Beer can tosser got fired ?

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
There must have been some reason they fired him. If the guy hadn't been such an asshole in the first place, he wouldn't have been charged or fired.


Well-known member
I would say
Unless he was at the game representing the company or present on their seats
His lawyer will have a field day
Innocent until proven guilty seems to take a back seat when it comes to public outrages these days

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
I would say
Unless he was at the game representing the company or present on their seats
His lawyer will have a field day
Innocent until proven guilty seems to take a back seat when it comes to public outrages these days
I wonder if they have the can and took fingerprints off it.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
My understanding is that Employers can for the most part let anyone go for no or any reason at all as long as they offer severance ... unless it involves harassment or firing somebody because they won't do something that is against employment law.

If he was offered proper severance he really has no case. I


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
that they are firing him because of the incident....

Employers can let anyone go for no reason at all as long as they offer severnace (unless it involves harassment or firing somebody because they won't do something they are not reuired by employment law).

As long as he was offered proper severance I am not sure what his case could be,


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
Welcome to the new world order. Anyone that works in an industry that's outside of blue collar is expected to be able to behave themselves in polite society. Too bad he had to learn it the hard way. Nice thing is he just opened up a position at post media. I'm sure some lucky recent graduate student will snap up his job at half the salary. Pessimistic? Maybe, but I prefer the term


Well-known member
Perhaps i's due to the fact that the was charged. Companies absolutely have a right to fire someone for engaging in public illegal behaviour, getting caught and being charged.

"The beer-tossing suspect, identified by police as Ken Pagan, was charged with mischief earlier this month and on Monday, his employer confirmed to CP24 that he no longer works for Postmedia."

It's not just if you're representing a company that you should be held accountable for your actions. We're actually very lucky in Canada that we don't have to do thorough background checks for every single job, but in the USA they do. Companies are very strict on who they will hire and keep in terms of history with illegal activity.
You'd be surprised how many companies will stalk your facebook..twitter..Instagram get a feel of who you are...
So is this guy a habitual beer can thrower??
Being charged is one thing
Being found guilty is another
What if he is found innocent...or someone else else steps up and says
Nope he didn't throw it....I did..then what?
The company said they were conducting their own investigation
So they think he did it...FIRED!
Police and courts conclude he DIDNT!
How do you think his employer is gonna look for pulling the trigger too soon?
As the post below says
They'd better be prepared for the backlash if he was fired/let go specifically because of this supposed indiscretion.

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
So? As long as he is given the proper severance they can let him go.
That, sir, is the law.

You never need cause to fire anyone. But if you don't have cause, then you must provide reasonable severance.

I really don't know how strong the evidence and case is against him or whether or not he will be convicted. But his company has a right to fire him at any time.

You can bet your bottom dollar that Postmedia did its own and thorough investigation and is fully prepared to meet the public flak, if any...

It's also possible he quit...

Either way, it shows how the consequences of something relatively minor but very stupid can snowball... which is a good way of saying beware of Karma! :nod:



Aug 30, 2004
Welcome to the new world order. Anyone that works in an industry that's outside of blue collar is expected to be able to behave themselves in polite society. Too bad he had to learn it the hard way. Nice thing is he just opened up a position at post media. I'm sure some lucky recent graduate student will snap up his job at half the salary. Pessimistic? Maybe, but I prefer the term
Even blue collar workers are being told they represent the company even outside of work and are cautioned not to do anything foolish that can tarnish the companies image.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
So? As long as he is given the proper severance they can let him go.
Correct. Companies can fire anyone they want at any time. If it is not done "with cause", the only question is the amount that they will have to pay out as a settlement. I once worked for a company where they were real salve drivers. One female sales rep took her maternity leave, and the week before she was due to return, they fired her. They knew that she would not be able to put in the hours they were demanding if she had a young child at home and were willing to pay the price. I'd love to know the settlement that she received. That she would receive a settlement was not in question. The only thing in question was the size of the cheque.

As for our beer can thrower, I believe that he was a writer in the sports department, and I'm sure that his contract had an ethics clause that would cover this type of behaviour. How could he represent his company in a professional sports environment after this incident. I'd say they had no choice...


Well-known member
I find it bizarre to get up in arms about someone losing their job for being a dick, I mean if you're going to behave like a child and try and disrespect someone during a televised game you can't expect to get away with it.
Umm...alleged dick Charlotte.....he hasn't admitted to anything yet has he?
I'm not up in arms over anything...I just find it sad that Everyone is pretty quick to judge the guy before he has had his day in court..!


Jun 11, 2011
Umm...alleged dick Charlotte.....he hasn't admitted to anything yet has he?
I'm not up in arms over anything...I just find it sad that Everyone is pretty quick to judge the guy before he has had his day in court..!
I agree, Wharever happened to due process, and innocent UNTIL proven guilty? We have a department for that called the "justice system"


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
That, sir, is the law.

You never need cause to fire anyone. But if you don't have cause, then you must provide reasonable severance.

I really don't know how strong the evidence and case is against him or whether or not he will be convicted. But his company has a right to fire him at any time.

You can bet your bottom dollar that Postmedia did its own and thorough investigation and is fully prepared to meet the public flak, if any...

It's also possible he quit...

Either way, it shows how the consequences of something relatively minor but very stupid can snowball... which is a good way of saying beware of Karma! :nod:

This ^^^ :clap2:


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I read it over and over and over trying to find where anyone said he was "fired".

Can you point it out to me where it says he was "fired"?
The only thing you'll find it that he is no longer employed by Postmedia. And don't count on them disclosing anything further on the matter.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
The only thing you'll find it that he is no longer employed by Postmedia. And don't count on them disclosing anything further on the matter.

Exactly my point!

I just love these guys who start yelping that he should hire a labour lawyer, that getting fired for being a criminal asshole in public is "the new normal" etc etc.

All based on obvious bias and assumptions.
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