Game of Thrones "SPOILER ALERT" Thread

Halloween Mike

Active member
Dec 1, 2011
This week was soooooo hard to bare lol

I always feared getting a spoiler due to the leak...

But since now it aired, here is my toughs...

I loved the episode, they learn a lot, but the Night King got a dragon out of it... i tough the way he took it down was a little exagerated. Like a thrown spear could really pierce a dragon that bad. I get that he may be stronger, more accurate and the spear may be some kind of magical but still from a viewer stand its a little hard to swallow. I guess they wanted to make the odds more even...

When Jon was left behind i really tough Daenarys would send the other dragon get him and he would ride him... But the Benjin Stark apearance was a bit weird. I mean in the end we never knew why he live behind the wall, why he only show up to help the Stark and now he is dead... most likely. Speaking of dead i really tough Tormun would be dead ... lol they got me there. Im surprised every main characters made it alive beside that other fire guy... Of course they wouldn't kill Jon, Jorah and Gendry (since he just came back) but the battle would had a much major impact if Tormun or the Hound died ... (not that i wanted them dead either but you get what im saying)

One storyline im not liking tough is the Arya/Sansa one. Arya was happy to see Sansa at first but then even before the Littlefinger letter thing she seem to not like her anymore. There "confrontation" was very unsetting... I kinda had hope Arya was playing Littlefinger, making him believe she was not aware of his scheme but in the end she was and they would both confront him at the same time...

Im not liking Littlefinger, never did, always hate his schemes and putting chaos everywhere. The Stark have got trough enough stuff already, i want them to be all reunited and unified. I hope he bite the dust very soon...


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
LOL! You don't need leaks anymore. The show is that predictable.


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix

Because the Night King can really use an undead dragon. Like he isn't powerful enough.....

Cripes sakes!
Okay so he can throw a Javelin.... wtf

I have to admit it was epic but I was wanting more of a battle instead of a recon mission, in the end I was sad, then happy but at last blue eyed and terrified.

The Winterfell scenes were okay but I guess they needed something else in the episode besides north of the wall but if they could have maybe did a short scene with Sam or maybe KL ... Dany with Tyrion, okay if she dies then what ... you have dragons on the loose... the episodes are moving fast with no filler... hey fyi one episode left. A couple links from the source.

The frozen lake scene:

Inside the episode:

The last trailer for E7



May 19, 2009
Who knew you could send a message so quickly over a vast distance in mid evil times? Gendry sprint's to the wall - write the message - send the bird - message received - Daenerys and Tyrion chat - Daenerys flies out with 3 dragon and arrives just in time to save the day. I think a little more thought should have been put into the timeline here.
Here's the map for reference :).

I hope they don't rush through the finale season which we have to wait another year to watch. :(


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Who knew you could send a message so quickly over a vast distance in mid evil times? Gendry sprint's to the wall - write the message - send the bird - message received - Daenerys and Tyrion chat - Daenerys flies out with 3 dragon and arrives just in time to save the day. I think a little more thought should have been put into the timeline here.
Here's the map for reference :).

I hope they don't rush through the finale season which we have to wait another year to watch. :(
Can you state how long they were trapped on the ice? Remember initially they couldn't cross due to how thin it was. Then they could. Days perhaps for the ice to thicken?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Im not liking Littlefinger, never did, always hate his schemes and putting chaos everywhere. The Stark have got trough enough stuff already, i want them to be all reunited and unified. I hope he bite the dust very soon...
I love Littlefinger. Back when there was Joffrey, I always thought of Littlefinger as the real villain. The guy pulling all the strings, only offset by Varys' own schemes. Which is why I was so disappointed with his lapse into ineptitude in season 5 and 6. Nice to see he's starting to shake things up again. To me he's still the most compelling villain on the show, with the most complex motivations.

I'm not sure where the Arya/Sansa story line is going. I can't imagine they'd try to off each other, no matter how desperate Sansa gets or how betrayed Arya feels. But I could be wrong. They're all alone in Winterfell with Littlefinger pitting them against each other.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Who knew you could send a message so quickly over a vast distance in mid evil times? Gendry sprint's to the wall - write the message - send the bird - message received - Daenerys and Tyrion chat - Daenerys flies out with 3 dragon and arrives just in time to save the day. I think a little more thought should have been put into the timeline here.
Here's the map for reference :).

Haha, yep, was thinking the same thing.

But even more so I was wondering why the Night King didn't just freeze that lake solid and march his army across right away. But nah, gotta give that raven a few days to unrealistically progress the plot the right way. This is, after all, what happens the further a adaptation strays from its source material. They become more concerned with hitting the plot points they want to hit, rather than making it plausible.

The whole quest to find an undead was stupid to begin with. Cersei doesn't give a damn about other people, and she's willing to die why would this bring her around? I'm guessing King's Landing is about to get toasty next episode, and we'll likely come away short a couple Lannisters.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Who's with me in betting that Bronn gives the Dornish women the antidote, and spirits them away - making him Persona non grata with Cersei and hiding outside Kings Landing. Then, I see Jamie feeling a bit out of sorts as Cersei and Euron get to know one another. I'm less certain that Euron removes Cersei from the throne (maybe Jamie foils just such a plot?).



Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
Distances in Westeros were defined a while back here

Then you factor in raven speeds and dragon speeds... it's a shortcoming in the tv series.

Time is another thing altogether it's not like this is 24. I'm hoping the books to be released next year give us some insights but that is highly unlikely... I'll just take it as it is in a shortened season.

