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KING: Donald Trump remains silent as white men terrorize America


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Here's the thing. When a white person commits a terrorist act, as rare as that is, everybody condemns him or her.

When a Muslim commits a terrorist act, the apologists and supporters leap to his/her defense. Then these apologists immediately start getting hysterical and scream racism, bigotry, Islampohobia, crusader, etc.
Neither scenario has been true enough to justify such gross generalizations. And I've yet to encounter apologists and supporters leap to the defence of a Muslim, who hasn't first been condemned for being 'another Muslim terrorist'.

And there's a whole thread full of arguments that your lower-case white guys don't commit terrorist acts at all, just crazy personal ones.

People are all the same under their skins where their thoughts and feelings collide with what they're taught and what they've seen and figured out for themselves. They're every single one of them, a product of their nature, their nurture and their own particular nuttiness. Apart from a tiny minority whose nuttiness has utterly removed them from reality, they all are each one responsible for their individual actions, not their religion, not their 'race, not their place of birth or position in life. Only fools, who are sadly common garden plentiful, look at those accidental characteristics first and then judge the individual by them.

Yeah I agree with you, your white people excuse white people, and non-Muslims are eager to blame Muslims. And many are sure to do the opposite. That and a dime will get you a dime. Now that issue's settled, shall we try for some progress?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Here's the thing. When a white person commits a terrorist act, as rare as that is, everybody condemns him or her.

When a Muslim commits a terrorist act, the apologists and supporters leap to his/her defense. Then these apologists immediately start getting hysterical and scream racism, bigotry, Islampohobia, crusader, etc.
We condemn all terrorists attacks. No one, yes no one is condoning Muslim terrorism. In Canada the country that we live in, compare the number of Muslim and Alt right / Neo Nazi terrorist numbers. Again, the right wingers start the Muslim terrorist attacks that we do not have a problem with. But stating that it somehow is supported by all Muslim worldwide is a concern. The terrorism on our doorsteps that have murdered the members of the Muslim faith seems like it does not the have the same level of concern among the right wing thread starters.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
From the guy who - I strongly suspect - thinks Hitler was a misunderstood genius....
Are you nuts??? Shapiro and Harris are Jewish HAHAHA!

Only in the mind of a Leftist does agreeing with two renowned Jewish thinkers equate to a love of Hitler.

The word genius actually does apply to these men. Wiki them if you don't know who they are and what they've accomplished.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
There is a big difference between a terrorist organization and one deranged wacko....
Yet for every deranged wacko who happens to have a Koran near them, they are automatically terrorists. Hell, they don't even need a Muslim or even an attack; the Bowling Green Massacre and this "attack" in Sweden didn't even happen yet that doesn't stop accusations of Islamic terrorism.

We can also discuss Trumps response (or lack thereof) to the Mosque shooting in Quebec.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
There is also a tendency to describe all attacks by Muslims as religious based and ignore the fact that the US dropped 26,000 bombs on 7 Muslim countries in the last year alone meaning that attacks are more likely to be political as a response to continuing 'interventions'.....
It is sad how you think so lowly of Arabs that you see them as incapable of responses other than terrorism.

If the US army bombed my home, I sure as shit would be angry but I would never stoop to attacking random Americans.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Here's the thing. When a white person commits a terrorist act, as rare as that is, everybody condemns him or her.

When a Muslim commits a terrorist act, the apologists and supporters leap to his/her defense. Then these apologists immediately start getting hysterical and scream racism, bigotry, Islampohobia, crusader, etc.
Bullshit as usual. No one (okay Franky excluded) defends the perp. What people get offended by is blaming the entire religion because of that perp. It is the exact same thing when people get upset that radical feminists blame all men for the actions of a few.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
But you're wrong. Right wing terrorists kill more and attack more often in the west. You just don't want to admit that because you kinda dig what they say
Not true for Europe. The majority of terrorist attacks there have been committed by muslim fundies

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
But when you and the rest of the right wingies castigate the complete Muslim faith and 99.99% of the Muslims living in Canada just for the sake of a handful of the criminal, murder loving terrorists then they show their true colours
I have never held all muslims responsible for the actions of a few.

But you're right if you say I dont like Islam. Then again I hate all religions in all their forms


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Not true for Europe. The majority of terrorist attacks there have been committed by muslim fundies
True enough, as long as we ignore the entire Second World War and its opening acts. The recent Balkan Wars with Serbian mass killings of Bosnians (mostly Muslims) were certainly meant to sow terror among the survivors. But then those folks 'were just following orders' and wore cute uniforms.

It's the ones who think for themselves and act alone that are the real threat to civilization, right?


Mar 31, 2009
The recent Balkan Wars with Serbian mass killings of Bosnians (mostly Muslims)
Let's not start that again. That conflict started centuries ago when Muslims invaded what is now Serbia and tried to kill all the Serbs and kept trying to kill all the Serbs. In fact, Bosnian Muslims joined the Nazis in WW II so they could kill Serbs. The Serbs gained the upper hand in the 1990's and everybody goes nuts.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Not true for Europe. The majority of terrorist attacks there have been committed by muslim fundies
You so sure? How about Breivik and the recent attack in Sweden?

