Ashley Madison

Canadian Economy - Buoyant


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Here's another excellent example of how corporations work under free market terms.
In 2008 JPMorgan Chase committed massive fraud and was fined about $5 billion, now its been found that they are paying this fine through more of the same kinds of mortgage fraud.
But I'm sure their shareholders are all happy.

You can get your arse that the CEO's raked in millions at JPMorgan even as they screwed over their clients and the cities they lived in.
An issue in the US somehow provides you with the excuse to steal other Canadians wealth ???

WTF ???


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Maybe LaRue wants to pay the same percentage of taxes as the top 10%. Sure LaRue go ahead, and we will not stop you from doing so.
What a dolt you are
Again you try to make it personal???
I do my best and hope to provide a comfortable life for myself and family. (I guess that makes me evil in your strange view of the world )
However If I do not make it to the top 10% I will not lose any sleep.
Besides give how the incremental tax rate is 57.7% for the top ten, there is diminishing incentive to take the risks required to join the top 10%.
That should help you to clue in, however I think your too slow to grasp the implication

The taxes have to pay for infrastructure renewal, education, streets / highway upkeeps and additions, local facilities, police, army, air force, navy, security agencies, hospitals, doctors, nurses, specialists who earn above $500,000, people on welfare and disabilities, government agencies such as Health Canada etc., and so on.
Along with cancelled $1 B contracts, government employee wages and pensions which are ridiculously excessive, payouts to murdering terrorists and now payouts to native groups who will enrich just a few (i.e. the chiefs)
Oh yes a lot is used to pay the interest on the borrowings of past irresponsible governments
then there is the cost of sponsoring 50,000 refugees or subsiding Ontario hydro bills with money borrowed which the provincial tax payer will have to repay or the loan guarantees to Bombardier

There is more than sufficient tax revenue (we are taxed in aggregate in excess of 50%). The issue is irresponsible spending and a lack of respect for the taxpayer

Wonder how this will be financed if we reduce the taxes of the top 10%, and stay with the loopholes, that are being exploited by more businessmen, over and above business expenses that are factored into tax credits.
How would it be financed ?
By spending less you dope
Los of room to save money with government, it just needs to be smaller and more financially responsible


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Too bad for those looking to steal via taxation that taxation is based upon income not assets
I only used assets as I couldn't find stats for total income for the top 10%.
So lets use this number, since the Trudeau tax changes will only effect the top 1% who make $150,000 a year lets look at them.

The top one per cent of tax-filers received 10.3 per cent of the nation's total income in 2013, the same as in 2012.

The top one per cent of tax filers paid 20.3 per cent of federal and provincial/territorial income taxes in 2013, unchanged from the previous year.

That's a better ratio then your numbers, and its backed up.
So returning to earlier levels of taxation isn't outrageous or unprecedented.

In fact, more and more conservative economic think tanks are coming out and stating that taxing the wealthy will increase growth in the economy.

There is considerable research on the economic benefits of raising taxes on the richest one per cent of Canadians. Many may choose to ignore research, but the empirical evidence is difficult to cast aside.

For instance, the Washington-based Economic Policy Institute has shown that raising taxes does not impede economic growth. In fact, reducing taxes on the rich has had no statistically significant impact on growth.

Even the International Monetary Fund is now believes that the large income differences between the poor and rich should be reduced to encourage growth.

If you're running your own business surely you understand that unless your clientele is entirely in the 1%, that giving your clients more cash will increase the chances that they can spend on your business.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
However If I do not make it to the top 10% I will not lose any sleep.
So all this arguing to lower taxes for other people, when it won't effect you in the least?
If you're not in the top 10%, then these tax changes will help you, don't you know.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
So all this arguing to lower taxes for other people, when it won't effect you in the least?
If you're not in the top 10%, then these tax changes will help you, don't you know.
Unlike you I have the best interest of all Canadians and the Canadian economy in mind

Hopefully for the last time I will tell you that tax targeting the rich will have disastrous impacts on our economy

Again you avoid the question
Please answer
Would you support wealth redistribution , knowing it would damage the economy?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The top 10% of our population by wealth also own 60% of all assets.
Sounds like they get a deal and aren't paying as much of a percentage as lower income people.

I suggest you investigate those assets a little further
No doubt they include a huge portion of the hundreds of Billions of dollars in government debt

In your rush to steal other peoples money, you would have cut off the governments primary source of debt financing

your understanding of what makes an economy run is non-existant

And as guelph noted, these are changes only for those making $150,000 or more.
And that justifies stealing other peoples money how????

Why stop at $150,000 ??
why not expand it more until you are tax targeting Ontario teachers , say $90,000 ??

