Game of Thrones "SPOILER ALERT" Thread


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2005
I do not understand, why attack with only one dragon? Where the other 2? Awesome episode.


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
I do not understand, why attack with only one dragon? Where the other 2? Awesome episode.
One dragon is all you need for shock and awe, especially with a dothraki hoard on a plain field. I would leave one at Dragonstone and the other maybe send to Casterly Rock with Missandre as reinforcement for the Unsullied. That is of course she is friendly enough for a dragon to let her ride.

It looks like the attack took place at the vanguard while they were resting... best time to strike given circumstances and location.. I don't think they took out the whole or a majority of the Lannister and Tarly troops... many fled or were captured... but the purpose would have been more to make a statement as to whose side is stronger plus Dany needs to convey that she is merciful otherwise just burn down KL.

A loss of troops but the possibility of hiring the Golden Company, the gold is at KL and the Iron Bank is willing to loan again so let see what happens?

Here is a good site that warns of spoilers that some of you may enjoy:

I hear that HBO is being ransomed for the leaks???



Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I do not understand, why attack with only one dragon? Where the other 2? Awesome episode.
Can she control the other two while not riding them? Hell, I wasn't even sure she could fully control Drogon while riding him.

I will say, that was the most awesome fight scene with a dragon I've ever seen, and on a tv show no less.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
A loss of troops but the possibility of hiring the Golden Company, the gold is at KL and the Iron Bank is willing to loan again so let see what happens?
I don't remember a lot about the Golden Company from the books, but I believe they are notorious for never having broken a contract. On the other hand, they were founded by a bastard Targaryen, so could this be a first time to break faith?


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
I don't remember a lot about the Golden Company from the books, but I believe they are notorious for never having broken a contract. On the other hand, they were founded by a bastard Targaryen, so could this be a first time to break faith?
That storyline was never followed in the tv series although it was an interesting read. The parallels between books and series made many plots and characters interesting as they divested from each other and we watched them unfold. When the remaining books are finally available we can read how they played out.

However we are now well past book 5 so who knows what part they will play in the last 2 seasons, but most probably you may see them until season 8 if they decide to incorporate them at all.

Some resources



Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Well episode five was very much a set up one. Not a huge amount of resolution. But makes for a lot of interesting possibilities.

Damn That LittleFinger! What's the bastard up to now?


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I think that the plot is drifting. An expedition beyond the wall to capture "proof" to be presented to Cersei? What's that all about? Flying dragons, magic and men coming back to life are a norm, but an army of the walking dead that people also saw is beyond the comprehension? Little weak.


New member
Apr 3, 2011
"Im tired of reading about achievements of better men" said someone who belongs in those great history books.

Jessica S

Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2012
"Im tired of reading about achievements of better men" said someone who belongs in those great history books.
I was so Annoyed when he interrupted Gilly. I'm pretty sure that she was going to confirm that Jon Snow is legitimate. Rhaegar and Lyanna eloped and she became pregnant with Jon. I really hope HBO does spin offs once this series is done. There's still so much story to be told.


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
Yeah this was more of a no action episode with character revelations that GRRM gets wordy about in his books that just moves the story along before the big events happen in the last 2 episodes.

I enjoyed seeing Gendry brought back into the mix. Arya spying on LF while he lays his layers of deceit and watches. Tyrion and Jaime meeting that Bronn set up and that Cersei allowed. Sam frustration was well acted, feel bad for Gilly .. did he know then that his brother and father were ash when he left? Jon decision to go north of the wall to bring back a wight... nice to see the hound again.

Spoiler ... Season 8 episode leaks... HBO wont confirm or deny like last year. Won't spill the beans here but out there if anyone is interested. Search "Miles 2" channel on YouTube for S8 leaks on E1-3 so far. Search "friki doctor" on Google for links on Reddit for S7 leaks for remaining episodes, these are the script leaks from late last year, suggest this before you do S8.

Last edited:

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I for one am glad that the last episode was a little less action. I think it's been a bit much with the action of late. The one thing I've always like about GOT was the political intrigue and the characters. Much more than just "action". This season seems all about action frankly. (Mind you, I guess that the characters are fully developed, so where do you go now?) It was getting a little too much JJ Abrams (the Destroyer of Star Trek) for me. Especially with Episode 4.

