70% of Americans is a bold, and very misleading statement.
America has an est population of 322,762,018 . I don't think 225,933,412 people weighed in on that poll, so Its not 70% of Americans.
Now lets look at that poll closer and how it 'obtains' its results.
How the AP-GfK poll on Donald Trump and women was conducted
The Associated Press-GfK poll on allegations about Donald Trump’s treatment of women was conducted by GfK Public Affairs and Corporate Communications Oct. 20-24.
It is based on online interviews of
1,546 adults, including 1,349 registered voters and 1,212 likely voters, who are
members of GfK’s nationally representative KnowledgePanel.
The original sample was drawn from
respondents recruited by phone or mail survey methods. GfK provides internet access to participants who don’t already have it. With a probability basis and coverage of people who otherwise couldn’t access the internet, online surveys using KnowledgePanel are nationally representative.
As is done routinely in surveys,
results were weighted, or adjusted, to ensure that responses accurately reflect the population’s makeup by factors such as age, sex, race, education and phone use.
The poll had a co-operation rate of 49 per cent.
On that note, I don't normally give any poll much regard, but certainly wouldn't put too much faith by one on a Canadian site that used a very small number of people, and adjusted results.