Its time for you to admit that most of the US doesn't want Trump as POTUS, not just the media.
Trump has had an amazing ability to piss of people, from Mexicans, Muslims, women, immigrants, people of colour.
Who's going to want to put their money behind that?
Those who are so sure of where the public really sit should admit the following:
1. African Americans make up less than 15% of the vote. Polls have shown Trump getting between 10% and 20% of that vote - compared to Romney (3%) and McCain (1%). Trump is pissing off far fewer black voters than any Republican candidate in recent history. However, it should also be noted that African American voters have a poor turnout record compare to other voters.
2. Hispanics make up 17% of the US population. Of course, this includes, in addition to Mexican Americans, Cuban Americans, Puerto Rican Americans as well as other Hispanic groups. Trump is doing better with this group. He polls at about 33%. That compares to the 27% Romney got (again, he's pissing off fewer Hispanics than Romney). Again, this is a group that has, historically, voter registration and turnout problems compared to other groups. Illegal Mexican Americans, of course, can't vote.
3. Muslims? 1% of the population. Not relevant to the election.
4. Immigrants? Who are they? Everybody in the US comes from an immigrant family. I think there is not an identifiable constituency here. People who emigrated from Poland are not going to be offended about Trump had to say about illegal immigrants from Mexico. The might even be attracted to it.
5. Women. It all comes down to this. Trump is clearly trailing with women, as you would expect, running against the first female candidate. The more amazing thing is that he's not trailing by more.
So let's push all the extraneous nonsense off the table and admit - women will decide this election. However, it appears that Trump is doing a lot better with married women than with unmarried - and the married ones tend to be older and vote more reliably.