I disagree with previous posters about there not being any sexual tension between Daenerys and Jon Snow. It's there alright. In Ep 4, you saw it not only when Davos stated that he could see Jon Snow staring at her "good heart" and Jon's sheepish denials, but more so in the cave scene (Another cave scene for Jon Snow). In the cave, Jon not only showed Daenerys the wonders of the rock formations, but then he took her gently by the forearm and lead her over to the cave drawings on the wall. Pretty forward considering she's a queen and all. And she didn't resist and infact seemed to acquiesce. Almost girl like. Not at all like Daenerys of the last 3 seasons. Also in the Ep 4, she asked Jon for his opinion about her situation with respect to Casterly Rock and the Unsullied being stuck there thus signifying that she respects his opinion. He's more to her than just a pretty boy with brooding eyes. Now in last night's episode, when Jon announces he's leaving, you can tell she doesn't want him to go and when he finally does leave, you can see the longing in her eyes as the camera holds the shot on her eyes for more than just a moment and she does not break her gaze. It's very subtle, but it's very evident. There is mutual attraction.

With respect to EP4, it was rather frightening to see what Daenerys is capable of. Flying her dragon and literally wiping out the Lannister army in one fell swoop with no quarter offered. On one hand, she took the advice Jon and Tyrion gave her and did not lay waste to Kings Landing (which she easily could have) and melt castles and burn cities, however, then she would be like every other ruler the people had ever known. But instead she targeted the Lannister army. Which is what I suppose you're supposed to do when you're fighting a war - target soldiers and not civilians. However, she did it rather easily. Same with this episode just past. No problem incinerating Old Man Tarly and even Dickon Tarly. I wasn't sad to see the old man go. But you could tell that Dickon was having second thoughts and he was a victim. Young and naïve. (I would have "bent the knee", that's for damn sure.) She could have also beheaded them quickly and humanely but instead chose to burn them alive. She's got a nasty side to her. (As does every other female character on the show really - Sansa, Arya, Cersi, Brienne. Each and every one of them is a killer).

And now getting to Cersi. There's very little likeable about Cersi. She is the true Machiavellian (the end justifies the means) and no-one is untouchable as far as it goes. No-one. She has evolved since the middle of the series when Tywin would chastise her for being foolish, however, she still fails to have gained wisdom (Something Tywin once said made for a good leader.) Cersi is most definitely ruthless and a tyrant. Even Jaime is just fodder for her now. You can see that she manipulates him more than anything now. (She always did manipulate him, and he was always too naïve to see it, but she's taken it to a whole new level now.) For example, she's never been really that interested in sex with him since about season 2 or 3. If anything, she would rebuff his advances in the past seasons. But now all of a sudden in the last episode not only does she initiate sex with Jaime (as opposed to in the past where he almost had to rape her), but she doesn't care in the slightest that they might be discovered. But here's the thing.... She didn't fuck Jaime because she loved him, or was drawn to him, or even that she needed a nice hard cock. Nope. Cersi fucked Jaime (and I use the word fuck deliberately) because she needs him and she is manipulating him with sex (which he's too in blind love to see) and now she's pregnant with his child (virtually guaranteeing his unquestioning loyalty). Cersi needs Jaime. Jaime wants Cersi. Cersi knows this and all of a sudden spreads for him for the first time in forever. You could tell in the episode when Jaime spirited his daughter by Cersi (Myrcella) away from Dorn how happy Jaime was in the first time that Myrcella knew he was her father and didn't reject him, in fact, she told him that she was OK with that. Jaime was bursting with fatherly love. Something I have the feeling he's always wanted, but cold never have. And Cersi knows this and she uses it against Jaime.

I loved the scene with the dragon Drogon recognizing Jon as a Targaryon. There was no indication that Daenerys understood the significance of Drogon's behaviour, but we all know. (I think back to the episode where Tyrion freed the 2 other dragons from their chains and a similar reaction. At that time there was speculation on line that Tyrion was also a dragon, a product of an affair between the mad King and Tywin's wife (since it was known in the books that the mad king always wanted Tywin's wife). I figure that somewhere down the road when Jon's true lineage is revealed, there is going to be some scene involving fire where Jon shows that he is immune to its effects much like Daenerys. Should be interesting when Jon is revealed to the heir to the House of Targaryen and not Daenerys. (Since Bran knows that Jon is a product of Rhaegar and Lyanna and Sam holds the proof as to the annulment of Rhaegar's marriage to Elia Martel (and presumably the marriage to Lyanna Stark that followed.) Supposedly Jon's real name is Jaehaerys Targaryen (according to the discussions on line.) Though I can't see him being known as Jaehaerys.


