Climate Fraud Exposed: CO2 Doesn’t Rise Up, Trap And Retain Heat


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Now you're just cherry-picking parts of my posts.
I actually referenced the last 30 to 50 years in my post, not only this summer:

You're starting to lose credibility basketcase, you're getting pretty close to fuji levels now
It is interesting you speak of credibility while completely ignoring what the science says.

But yes, there is nothing out of the ordinary about increasing temperatures in the past 30 to 50 years.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Nice attempted dodge. Your comment would apply if not for the past 30+ year trend.

p.s. It was you guys trying to pretend this summer proved there was no global warming. Now you change tact when te facts refute yet another of your claims.
In the past 150 years since records have been kept the 'global' temperature has gone up 0.8C. Most of that increase is attributed to the ocean temperature not land. Furthermore, a significant portion of that 'global' temperature increase is a result of modifications to past temperature records, 95% of which had a decreasing effect. Now you tell me - does that sound plausible? The law of statistics would argue that error adjustments should be both upwards and downwards falling somewhere in the 50/50 - 60/40 range. Now GISS has done the same thing with their satellite temperature record. My Lord how can people be so gullible to believe these scoundrels who are manipulating raw data to serve a purpose.


Mar 12, 2004
In the past 150 years since records have been kept the 'global' temperature has gone up 0.8C. Most of that increase is attributed to the ocean temperature not land. Furthermore, a significant portion of that 'global' temperature increase is a result of modifications to past temperature records, 95% of which had a decreasing effect. Now you tell me - does that sound plausible? The law of statistics would argue that error adjustments should be both upwards and downwards falling somewhere in the 50/50 - 60/40 range. Now GISS has done the same thing with their satellite temperature record. My Lord how can people be so gullible to believe these scoundrels who are manipulating raw data to serve a purpose.
Plus,... and all of a sudden,... the sun really has not ever had any changing effect on the planet's temperature,... that was all just a figment of everybody's imagination.

What's the old saying,...All is fair in climate change and war,...???

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Really? Wow. Are you becoming like FAST and denying science?

For a start
If you bothered to do a little more research you'll know that there is a drastic global warming slowdown:

The black line shows temperatures as predicted by climate models, and the red line shows actual temperatures:

And this even though global population increase from 6 billion to 7 billion from 1990 to 2017. So please explain to us basketcase, how can there be global warming slowdown when earth's population increased by 1 billion??


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Plus,... and all of a sudden,... the sun really has not ever had any changing effect on the planet's temperature,... that was all just a figment of everybody's imagination.

What's the old saying,...All is fair in climate change and war,...???
Canada man provided proof that the sun has impact - and that impact is cyclical, not increasing like the measured data.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
If you bothered to do a little more research you'll know that there is a drastic global warming slowdown:

The black line shows temperatures as predicted by climate models, and the red line shows actual temperatures:
Two things worth pointing out. First off, you understand that "slowdown" means that temperature was still increasing, just not as rapidly. More significantly though, this decade has made up for it as can be seen by the NASA graph. It seems that much of the heat absorbed by the deep oceans last decade has been released again.

And if you took the time to read the entire article you posted you would see the scientific discussion as to why there was a brief pause.

So please explain to us basketcase, how can there be global warming slowdown when earth's population increased by 1 billion??
Wow. What a scientifically illiterate question. Do you really think population itself is driving climate?


Mar 12, 2004
Canada man provided proof that the sun has impact - and that impact is cyclical, not increasing like the measured data.
The point is,... the "experts" are continually revising every natural phenomena that has an effect on the planets temperature,... in a a way that always to support the "experts" current theories.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The point is,... the "experts" are continually revising every natural phenomena that has an effect on the planets temperature,... in a a way that always to support the "experts" current theories.
Wow. You mean scientists are constantly trying to become more accurate? How dare they. Maybe we should have just stopped science in the middle ages just so people didn't become confused (or live long enough to debate things like this).

And seriously, the impact of the sun hasn't been "revised". It is a cyclical pattern and doesn't have an increasing trend.


Mar 12, 2004
Wow. You mean scientists are constantly trying to become more accurate? How dare they. Maybe we should have just stopped science in the middle ages just so people didn't become confused (or live long enough to debate things like this)..
Its not science when the sky is falling crowd is constantly "becoming more accurate",... in a direction that always makes their current theories look correct,...that's NOT science.

