privileged position in society, while others do not.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
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