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Wikileaks: The polls are rigged


Jan 31, 2005
You sound kinda angry today, fuji. Did you get stood up by your boyfriend last night.

To answer your question, I follow this guy: https://twitter.com/mitchellvii?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
He claims most of the current polls are oversampled.
I started wondering if he's correct, because I noticed CNN did a post-debate poll on their site which they admitted they oversampled. It said so right in their small print.

So therefore, after reading these wikileaks emails, I'm wondering if these polling companies are doing the same thing
So as predicted you know fuck all about any of the polls, you are just parroting some idiot on twitter.

Your post 1 has been debunked and your schoolyard insults just make you look like a stupid person incapable of any other kind of debate.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
So as predicted you know fuck all about any of the polls, you are just parroting some idiot on twitter
Do I know anything about the polls in depth, no I dont. But neither do you.

Or are you gonna now tell us you're an expert on math, statistics and polling methods??


Jan 31, 2005
Do I know anything about the polls in depth, no I dont. But neither do you.

Or are you gonna now tell us you're an expert on math, statistics and polling methods??
I'm not an expert and I certainly don't work in the field but I have taken multiple courses in statistics at the undergraduate and graduate level. No doubt I've forgotten a lot in the many years since then, but I'm willing to bet that I know more than you do.

At any rate I explained to you in detail what's wrong with the LA Times poll and I explained to you why it's normal for political campaign managers to design polls.

I think this thread is over for you. Throw out a few of your mindless schoolyard insults, that's all you've got left in the tank.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
I'm not an expert and I certainly don't work in the field but I have taken multiple courses in statistics at the undergraduate and graduate level. No doubt I've forgotten a lot in the many years since then, but I'm willing to bet that I know more than you do
Wow, you're my hero :biggrin1:

I think this thread is over for you. Throw out a few of your mindless schoolyard insults, that's all you've got left in the tank
When did I insult you??


Jan 31, 2005
You said in this thread: "The correct analysis is to look at all the polls and average them."

This is beyond ridiculous. Somebody who has taken multiple courses in statistics at any level would never say this.

Fuji, you are a sham. You are the person at a party who never shuts up, and then wonders why they are never invited back.
All sputter. No content.

In fact it's the right thing to do, whether or not you like it. RCP and 538 use a more sophisticated model but an average or weighed average will work better than trusting just the latest result.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
That's an email about policies for dealing with trolls on reddit.
Its not about general polls.

Did you even read it?
This is the right link: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CveYFo4XYAAvBej.jpg
Now look at this part: https://s9.postimg.org/73ectf02n/Polls.png

Everything you read there is exactly how the MSM has been reporting on Trump and the election lately.

1. "Trump should have prepared for Liberal media". They just admitted MSM is Liberal.
2. "Declare election over". Exactly what CNN has been doing lately.
3. "All the women cant be wrong". Exact narrative CNN has been pushing when it comes to Trump's women groping.
(something you Libs on Terb have been lapping up BTW).
4. DNC admits to having sock accounts.

Clear evidence Democrats are crooked as shit


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
This is the right link: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CveYFo4XYAAvBej.jpg
Now look at this part: https://s9.postimg.org/73ectf02n/Polls.png

Everything you read there is exactly how the MSM has been reporting on Trump and the election lately.

1. "Trump should have prepared for Liberal media". They just admitted MSM is Liberal.
2. "Declare election over". Exactly what CNN has been doing lately.
3. "All the women cant be wrong". Exact narrative CNN has been pushing when it comes to Trump's women groping.
(something you Libs on Terb have been lapping up BTW).
4. DNC admits to having sock accounts.

Clear evidence Democrats are crooked as shit
Clear evidence that you can't read.

The post says in big red, bolded text:

Under that is a description of Reddit and what their goals are for responding to Trump trollers.
Why can't you understand that?


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Clear evidence that you can't read.

The post says in big red, bolded text:

Under that is a description of Reddit and what their goals are for responding to Trump trollers.
Why can't you understand that?
No, you cant read.
Look top left corner, they are instructing DNC staff how to post on forums like Reddit.



Then it says below that:

We should be careful not to trigger moderator red-lines


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
No, you cant read.
Look top left corner, they are instructing DNC staff how to post on forums like Reddit.
Ok, so now you've figured out that this hacked email supposedly tells Clinton supporters/workers how to respond to Trump trollers on Reddit, as I had to tell you twice.

Now you've just got to look at what the posts says and see if you can understand that part.
It details Trump trollers 'talking points' and how to respond to them.
Standard stuff, like pivoting to different talking points.
Both sides use these techniques, Trump's previous spokeslady shows you how:

This email doesn't say what you claim it says.
It doesn't show polls are rigged in the least.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Ok, so now you've figured out that this hacked email supposedly tells Clinton supporters/workers how to respond to Trump trollers on Reddit, as I had to tell you twice.

Now you've just got to look at what the posts says and see if you can understand that part.
It details Trump trollers 'talking points' and how to respond to them.
Standard stuff, like pivoting to different talking points.
Both sides use these techniques, Trump's previous spokeslady shows you how:

This email doesn't say what you claim it says.
It doesn't show polls are rigged in the least.
I should have clarified better. I'm not saying its proof polls are rigged, I'm saying this internal memo is proof that:

1. "They admitted MSM is Liberal. This is what I've been saying all along.
2. "Declare election over". Exactly what CNN has been doing lately. False propaganda!
3. "All the women cant be wrong". Exact narrative CNN has been pushing when it comes to Trump's women groping.
This is a clear lie. There is no proof Trump sexually abused women
4. DNC admits to having sock accounts. It shows they are willing to break the rules to sway public opinion.

