Two points:And yet the rolling thirty year average temperature was higher in each of those years than the year before. It's undeniable that the climate is warming, and per the Nature study, undeniable that we are warming it.
Your strategy is to try and ignore that fundamental truth by nitpicking more minor predictions in the hopes of creating the illusion of debate.
So let me disillusion you: it's a proven fact that CO2 emissions warm the planet and an observed fact that the climate is getting warmer.
1. The IPCC's predictions were for yearly temperature anomalies and the spectacularly wrong predictions cover a 35-year time frame. Indeed, the IPCC conceded in its most recent report that the predictions for the 21st century were wrong.
The Nature paper that appeared last year also said the temperature anomalies were nowhere near what had been forecast.“There is this mismatch between what the climate models are producing and what the observations are showing,” says lead author John Fyfe, a climate modeller at the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis in Victoria, British Columbia. “We can’t ignore it.”
According to the scientific method, the "mismatch" between the predictions and the results means the hypothesis should be revisited.
2. You would have more credibility talking about CO2 emissions if you weren't still continuing to cite a paper that you've never read and that you don't understand.
There is no dispute that the planet has been warming in the period after the Little Ice Age. The problem is the lack of evidence to support the claim that recent warming (post-1950) has been unprecedented and has primarily been caused by man-made emissions. Those assertions remain highly debatable.