This is not about making things fair, you just want to punish those that are successful

Again you avoid the question
Please answer
Would you support wealth redistribution , knowing it would damage the economy?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
What a dolt you are
Again you try to make it personal???
I do my best and hope to provide a comfortable life for myself and family. (I guess that makes me evil in your strange view of the world )
However If I do not make it to the top 10% I will not lose any sleep.
Besides give how the incremental tax rate is 57.7% for the top ten, there is diminishing incentive to take the risks required to join the top 10%.
That should help you to clue in, however I think your too slow to grasp the implication

Along with cancelled $1 B contracts, government employee wages and pensions which are ridiculously excessive, payouts to murdering terrorists and now payouts to native groups who will enrich just a few (i.e. the chiefs)
Oh yes a lot is used to pay the interest on the borrowings of past irresponsible governments
then there is the cost of sponsoring 50,000 refugees or subsiding Ontario hydro bills with money borrowed which the provincial tax payer will have to repay or the loan guarantees to Bombardier

There is more than sufficient tax revenue (we are taxed in aggregate in excess of 50%). The issue is irresponsible spending and a lack of respect for the taxpayer

How would it be financed ?
By spending less you dope
Los of room to save money with government, it just needs to be smaller and more financially responsible
Look at the number of posts where you got personal with name calling and even more name calling. You are a dimwit if you do not know what personal means.
You will have a long, long, long way to go to make it to the top ten.
So sleep well as you wont have to pay those extra taxes. Also, no the top ten would care less about the high taxes. They know how to claw it back under numerous tax credits. They have a fortune tucked away in properties, stocks and incomes safely laundered away. You seem more concerned than them. Hilarious. As for your family, thank the notion that you live in a land where our children's education is free, as is our Healthcare and we have our streets and highways where the upkeep is second to no other nation. If what we did to our first nation's children was filed as a lawsuit south of our border, no doubt, the lawsuits would be in the billions. Off course you do not care about our indigeneous people just like Stephen did not care about the disappearance of their women and refused to start enquiries into what was occurring in their deaths. Mr Trudeau was elected on the platform of bringing in 25,000 refugees. Obviously, you have a short memory that Canada is a country of immigrants and refugees. The number brought to Canada pales in comparison to many of the EU countries. I agree that 10 million awarded to Khader was too high. No doubt of the Stephen Government acted more responsibly this would not have occurred and he would have served his term in Canada without the need for compensation.

Cancelled 1 billion contract, but saving $49 billion in the process was smart, especially with the ridiculous tax intended to be implemented on Bombardier by the US Government. The reason, is plain for all to see. Bombardier is now a competitive threat to Boeing just like Airbus. They have an aircraft C Series jet that is unique. In all fairness all governments whether Liberal or Conservative, have supported and subsidised their research. The Conservatives bailed out the car manufacturers. Curious, why you did not have them on your list. You mention Hydro but leave out the 100 billion to finance and build the 407ETR that could have been a flow of income into the Government coffers. But as usual it is a scandal that is not on your list. Again you get personal with your name calling nonsense. But take a look in the mirror and wave at that dope that will wave back at you. Yet the debt created by Stephen is far higher than that being amassed by Mr. Trudeau. The difference, Mr. Trudeau spelled out the spending on his platform, while Stevie Boy promised to grow the economy on tax cuts, that did not happen.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Unlike you I have the best interest of all Canadians and the Canadian economy in mind

Hopefully for the last time I will tell you that tax targeting the rich will have disastrous impacts on our economy
Your personal opinion is wrong, the studies and stats all show that you are wrongheaded.
I find it funny that the best you can do is to repeat the same line over and over again.

The most right wing monetary in the world says you are wrong.
IMF study finds inequality is damaging to economic growth
International Monetary Fund paper dismisses rightwing argument that redistributing incomes is self-defeating

You're economic ideas are dated.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I suggest you investigate those assets a little further
No doubt they include a huge portion of the hundreds of Billions of dollars in government debt
Sorry, Larue, but that's just idiotic.

If you are trying to claim that the 1% own the banks where government debt is held, then nothing would be smarter then to tax a bit of that to pay off the debt. That's just stranded money that you and I are paying, while the 1% let it sit and make money off it.

Why stop at $150,000 ??
why not expand it more until you are tax targeting Ontario teachers , say $90,000 ??
150k is the 1% cutoff here in Canada. That's a zone place to tax.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Look at the number of posts where you got personal with name calling and even more name calling. You are a dimwit if you do not know what personal means.
Awww Did I hurt your feeling?