And seriously, the impact of the sun hasn't been "revised". It is a cyclical pattern and doesn't have an increasing trend.
That is not what they have "made more accurate",... they revised how the sun was effecting the planets temperature,... and obviously,... not to increase the temperature,...who would have guessed.


Jan 31, 2005
So FAST is a spammer now......LOL I couldnt make this stuff up if I tried
Yes, multiple of his replies on this thread are just a cut and paste of the same text. Then his last reply was just cutting and pasting my reply. He is a spammer and his posts are mindless. Like you he rarely ever adds value to the forum.


Jan 31, 2005
Okay, so show us where the past 30+ year trend has shown considerable global warming
You've been shown the data. That debate ended. Like FAST you have continued posting after losing the debate, and like FAST those post loss posts are increasingly a waste of everyone's time.


Jan 31, 2005
The point is,... the "experts" are continually revising every natural phenomena that has an effect on the planets temperature,... in a a way that always to support the "experts" current theories.
Until you can back up anything you say with some kind of credible reference you are wasting everyone's time.


Mar 12, 2004
Until you can back up anything you say with some kind of credible reference you are wasting everyone's time.
Go to your discredited nature magazine,... it has all the evidence that the sky is falling crowd has been revising the data to suit their current theories.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
You've been shown the data. That debate ended. Like FAST you have continued posting after losing the debate
Wrong fuji! You're the one who lost the debate.
You asked me to post one scientist who's skeptical about global warming, and I posted three of them!
Then you moved the goalposts again (like you always do) and wanted a scientist who had written studies in journals (which I posted examples of). Then you shut up for a while, and now suddenly you're claiming victory.

Here are my examples again:

Patrick Michaels:
Michaels was a contributing author and is a reviewer of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.

His writing has been published in the major scientific journals, including Climate Research, Climatic Change, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Climate, Nature, and Science, as well as in popular serials worldwide. He is the author or editor of six books on climate and its impact, and he was an author of the climate “paper of the year” awarded by the Association of American Geographers in 2004. He has appeared on most of the worldwide major media.

Michaels holds AB and SM degrees in biological sciences and plant ecology from the University of Chicago, and he received a PhD in ecological climatology from the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1979
You lose again, fuji. You just cant admit, but its plain for everyone to see

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Wow. What a scientifically illiterate question. Do you really think population itself is driving climate?
Uhm YEAH!! Who else besides cow farts would be producing the CO2's??
Of course an extra 1 billion people would have an affect on climate.

Holy shit, you're dense!! Not quite fuji level dense, but pretty dense


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Uhm YEAH!! Who else besides cow farts would be producing the CO2's??
Of course an extra 1 billion people would have an affect on climate.

Holy shit, you're dense!! Not quite fuji level dense, but pretty dense
Your comments are really showing you have little to offer to the discussion. The article you posted describes the factors which caused heat to briefly be stored in other places then the atmosphere. It's not my fault you choose not to read your own sources.

And you might not be interested but India with it's billion people produces one third the CO2 of the US despite having three times the population. It is behaviour, not population that is the root problem.

And it's quite clear that you simply are trying to change the topic from the actual measured increase in temperature (including more than making up for the slowdown in your article). There is nothing you can do to deny that the global temperature is increasing and the increases creates problems.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
And you might not be interested but India with it's billion people produces one third the CO2 of the US despite having three times the population. It is behaviour, not population that is the root problem in your article)
Come on now, 1 billion extra people on earth has to obviously raise CO2 levels by quite a bit since many of them will drive cars, take airplane rides, buy products from factories that produce CO2's, use electricity from coal plants....etc....etc.

You are not denying this basic fact, are you??
Or are you saying all of the 1 billion people live in huts in Africa and dont use any consumer products??

And it's quite clear that you simply are trying to change the topic from the actual measured increase in temperature (including more than making up for the slowdown in your article). There is nothing you can do to deny that the global temperature is increasing and the increases creates problems
I never said earth wasnt warming, pay attention to what I say if you're gonna debate me.
I said the following:

1. Earth isnt warming up nearly as fast as the experts predicted.
2. The warming is very minor considering we have 7 billion people on earth now.
3. We dont know for sure if the slight warming of the planet is part of a natural cycle, if its manmade, or a bit of both.

Interestingly enough, thats exactly the stance John Christy takes.
But you need a brain to understand that. You can't just mindlessly follow the global warming doomsday crowd, you have to think for yourself
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