Did Alt left attack a KKK member (sacrasm) ? (Sacrasm) Fujii will say she is (Nazi


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Did Alt left protestor Antifascists - (at Boston protests)attack a KKK member (sacrasm) ?
Alt Leftist Drags Woman Holding an American Flag
On wonder if CNN will air this... no!

I don't see any Nazi but if there is few Nazi in the protests then the leftie and MSM will demonize all the right / conservative as all NAZI which they love to do! And they will just shows selected extreme disgusting Nazi protester but never clip of moderate conservative!
When did Nationalism/ Conservative love Americia ( Love USA) become NAZISM?

Once again President Trump proven correct about the violence perpetrated by leftist protestors/rioters. Does the media think that the internet doesn't exist where we can see video after video of leftist protestors stating violence instead of a constructive debate. The leftist's who come out to these protests aren't interested in diplomacy only in the destruction of America.


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
Is that all you and Fox(fake) news can come up with! I've seen worse on the playground with kids playing around.


Jan 31, 2005
Did Alt left protestor Antifascists - (at Boston protests)attack a KKK member (sacrasm) ?
Alt Leftist Drags Woman Holding an American Flag
On wonder if CNN will air this... no!

I don't see any Nazi but if there is few Nazi in the protests then the leftie and MSM will demonize all the right / conservative as all NAZI which they love to do! And they will just shows selected extreme disgusting Nazi protester but never clip of moderate conservative!
When did Nationalism/ Conservative love Americia ( Love USA) become NAZISM?

Once again President Trump proven correct about the violence perpetrated by leftist protestors/rioters. Does the media think that the internet doesn't exist where we can see video after video of leftist protestors stating violence instead of a constructive debate. The leftist's who come out to these protests aren't interested in diplomacy only in the destruction of America.
Is this your way of trying to deflect from the fact that Trump described Nazis as good people after one of them committed a terrorist attack?


Jan 31, 2005
You know that's spreading something false. Trump obviously said no such thing, people only lost their minds when he said 'all sides are to blame'. It remains an accurate statement and truth.

Imagine though, if the media has spun this matter so wildly, what they would do If Trump was to truly embrace someone from the Klan.. like David Duke.
You see while Trump openly denounces David Duke and the Klan, Obama give a eulogy for KKK grand wizard Robert Byrd.

One seems to pale in comparison to the other.
Yes he did say such a thing, he said there were good people in a march that clearly contained only Nazi and KKK sympathizers.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Did Alt left protestor Antifascists - (at Boston protests)attack a KKK member (sacrasm) ?
Alt Leftist Drags Woman Holding an American Flag
On wonder if CNN will air this... no!
…[incoherent speculative BS about possibilities that have not yet occurred, omitted. Read the OP]…
You or Fox owe us some reasons for attaching your Alt Leftist label here. Was it her clothes? something you know she said that wasn't recorded? Particularly if you're going to launch into a slag of others for using unjustified Nazi labels, your own commentary needs to be free of such unfounded nonsense.

In fact, the woman was not dragged, her flag was, with her tugging against the pull. But when the puller suddenly let go and the woman fell, she abandoned her flag on the ground and fled. Not nice but hardly a vicious assault.

And for all we know, the flag-bearer was a card-carrying Commie asserting American values against KKK and Nazis, and it was one of their Russian sympathizers who pulled it away from her.

Twaddle, utter twaddle, Porny. You need to think two or three times before you post such stuff and make TRump, Fox and conservatives in general look so infantile.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You or Fox owe us some reasons for attaching your Alt Leftist label here. Was it her clothes? something you know she said that wasn't recorded? Particularly if you're going to launch into a slag of others for using unjustified Nazi labels, your own commentary needs to be free of such unfounded nonsense.

In fact, the woman was not dragged, her flag was, with her tugging against the pull. But when the puller suddenly let go and the woman fell, she abandoned her flag on the ground and fled. Not nice but hardly a vicious assault.

