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CNN blackmail Reddit user over trump wrestling video threaten to expose his identity


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Still.... somebody REALLY mishandled this. Instead of just taking it as a joke, they made themselves into one. Heads should roll over this.
I don't subscribe to Trump's "the media is out to get me, and CNN is evil" theme. The behavior by CNN on this issue shows a disturbingly dark side to CNN.
1.Back 40 years ago, this video would have been seen as offensive, in 2017 there are hundreds of thousands of them, and many are much more violent than this one;
2. I understand that this video directly pokes fun at CNN. 40 years ago, we would have said that this was offensive and that it was inciting violence against CNN or its people.
In 2017 this was a nothing burger
3. CNN was given a gift of a platform to stand on
4. I can understand the desire to find the creator and understand his motives, and even to contact him.
5. Was this a first amendment issue? I personally don't think this type of thing deserves 1st amendment protection, but it does.
6. The fact that CNN would use its power and position in such a way is quite bad.
7. The hypocrisy of CNN's actions is hopefully evident to enough people and advertisers to put a dent in their profits.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
The fake news is posted by PornAddict and happily lapped up by KellyAnne1000.

The real news is here:
By Cheryl K. Chumley - The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 5, 2017
CNN, already down in the dumps about skewed coverage that led to the departure of three network news staffers, is now walking a Twitter hall of shame with a hashtag that showcases the company as less than honorable — as one and the same with, say, mobsters and the criminal underworld.
#CNNBlackmail soared to the top of trending Twitter feeds in the United States, the somewhat predictable result of the company’s seeming foray into — well, blackmail. And of a private citizen, no less.
Here’s what’s going on: Sunday, President Donald Trump linked a video in his tweet that showed him wrestling CNN to the ground. The video was created by an individual who goes by the Reddit name of HanA**holeSolo.
The video caused quite a disturbance among the candy-eaters of the left, who cried that Trump’s tweet of it constituted a call to violent arms against the media.
Solo then issued a lengthy apology, saying “the meme was created purely as satire” and “was not meant to be a call to violence against CNN or any other
Obviously, the video was humor.
But the properly chastised Solo went on with his apology, hanging his head to write that “trolling is nothing more than bullying a wide audience” and insisting that he has “the highest respect for the journalist community and they put their lives on the line every day with the jobs that they do.”
CNN, however, wasn’t satisfied — because Trump was unapologetic.
“[It’s] a sad day when the president of the United States encourages violence against reporters,” CNN said in a statement to The Hill.
The blasting away at Trump went on for a bit; CNN also called Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the president’s spokeswoman, a liar for saying her boss “had never done so” — had never encouraged violence against reporters.
But you get the idea. CNN’s mad; Trump must die. Yada yada. Then CNN learned the true identity of Solo and said this: We may or may not publish this guy’s name.
Depending on how things go.
Andrew Kaczynski, senior editor of CNN’s KFile, said in a written statement that CNN has chosen to withhold the man’s identity for the time being “because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again.”
But then came this rather ominous ending: “CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change,” Kaczynski wrote.
Was that a threat?
Why yes, yes it does seem to smell of blackmail, doesn’t it.
Social media went nuts.
“CNN Threatens Reddit User for Exercising Free Speech,” tweeted one, Stefan Molyneux, above a photo of Trump’s face with the text, “CNN Blackmail.”
Julian Assange weighed in: “A multi-billion dollar TV network blackmailing a private citizen into not making funny videos about it is not journalism, CNN. #CNNBlackmail.”
So did plenty of others. Another: “Count me among those that [find] CNN’s veiled doxing threat to [HanA**holeSolo] very, very ethically shaky.”
Another: “Is that normal? Is @CNN essentially threatening to dox him, or am I reading that wrong?”
And another, from Mark Dice, media analyst: “The history books will show that on #july4th2017 CNN blackmailed someone who made a joke gif about them. #CNNBlackmail.”
Take a memo, CNN. It’s one thing to go after a president with skewed reporting and agenda-driven partisanship. But it’s quite another to threaten and bully an innocent citizen into silence. The people don’t like that.
And on the day of celebrating the great Declaration of Independence from tyranny and despotic rule. For shame.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009

CNN accused of 'blackmail' over identity of Trump video creator

How a CNN Investigation Set Off an Internet Meme War

As Americans relaxed over a long Fourth of July weekend, the pro-Trump meme factories were gearing up for war.