I love Bronn but doubt he would save her, besides the poison has already had its effects that there is no turning back its course... all women must die, not being sexist here. We do see Bronn on the battlements in the preview so we have yet to see what part he has yet to play.

Jamie is at a crossroads in his life now, his love for Cersei while doubtful earlier has changed with the pregnancy news. However with Euron in the picture that provides a dilemma.. he is psychotic so that throws a wrench in the plans. Cersei is just mad for power and is playing the Game of Thrones, she won't give it away without a fight no matter what.

The last episode may reveal what is to come in S8, they start filming in a few months.



Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Who's with me in betting that Bronn gives the Dornish women the antidote....
Pretty sure she's dead already, as Cersei's daughter died in mere moments. Cersei only wanted Ellaria to suffer as she watched her daughter slowly rot away.


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
Pretty sure she's dead already, as Cersei's daughter died in mere moments. Cersei only wanted Ellaria to suffer as she watched her daughter slowly rot away.
Myrcella, Cersei's daughter, didn't die in mere moments... after the kiss of death from Ellaria Sand the boat sailed off so some time did elapse, after Jaime told her that she was his father then she died.

The effects of the poison, the long farewell, varies depending on the constitution of the victim. I'm pretty sure that Cersei would want it slow...



Jun 19, 2013
Myrcella, Cersei's daughter, didn't die in mere moments... after the kiss of death from Ellaria Sand the boat sailed off so some time did elapse, after Jaime told her that she was his father then she died.

The effects of the poison, the long farewell, varies depending on the constitution of the victim. I'm pretty sure that Cersei would want it slow...

^This and:

It's a show invented poison, so for dramatic effect, it'll probably'take as long as DD wants it to take.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Myrcella, Cersei's daughter, didn't die in mere moments... after the kiss of death from Ellaria Sand the boat sailed off so some time did elapse, after Jaime told her that she was his father then she died.

The effects of the poison, the long farewell, varies depending on the constitution of the victim. I'm pretty sure that Cersei would want it slow...

Myrcella died when they were still in eyesight of where the Sand Snakes and Ellaria were standing. Unless the showrunners skipped ahead in time to show her die, back in time to show the Sand Snakes, then forward in time again, it likely happened in the span of 15 - 30 minutes.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Who knew you could send a message so quickly over a vast distance in mid evil times? Gendry sprint's to the wall - write the message - send the bird - message received - Daenerys and Tyrion chat - Daenerys flies out with 3 dragon and arrives just in time to save the day. I think a little more thought should have been put into the timeline here.
Here's the map for reference :).

I hope they don't rush through the finale season which we have to wait another year to watch. :(
they used text messaging via cellphone. text messaging can be sent all over the world. geeze.
do i have to explain everything to you guys??

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I got a bit misty eyed at the loss of the dragon. I view the dragons as loyal and devoted and that's a tough thing to find in GOT.

With respect to the Arya / Sansa turmoil, there is a theory on line that the 2 sisters are actually working together against little finger. This actually makes sense to me. Both of them despise little finger and both seem too smart to allow little finger to divide and conquer them. The way both their characters are being written now simply is not in keeping with their character development over the last several seasons. I put stock in this theory.

With respect to the time space discontinuence regarding the battle between the Jon Snow forces and the army of the dead, again another online theory that I believe to be true is that the Night King waited until the dragons arrived. He knew that Daenrys was going to do exactly what she did. (Fly to the rescue .) And he wanted a dragon and he waited for the dragons. The proof was in the fact that he had several spears capable of killing dragons at the ready and chains. The whole point for the Night King was to add those dragons to his army. Jon Snow would have only been an added bonus.

Now for my own comments....

1. The whole mission to captured a white Walker was idiotic and poorly planned. The know that the army of the dead can be killed by Valerian steel and or dragon glass and yet they march in there with only one Valerian steel sword and no dragon Glass? Does not make sense.

2. I think the Hound is Azor Ahai (the Prince that was promised). The Jesus figure so to speak. It's just a feeling I have. The Hound is a warrior who is terrified of fire. He should have died back when he fought Brienne but somehow he lived. We see the flaming sword being used by the Brotherhood, so that's too obvious, but something is there. Now he is having visions n the flames and feels compelled to follow his visions figuring that his destiny is somehow intertwined with it all.

3. Bran still figures into all of this. There is an online theory that Bran is the Night King. I'm not so convinced, but in thinking about the end of season 5 , I remember Bran asking the three eyed raven if he will ever walk again and the answer was, "no, but you will fly". Getting back to the Nights King wanting the dragon, the Night King had to know the dragons were coming . But how did he know??? No-one was going to tell him. But maybe there is some connection there? After all, the Night King did touch Brian and Mark him.


Jun 19, 2013
I'm suprised Arya didn't suspect Littlefinger did this on purpose
It's possible all the Arya v. Sansa stuff is just a show/trap for Littlefinger. It'd make for an OK reveal in episode 7.

Why didn't Sansa tell Arya how she actually felt about Joffrey? He torchered her for 4 seasons. I imagine she's still officially under suspicion of his regicide.

Seemed like an appropriate place to share the whole story and a little too convenient that she didn't...


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
It's possible all the Arya v. Sansa stuff is just a show/trap for Littlefinger. It'd make for an OK reveal in episode 7.

Why didn't Sansa tell Arya how she actually felt about Joffrey? He torchered her for 4 seasons. I imagine she's still officially under suspicion of his regicide.

Seemed like an appropriate place to share the whole story and a little too convenient that she didn't...
You're thinking Littlefinger is going to get it from Sansa/Arya?
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