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Wikileaks: The polls are rigged


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I'm sure Monday is going to be interesting, the FBI is going to have to make a statement and I'm sure any other surprises would come out then if at all.
No doubt Comey has put the Justice Department in a pickle. It will be interesting to see how they react as eventually the Department has to throw in their two cents. Ironically, the FBI have violated a number of rules as they should have obtained a court injunction to obtain certain information before disclosing this series of events 11 days before an election.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Leaks I agree could go either way. Nothing found, nothing comes of it. But it was reopened for something seen. I'm just wondering if Wiki will share it?

As for the ladies and allegations - to me its over there. One more, or fifty come forward you either think Trump has wandering hands, or you see through the nonsense of it all.

I don't buy into any of the allegations against Trump, and many women don't. Guys seem to eat it up though. You need only look at the facts of the allegations.
You and a good portion of Trump supporters may not believe the charges, but 70% of Americans do.
7 in 10 Americans believe Donald Trump sexual assault allegations, according to new poll


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You and a good portion of Trump supporters may not believe the charges, but 70% of Americans do.

The whole email scandal has been blown out of proportion. After a year of investigation followed by an unrelated Weiner investigation still has not provided any concrete evidence of wrong doing on Clinton's part. Yet, Trumpty Dumpty and his supporters try to act as judges, jury, witnesses and the media in relation to it.

Here Trumpty has been directly accused by the victims of his sexual exploits and it is shocking when you see his supporters portray him as the victim and the women as the criminals. Absolutely, shocking.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
70% of Americans is a bold, and very misleading statement.
America has an est population of 322,762,018 . I don't think 225,933,412 people weighed in on that poll, so Its not 70% of Americans.

Now lets look at that poll closer and how it 'obtains' its results.

How the AP-GfK poll on Donald Trump and women was conducted

The Associated Press-GfK poll on allegations about Donald Trump’s treatment of women was conducted by GfK Public Affairs and Corporate Communications Oct. 20-24.
It is based on online interviews of 1,546 adults, including 1,349 registered voters and 1,212 likely voters, who are members of GfK’s nationally representative KnowledgePanel.

The original sample was drawn from respondents recruited by phone or mail survey methods. GfK provides internet access to participants who don’t already have it. With a probability basis and coverage of people who otherwise couldn’t access the internet, online surveys using KnowledgePanel are nationally representative.

As is done routinely in surveys, results were weighted, or adjusted, to ensure that responses accurately reflect the population’s makeup by factors such as age, sex, race, education and phone use. The poll had a co-operation rate of 49 per cent.


On that note, I don't normally give any poll much regard, but certainly wouldn't put too much faith by one on a Canadian site that used a very small number of people, and adjusted results.
You didn't raise a single real issue with the validity of the poll, Kathleen.
It is a poll and may be off, but chances are its fairly close.

In fact, here's another poll that says 63% of Americans think Trump committed sexual assault.

So lets say its probably between those two polls.

Given the choice between electing someone who is a sexual predator vs someone who used lax security, are you really saying you'd prefer the sexual predator?

There is also another poll that suggests that those who think most women who accuse men of sexual assault cause more problems then they solve are that same base who support Trump agains these accusations.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The whole email scandal has been blown out of proportion. After a year of investigation followed by an unrelated Weiner investigation still has not provided any concrete evidence of wrong doing on Clinton's part. Yet, Trumpty Dumpty and his supporters try to act as judges, jury, witnesses and the media in relation to it.

Here Trumpty has been directly accused by the victims of his sexual exploits and it is shocking when you see his supporters portray him as the victim and the women as the criminals. Absolutely, shocking.

But of course Hillary Clinton has never demonized the victims of Bill right. never denied their claims or treated harshly.

Nope certainly not.

And the emails are not minor. Somewhere I'm thinking in this new trove are pay for play proof, or other smoking guns.

It will play out over the next few months.


