Good looking girls rejected...revealing


Dec 30, 2014
I saw a perfect example of how some good looking girls got a taste of male rejection.

Was in a mall having lunch and saw 2 young attractive girls. They were at a charity booth for helping poor, sick, and unfortunate people in Africa. (Good cause!) Well guess what, every guy was avoiding walking past their booth and those that got stopped by the girls did not give them the time of day...hehe. I believe most guys thought they would not try and hit on them since it would be in poor taste. The chance of scoring a date in this situation was extremely low.

This confirms 2 things to me. Most guys just want sex . Take away the likelyhood of a hookup, and the girls get treated like they have a contagious disease. Number 2, most girls should be thankful that men have such a high sex drive, or they would be experiencing life similar to a really ugly girl which can be quite difficult.

Hope this post doesn't offend anyone, but this was my observation and conclusion.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
The first thing I learned attending trade shows was to avoid the girls like the plague. They are there to attract you to the booth, so some other person can talk to you.

Much better strategy is to avoid them. If you want to know more, you need to talk to the head guy (which is often obvious.) If you don't want to know more, then why stop and have a conversation?

Trade shows are for business - not dating.


Casual Observer
Jan 2, 2008
Alternatively, the guys were avoiding the booth because they didn't want to get hit up for a donation or have to listen to some sales pitch about the charity.


Dec 30, 2014
If the 2 girls at the booth were selling kisses for $5, I believe they would have had a line up. However, they could barely get anyone to even donate $5 to help some needy people.

Very sad world we live in.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
If the 2 girls at the booth were selling kisses for $5, I believe they would have had a line up. However, they could barely get anyone to even donate $5 to help some needy people.

Very sad world we live in.
I've attended many shows in US, Canada and London but I have never seen kisses being sold. I also never assumed that attractive girls in the booth were only local models hired for booth work. Most people at the trade shows are from out of town including many attractive females so it does not hurt to talk to them. Many of the larger booths with those models are hosting some terrific industry parties and if you don't come off as a putz, you can score invites as those girls have access to tickets.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
If the 2 girls at the booth were selling kisses for $5, I believe they would have had a line up.
Sloppy seconds kisses..........................yipes!!!!

The guys are afraid to go near the booths because they fear having their wallets cleaned out by the good looking girls. Many years ago I was at a fishing camping show and there was a booth for Sprint telephone services when Sprint ( US ) was signing people to get their long distance telephone services. My buddy pointed out a really good looking girl at the booth with 4 guys just leaning up against the wall. My guess is that the girl had some sort of bet that she could sign the next 10 guys. ( or something like that ) When I passed her booth she pounced on me and tried to get me to sign. I gave her a confident NO. She was arguing, and pleading that it was free and you will save money. I still said no. Her booth buddies were rolling on the floor laughing. I am sure many guys just signed because she asked them to. I need to know what I am getting into before I will sign. A pretty face does not have any special powers over me, many guys succumb to their powers.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Has anyone ever rejected a gorgeous woman while in a relationship and reacted so poorly? I am not saying all beautiful women behave this way but based on my experience, I dated and rejected 2 different gorgeous women. No I am not bragging but wonder why cant break ups be civil and people just move on.

I understand looks are subjective but these women would get men drooling all over them regardless if i was holding her hands. Sometimes it was ridiculous. Back to the break ups: the first one was so incredibly furious that she would show up at my work and accused me all kinds of names in front of my colleagues and boss. It was horrible. Imagine if the gender was reversed, she would be taken away by the police. Stalked my place. Trashed my car. At the end, she said, "How dare you reject me?"

Second one, "Are you serious. You are going to walk away from me when all guys could snap me up in one second? Jerk!"

No kidding at all. Yet I feel so relieved even though they were absolutely stunning.

I have been dumped a few times. One of them was painful but I just walked away.


Active member
Dec 2, 2004
As much as the perception of men only want sex, there's this perception of good looking females are mostly shallow or willing to trade their beauty for benefits. Neither of them are helping in any ways.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2010
Has anyone ever rejected a gorgeous woman while in a relationship and reacted so poorly? I am not saying all beautiful women behave this way but based on my experience, I dated and rejected 2 different gorgeous women. No I am not bragging but wonder why cant break ups be civil and people just move on.

I understand looks are subjective but these women would get men drooling all over them regardless if i was holding her hands. Sometimes it was ridiculous. Back to the break ups: the first one was so incredibly furious that she would show up at my work and accused me all kinds of names in front of my colleagues and boss. It was horrible. Imagine if the gender was reversed, she would be taken away by the police. Stalked my place. Trashed my car. At the end, she said, "How dare you reject me?"

Second one, "Are you serious. You are going to walk away from me when all guys could snap me up in one second? Jerk!"