And for all we know, the flag-bearer was a card-carrying Commie asserting American values against KKK and Nazis, and it was one of their Russian sympathizers who pulled it away from her.

Twaddle, utter twaddle, Porny. You need to think two or three times before you post such stuff and make TRump, Fox and conservatives in general look so infantile.
Suddenly these right wingies are concerned about a woman who was relieved off her flag. However, these same right wingies came up with some disgusting remarks about Heather Heyer who was butchered to death. They blamed her for her own death committed by the White Supremacist. Such hypocrites.


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
You know that's spreading something false. Trump obviously said no such thing, people only lost their minds when he said 'all sides are to blame'. It remains an accurate statement and truth.

Imagine though, if the media has spun this matter so wildly, what they would do If Trump was to truly embrace someone from the Klan.. like David Duke.
You see while Trump openly denounces David Duke and the Klan, Obama give a eulogy for KKK grand wizard Robert Byrd.

One seems to pale in comparison to the other.
The same Byrd who repented and said joining the Klan was the biggest mistake of his life? And the same Trump that discriminated against Black people trying to get housing and didn't repent for it? There's a lot out there on Trump and what's done and said. None of which he has apologised for. Please go have a look.

Yes, Trump said there were fine people marching for the KKK.

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'

Anyone supporting and/or marching with White Nationalists/KKK are scum of the earth. Certainly not fine people at all.

PS: Don't get me started on Trump denying knowing who David Duke was. You could see the BS spilling out of his month.

PPS: Again, Byrd seemingly changed and distanced himself from the KKK. David Duke is still in love with it and it's ideology. I'm sure you see a difference between the two.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
That's just how you perceive thousands of people at a protest. Trump didn't say Nazis were good, only the opposite. The video I posted about shows a large number of 'non' Klan/Nazis. In fact, none were even in sight.
The march the night before that he referenced was a purely white supremacist event. People comfortable matching while the majority of the crowd yells racist chants aren't "fine" people.


Jan 31, 2005
That's just how you perceive thousands of people at a protest. Trump didn't say Nazis were good, only the opposite. The video I posted about shows a large number of 'non' Klan/Nazis. In fact, none were even in sight.
The people at that particular protest we're all Nazi and KKK sympathizers. Even you admitted you wouldn't have marched in it owing to all the Nazi flags and such.


Mar 31, 2009
There was a riot in Quebec City earlier to-day. The lefties were so violent that the police had to shut down their protest.


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
Perhaps, but more video will surface like this Footage of Counter-Protester Violence in Charlottesville, VA Protest

In this one you see unprovoked Antifa use pepper spray up close, and strike with a weapon causing stitches. When it comes to interviewing the Nationalist, I see no Klansman, no Nazis. I see regular folks, including a black man in the group. Many have been also pepper spays, and the video shows what a horrible job police did.

Police funnel the Nationalist to walk right through the Antifa. Neither side seems to afraid of one another, but its an perfect way to ignite tensions.
No doubt some of the Antifa, which some are probably just anarchist, wanted to mix it up with the unite the right. It's funny how the big bad Klan, Neo-Nazi and Nationalist can march the night before, chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us." Now play the victim, when they get into it with some counter-protesters. Those so-called regular folks are either with the Klan/Neo-Nazi, or not.

This is what I think about Alex Jones!


Mar 12, 2004
There was a riot in Quebec City earlier to-day. The lefties were so violent that the police had to shut down their protest.
I didn't know there was another G20 meeting,...???


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Agreed, but many could have attended, yet not marched with them. ..

There but not there?

And yes, I would expect anyone even close to a "fine" person would not remain and be part of the protest. The only people there but not marching with them were the university students marching against them.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
That's the guy. I know he distanced himself from the Klan, but so too had Duke. ....
Byrd completely disavowed the politics of racial hatred to the point where the NAACP praised him. In case you missed it in Charlottesville, Duke continues to march with white supremacists.
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