KING: Donald Trump remains silent as white men terrorize America


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Breivik = 77 kills
Islamic terrorism in Europe past 13 years = 538 kills.


I'm not saying right-wing terrorism is of no concern, because clearly it is
Well at least you did the research and proved your point and I learned something.

There is apparently at least one other recent Swedish Right Wing attack which wounded 1 person about a month ago.

The Islamic attacks are unusual. Two large attacks shortly after 9/11 and then nothing for 10 years and then a rapid series of multi fatality attacks. I assumed that the Islamic attacks were continuous, but they come in waves. The question is whether the current wave will continue or abate like the post 9/11 attacks.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I have never held all muslims responsible for the actions of a few.

But you're right if you say I dont like Islam. Then again I hate all religions in all their forms
Sums you up if it is all about hate.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Islamic terrorism in Canada and the U.S. is in excess of 3,100.

Breivik -- To understand what he did, one has to listen to his motivation.
How many in just Canada?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Sure, and the Muslim invaders were really nice guys and treated the Serbs with kindness. Sarcastic.
English invaded France and treated them like shit. France invaded Germany and treated them like shit. Poles invaded Russians and treated them like shit. It's the Middle Ages ffs!

The point is that you read garbage. If you read ACTUAL HISTORY you would realize basic facts like the Ustase was Croat, not Muslim. You have absolutely no fucking idea what really happened in any of those places.

You just cruise lying hate sites to feed your rancour against people who look different from you.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Maybe New York Times is a more preferable source for the other member?

"Bosnian Muslims were encouraged to massacre Serbs; the Bosnian Muslim Handzjar unit of the SS was particularly effective in this regard."

Serbs are heroes in the centuries long struggle against Islamic Jihad.
No they're not. The rest of the world sees them as mass murderers and war criminals. Go and read that Wiki site on the Yugoslav wars.

And the Serbs committed many - if not most - of their recent atrocities, not against Muslims but against Croats. In retaliation for the Croats' 1940's massacres of the Serbs. The Muslims were peripheral.

Here's your "New York Times" authority. It's a letter to the editor complaining about an article that was previously published. And even in this letter, the author stresses that the Serbs were killed by the Croats - another White, Christian community - and only mentions the Muslims in passing.

And if the Muslim Bosnians were mercenaries recruited into an SS unit, they would be expected to do what the Germans required - to kill Serbs. There were numerous Eastern European mercenary units recruited by the SS and many were essentially uniformed murderers.

World War II Serb Holocaust No Fiction
Published: May 12, 1994
To the Editor:

"Serbia's Suffering in Holocaust Is Exaggerated" (letter, April 29) by C. Michael McAdams is a slap in the face, not only to the memory of the Jews, Serbs and Gypsies who perished in the Nazi puppet state of Croatia in World War II, but also to those who think one should look at history objectively and truthfully.

Contrary to Mr. McAdams, the process of exterminating Serbs in World War II Croatia is not "ancient fiction." It was judged at Nuremburg to have amounted to genocide. According to Prof. Fred Singleton in "A Short History of the Yugoslav Peoples" (Cambridge, England, 1985), the behavior of the Croatian Ustasha shocked even Hitler's SS. Mr. Singleton quotes a February 1942 German security police report:

"The Ustasha units have carried out their atrocities not only against [ Eastern ] Orthodox males of military age, but in particular in the most bestial fashion, against unarmed old men, women and children . . . innumerable Orthodox have fled to rump Serbia, and their reports have roused the Serbian population to great indignation."

According to Professor Singleton, the leader of World War II Croatia, Ante Pavelic, was able to "wreak havoc on the Serbian population and to dishonor the name of Croatia by the appalling atrocities for which his regime became notorious."

In June 1941, Milan Budak, then Croatian minister of education, is on record as stating that Croatia was to be a state of two religions: Roman Catholicism and Islam. Bosnia-Herzegovina was part of wartime Croatia, and the Bosnian Muslims were encouraged to massacre Serbs; the Bosnian Muslim Handzjar unit of the SS was particularly effective in this regard. According to Budak's openly stated policy, Serbs should be dealt with in three ways: one-third to be exterminated, one-third deported and the rest converted to Catholicism.

It is still a matter of controversy how many Serbs were exterminated by the Croats: Serbian historians put the figure at 750,000, while German reports of the time estimate 350,000.

Mr. McAdams attempts to equate the systematic, open genocidal policies of the World War II Croatian Government with those of the Serbian quisling regime under Gen. Milan Nedic, who was despised by a vast majority of Serbs. He fled Yugoslavia after the war, but was turned over to Belgrade by the Americans for trial in 1946. NILS HORNER New York, May 2, 1994


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Maybe New York Times is a more preferable source for the other member?