These online communities, which churn out lo-fi, shareable images and videos meant to amuse and energize President Trump’s social media supporters while provoking his enemies, were spurred to action by what, in their world, qualified as a series of seismic events.

The first shock came on Sunday morning, when President Trump tweeted a video that depicted him in a professional wrestling arena attacking a man with a CNN logo superimposed on his head. The meme, or one very similar to it, had been created by a user on Reddit, the popular internet forum, and posted days earlier on /r/The_Donald, an active pro-Trump forum there, before making its way to the wider internet and, finally, to the 33.3 million Twitter followers of the leader of the free world.

In the world of meme creators, where getting a presidential tweet is akin to having your artwork hung on the wall of the Smithsonian, President Trump’s post was cause for celebration. “Wow!! I never expected my meme to be retweeted by the God Emperor himself!!!” wrote the creator, a frequent poster on Reddit whose user name combines a vulgarity with the Star Wars character Han Solo.

CNN Story About Source of Trump Wrestling Video Draws Backlash JULY 5, 2017

Trump Tweets a Video of Him Wrestling ‘CNN’ to the Ground JULY 2, 2017

Days later, that Reddit user himself became a figure of national interest as news organizations checked his posting history and discovered that he had a record of creating memes that were racist and anti-Semitic.

On Monday, a CNN reporter tracked down the identity of the user, who quickly deleted his posts, renounced his meme-creating ways, and apologized in a long, seemingly sincere post to /r/The_Donald. CNN declined to name the user, but said, somewhat mysteriously, that it “reserves the right” to publish his identity in the future if he continued to create offensive content.

To many on the right, that caveat felt like a threat issued by a powerful news organization to a private citizen: Fall in line, or we’ll expose you.

CNN quickly clarified its intent, saying that it had “decided not to publish the name of the Reddit user out of concern for his safety,” but the battle had already begun. Right-wing Twitter users excoriated CNN for what they saw as a threat against the Reddit user, and the hashtag #CNNBlackmail began to spread as thousands of the network’s detractors began to pile on.

“A multibillion dollar TV network blackmailing a private citizen into not making funny videos about it is not journalism, CNN,” tweeted Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks.

To understand how Reddit memes could ignite a national controversy and put a multibillion-dollar media company on its heels, it helps to know that right-wing meme-makers are a particularly prolific and vocal internet subcommunity. They gather in clusters on Reddit, and similar sites like 4chan and Discord, in order to trade images and strategize about disseminating them to wide audiences.

President Trump’s recent tweet showing doctored video of him “taking down” CNN harks back to his time in professional wrestling, when, some observers say, he honed his win-at-all-costs attitude and taunting insults.
Their goal isn’t necessarily political influence. For some, it’s a game whose only goal is to impress and entertain other meme enthusiasts; for others, it’s a more serious pursuit designed to push the limits of discourse, either by riling up the enemy camp or by creating something that becomes ammunition for their own side. A particularly clever creation (or “dank meme,” in the jargon of the trade) might be shared by a prominent alt-right Twitter user or, in rare cases, by a bona fide public figure.

But in instances where the meme-making community finds itself facing off against a clear antagonist, its tactics can be swift and brutal, and can catch large institutions off guard.

In these communities, a feud with CNN over the identity of a Reddit user provided a perfect storm of hot-button topics: speech policing, journalist ethics and the perceived bullying of right-wing sympathizers on social media. The fact that the media organization in question was CNN, which has been singled out for criticism in recent weeks by the Trump administration, only added fuel to the fire.

In a Reddit message, a user known as ShadowMan3001, one of the moderators of /r/The_Donald, told me that memes were “by far the fastest, and likely the most effective, means of spreading an idea” in today’s oversaturated media environment. He added that CNN’s statement about possibly releasing the identity of the Reddit meme-maker was “a glaring example of their absolute lack of not only journalistic integrity, but basic morality.”