Mar 12, 2004
70% of Americans is a bold, and very misleading statement.
America has an est population of 322,762,018 . I don't think 225,933,412 people weighed in on that poll, so Its not 70% of Americans.

Now lets look at that poll closer and how it 'obtains' its results.

How the AP-GfK poll on Donald Trump and women was conducted

The Associated Press-GfK poll on allegations about Donald Trump’s treatment of women was conducted by GfK Public Affairs and Corporate Communications Oct. 20-24.
It is based on online interviews of 1,546 adults, including 1,349 registered voters and 1,212 likely voters, who are members of GfK’s nationally representative KnowledgePanel.

The original sample was drawn from respondents recruited by phone or mail survey methods. GfK provides internet access to participants who don’t already have it. With a probability basis and coverage of people who otherwise couldn’t access the internet, online surveys using KnowledgePanel are nationally representative.

As is done routinely in surveys, results were weighted, or adjusted, to ensure that responses accurately reflect the population’s makeup by factors such as age, sex, race, education and phone use. The poll had a co-operation rate of 49 per cent.


On that note, I don't normally give any poll much regard, but certainly wouldn't put too much faith by one on a Canadian site that used a very small number of people, and adjusted results.
Absolutely correct Kathleen,...!!!

Making a statement including the term,... 70% of Americans,...is BULL SHIT,...excuse my language.

Factually incorrect,...and at the very least, misleading.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Absolutely correct Kathleen,...!!!

Making a statement including the term,... 70% of Americans,...is BULL SHIT,...excuse my language.

Factually incorrect,...and at the very least, misleading.

I think you should go straight to Global News, stand right in front of their doors and yell that very loudly at them.
(normally I'd suggest writing them a letter, but your poor use of written English wouldn't do your cause any good).

Because this is exactly what Global News reported.

7 in 10 Americans believe Donald Trump sexual assault allegations, according to new poll

Feel free to tell them how much more you know on this matter then them.
I'm sure they'd love to hear you yell at them.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Here Trumpty has been directly accused by the victims of his sexual exploits and it is shocking when you see his supporters portray him as the victim and the women as the criminals. Absolutely, shocking.
As I said before, on one side we have ongoing investigations into Trump's fraudulent University, Sexual assault allegations, and countless lawsuits over unpaid bills. On the other side we have a person who used a private email server instead of an official government one.

But since Trump and the alt-right have built a fanciful narrative that plays on people's paranoia about governments and companies they have no problem ignoring the very real issues with Trump to peddle claims of criminality backed by absolutely nothing.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Wikileaks launching phase 3. This is gonna be good :D...
Yep, because the other two were so full of wrongdoing :der: The only people who think wikileaks has shown anything damaging are people so deeply invested in Trump's duplicitous narrative.

And from a rational perspective, the last release should have had the biggest stories. By this point when voting has started so another release will have lesser impact.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
As I said before, on one side we have ongoing investigations into Trump's fraudulent University, Sexual assault allegations, and countless lawsuits over unpaid bills. On the other side we have a person who used a private email server instead of an official government one.

But since Trump and the alt-right have built a fanciful narrative that plays on people's paranoia about governments and companies they have no problem ignoring the very real issues with Trump to peddle claims of criminality backed by absolutely nothing.
That's an opinion.

But is this case both are relevant. Both count.

Mainly though it's the secrecy of Clinton. She had a private server when none was needed. She combined personal and professional on it. She didn't secure it. And she deleted not only emails but the trail that would have told investigators if she had been hacked.

For someone who didn't think it would be a good idea to have security she sure found it when the FBI came a calling.

So the what is less important then the why. Why delete emails and cover tracks?

Only criminals do that!


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Which ones in particular?
Any that involve national security that she had aberdin print off. If they ended up on a spouses unsecured computer in the end it comes down to enabling it by having an unsecured server in the basement.

If she didn't do that then none of this happens.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
That's an opinion. ...
The sexual assault allegations and the other Trump lawsuits are 'opinion'?