"Bosnian Muslims were encouraged to massacre Serbs; the Bosnian Muslim Handzjar unit of the SS was particularly effective in this regard."

Serbs are heroes in the centuries long struggle against Islamic Jihad.
You call these Serbs heroes as well?
Some interesting reading for you as well.
So Serbs were the victims and Muslims the perpertrators of terrorism?


Mar 31, 2009
You call these Serbs heroes as well?
So Serbs were the victims and Muslims the perpertrators of terrorism?
The whole problem started around 1389 when Muslims invaded what is now Serbia and then tried over the centuries to kill all the Serbs. Once again, Muslims were the invaders. That is a historical fact. If Muslims invaded Ontario and tried to kill you and your family, wouldn't you do whatever you can to protect yourself?

Here is another mass murder by invading Muslims.

And another genocide committed by Muslims.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Islamic terrorism in Canada and the U.S. is in excess of 3,100.

Breivik -- To understand what he did, one has to listen to his motivation.
Most of that is from 9/11, correct?

In Canada we have not suffered from Muslim attacks, we have only suffered from right wing racists attacking.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The whole problem started around 1389 when Muslims invaded what is now Serbia and then tried over the centuries to kill all the Serbs. Once again, Muslims were the invaders. That is a historical fact. If Muslims invaded Ontario and tried to kill you and your family, wouldn't you do whatever you can to protect yourself?

Here is another mass murder by invading Muslims.

And another genocide committed by Muslims.
Listen in the middle ages muslims invaded christian held territories and vice versa and there were killings and massacres in the process. All parties were guilty of the genocides. In places like Spain parts of it were ruled by the Muslims and other parts by the Christians. Believe it or not they coexisted with one another for decades and even traded with one another.

However, eventually the Muslims were driven out of Spain. But in places like Israel and Palestine that they ruled for centuries, there were Jews, Christians and atheists that all lived under their rule. But the places of worship were preserved to this day and age. So, ask any historian and he will tell you that the rulers in those parts deserved to be praised for doing so. Yes, the same in India where the Muslims conquered the country and they massacred many Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists etc. Likewise, they were killed in regions dominated by Hindus who also killed the Sikhs and other religious denominations. The middle ages cannot be used in comparative analyses, although you love doing so.


Feb 14, 2013
Tell us who is your trustworthy source?

I have a lot more than one

Glenn Greenwald
John Moore
John King(especially on election nights)
Jake Tapper

CNN and CBC Newsworld for covering breaking news/events but only when it's breaking. Their slant will be added to stories later, like CNN did to the Milwaukee riots. No CNN Pundits and certainly not Don Lemon as he is a complete hack and Wolf Blitzer is unwatchable.

On CBC Andrew Coyne, Chantal Hebert and especially Rex Murphy are good but many of their reporters are trash. Boag and MacDonald are champagne lefties that are vomit inducing. Mansbridge is all too willing to let himself be basically teabagged by the Liberals as is the rest of the CBC to keep the $$$ rollin in Will be glad when Mansbridge's time is over as I prefer Mesley and Hanomansing. Again Moore/Coyne/Hebert and Murphy are good on the CBC but most of their other pundits aren't worth a pinch of coonshit except for Don Cherry

My local paper and the occasional Globe and Mail/National Post stories read on my phone

Absolutely zero online only news sources. No Breitbart/Drudge no HuffPo/Daily Beast/Vox/Salon/Vice(although Vice once was great when they were funny and irreverent but they certainly are not that anymore)

David Frum is a smart guy and the Atlantic does some great stuff

Frontline/Fifth Estate/Marketplace(Not really news but a good informational show)

1791L on youtube and 538

Not Facebook ffs and most certainly not Shaun (Fucking) King or the Young Turks

If I haven't mentioned something I pretty much have never read or watched it although I have to admit I sometimes watch the first half hour of the O'Reilly factor which is where I see Krauthammer

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Sums you up if it is all about hate
If me being against a religion that mistreats women, throws gays off rooftops, commits terrorism in its radical wings, is intolerant of non-believers and generally speaking doesnt add anything good to this world, then count me in as a hater.

And the fact you dont seem to mind radical Islam sums you up in a much worse way than me


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The whole problem started around 1389 when Muslims invaded what is now Serbia and then tried over the centuries to kill all the Serbs. Once again, Muslims were the invaders. That is a historical fact. If Muslims invaded Ontario and tried to kill you and your family, wouldn't you do whatever you can to protect yourself?

Here is another mass murder by invading Muslims.

And another genocide committed by Muslims.
Muslims invaded Serbia. Crusaders invaded Palestine and massacred Muslims. Spanish drove the Muslims out of Southern Spain after they had been there for 600 years and the area was heavily Muslim populated. The Spanish then invaded Morocco. It went back and fore.

