Vaughan Spa

Freaking out... Blood in Semen while with SP


New member
Feb 12, 2010
Hey Gents,

So tonight I had a REAL SCARE! I saw an SP and everything was going so well.. after finishing there was blood onthe condom.. we thought it was her, but it ended up being me... it freaked us both out..
it has NEVER EVER EVER happened to me! I am in my mid 30's and i've never had this happen to me!

I even masturbated two nights ago with no issues!

I went to the ER right away and they took some blood and urine and did a prostate exam..

we checked the condom for holes, and there were none.. she didn't have blood inside her or around her private area..

obviously she is really worried about STD/STIs, but I had myself checked two months ago, but they will do another one with the blood they took tonight..

mann this is MESSED UP! i feel HORRIBLE for the SP.. it's the LAST thing u want to happen when seeing an SP for your sake and hers... sigh...

the nurse told me it was called Hematospermia, which is general term for something to cause blood in the semen.. most of the time it's nothing and will go away on it's own.. but can be as bad as cancer.. but she said since i am under 40 it's very rare..

anyone have blood in semen before?


Nov 23, 2008
i have seen it a few times in older retired folks due to bladder infection. antibiotics required to get rid of it.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009


Hey Gents,

So tonight I had a REAL SCARE! I saw an SP and everything was going so well.. after finishing there was blood onthe condom.. we thought it was her, but it ended up being me... it freaked us both out..
it has NEVER EVER EVER happened to me! I am in my mid 30's and i've never had this happen to me!

I even masturbated two nights ago with no issues!

I went to the ER right away and they took some blood and urine and did a prostate exam..

we checked the condom for holes, and there were none.. she didn't have blood inside her or around her private area..

obviously she is really worried about STD/STIs, but I had myself checked two months ago, but they will do another one with the blood they took tonight..

mann this is MESSED UP! i feel HORRIBLE for the SP.. it's the LAST thing u want to happen when seeing an SP for your sake and hers... sigh...

the nurse told me it was called Hematospermia, which is general term for something to cause blood in the semen.. most of the time it's nothing and will go away on it's own.. but can be as bad as cancer.. but she said since i am under 40 it's very rare..

anyone have blood in semen before?
If it doesn't go away in a couple days, book an appt with your family doctor so he can send you in for further testing. Keep us posted


Jan 4, 2005
The first thing you need to do is text the SP. Let her know of the medical results, and that her health and life is not in danger. She could be very stressed out about this, and you owe it to her to put her fears to rest.

I hope it is nothing serious, and that you will be fine. Good luck.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
Thanks gents..

Yah I have been updating her while I was at the hospital... And we are going to update each other on a daily till test results come back... She's young and has never seen it.. I Actually have never seen or heard of it till today...

Mr Bret

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
Thanks gents..

Yah I have been updating her while I was at the hospital... And we are going to update each other on a daily till test results come back... She's young and has never seen it.. I Actually have never seen or heard of it till today...
I hope you're ok, and good on you for keeping her posted.


Nov 27, 2007
Downtown Toronto
It's usually nothing. I don't know why it happens but it happened to me a few months ago and like yourself, was right scared. Went to a walk in clinic and the doctor said same thing that it's uncommon but does happen from time to time. He said it might happen a few more times but if more than that to come back for further tests.

Well it did happen one more time so I was freaking out even more. But then it seems to have gone away on its own. It's been problem free since then.

Hope yours resolves itself.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
From reading this, did the nurse actually tell you that it could be cancer or did you google "Hematospermia"; and self diagnose yourself with a worst case scenario? If the nurse told you this, she needs to learn about professional ethics and leave the area of diagnosing patients to Doctors and limit her personal diagnoses to the coffee room banter with her colleagues.

Cancer is rare in this case, as is a STI, but all in all, did you have them forward the hospital tests to your family doctor? If not, go see your family physician and get a new work up done, explaining to him, as best you can, about the blood in your ejaculate. He mat send you to a specialist in this area, a Urologist, if he/she feels this is outside of their purview.

