Jizz Louise whats hard to understand? She may see 12 white young male in the week and have 1 that act agressive/be a jerk. Then she may see 3 young black male and 2 of them are agressive/jerks. Logically she just decide to reduce the problem by a very simple way : probability. She eliminate a small % of her customer base (so not hurting her business much or not at all as they may be replaced by other white guys) and she cut a great lot of problems. Even if in the process she refuse to see perfectly fine young black males, its a "loss" she can afford.Please show me where I called you racist. I'm simply pointing out a flaw in your logic. You can't say that you won't see BLACK men under 40, but you you will see WHITE men under 40, and say that it has nothing to do with SKIN COLOUR. This is my only point.
Im always asnotnish that SJW cry for just about everything. These days just about everything label you a racist even if its not the case. She decide to eliminate a certain portion of her potential client base for HER SECURITY or simply disminishing greatly something she does not like (agressivity and haggle). There is a FACT, not an opionion, but a FACT that there is more violent crime commited in the states by young black peoples than young white peoples, despite white peoples being a majority. THATS A FACT, so who can't blame escorts(who already do a dangerous work) to try to put every chance on there side and refuse to see a certain group of people that are more likely to do what she don't want to.
And EVEN IF it was purely a matter of preference (either sexualy or else) and it would be only for this she would not want to see black men (all of them) , then so what? That does not make her a racist because she refuse to have SEXUAL intercourse with a certain type of peoples. We are talking about having SEX here, not cutting his hair or serving him in a restaurant...
If i owned a restaurant and would refuse to serve some peoples based on skin colors, YES THAT WOULD BE RACIST, because it does not make a difference who eat what i cook, once its cook it goes to the table and thats it. But in the escort biz she engage in very close intimacy with the client.
Ill be honest, i am much less attracked sexually to black women in general. There is exeptions of course. And "half black" (for a lack of a better term) women like Halle Berry, Beyoncé, Nathalie Emmanuel and such are gorgeous, but when we are talking "Negroid" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negroid (yes its a real term and not a racist one) then im really rarely attracked to this ethnic group sexually. I would talk to them, serve them at my job, be friend with them, ill do just about everything with them like any other person, but i would not have sex with them. I won't be attrack to 99% of them. So if i was working in the sex business, i would just simply mention i don't see the whole group. While on the other hand, even if she is not attracked to lets say "short bald men, 75 years old and up, with crooked teeth and hairy hears" Well that is not something frequent... to say the least, and if she happen to encounter one, she can simply decide to not see him on the spot. Its not something you put in an add.
I really hope you understand and stop crying racist everywhere.