For the record, Christians also practised genocide of the Baltic pagan peoples in the 1300's and 1400's and organized annual hunts of them. Hard to argue that the Christians were defending themselves on that one.

There's no pattern there. Whoever had the biggest army in the area invaded the other guy.

There's no Forever Jihad. You confabulate bits of the Koran and statements of ISIS leaders and other extremists with odds and ends from history and come up with a pattern that never existed.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
If me being against a religion that mistreats women, throws gays off rooftops, commits terrorism in its radical wings, is intolerant of non-believers and generally speaking doesnt add anything good to this world, then count me in as a hater.

And the fact you dont seem to mind radical Islam sums you up in a much worse way than me
Point that's been made umpteen times - Those are extremist Muslims in the Third World. Hardly applies to the vast majority of Muslims and - except for the occasional crackpot and misfit - no Muslim in north America. If you were correct, there would have been countless Muslim terrorist attacks in Toronto by now. We have a massive Muslim population.

From your own Wiki source, there have only been a handful of deadly Muslim terrorist attacks in the West and these come in waves and then quickly fade out for a while. Typical pattern for copycat killings.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The whole problem started around 1389 when Muslims invaded what is now Serbia and then tried over the centuries to kill all the Serbs. Once again, Muslims were the invaders. That is a historical fact. If Muslims invaded Ontario and tried to kill you and your family, wouldn't you do whatever you can to protect yourself?

Here is another mass murder by invading Muslims.

And another genocide committed by Muslims.
BTW, your "source" The Muslim Issue is another vile, fake history, Muslim-hate site. Here are some of the "news items" on that website:

Jihad Manual Reveal Sleeper Cells to Target Airports, Tourist Facilities, Banking, and to Infiltrate and Massacre Britain’s Army and Police Forces
Caliphate Plan / Jihadi Law Manual

Saudi Manifesto: Muslim helped fund Barack Obama into Harvard Law School
Caliphate Plan / Infiltration / U.S. International Relations

Category Archives: Jihadi Law Manual
Al Qaeda Planning Economic Jihad On The West
ISIS / Jihadi Law Manual / Muslims WorldWide

Al Qaeda manual urging targets against the West reveal pro-Palestine sentiments is a tool to recruit Jihadis for a worldwide Caliphate
Jihadi Law Manual / Muslims WorldWide


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Let's not start that again. That conflict started centuries ago when Muslims invaded what is now Serbia and tried to kill all the Serbs and kept trying to kill all the Serbs. In fact, Bosnian Muslims joined the Nazis in WW II so they could kill Serbs. The Serbs gained the upper hand in the 1990's and everybody goes nuts.
You could have let Phil answer the point I directed to his whitewashed oversimplification, but since you chose to join me on this well-travelled old road, I'll give the usual "… and when was that? back when the Crusaders slaughtered the all people of Jerusalem in the name of Christ Jesus, and occupied Syria, Lebanon, Malta, Cyprus and Israel for a century? Invading was all the rage then, and the centuries of tot-for-tat' revenge wars have been so successful at settling old grievances and making a just world haven't they? Like the way the Irish adore the Brits. Let's hear it for more race-punishments all round!"

No one is guilty or innocent by birth or belief. They become so by their personal actions. Once you start judging Muslims in general by the acts of a few, you're as evil as if you'd judged all Germans by the acts of the Nazis. Or all Jews, Or all Papists, Or all Prods, Or all ….

Bigotry! It gave us the peaceful secure paradise we enjoy today. Remember, what the Bible teaches about 'enemies': "Throw enough rocks fast enough and they'll never get near your glass house".

But you'll never ever get to stop throwing.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Point that's been made umpteen times - Those are extremist Muslims in the Third World. Hardly applies to the vast majority of Muslims and - except for the occasional crackpot and misfit - no Muslim in north America. If you were correct, there would have been countless Muslim terrorist attacks in Toronto by now. We have a massive Muslim population
Well, we did have the Toronto 18:
And we also had VIA train plot:

And of course we had the parliament buildings attack.

Luckily the first 2 plots I mentioned were caught in time, but that couldve turned out a lot different. I dont think things are as safe and cosy as you make them out to be

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Remember, what the Bible teaches about 'enemies': "Throw enough rocks fast enough and they'll never get near your glass house".

But you'll never ever get to stop throwing
Uhm, where does it say that in the Bible??
Do you have the exact verse??


Mar 31, 2009
Well, we did have the Toronto 18:
And we also had VIA train plot:

And of course we had the parliament buildings attack.
There were other plots that were foiled and some that we will never hear about. Also, let's not forget the 180 or more Canadians who left or tried to leave Canada to join ISIS (aka DAESH).

No other ethnic/religious/immigrant groups in Canada have such a shitty record.
Ashley Madison
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