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
ooh tell me or msg me.. I can't seem to find any...
Check your PM ... any others check my post that I just edited with a clue in the end for both S7 and S8.

Interesting comments by James ...

I too enjoy the calm before each storm but with fewer episodes it's their plan to lay out. Sexual tensions you say? Yeah it's been brewing lately but this episode you know she didn't want to let him go. The Targaryen madness, wonder if Dany has it and they are all pyros... rulers have to show their strength and what better way ... breaking the wheel means an end to certain families.. just saying. Jon meets Drogon ... well R+L=Aegon ... not Jh ... lots of theories abound on this one.

Episode 6 official trailer

Okay with 2 episodes left my Sundays are filled with Ray Donovan, Ballers, The Strain ... my DVR is preprogrammed like crazy.



New member
Apr 3, 2011
I was so Annoyed when he interrupted Gilly. I'm pretty sure that she was going to confirm that Jon Snow is legitimate. Rhaegar and Lyanna eloped and she became pregnant with Jon. I really hope HBO does spin offs once this series is done. There's still so much story to be told.
I was thinking that Jon Snows history may have been discovered in one of those books. Then again Brandon is the three eyed raven and knows the truth already, and if Jons origin was meant to be kept a secret I don't see how his story would end up in one of those books. Anyway we won't find out how it unfolds until season 8.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I was thinking that Jon Snows history may have been discovered in one of those books. Then again Brandon is the three eyed raven and knows the truth already, and if Jons origin was meant to be kept a secret I don't see how his story would end up in one of those books. Anyway we won't find out how it unfolds until season 8.
Bran knows about Jon's real parents.

He does not know about the annulment and secret marriage which would have made Jon legitimate and the heir to the throne.

Daenerys doesn't know it yet, but Jon outranks her.


Jun 19, 2013
I was thinking that Jon Snows history may have been discovered in one of those books. Then again Brandon is the three eyed raven and knows the truth already, and if Jons origin was meant to be kept a secret I don't see how his story would end up in one of those books. Anyway we won't find out how it unfolds until season 8.
There are so many different ways this can/will come out: Littlefinger seems to know something, Bran probably knows it, I believe Howland Reed is still alive, the Jon Snow has 'blood of the dragon' scene with Drogon (side note: Tyrion is suchhh a secret Targaryen), Varys...

The Sam/Gilly route for the reveal seems like it'd be a stretch. The book may even say Lyanna was pregnant, but without Sam somehow rejecting the story Jon likely told him ('I don't know my mom', or 'my dad met her while at war'), I don't see how/why he could possibly put all the R + L = J stuff together on his own.

What I feel this does setup is a record to legitimize Jon as a Targaryen once his lineage is actually revealed. Without this record he'd be Rhaegar and Lyanna's bastard son, illegitimate in the eyes of Westeros.

Jon was on Dragonstone for a long while and I'm kind of upset by what didn't happen. He can't bend the knee (he learned that from Mance) and she can't have another King in her Queendom. The simple solution to both problems is an alliance formed through marriage. This whole 'kidnap a whyte' adventure seems a roundabout way to make us care more about the two characters. If they have to fall in love before they marry, I feel that's really outside of ASOIAF style. But I digress...

The letter Arya read was the one Cersei made Sansa write to Robb when Ned was put in chains. Just Littlefinger fingerin' away. Feels unnecessary as well.


New member
Apr 3, 2011
Bran knows about Jon's real parents.

He does not know about the annulment and secret marriage which would have made Jon legitimate and the heir to the throne.

Daenerys doesn't know it yet, but Jon outranks her.
How could Bran not know about the secret marriage? He supposed to be able to see all that has happened...unless he just hasn't had that vision yet. Perhaps Gilly and Sam discovers the truth and Bran confirms it's true.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
How could Bran not know about the secret marriage? He supposed to be able to see all that has happened...unless he just hasn't had that vision yet. Perhaps Gilly and Sam discovers the truth and Bran confirms it's true.
I only know what I've seen in the show and in the show, Bran is able to travel back in time (so to speak) and they showed him at the Tower of Joy where he realized that Jon Snow is the product of a union between Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. I don't believe he sees everything. He just has selective visions, or maybe with respect to things and people he knows.

I dunno.
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