You will have a long, long, long way to go to make it to the top ten.
Totally irrelevant , however as I said " If I do not make it to the top 10% I will not lose any sleep."
So sleep well as you wont have to pay those extra taxes. Also, no the top ten would care less about the high taxes.
Bull shit
Being taxed @ 57.7 % means they are working for Justin and Granny Wynne, while taking the risks
Anyone with half a brain would be concerned about that

They know how to claw it back under numerous tax credits.
And you want to change that

They have a fortune tucked away in properties, stocks and incomes safely laundered away.
And that makes it fair game for you to make a claim on it through taxation?
I do not think so

You seem more concerned than them.
Oh they are concerned, perhaps they do not spend time on TERB
there is very little that is funny about this issue

As for your family, thank the notion that you live in a land where our children's education is free, as is our Healthcare and we have our streets and highways where the upkeep is second to no other nation.
Nothing is free
We pay more than 50% of our income in taxes one way or another
Our education system is more geared to enriching teachers than educating our children, our health care system is unsustainable and will fall apart in the next 20 years due to demographics
Second to none??

If what we did to our first nation's children was filed as a lawsuit south of our border, no doubt, the lawsuits would be in the billions. Off course you do not care about our indigeneous people just like Stephen did not care about the disappearance of their women and refused to start enquiries into what was occurring in their deaths.
Holy irrelevant rambllings

A recent payout to a native group mostly went to enriching the chiefs , they shared very little with their tribe

Mr Trudeau was elected on the platform of bringing in 25,000 refugees.
So instead he brought in 50,000
As long as he spending our tax dollars , go big or go home.

Obviously, you have a short memory that Canada is a country of immigrants and refugees.
That does nothing to address the costs

The number brought to Canada pales in comparison to many of the EU countries.
That does nothing to address the costs

I agree that 10 million awarded to Khader was too high.
Finally an intelligent statement
$1 would have been too high

No doubt of the Stephen Government acted more responsibly this would not have occurred and he would have served his term in Canada without the need for compensation.
Wow again you make an intelligent statement,
too bad you meant the intelligent part as a sarcastic statement

Cancelled 1 billion contract, but saving $49 billion in the process was smart, especially with the ridiculous tax intended to be implemented on Bombardier by the US Government.
The $B contract cancelation fee was for the Ont gas generated power plants
The liberals have wasted so much tax payer money , its tough to keep track of their screw ups at the Federal and Provincial level

The reason, is plain for all to see. Bombardier is now a competitive threat to Boeing just like Airbus. They have an aircraft C Series jet that is unique. In all fairness all governments whether Liberal or Conservative, have supported and subsidised their research.
You do not know the whole story here
Bombardier has had its hand in the taxpayers pocket for decades
It is an issue with continually having PMs from Quebec
Bombardier has a duel class share structure which ensures control for the Beaudoin family

Our Federal government provides loan guarantees for Bombardier's customers - A very risky proposition given the number of airlines which have failed
Others including the US and Brazil see this as an unfair subsidy and they are correct
One bad act (loan guarantees) resulted in a reciprocating bad act (tariffs of 200+%)

the current Liberal government sees it fit to bend over backwards to support an old Quebec billionaire family, yet drives a huge economic project ($15+ B) Energy East into oblivion
Come on a leftie like you cant think too highly of that

The amount you truly understand is a joke
The Conservatives bailed out the car manufacturers.
god your stunned
The message from the US was if you do not participate with $ only US production plants and only US jobs would be saved
He had very little choice

Curious, why you did not have them on your list.
I did not think about an issue which happened 10 years ago, however if it will pacify you
The union behaviour in that case was shameful
their benefits package was the millstone around the industries neck, yet they refuse any of the blame

You mention Hydro but leave out the 100 billion to finance and build the 407ETR that could have been a flow of income into the Government coffers.
100 Billion??
I do not think so

But as usual it is a scandal that is not on your list.
Well they sold it to pay down some of the debt Bob Rae had borrowed
They also sold it for a profit

Again you get personal with your name calling nonsense.
You try to insinuate my income, how I earn my living and how much tax I pay. That is very personal

Quite different from calling you a dummy, who can not write properly.
Please take a business writing course

well take a look in the mirror and wave at that dope that will wave back at you.
nope I have my act together
Yet the debt created by Stephen is far higher than that being amassed by Mr. Trudeau.
Don't make me laugh Justin has not yet began to spend, as you pointed out

The difference, Mr. Trudeau spelled out the spending on his platform, while Stevie Boy promised to grow the economy on tax cuts, that did not happen.
PM Harper ran a tight balanced budget until the 2008 recession, but you refuse to take that into consideration.
because you lack the ability to link cause and affect ?
do you have an alternative explanation ?


Active member
May 25, 2002
PM Harper ran a tight balanced budget until the 2008 recession, but you refuse to take that into consideration.
You mean he coasted on the surplus and balanced budgets he inherited from the previous liberal governments. Until against the advice of all economists who saw the coming recession he cut HST and income taxes, creating a structural deficit


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Sorry, Larue, but that's just idiotic.
If you are trying to claim that the 1% own the banks where government debt is held,
The banks do not hold Billions in government debt, their clients do
Banks use their capital to lend to companies and the general public
Banks facilitate and market government bonds, but do not generally do not take significant positions

Your understanding of how things work really is wanting

then nothing would be smarter then to tax a bit of that to pay off the debt.
Expect for this little thing called property rights
You just prefer to ignore that don't you?