That was certainly the theme of the right wing’s subterranean meme machines as they kicked into high gear Wednesday. The Reddit forum r/CNNmemes, a self-described outpost for “memes of CNN or other failing MSM networks,” began to fill with user-generated images. One user pasted CNN’s logo into a still image from what appeared to be an ISIS hostage video, implying that the network had coerced the Reddit user behind the pro-Trump meme into making an apology. Another user superimposed CNN’s logo onto the face of Kim Jong-un, the North Korean dictator.

On Discord, a chat app for gamers where several right-wing factions congregate in private groups, the news of a new, high-profile feud was cause for celebration. Some even likened the effort to humiliate CNN to Peter Thiel’s well-publicized campaign to take down Gawker, another longtime enemy of the online right.

“I want to see CNN go down like Gawker,” wrote one user, posting to a pro-Trump Discord channel called Centipede Central.

“Fight the FAKE NEWS with all of your strength and all of your wit,” wrote another user.

Remarkably, the CNN episode has managed to unite the notoriously fractious right-wing meme community under a common cause. On 4chan, a message board known for off-color humor and offensive memes, one poster wrote: “Right now, Reddit and r/TheDonald are our allies. We may not like them but we don’t have to. We are fighting a common enemy ... everyone should be producing as many anti-CNN memes as possible.”

By midday on Wednesday, the meme armies on Reddit, 4chan, Discord and other right-wing enclaves had declared that “the second meme war” had begun. (Meme War I, according to these groups, was getting Mr. Trump elected in the first place.)

Eventually, as is all too common in these kinds of internet feuds, the meme community’s ironic, half-joking battle cries turned into serious discussions of tactics and strategies that would have real-world consequences for their enemies. Pro-Trump Twitter users began harassing Andrew Kaczynski, the CNN reporter who reported on the Reddit poster, as well as exposing the personal information of other CNN staff members. Others pledged to complain to CNN’s advertisers one by one about the network’s coverage. They would, they said, stop at nothing to inflict pain on the president’s media foes, one grainy image at a time.

“The next meme war is upon us,” wrote one Discord user, “and we will win.”


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I'm happy 4chan has officially called out CNN is now at war with them. The 4chan folks are exactly right that CNN is an enemy of the people. They've learned nothing over the past 7 months. Go get 'em boys. Enough is enough.

CNN needs to get hurt in the pocket book. Hopefully in the not too distant future, we will be able to get ads/sponsors pulled. The garbage that passes for news on that channel needs to go.


Feb 14, 2013
CNN actually spends time and resources going after some troll named "HansAssholeSolo"

Talk about thin skinned


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
"Reddit User “HanAssholeSolo”, who created a Trump related tweet about CNN, had a history of extreme racism against blacks, Muslims, and others; post history reveals his love of Asian women."
The guy calls for the massacre of 500,000 Muslims and the disgusting racial slurs on the blacks. Such an identity should be protected according to the alt right. It is okay for the a particular media to be attacked by some random racist, but then his identity that is public should be protected.
But then you have a POTUS who has no class using a racists' video in his tweet. What a nutcase. Then the CNN is at fault according to the alt right, who cannot stomach any facts. Keep up the good work CNN, as you are supposed to be "fake news" according to the alt right. They buy the nonsense that is spewed out by Breitbart and Fake Oops Fox news network.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
CNN actually spends time and resources going after some troll named "HansAssholeSolo"

Talk about thin skinned
More like going after the source of a POTUS tweet, who always claims that he has "trustworthy" sources. Yes, openly racist ones who called for the killing of 500,000 Muslims.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The guy calls for the massacre of 500,000 Muslims and the disgusting racial slurs on the blacks. Such an identity should be protected according to the alt right. It is okay for the a particular media to be attacked by some random racist, but then his identity that is public should be protected.
But then you have a POTUS who has no class using a racists' video in his tweet. What a nutcase. Then the CNN is at fault according to the alt right, who cannot stomach any facts. Keep up the good work CNN, as you are supposed to be "fake news" according to the alt right. They buy the nonsense that is spewed out by Breitbart and Fake Oops Fox news network.
You only said alt right three times there. Perhaps you should add a few more in.

So is it OK to blackmail in that case?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You are pushing fake news again.
Do you have proof as to the identity of the creator? Oh wait! We have to wait for CNN to out him should he ever say something they disagree with.

