Theory on Donald Trump


Active member
Feb 1, 2005
I have a theory that Donald Trump is not who he says he is (which is a good thing).
That toxic rhetoric he's been spewing out for the past 18 months may have been just for show to appeal to his identified masses just to get votes.
His victory speech was very humble and conciliatory towards the President and Secretary.
Did you know that Bill and Hillary had attended his wedding?
Donald wanted to promote himself as anti establishment, as an outsider which he is but he still mingles with the elite.
There's already segments from an interview where he is now changing his tune and may not repeal Obamacare but may amend certain laws of it.
I think he really is a true Independant and the most liberal of the Republicans. He's been known to switch sides several times in the last fifteen years.
Let's hope that his victory speech is more telling of his true values. If anything, he would have pulled the wools over those republican masses and he's really a democrat in republican clothing.
Profile wise, popularity is very important to him. Status and being part of the establishment and succeeding in it is the lifebread of his persona and brand. And considering how competitive he is, he has every motivation to really be the most successful president in history which is a goal that would be more expected of him then someone willing to be the most hated.
I think those republican masses are going to end up lynching him once he starts breaking his campaign promises. Which is a good thing.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
My theory is that he is a person that can read people and situations better than most people can. he uses his abilities to advance his own agenda. He needs the prestige and recognition of the presidents office. He has read the need of the American people to stop recent trends like the influx of immigrant, and the BLM movement.

These same acute changes will happen in several other countries around the world in the next few years. We being the reasonable level headed Canadians that we are have already had our change in Trudeau. Countries like France that have severe problems with Muslim and African immigrants will elect people like Marine Le Pen.


Jan 4, 2005
I was stunned, absolutely stunned when he said he respected Obama after their meeting, and called him a "good man." He then said he would seek his advice.

When he said he would may compromise on Obamacare, and just make some changes, I was totally confused. He was so adamant on repealing it, and destroying Obama's legacy. That, along with all the other crap he said made me hate him.

If Trump was playing a game, we've ALL been trolled, both Democrats and Republicans.


Jan 4, 2005
If Trump decides to soften his stances, would that enrage his base? They've proven to be very loyal to him.

If he does work well with the democrats, and never follows through on his extreme policies, and actually gets shit done, I am willing to look past his faults.

Time will tell.

Either way it's going to be interesting.


Jan 4, 2005
Trump is an entertainer above all else, and I'm beginning to think all the shit he said to rile up the crowd was simply to keep them entertained, but everything was fake. Much like the WWF.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Trump has been a Democrat for most of life. He is not a Republican, but he is the president elect and an opportunist extraordinaire. What the future holds is going to be tumultuous.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
When it comes to Obamacare my understanding is there are parts he can remove with his present majority in the Senate but parts like pre existing condition banning illegal he can't without 60 seats.

So I think he will get rid of what he thinks is bad for business and causing the insurance companies to leave the exchanges while keeping a few worthwhile points like that.

In other words he will cut a deal(that Is what he does) that will be enough.

Same will go with Nafta. He will renegotiate. Get a compromise(especially with Mexico, who has, with Canada now offered to sit at the table).

What Trump may actually be able to do, at least in the first few years, is break through the gridlock. You may not like everything done, but he will accomplish something, and maybe mitigate the worst of what a Cruz would want.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I was stunned, absolutely stunned when he said he respected Obama after their meeting, and called him a "good man." He then said he would seek his advice.

When he said he would may compromise on Obamacare, and just make some changes, I was totally confused. He was so adamant on repealing it, and destroying Obama's legacy. That, along with all the other crap he said made me hate him.

If Trump was playing a game, we've ALL been trolled, both Democrats and Republicans.
And the first step to seeing he can be worked with is acknowledging he isn't a monster. No saint mind, but no monster.

The vitrol on both sides of the aisle has been so bad I think it will take someone without baggage to cut through. Well that and his majority for two years.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
If Trump decides to soften his stances, would that enrage his base? They've proven to be very loyal to him.

If he does work well with the democrats, and never follows through on his extreme policies, and actually gets shit done, I am willing to look past his faults.

Time will tell.

Either way it's going to be interesting.
If he gets parts most will accept the result. The vast majority aren't extremists. The Tea party types more follow Cruz. They will take any victories they can get. And call him a good guy for reaching across the aisle.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Ultimately the people will realize that Trump is as fake as his wife's tits, his daughter's tits, the rug on his head or even Hillary's smile. Then they will be right back where they started.