You done a head count and a statistical analysis?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Let's not start that again. That conflict started centuries ago when Muslims invaded what is now Serbia and tried to kill all the Serbs and kept trying to kill all the Serbs. In fact, Bosnian Muslims joined the Nazis in WW II so they could kill Serbs. The Serbs gained the upper hand in the 1990's and everybody goes nuts.
Errrr............ I don't think the Balkan Wars were Serb against Muslim, SR. I think they were Serb against everyone else. Including Croats. You wanna go look up what the Croats did to the Serbs in WW2? How about what the Ukrainians and the Poles did to each other?

And how about those buddies of yours in the IRA. I'm betting the Irish killed 10 times as many innocent women and children as AQ. Right?

Here you go, Michael Collins, a wiki link to the Yugoslav Wars. I don't see anything in there about Muslims being a major part of the agenda. I ascribe that to your bullshit.

I also put in the link about the Irish Civil War because anything the Serbs can do, the Irish can do better, right?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Let's not start that again. That conflict started centuries ago when Muslims invaded what is now Serbia and tried to kill all the Serbs and kept trying to kill all the Serbs. In fact, Bosnian Muslims joined the Nazis in WW II so they could kill Serbs. The Serbs gained the upper hand in the 1990's and everybody goes nuts.
I'm going to keep on this, simply because you have no idea what you are talking about. First of all, the entity aligned with and employed by the Nazis was the Ustase. As i mentioned above, it was Croat and not Muslim.

Second, the Muslims did NOT try and kill all the Serbs. Serbia was a client state of the Ottoman Empire. Serbian knights fought for the Ottomans against the Crusaders at the Battle of Nicopolis for instance where the Serbs were the ones who actually broke through the crusaders line and won the battle. Serbia rebelled and the Serbian army was crushed by the Ottomans at a later (?) date. But the Ottomans did not try and exterminate them. They were maintained as clients. You can't go around exterminating populations in Medieval Europe. Or you end up with no local administration and peasants to run the area and work the land.

There were certainly periods of harsh repression, but we are talking about the Middle Ages when devastation and repression were pretty common. Here is a more balanced view than the propaganda nonsense that you are repeating.


Mar 31, 2009
[h=3]"How the Serbs suffered under the Turkish Jihad but fought back tenaciously to reverse Islam from the Balkans"[/h]


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
[h=3]"How the Serbs suffered under the Turkish Jihad but fought back tenaciously to reverse Islam from the Balkans"[/h]

That is a highly slanted "fake history" propaganda website. I am not surprised that this is your "source".

Why don't you try reading real history? Start with the Wiki pages and then actually go to the library and read books. I have extracted a sample of the horseshit that is written in your source below. It's highly emotional and factually very inaccurate.

It describes Muslims as "schizophrenic savages and Islam as a "vile creed". Essentially, it's hate propaganda.

In India as in the Balkans, the period of Muslim occupation and tyranny was marked by long drawn wars, and national struggles and the people finally threw off the Muslim yoke, but in this process spread over many centuries, many of the countrymen were forced by cruel circumstances of Muslim oppression as Dhimmis (Zimmis) to give up their ancestral faith, culture and nationality and go over to the invaders by embracing Islam and saving their life, limb and the honor of their womenfolk from the evil intentions of those schizophrenic savages - the Muslims.

The irony is that these converts in Albania, Kosovo Bosnia or Kashmir and Pakistan have totally forgotten who they originally were and under what circumstances their ancestors were forced to embrace that vile creed of Islam through a war imposed on them by the Jihadis.

And hey! The website even tells us that Slobodan Milosevic was a hero because he killed Muslim women and children to save White People from the Nasty Jihad. That's funny - because respectable people think Milosevic is a mass murdering war criminal. But apparently, you're not one of them.

You're a creepy, creepy guy, SR!

Slobodan Milosevic represents the national aspirations of all the Southern Slavs to reverse the historical wrongs done to their nation by the Ottoman Jihadis. He too made mistakes with regard to the Croats and Slovenes. But the bridge at Mostar is a symbol of the common adversary of the Serbs and Croats. Many will say he killed innocent Muslim Men, women and children at Srebrenica. Killing is always bad, but then how can those who believe and practice a creed that calls for the murder of others be called innocent? Srebrenica and Sarajevo were in self-defense, as are Ramadi and Fallujah, Jenin and Jericho.

The Court at the Hague has failed to deliver its judgment on Slobodan, but the judgment of history that will be delivered after the dust of the War on Terror settles, will be that Slobodan was in the line of Heros who fought to reverse the Islamic Jihad. He shares honors with Charles Martel and Richard the Lionheart.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Islamic terrorism in Canada and the U.S. is in excess of 3,100.

Breivik -- To understand what he did, one has to listen to his motivation.

No doubt his wonderful "motivation" was to protect White People from the Islamic Jihad. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Like Slobodan Milosevic, your other hero.
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