No kidding at all. Yet I feel so relieved even though they were absolutely stunning.

I have been dumped a few times. One of them was painful but I just walked away.
The human instinct to lash out when hurt.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
I think most guys know that people in general, but women especially can be quite convenient.

They like you very much at the moment they want something from you, but if they have no use for you.....
May 8, 2010
Going up to a booth to hit on a chic who was raising money for a good cause for no other reason than to hit on her would actually make me feel kinda shitty about myself.

I'd feel more comfortable approaching her if she was selling cell phones, kitchen products, or whatever.

That's just me.


Dec 30, 2014
Men want to have sex. - True

Women have sex to offer men. Men are willing to pay for this. Some women make a living being paid for sex. - True


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
This is actually A bad example of the self entitlement that can come with attractive women.

My time spent as a bartender showed numerous examples that are far better. From a young age many woman realize that if the play the flirt card, the dumb card, the helpless card they can get men to do things for them.

What's interesting is when it doesn't work. Used to happen all the time to me looking for free drinks. Or drinks after closing. Or at functions opening the bar early.

Models were the worst. They would go right to the flirt, and when I wouldn't bite sometimes would lose their shit. Especially when a directly told them I wasn't interested in them thanks. Then the mean would come out quickly. And it happened often enough to make it a pattern.

I don't blame them. Everyone tries. I get it.

But it's the anger when it doesn't work that's uncalled for.


Terror Belli Decus Pacis
May 26, 2008
I totally would've approached that booth. Chatting them up would've been nice but the important thing is that little Thandiwe gets running water in his village.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2014
This is actually A bad example of the self entitlement that can come with attractive women.

My time spent as a bartender showed numerous examples that are far better. From a young age many woman realize that if the play the flirt card, the dumb card, the helpless card they can get men to do things for them.

What's interesting is when it doesn't work. Used to happen all the time to me looking for free drinks. Or drinks after closing. Or at functions opening the bar early.

Models were the worst. They would go right to the flirt, and when I wouldn't bite sometimes would lose their shit. Especially when a directly told them I wasn't interested in them thanks. Then the mean would come out quickly. And it happened often enough to make it a pattern.

I don't blame them. Everyone tries. I get it.

But it's the anger when it doesn't work that's uncalled for.
Having bartended part time way back I can relate to the pretty girl flirt!

I totally would've approached that booth. Chatting them up would've been nice but the important thing is that little Thandiwe gets running water in his village.
I would have been ahead of you! Not going to hurt my wallet giving $20 to a good cause. Ladies your doing a great thing for charity how are things going today?....$300 so far wow that's great... you girls look hungry can I buy you a snack or frappe from the Starbuck's in the mall. Oh your so welcome & here's my card if I can be any assistance & keep up the good work ladies...

You'd be surprised how many times a little bit of kindness will get you an email "your a great guy, you made my day, are you single, wish my husband was more like you, can I take you out for lunch etc etc". Kill em with kindness boys you'll thank me later...


Apr 1, 2016
They should put a basket of puppies in the middle or behind the booth counter and 1 ok salesperson or volunteer, doesn't even have to be a hot lady. When the prospect nears the puppies the salesperson goes "Nope! Before you can touch these puppies you must __________!" It's guaranteed to work.

I never donate anything or consume much. The only trade shows I go to are tech shows where the technology usually is more interesting than the girls there but this one time this cutie was totally looking at me. For some reason the show organizers thought it was a good ideal to park a ferrari in the middle of a tradeshow for electronics gadgets and she was the car model. I just walked away.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
This is actually A bad example of the self entitlement that can come with attractive women.

My time spent as a bartender showed numerous examples that are far better. From a young age many woman realize that if the play the flirt card, the dumb card, the helpless card they can get men to do things for them.

What's interesting is when it doesn't work. Used to happen all the time to me looking for free drinks. Or drinks after closing. Or at functions opening the bar early.

Models were the worst. They would go right to the flirt, and when I wouldn't bite sometimes would lose their shit. Especially when a directly told them I wasn't interested in them thanks. Then the mean would come out quickly. And it happened often enough to make it a pattern.

I don't blame them. Everyone tries. I get it.

But it's the anger when it doesn't work that's uncalled for.
Once thing I heard at a workshop many years ago was that anger always masks fear. I paid attention to that in the following days, weeks, months whenever anger was expressed between two people, towards me, or when I was mad at someone else. I would always be asking myself where's the fear? Invariably I always found it.

When your child runs across the road, why do you get angry at your kid? When you show up late for work without telling your boss in advance, why does s/he dress you down? When your parents used to get mad at you for staying out too late,....etc.

It has been one of the most enlightening things said to me.

In the example above, when your beauty doesn't work, then what?
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