A smarter approach is responsible spending by government so they borrow less (or not at all)

if you were to tax government debt as an asset, what do you think will happen when the government goes to borrow more? (and they always do, because they are irresponsible)
Again your ready shoot aim thinking is missing the reaction to you proposed action

That's just stranded money that you and I are paying, while the 1% let it sit and make money off it.
That is a really messed up way of looking at it
1. That money is someone else's asset, yet you think you can make a claim on it. That is called stealing Stop that !!
2. The debt only exists because governments have not been responsible with their spending, Yet you want to ramp that irresponsibility up
3. Bond holders have been gracious enough to provide loans to the government . They will be less than gracious if the same government turns around and taxes them on the loan they provided to that government !!!!!
Its the equivalent of you borrowing $10 from your brother and then kicking him in the nuts for holding paper on you
Really you have to be a whole lot smarter than that. Have you ever taken an economics or finance course?
4. Tax assets and watch how quickly assets move elsewhere. That will happen I guarantee it
3. Debt and loan , just like rich and poor have been around since coins were first minted, I suggest you finally figure this out , because you will not change the world and the changes you want will end in disaster

150k is the 1% cutoff here in Canada. That's a zone place to tax.
Who defined that number?
It is a politically defined cut-off, any lower and the liberals would start to piss their pants about taxing too many voters
"Making the tax system fair" what a pile of shit


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You mean he coasted on the surplus and balanced budgets he inherited from the previous liberal governments. Until against the advice of all economists who saw the coming recession he cut HST and income taxes, creating a structural deficit
Do you really think the financial crisis had no impact ?
just you wait, Justin will have to answer for shit out of his control and he will be held to the same ridiculous standards you loonies apply to Stephen Harper
In Justin's case a lot will be self inflicted
Last edited:


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Who defined that number?
It is a politically defined cut-off, any lower and the liberals would start to piss their pants about taxing too many voters
"Making the tax system fair" what a pile of shit

Sorry if you don't like reality.

The banks do not hold Billions in government debt, their clients do
That was in reply to post #366, where you claimed the top 10% owned most of government debt.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005

Sorry if you don't like reality.
You refuse to even consider the downside of taxing the rich on the economy and you think you can lecture me about reality???

Until you answer the question
"Would you support wealth redistribution , knowing it would damage the economy?"
You should avoid using the term reality, because you are avoiding reality out of convenience or to conceal your true objective. Comrade !
Better dead than red

That was in reply to post #366, where you claimed the top 10% owned most of government debt.
Lets see
You claim the top 10% own 60% of the assets
Since government bonds are assets , hence the top 10% are the primary lenders to the government

somehow you went from 10% to 1% and somehow determined incorrectly the banks hold much of the government debt.
Then somehow you decided it would be a good idea to tax those assets
This is where I explained (after I stopped laughing at you) that taxing assets would immediately eliminate the governments primary source of debt financing

They tried your really bad idea almost 100 years ago in Russia
It did not work out so well
Or do you dismiss this out of convenience as well

In addition if you were to tax government bonds, guess who holds the other 40%?
The pension plans and mutual funds that you and the middle class are counting on to finance their retirement.
That move would ensure a one term mandate and a place in political history as the worst idea ever

More ready, shoot, aim from Frank footer


Active member
May 25, 2002
Do you really think the financial crisis had no impact ?
just you wait, Justin will have to answer for shit out of his control and he will be held to the same ridiculous standards you loonies apply to Stephen Harper
In Justin's case a lot will be self inflicted
Can you tell me how financial crisis impacted Canada's deficit please


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You refuse to even consider the downside of taxing the rich on the economy and you think you can lecture me about reality???
I've weighed the downsides, which you claim is that the rich would flee. Of course the corollary to that is why don't they move all the time to places with the least taxes.

And I've posted stats, studies, reports from the IMF, statements from Goldman Sachs backing up my claims.
What I have been suggested is not redoing 'Russia from 100 years ago', just redoing tax rates on the 1% like it was 20-30 years ago.

And taxing bonds? Where did you get that from?


Mar 12, 2004
Can you tell me how financial crisis impacted Canada's deficit please
Not complicated.

The Government would not have the same revenues from taxes as before the US induced crisis.

And in fact, Harper was congradulated world wide for his handling of the crisis.


Jan 31, 2005
Not complicated.

The Government would not have the same revenues from taxes as before the US induced crisis.

And in fact, Harper was congradulated world wide for his handling of the crisis.
Not quite. Canadian banking laws were held up as an example to be followed. Those were enacted long before Harper
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