Even if the age is wrong CNN blackmailed a private citizen over a meme. They have lost every shred of credibility now.

How dangerous is it when a media conglomerate is stifling the 1st amendment rights of an individual. Is this a cause every progressive should get behind?


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
You are pushing fake news again.
The sub, sub-sector of American basement dwelling, blind and blinkered uncivil society is in an self-enclosed, self-perpetuating, self-induced conspiratorial, rabidly frothy meme-indignant outrage and the faux-outrage, fake info, alternative fact brainwashing outlets and propaganda arms are mainlining 'crack' to their dimwitted, torch bearing, pitchfork waving cracked-heads.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The sub, sub-sector of American of basement dwelling, blind and blinkered uncivil society is in an self-enclosed, self-perpetuating, self-induced conspiratorial, rabidly frothy meme-indignant outrage and the faux-outrage, fake info, alternative fact brainwashing outlets and propaganda arms are mainlining 'crack' to their dimwitted, torch bearing, pitchfork waving cracked-heads.
Actually if you head on over to Youtube and search "CNN meme" or "CNN blackmail" you will find a treasure trove of funny compilations.

Memes are the new political cartoon. Donato withmoving pictures.

Surely you aren't going to take the side of the large Media Conglomerate over the individual as their free speech rights are blackmailed are you?


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Actually if you head on over to Youtube and search "CNN meme" or "CNN blackmail" you will find a treasure trove of funny compilations.

Memes are the new political cartoon. Donato withmoving pictures.

Surely you aren't going to take the side of the large Media Conglomerate over the individual as their free speech rights are blackmailed are you?
I guess u r going to take the side of Trump who enlisted his friends at the National Enquirer in a threat to blackmail The Morning Joe hosts from exercising their free speech rights.

The hypocrisy is outlandish.

The repeated and concerted attempts by Trump and his administration, the alternative facts news outlets, and all those who blindly support Trump to demonize, and weaponize distrust of the first amendment rights of the free press is the real and pressing threat facing democracy.

The absolute outrageous behaviors of governments and institutions, corporations and individual leaders exposed throughout the centuries by the free press and ONLY the free press should be more than enough to wake up the lemmings as to what is really being attempted here.

P.S. > Ur in ur 'Ford offence cycle' again.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I guess u r going to take the side of Trump who enlisted his friends at the National Enquirer in a threat to blackmail The Morning Joe hosts from exercising their free speech rights.

The hypocrisy is outlandish.

The repeated and concerted attempts by Trump and his administration, the alternative facts news outlets, and all those who blindly support Trump to demonize, and weaponize distrust of the first amendment rights of the free press is the real and pressing threat facing democracy.

The absolute outrageous behaviors of governments and institutions, corporations and individual leaders exposed throughout the centuries by the free press and ONLY the free press should be more than enough to wake up the lemmings as to what is really being attempted here.

P.S. > Ur in ur 'Ford offence cycle' again.
All we have on that is the word of Joe Scarborough.

On the Reddit Blackmail we have the words of the CNN perpetrator.

Trump hasn't stifled the press. Just criticized them.

And in the case of the meme creator CNN truly showed who is the bully.

Well they sure are paying for it now. I noticed they haven't said a word in their coverage. Funny how they are on the run now due solely to their own actions.

Veritas released another video too. Quite funny listening to the morning show producer diss Chris Cuomo. I expect all CNN employees are getting placed under gag orders as we speak.

Can't let the 1st amendment get in the way of a good false narrative and agenda.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
All we have on that is the word of Joe Scarborough.

On the Reddit Blackmail we have the words of the CNN perpetrator.

Trump hasn't stifled the press. Just criticized them.

And in the case of the meme creator CNN truly showed who is the bully.

Well they sure are paying for it now. I noticed they haven't said a word in their coverage. Funny how they are on the run now due solely to their own actions.

Veritas released another video too. Quite funny listening to the morning show producer diss Chris Cuomo. I expect all CNN employees are getting placed under gag orders as we speak.

Can't let the 1st amendment get in the way of a good false narrative and agenda.
Trump incites and endorses violence. His campaign is littered with 'his statements' of such and the 'meme' tacitly endorsing violence against CNN individuals somehow made it to Trump's official twitter account amounts to an official statement by Trump.

