Look at the number of posts where you got personal with name calling and even more name calling. You are a dimwit if you do not know what personal means.
Awww Did I hurt your feeling?
You will have a long, long, long way to go to make it to the top ten.
Totally irrelevant , however as I said " If I do not make it to the top 10% I will not lose any sleep."
So sleep well as you wont have to pay those extra taxes. Also, no the top ten would care less about the high taxes.
Bull shit
Being taxed @ 57.7 % means they are working for Justin and Granny Wynne, while taking the risks
Anyone with half a brain would be concerned about that
They know how to claw it back under numerous tax credits.
And you want to change that
They have a fortune tucked away in properties, stocks and incomes safely laundered away.
And that makes it fair game for you to make a claim on it through taxation?
I do not think so
You seem more concerned than them.
Oh they are concerned, perhaps they do not spend time on TERB
there is very little that is funny about this issue
As for your family, thank the notion that you live in a land where our children's education is free, as is our Healthcare and we have our streets and highways where the upkeep is second to no other nation.
Nothing is free
We pay more than 50% of our income in taxes one way or another
Our education system is more geared to enriching teachers than educating our children, our health care system is unsustainable and will fall apart in the next 20 years due to demographics
Second to none??
If what we did to our first nation's children was filed as a lawsuit south of our border, no doubt, the lawsuits would be in the billions. Off course you do not care about our indigeneous people just like Stephen did not care about the disappearance of their women and refused to start enquiries into what was occurring in their deaths.
Holy irrelevant rambllings
A recent payout to a native group mostly went to enriching the chiefs , they shared very little with their tribe
Mr Trudeau was elected on the platform of bringing in 25,000 refugees.
So instead he brought in 50,000
As long as he spending our tax dollars , go big or go home.
Obviously, you have a short memory that Canada is a country of immigrants and refugees.
That does nothing to address the costs
The number brought to Canada pales in comparison to many of the EU countries.
That does nothing to address the costs
I agree that 10 million awarded to Khader was too high.
Finally an intelligent statement
$1 would have been too high
No doubt of the Stephen Government acted more responsibly this would not have occurred and he would have served his term in Canada without the need for compensation.
Wow again you make an intelligent statement,
too bad you meant the intelligent part as a sarcastic statement
Cancelled 1 billion contract, but saving $49 billion in the process was smart, especially with the ridiculous tax intended to be implemented on Bombardier by the US Government.
The $B contract cancelation fee was for the Ont gas generated power plants
The liberals have wasted so much tax payer money , its tough to keep track of their screw ups at the Federal and Provincial level
The reason, is plain for all to see. Bombardier is now a competitive threat to Boeing just like Airbus. They have an aircraft C Series jet that is unique. In all fairness all governments whether Liberal or Conservative, have supported and subsidised their research.
You do not know the whole story here
Bombardier has had its hand in the taxpayers pocket for decades
It is an issue with continually having PMs from Quebec
Bombardier has a duel class share structure which ensures control for the Beaudoin family
Our Federal government provides loan guarantees for Bombardier's customers - A very risky proposition given the number of airlines which have failed
Others including the US and Brazil see this as an unfair subsidy and they are correct
One bad act (loan guarantees) resulted in a reciprocating bad act (tariffs of 200+%)
the current Liberal government sees it fit to bend over backwards to support an old Quebec billionaire family, yet drives a huge economic project ($15+ B) Energy East into oblivion
Come on a leftie like you cant think too highly of that
The amount you truly understand is a joke
The Conservatives bailed out the car manufacturers.
god your stunned
The message from the US was if you do not participate with $ only US production plants and only US jobs would be saved
He had very little choice
Curious, why you did not have them on your list.
I did not think about an issue which happened 10 years ago, however if it will pacify you
The union behaviour in that case was shameful
their benefits package was the millstone around the industries neck, yet they refuse any of the blame
You mention Hydro but leave out the 100 billion to finance and build the 407ETR that could have been a flow of income into the Government coffers.
100 Billion??
I do not think so
But as usual it is a scandal that is not on your list.
Well they sold it to pay down some of the debt Bob Rae had borrowed
They also sold it for a profit
Again you get personal with your name calling nonsense.
You try to insinuate my income, how I earn my living and how much tax I pay. That is very personal
Quite different from calling you a dummy, who can not write properly.
Please take a business writing course
well take a look in the mirror and wave at that dope that will wave back at you.
nope I have my act together
Yet the debt created by Stephen is far higher than that being amassed by Mr. Trudeau.
Don't make me laugh Justin has not yet began to spend, as you pointed out
The difference, Mr. Trudeau spelled out the spending on his platform, while Stevie Boy promised to grow the economy on tax cuts, that did not happen.
PM Harper ran a tight balanced budget until the 2008 recession, but you refuse to take that into consideration.
because you lack the ability to link cause and affect ?
do you have an alternative explanation ?