Just looking

May 24, 2010
I have a theory that Donald Trump is not who he says he is (which is a good thing).
That toxic rhetoric he's been spewing out for the past 18 months may have been just for show to appeal to his identified masses just to get votes.
His victory speech was very humble and conciliatory towards the President and Secretary.
Did you know that Bill and Hillary had attended his wedding?
Donald wanted to promote himself as anti establishment, as an outsider which he is but he still mingles with the elite.
There's already segments from an interview where he is now changing his tune and may not repeal Obamacare but may amend certain laws of it.
I think he really is a true Independant and the most liberal of the Republicans. He's been known to switch sides several times in the last fifteen years.
Let's hope that his victory speech is more telling of his true values. If anything, he would have pulled the wools over those republican masses and he's really a democrat in republican clothing.
Profile wise, popularity is very important to him. Status and being part of the establishment and succeeding in it is the lifebread of his persona and brand. And considering how competitive he is, he has every motivation to really be the most successful president in history which is a goal that would be more expected of him then someone willing to be the most hated.
I think those republican masses are going to end up lynching him once he starts breaking his campaign promises. Which is a good thing.
Yes his victory speech was very humble, but after thinking of it. Well he won, so or course he was nice and humble, but if he lost, he would have said the votes were unfair and fixed against him. Then the true colors would show, and smoke would be coming out of his ears. He is definitely a very smart business man, but his ego is larger than the entire US ., And his temper is not good for the nation. I hear many are upset now, as she did have the popular vote. Time will tell.
Not too sure of him , and his mood swings. He seems to be a control freak. So with this in mind and his bad temper, Lets pray he does not start World War 3. I wish the US Well, and the best of luck.

Just looking

May 24, 2010
I was stunned, absolutely stunned when he said he respected Obama after their meeting, and called him a "good man." He then said he would seek his advice.

When he said he would may compromise on Obamacare, and just make some changes, I was totally confused. He was so adamant on repealing it, and destroying Obama's legacy. That, along with all the other crap he said made me hate him.

If Trump was playing a game, we've ALL been trolled, both Democrats and Republicans.
Your Right. He is a game player and you cannot believe what is coming out of his mouth. He believes his own lies. If I were from the US, I would not feel good at all with him in control.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Trump will be shown the Zapruder film soon, he doesn't want that to be his legacy.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Read the Scott Adams blog on Trump, he's been writing about it for more than a year. Read them in order, the penny will drop in the first dozen.


Nov 26, 2002
I am a huge bernie sanders fan, I imagine that if bernie was president and he spoke similar words; I would be incredibly dissapointed.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
When it comes to Obamacare my understanding is there are parts he can remove with his present majority in the Senate but parts like pre existing condition banning illegal he can't without 60 seats.

So I think he will get rid of what he thinks is bad for business and causing the insurance companies to leave the exchanges while keeping a few worthwhile points like that.

In other words he will cut a deal(that Is what he does) that will be enough.

Same will go with Nafta. He will renegotiate. Get a compromise(especially with Mexico, who has, with Canada now offered to sit at the table).

What Trump may actually be able to do, at least in the first few years, is break through the gridlock. You may not like everything done, but he will accomplish something, and maybe mitigate the worst of what a Cruz would want.

ALL i want trump to do is to built the wall & kill climate change ( Paris accord) and no carbon tax or cap &trade. kill all the funding on all the research wasted on Climate changed. KIll all funding & research in Nasa , EPA, NOCA get rid of funding & spending & tax subsidy that or related to climate change! Fact are climate change or Global warming is fraudent. WOrldwide spending on climate change( Global warming) is almost 1 trillion per year.


Jan 31, 2005
PA, climate change is a proven thing whether or not you like it. The facts are the facts and don't change just because a buffoon won the election.

Trump's ability to do damage is somewhat limited by Congress on domestic issues, but there are several ways he can do real harm:

1. He can indeed fuck up progress on climate change which in turn WILL fuck up a lot of stuff, even if you want to shove your head in the sand and ignore it

2. He can totally fuck up trade and start a losing trade war with China

3. He can get abortion outlawed in the US

Other things he is limited by the more reasonable voices in Congress and the Senate (even Republican they are more reasonable than Trump).

For example for the wall, it's a pointless and exorbitant boondoggle. I don't see Congress going along. Mexico isn't going to pay and Congress isn't going to either.


May 3, 2013
I was stunned, absolutely stunned when he said he respected Obama after their meeting, and called him a "good man." He then said he would seek his advice.

When he said he would may compromise on Obamacare, and just make some changes, I was totally confused. He was so adamant on repealing it, and destroying Obama's legacy. That, along with all the other crap he said made me hate him.

If Trump was playing a game, we've ALL been trolled, both Democrats and Republicans.
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