Clear evidence Democrats are crooked as shit.

And no, this memo is NOT an instruction booklet on how to deal with Trump trolls


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I should have clarified better. I'm not saying its proof polls are rigged, I'm saying this internal memo is proof that:

1. "They admitted MSM is Liberal. This is what I've been saying all along.
2. "Declare election over". Exactly what CNN has been doing lately. False propaganda!
3. "All the women cant be wrong". Exact narrative CNN has been pushing when it comes to Trump's women groping.
This is a clear lie. There is no proof Trump sexually abused women
4. DNC admits to having sock accounts. It shows they are willing to break the rules to sway public opinion.

Clear evidence Democrats are crooked as shit.

And no, this memo is NOT an instruction booklet on how to deal with Trump trolls
Again, you still don't understand.
These are counter arguments to typical Trump supporter claims and methods to counter those arguments on REDDIT only.
Note that 'Liberal Media' is in quote marks, as in this is how you reply to claims that the media is biased.

The only thing 'dirty' on this page is the use of sock puppet accounts, but I'm sure both sides use similar techniques.
This is just a list of ways to fight troll wars on Reddit.

It doesn't show the polls are rigged and doesn't show that the democrats are corrupt.

How is any of this any worse then Trump claiming he wants to curtail free speech to stop accusations of sexual assault?


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Again, you still don't understand.
These are counter arguments to typical Trump supporter claims and methods to counter those arguments on REDDIT only.
Note that 'Liberal Media' is in quote marks, as in this is how you reply to claims that the media is biased.

The only thing 'dirty' on this page is the use of sock puppet accounts, but I'm sure both sides use similar techniques.
This is just a list of ways to fight troll wars on Reddit
No, it shows a list of ways on how to sway opinion on Reddit. Its basically propaganda


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
No, it shows a list of ways on how to sway opinion on Reddit. Its basically propaganda
Yes, now you've finally got it.
Its basically just more political propaganda/spam geared to Reddit only.
Not at all what you originally claimed.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Yes, now you've finally got it.
Its basically just more political propaganda/spam geared to Reddit only.
Except the propaganda is based on filthy lies. Which goes back to my point, Dems are crooked as hell


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
This is the right link: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CveYFo4XYAAvBej.jpg
Now look at this part: https://s9.postimg.org/73ectf02n/Polls.png

Everything you read there is exactly how the MSM has been reporting on Trump and the election lately.

1. "Trump should have prepared for Liberal media". They just admitted MSM is Liberal.
2. "Declare election over". Exactly what CNN has been doing lately.
3. "All the women cant be wrong". Exact narrative CNN has been pushing when it comes to Trump's women groping.
(something you Libs on Terb have been lapping up BTW).
4. DNC admits to having sock accounts.

Clear evidence Democrats are crooked as shit
You're verging on incoherence.
1. Who but deluded iliterates hasn't noticed long ago that middle-of-the-road America is small-'l'-liberal? Why wouldn't the media selling to that audience be similar? No one needs to admit anything. Except maybe some Tumpians (who only just got it) might admit they hadn't paid attention to, or prepared for such predictable media opinions. But that's up to them. Did you imagine there was some Correct Opinion Impartiality Law?

2. The Election will be over when the Electoral College votes and states a conclusive result. Or Congress does, if the College can't. Who cares what CNN, or any for-profit media might say to make money? Clearly you do. Why?

3. "All those Trumpians/women/Senators/Hispanics/polls supporting him etc. can't be wrong", is logic that The Don's supporters use often. Are you saying it's only specious when others use it? Or is it always specious? Ever considered that's yet another opinion you just have to figure out for yourself, just like the rest of us?

4. Sock puppet sites? Not like the ones you've been linking!! And you seem surprised. Presumably you imagine only the Democrats have been that smart or cunning. Based on The Don's inability to find advisors he respects enough to be guided by, or to make good use of the Republican party's expertise and idealists, you may just be right. Cunning, smart and 'Trump campaign' certainly aren't words that go together. Anyway, for this one you owe us a link to that supposed admission by the DNC.

Finally, we all note that supposed admission's the only thing you have connected to the Democrats at all. Never mind it in no way proves they're "…as crooked as shit". But it does suggest your ideas of the workings of democratic elections and campaigning in America are more than a little overheated and skewed.

What do you hope to accomplish with such unpersuasive hectoring?

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
2. The Election will be over when the Electoral College votes and states a conclusive result. Or Congress does if the College doesn't. Who cares what CNN, or any for-profit media says to make money?
I agree with you that voters shouldn't care, but you'd be incorrect in suggesting that they don't. Most people avoid conflict in their lives. You can avoid more conflict by adopting more popular (or more socially acceptable) viewpoints. Many people are influenced by this consideration. As a result, many people will be influenced as to which candidate to support by their understanding as to who is the more popular candidate. The media has a role in this understanding. Many voters will not view poll numbers for themselves, or scrutinize the aspects of polls which impact upon their reliability. They will trust media to have done that for them.

CNN has a paltry audience, not worth worrying about on its own. However, the totality of the MSM has an enormous audience. There is ample reason for the MSM to be distrustful of the polls this election, whether individually or on even on aggregate. However, on my observation, they are not expressing any such uncertainty in claiming that polling (in aggregate, or by selecting specific polls) shows Clinton well ahead, and that this election is over.

Oldjones, we have sometimes found reasonable ground to agree upon. Are you unable to agree that it may matter to this election (either to influence votes, or turnout) who the media claims is going to win?
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