While I agree on some points, at the end of the day it is just more spin. "reasons based in law"? The fact is that every candidate runs the risk of scrutiny when they disclose their tax return, but they do it anyways.
It may seem like spin if you don't understand what it is like to go through a large corporate audit, and what happens before such audits are resolved, how costly the process can be, and how costly an adverse reassessment can be. "Every candidate", as I've said, refers only to very recent history among Presidential candidates, none of whose returns were subject to audit (that I can recall). I agree that it is up to a candidate to choose to reveal, or not to reveal, information about himself to the public, and the public are entitled to compare the candidates based on the information that each chooses to provide or not provide. As a result, there can be some measure of political consequence to choosing not to provide some information about yourself. The question is, how much will voters care about that consideration compared to the many more significant differences between these two candidates?
Already established that I don't agree with how the email scandal turned out. Does not excuse Trump from doing his duty. Again, are you adults or elementary school kids? (as in "little johnny got away with it, why do I get punished"
There is no duty. Trump's only obligation was to provide financial disclosure, which he did.
Seriously, you are trying to justify the birther argument?? I am sure that there was some sort of vetting process that took place long before Obama ran for office. Trump was not even running in the election, and he continued this silliness even after it was established that Obama was a natural born citizen.
It depends what you mean by the "the birther argument". If you mean - "has Obama, at this point, proven he was born in the United States?", I would answer, yes - when he provided his long form birth certificate. If you mean - "was it sufficient in 2008 to provide a short form birth certificate when it was not disputed that a long form certificate existed?", I would say no - no court would accept second best proof of a fact when better proof existed. So, I would say that Trump and others were right to call for Obama produce the long form. Obama petulantly waited 4 years to do so, undermining his authority with many Americans. He has only his pride to blame for that.
It is startling to me that so many people will posts things like "someone must have vetted/checked that", when time and time again the evidence is that vetting does not take place, is poorly conducted, or the information gathered is buried for political reasons. Your trust in political institutions is completely unfounded and not supported by the evidence.