Trump incites and endorses misogyny. His entire life, campaign and presidency is littered with statements and videos incriminating himself.

Trump is being criminally investigated for obstruction of justice and other possible charges. 8+ members of his campaign team and administrattion are also being investigated for criminal charges.

Trump fearfully refuses to release his tax returns for good and also nefarious reasons no doubt.

Trump is attempting to rig the next elections.

Two thirds of Americans believe Trump is a LIAR.

Can't let Trump get in the way of the 1st amendment, though you and he and they sure do try.


Jun 11, 2011
Trump incites and endorses violence. His campaign is littered with 'his statements' of such and the 'meme' tacitly endorsing violence against CNN individuals somehow made it to Trump's official twitter account amounts to an official statement by Trump.

Trump incites and endorses misogyny. His entire life, campaign and presidency is littered with statements and videos incriminating himself.

Trump is being criminally investigated for obstruction of justice and other possible charges. 8+ members of his campaign team and administrattion are also being investigated for criminal charges.

Trump fearfully refuses to release his tax returns for good and also nefarious reasons no doubt.

Trump is attempting to rig the next elections.

Two thirds of Americans believe Trump is a LIAR.

Can't let Trump get in the way of the 1st amendment, though you and he and they sure do try.
Dude you are so out of touch with reality. Stop spamming us with your constant BULLSHIT!


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Trump incites and endorses violence. His campaign is littered with 'his statements' of such and the 'meme' tacitly endorsing violence against CNN individuals somehow made it to Trump's official twitter account amounts to an official statement by Trump.

Trump incites and endorses misogyny. His entire life, campaign and presidency is littered with statements and videos incriminating himself.

Trump is being criminally investigated for obstruction of justice and other possible charges. 8+ members of his campaign team and administrattion are also being investigated for criminal charges.

Trump fearfully refuses to release his tax returns for good and also nefarious reasons no doubt.

Trump is attempting to rig the next elections.

Two thirds of Americans believe Trump is a LIAR.

Can't let Trump get in the way of the 1st amendment, though you and he and they sure do try.
Man that is one big order of Nothing Burgers. With way too much cheese.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Trump incites and endorses violence. His campaign is littered with 'his statements' of such and the 'meme' tacitly endorsing violence against CNN individuals somehow made it to Trump's official twitter account amounts to an official statement by Trump.

Trump incites and endorses misogyny. His entire life, campaign and presidency is littered with statements and videos incriminating himself.

Trump is being criminally investigated for obstruction of justice and other possible charges. 8+ members of his campaign team and administrattion are also being investigated for criminal charges.

Trump fearfully refuses to release his tax returns for good and also nefarious reasons no doubt.

Trump is attempting to rig the next elections.

Two thirds of Americans believe Trump is a LIAR.

Can't let Trump get in the way of the 1st amendment, though you and he and they sure do try.
Here is the thing, even if I concede all these points to you (and almost all have some degree of validity), your defense of CNN and all the other "alt left" ideals makes you just as bad as the "alt right" you abhor.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Here is the thing, even if I concede all these points to you (and almost all have some degree of validity), your defense of CNN and all the other "alt left" ideals makes you just as bad as the "alt right" you abhor.
Yuuge and bigly difference between defending the first amendment 'evidence based voices' of democracy against an attempted autocracy in the making and those voices in support of such autocracy.

Obviously the 'on to the road to Putin, Erdogan, Chavez et al' choices of the so-called alt-right have been made.

Defending the first amendment rights of the free press against these unprecedented presidential and so-called alt-right assaults to subvert their constitutionally guaranteed rights is not an 'alt-left ideal', though the perpetrators and their defenders of the assaults would like us to believe it is nothing but alt-left fakes news.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You only said alt right three times there. Perhaps you should add a few more in.

So is it OK to blackmail in that case?
Will bring them up in the context of the factual statements. The alt right are defending this racist as well as their usual nonsense about CNN being "fake". When CNN puts the facts on the table and there is no defence against these facts, then the whole "fake" stuff is repeated dozens and dozens of times. Is that okay with you?
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