And you are wrong. Hillary did have significant security on her server. In case you weren't aware, hackers are specialists in getting past security. The government may have people working real-time to augment the detection software but numerous government servers have been hacked by Russia, China, and who knows who else.

Trump is (endlessly) in court over real cases. So far Hillary hasn`t even been accused of anything other than having a lower security server that some comrade hacked. Everything else pushed by the Trump camp is just hopeful speculation.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Any that involve national security that she had aberdin print off. If they ended up on a spouses unsecured computer in the end it comes down to enabling it by having an unsecured server in the basement.

If she didn't do that then none of this happens.
1) How does printing something off make it appear on an unconnected computer?
2) If Abedin used her husband's computer and saved emails on it, what does that have to do with Hillary? That could have happened with any email server.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
1) How does printing something off make it appear on an unconnected computer?
2) If Abedin used her husband's computer and saved emails on it, what does that have to do with Hillary? That could have happened with any email server.
She had any emails she recieved from Clinton automatically copied to another email acct she could access from anywhere. One reason given was to print security briefings as she preferred to read them on paper.

The the printing is a non issue. I'll assume they shredded. It's the rerouting of information to unsecured laptops that's the issue.

A secured network doesn't allow you to do that. It only allows a user to go in and out via designated computers and only through the a portal that independently tracks everything.

She didn't have a secured network because aderbin wouldn't have been able to do what she did.

That's the issue. A good secretary of state would never compromise them self with this kind of amateur security and also combining personal and professional just for convenience.

Again. None of this happens if Clinton doesn't set up a private server in her basebent for gov't business. None of it.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The sexual assault allegations and the other Trump lawsuits are 'opinion'?

And you are wrong. Hillary did have significant security on her server. In case you weren't aware, hackers are specialists in getting past security. The government may have people working real-time to augment the detection software but numerous government servers have been hacked by Russia, China, and who knows who else.

Trump is (endlessly) in court over real cases. So far Hillary hasn`t even been accused of anything other than having a lower security server that some comrade hacked. Everything else pushed by the Trump camp is just hopeful speculation.
Well yes. I consider them opinion because no charges have been filed, no investigation openned, nothing. Just some people making claims.

But we do have an FBI investigation and proof of an unsecured server in the basement of a private residence that contained classified information after she had left the position. And deleted emails by her own admission. And deleted traffic logs preventing anyone from knowing who did what when and where.

So yes. She is in hot water.

Trump is an ass. But so far he hasn't used a governmental position to enrich himself. It's just my opinion mind but soon we may have proof Clinton did.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
The sexual assault allegations and the other Trump lawsuits are 'opinion'?

And you are wrong. Hillary did have significant security on her server. In case you weren't aware, hackers are specialists in getting past security. The government may have people working real-time to augment the detection software but numerous government servers have been hacked by Russia, China, and who knows who else.

Trump is (endlessly) in court over real cases. So far Hillary hasn`t even been accused of anything other than having a lower security server that some comrade hacked. Everything else pushed by the Trump camp is wishful speculation.
I think you are in denial basketcase. Between you and fuji I don't know who's worse in their blind defense of HRC. Her actions with respect to the email server are completely appalling. She's lied repeatedly to committees, to the FBI and to the public. Her and her accomplices have impeded investigation after investigation. She's destroyed government files using BleachBit. Files that were under subpoena. She used multiple devices in her tenure as SOS and not one has been turned over. She had them all destroyed. It's almost certain that she has violated at least 4 federal statutes including felony counts that could carry prison time.
Let's not even get into the Benghazi fiasco where she knowingly lied to the victim's families and played a significant role in the death of 4 Americans. Or what about the pay for play schemes she ran through the Clinton Foundation for years including during her term as SOS. Clear conflict of interest. She is nothing more than a deceitful windbag one step removed from human botfly larvae.
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