This is the right link:
Now look at this part:
Everything you read there is exactly how the MSM has been reporting on Trump and the election lately.
1. "Trump should have prepared for Liberal media". They just admitted MSM is Liberal.
2. "Declare election over". Exactly what CNN has been doing lately.
3. "All the women cant be wrong". Exact narrative CNN has been pushing when it comes to Trump's women groping.
(something you Libs on Terb have been lapping up BTW).
4. DNC admits to having sock accounts.
Clear evidence Democrats are crooked as shit
You're verging on incoherence.
1. Who but deluded iliterates hasn't noticed long ago that middle-of-the-road America is small-'l'-liberal? Why wouldn't the media selling to that audience be similar? No one needs to admit anything. Except maybe some Tumpians (who only just got it) might admit they hadn't paid attention to, or prepared for such predictable media opinions. But that's up to them. Did you imagine there was some Correct Opinion Impartiality Law?
2. The Election will be over when the Electoral College votes and states a conclusive result. Or Congress does, if the College can't. Who cares what CNN, or any for-profit media might say to make money? Clearly you do. Why?
3. "All those Trumpians/women/Senators/Hispanics/polls supporting him etc. can't be wrong", is logic that The Don's supporters use often. Are you saying it's only specious when others use it? Or is it always specious? Ever considered that's yet another opinion you just have to figure out for yourself, just like the rest of us?
4. Sock puppet sites? Not like the ones you've been linking!! And you seem surprised. Presumably you imagine only the Democrats have been that smart or cunning. Based on The Don's inability to find advisors he respects enough to be guided by, or to make good use of the Republican party's expertise and idealists, you may just be right. Cunning, smart and 'Trump campaign' certainly aren't words that go together. Anyway, for this one you owe us a link to that supposed admission by the DNC.
Finally, we all note that supposed admission's the
only thing you have connected to the Democrats at all. Never mind it in no way proves they're "…as crooked as shit". But it does suggest your ideas of the workings of democratic elections and campaigning in America are more than a little overheated and skewed.
What do you hope to accomplish with such unpersuasive hectoring?