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KING: Donald Trump remains silent as white men terrorize America


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
If me being against a religion that mistreats women, throws gays off rooftops, commits terrorism in its radical wings, is intolerant of non-believers and generally speaking doesnt add anything good to this world, then count me in as a hater.

And the fact you dont seem to mind radical Islam sums you up in a much worse way than me
Not saying it does not exist. But in Canada, the handful that kill their spouses, children etc. Do end up in jail. Believe it or not the huge majority are peace loving and live and love the Canadian laws. Some even are elected as members of parliament and want peace and happiness for all, but the alt right racists are the ones sending in the death threats to them. The alt right supporter is the one that carried out the killings on peace loving Muslims. None of them that died were the ones that threw a single person off the roof. Do you get it?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Not saying it does not exist. But in Canada, the handful that kill their spouses, children etc. Do end up in jail. Believe it or not the huge majority are peace loving and live and love the Canadian laws
Well, I wasnt talking about just Canada. I was talking about the rest of the world as well.
Especially Europe (I have dual EU citizenship).

There are also theories that the more the muslim population increases in certain countries, the worse terrorism gets. You can see that with France and Belgium already, they are between 5 and 7% right now. Canada/US isnt nearly that high (yet)


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Well, I wasnt talking about just Canada. I was talking about the rest of the world as well.
Especially Europe (I have dual EU citizenship).

There are also theories that the more the muslim population increases in certain countries, the worse terrorism gets. You can see that with France and Belgium already, they are between 5 and 7% right now. Canada/US isnt nearly that high (yet)
We know that the North Africans were marginalised in France for many years. Pity, in the manner in which it was allowed to occur. The French seem to have forgotten that the extreme right wing that now are being embraced are the ones that ruled them during the second world war and many Muslims lost their lives in the fight to liberate France from the neoNazis. Not condoning the radicalisation of those marginalised but that should have been addressed years ago. Look at Britain and how the Bangla Deshi as well as brown skin immigrants were picked on by the National Front and their skinhead supporters. Many of these immigrants were beaten to death, and the sad part is that the terrorism that existed then in Britain was from the IRA then.

Unfortunately, this same type of scenario is being stoked up by the most powerful leader on earth. We are seeing the same pattern beginning to emerge in the USA as the alt right neo nazis now start to attack places of worship etc. In Canada as we saw on CTV last night the Muslims are waking up to their properties being picked on. Eggs all over their windows. It could be eggs and car nail scratches for now, and who knows what it could be next time round. Do you condone these acts?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Do you condone these acts?
Sorry, but do you mind if I dont even dignify this with a response??
If you're gonna equate me with neo-nazi's we are done talking


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Well, we did have the Toronto 18: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Ontario_terrorism_plot
And we also had VIA train plot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_VIA_Rail_Canada_terrorism_plot

And of course we had the parliament buildings attack.

Luckily the first 2 plots I mentioned were caught in time, but that couldve turned out a lot different. I dont think things are as safe and cosy as you make them out to be
The fact that 20 Muslims involved in only two (inept) plots out of the million or so Muslims in Canada makes my argument for me pretty nicely thank you.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
There were other plots that were foiled and some that we will never hear about. Also, let's not forget the 180 or more Canadians who left or tried to leave Canada to join ISIS (aka DAESH).

No other ethnic/religious/immigrant groups in Canada have such a shitty record.

The fact that you suspect there are other plots - with no evidence - simply suggests that you are paranoid. If there were other plots that were foiled, the perps would be on trial just like the accused in the two foiled plots we know about.

And if 180 Muslims try to leave Canada to join ISIS (your own figures), that's still a tiny number out of the vast amount of Muslim immigrants.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
You should try following the thread better instead of wildly posting articles you just quickly googled.

I was talking about how Muslim immigration into Europe last 20 years has sent the terrorism rate skyrocketing. This cannot be denied, sorry
On your own link's figures, the terror attacks are very few - albeit very deadly - and occur in distinct waves. There was the post 9/11 wave and now the post ISIS wave. That hardly suggests that the attacks are driven by Muslim immigration. If they were, the attacks would be frequent and constant. I do know a couple of things. Tension between Muslim French people and "native" French has been off the charts for over a decade. Riots occurred just after I visited Paris 12 years ago. I noticed the locations and was grateful that I planned my vacation when I did and not a week or so later. As well, I am a history buff and many French FB contacts of mine are openly Islamophobic - many more so than in English-speaking countries.