Relax my friend, it may seem insurmountable, but could be absolutely nothing, a one time event.


Jan 12, 2014
I am 30 and had it once before but was just slight and also following my vasectomy. Honestly odds are this type of thing is nothing but it is important to get checked. Plenty of things can cause it as a one off and is most likely not cancer.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
Sometimes a bump on your balls can do it, like having vigorous sex or nuru.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Yes had this happen once scared the crap outta me. It was also after an sp visit (duo in fact)...and I think it must have happened in cg....actually bottomed out on her and she was pushing my dick down hard...and in fact I remember it was not actually comfortable so I had to switch up positions...eventually blew in the condom but didn't notice anything...could have been blood but wasn't giving it a detailed inspection...but next day upon reliving the events of that duo in my mind....shot into a kleenex and that's when the blood discovery was made! I did rush off to the doc that day and get checked out (he gave me greek digits - no upcharge lol) he said if yer a big large in the prostrate and strong pressure can do it, not to should go away in a few days...if not come back...and taking after a scientist i then...uh...gathered a sample each day...and sure enough by day 3 all was back to normal. Of course I get myself fully tested every 3-4 months (urine for gonorrhea and chlamydia, blood for hiv, herpes II, hepatitis a, b, and c, and syphilis....always clean) and that was about a year and a half ago.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
the nurse just said that prostate cancer is a risk, but since i am under 40 it's very unlikely... i did google it lastnight after i got home cause i was too worked up to sleep.

the worrying thing was the amount of blood.... it was just specs of it, but it was like bloody murder in that rubber.

the last 10 seconds she was CG and i thrusted upwards pretty hard, but i didn't think that could do it...


Active member
Sep 7, 2010
I have had this too. Blood threads mixed eith semen. In my case it was due to msog within short span of time. 5 shots within 6 to 8 hours.


New member
Apr 3, 2011
Have you been taking alot of aspirin lately? Or any medications that request you to drink alot of water?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
It happened to me a number of years ago. I told the SP she broke my penis, we both laughed. I wasn't too worried, figured it had something to do with vigorous sex, hasn't happened since.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Just wanted to thank OP for starting this thread. I am a long time member and can never remember this topic being discussed.

I have recently had this situation and this thread is not only informative but highly reassuring knowing how many guys have had it and no one is reporting any serious consequences. Guaranteed anyone who has it is usually pretty freaked out (thinking the worst case scenario) and very apprehensive about having sex for fear of exposing any ladies to this.

Thanks again to smotheny.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
Well I figure no one knows me here haha and it's a community in a way... Trying to help myself and anyone else that might be going through it... I'm definitely going to try and stop seeing sps as I don't wanna put anyone through the same thing as the Sp I saw... Not all sps are aware especially if they are younger... I've only see one Sp since my last blood test which was 2 months ago... And it was from the same agency... So if they say all their girls are clean then the girl has nothing to worry about... Plus with no blood found on her and her friend checked her and nothing inside... And the condom had no holes then again less chance... But the tests will be in Monday or Tues


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
I once got a bruise on the wiener too....a lovely visit, noticed a too tight condom...but went with it anyhow.. Flew back home, got in the door (this is about 4 or so hours later), go to take a there is like a 1 cm round deep purple spot on the base o' little kherg (base of the shaft)...again, minor freaking...again, dr. visit...(no greek digits this time lol) told by doc that it happens...and that I had burst a blood vessel on the outside (no internal damage, just surface bruise) and told to put a little ice for a day or two and lay off the monkeyshines / shenanigans for 2 weeks.


Oct 18, 2010
The odds are good that it is a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). It's not just older people who get them tho I confess to fitting in thatvcategory. A switch to a new prescription, I've had it from taking prednisone, can cause. No need to panic.
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