Now Sky Rider will tell you that these are just patriots defending White People from the Jihad. But I could also suggest that these are 2 different communities which simply dislike each other. The French are xenophobic and there is a long history of colonial rule and warfare between French and North Africans, including terrrorist attacks in Paris by both the Far Right and Algerian freedom fighters. That is a totally different situation than in Canada. Or the USA.

BTW, if you check stats, I suspect that the Muslim (Pakistani and Arab) population of Great Britain is over 5%.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You should try following the thread better instead of wildly posting articles you just quickly googled.

I was talking about how muslim immigration into Europe last 20 years has sent the terrorism rate skyrocketing. This cannot be denied, sorry
This article shows that immigration, which includes Muslim immigration, over the 40 years has shown that immigrants make neighbourhoods safer and cause less crimes.

This opinion piece notes that here in Canada the most violent terrorist acts have typically come from racist, white, right wingers who appear to be afraid.

This study notes that right wingers tend to be afraid of the 'other' much more then normal people.

Put it all together and a sane person would note that immigrants don't cause more crime, racist right wingers are more dangerous in Canada then Muslims and right wingers tend to be scaredy pants, afraid of immigrants.


Mar 31, 2009
Tension between Muslim French people and "native" French has been off the charts for over a decade.
I know we all love to dump on the French but there is tension between Muslims and Muslims and Muslims versus non-Muslims.
Pakistan vs India
Uyghurs vs China
Chechens vs Russia
Taliban vs other Muslims in Afghanistan
Afghanistan vs Pakistan
Kurds vs Turks
Syrians vs Syrians
Iraqis vs ISIS
and the list goes on and on



Jan 31, 2005
I know we all love to dump on the French but there is tension between Muslims and Muslims and Muslims versus non-Muslims.
Pakistan vs India
Uyghurs vs China
Chechens vs Russia
Taliban vs other Muslims in Afghanistan
Afghanistan vs Pakistan
Kurds vs Turks
Syrians vs Syrians
Iraqis vs ISIS
and the list goes on and on

The IRA killing other Irish...

You need to drop the racist BS.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
This article shows that immigration, which includes Muslim immigration, over the 40 years has shown that immigrants make neighbourhoods safer and cause less crimes.
Do you even read your own links?? I was talking about muslim immigration into Europe, not the US.

For reasons unbeknownst to experts muslims tend to integrate better into American society than European society. Maybe thats because there's more jobs available on this continent

Here, read this: http://www.ibtimes.com/why-do-american-muslims-fare-better-their-french-counterparts-2189449


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
For reasons unbeknownst to experts muslims tend to integrate better into American society than European society. Maybe thats because there's more jobs available on this continent
Unless you're native in this country you are an immigrant or descendant of an immigrant. That gives us a step up in tolerance.
And if you admit that Muslims integrate well into North America, what is your problem with the present immigration?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Unless you're native in this country you are an immigrant or descendant of an immigrant. That gives us a step up in tolerance.
And if you admit that Muslims integrate well into North America, what is your problem with the present immigration?
I dont have one (yet).

You guys here on Terb really suck at reading emotion and intention behind other peoples posts


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Oagre, here's some moderate Muslims for ya: https://twitter.com/zlando/status/830674354228908033/video/1

And before you say thats just a small, vocal group, we dont really know for sure how many more of these guys are out there
They're carrying anti American placards and stating that they are against the "crusaders". They're not what I would consider "moderates". At the same time, someone should identify when the protest was and what they were reacting to.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I know we all love to dump on the French but there is tension between Muslims and Muslims and Muslims versus non-Muslims.
Pakistan vs India
Uyghurs vs China
Chechens vs Russia
Taliban vs other Muslims in Afghanistan
Afghanistan vs Pakistan
Kurds vs Turks
Syrians vs Syrians
Iraqis vs ISIS
and the list goes on and on
You could point to almost any Third World country and identify ethnic and regional tensions - whether or not they are Islamic.

How about Latin America. Last I heard there was guerilla warfare in Colombia. Probably in Mexico too. Also Ecuador IIRC. The Third World is like that.


Mar 31, 2009
How about Latin America. Last I heard there was guerilla warfare in Colombia. Probably in Mexico too. Also Ecuador IIRC. The Third World is like that.
FARC and Colombia have agreed to a peace treaty. Anyway, I did start a thread on the Colombia peace treaty and it died due to lack of interest.

I don't bother responding to a couple of other posters because they are digging up conflicts from decades or centuries ago to justify Islamic violence to-day.
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